March 06, 2006

wht wud u do?

one of those evenins whn reality really gets to u n leaves u feelin real helpless bout things happenin in ur life and around u...Sometimes u see things happenin, see people facin situations , wch really make u wonder wht these ppl are made of...sometimes life makes u face similar situations n thn again u wonder "wht kinda stuff are u made of?"...
juss reflectin ...giv it a thought maybe juss to humour me or maybe juss to know for urself...:)

Wht wud u do ...???
1)if every single day of ur life, u wake up smilin only in the end to go to bed cryin...
2) if u realise tht someone has taken away ur power to dream n no matter wht, u juss dont get thm nemore...
3) if ur family --the only force wch the world says is worth livin for is the one who wishes u no longer did...
4) if to make matter worse, tell u tht they think so...
5) if u r made aware of ur shortcomings every single minute the more u try to forget bout thm...
6)if u see people around u being killed in riots wth no fault of theirs regardin stupid miniscule issues like "religion differences" ...
7) if u r the only one left out...
8) if u hav to love the person u hate most...
9) if u hav to lose the person u love most...
10) if u no longer trust ur opinions bout things n ppl...
11) if the innocence of trustin ppl , of beleivin friends, of dreamin bout ur knight in shinin armour, the innocence of those beliefs u always had ---juss leave u n go away all at once wthout ne prior warnins n u suddenly find urself a changed person, n as ppl say ,changed for the worse---cold , curt n most of all hurtin...
12) if u suddenly get to know u r likin it this way..mebe this has always been u...n yet u know it has never been...
13) if u start wth thinkin bout sumthin n thn end up losin track of wht u were thinkin bout in the first place...(dunno bout u guys but i can perfectly relate to this one...)
14) if u feel like breakin off wth someone the moment they get to know u a wee lil too well...
15) if u hate to beleive thm whn they tell u they do...
16) if the "new chaged" you has always been the one person u wud hav hated to become, yet u dont seem to hate urself now...
18)if the people around u misunderstand u n u nolonger feel it important to clear up their misunderstandin even whn given the chance to...
19)whn nothin really feels important to u nemore n u realise u r becomin more n more selfcentred by the minute n u don giv a friggin damn!!
20) if the posts u write dont make sense at all n leave the othrs juss as confused bout u as u are...heehee

ps: im sure this post will get ull thinkin n probably even judgin me...but as i always say, ull are most welcome to draw ur own conclusions juss dont vouch for thm to be true...:)n dont u ask me why i care bout tht...

I DUNNO...!!!


Anonymous said...

i would leave an encouraging message (as best as i could) on another person's blog. and the person happens to have the same kind of troubles as i do. hope everything is alright =)

Pri said...

@ anonymous

guess somewhr deep down ,mebe we all face similar issues :)juss tht some of us learn to ignore thm n move on n some juss dont...
pls leave me the link to ur blog...wud love to read it...:)
tk care

Keshi said...

Pri can I say something...u honestly and so truly put my mind into words...EVERY BIT OF THIS IS ME RIGHT NOW...n I dun mean the friendship issue I have right now..this frikkin makes so much sense to who I AM right did u work that out? Or is it cos u r going thru something similar to what Im going thru...for a while I have been all of what u stated in this gave me chills, it really did!

What do I plan to do? Well isnt death better than existing?


Pri said...

@ keshi
As i said earlier keshi, mebe all of us can identify wth this at some point, some learn to put it all behind thm n some like us keep tryin (mebe knowin tht we may never fully succeed)...
well i dint really expect to find someone who wud or mebe admit to relate wth me on this...but i guess whn it comes to probs ,everyone has their own cross to bear...but the challenge is in not givin up ...lettin go of life seems to be the easier option at times but its sure the losers way out too...i guess we gotta face life soo bravely tht it gives up tryin to makeus giv up on it :)
I know its a lot easier said than done n mebe this'll all sound like BS but i guess we dont hav a to liv on(whethr we like it or not) so lets try gettin bak at life wth a smile for every "tear" it expects from us...


Keshi said...

**...i guess we gotta face life soo bravely tht it gives up tryin to makeus giv up on it

some great advice there...lets see how I cope...

thanks Pri!

Pri said...

@ confused
Firstly , dint really "want" the answers was supposed to be a self realisation or "thnk bout it post" cos i beleive tht each ofus has our own views, opinions n it wudent be fair to expect the same kinda response from everyone...
but thanks neways cos u gave me a chance to see ur perspective of things :).for the things u found not possible, all i hav to say is mebe u dont relate to thm but tht dosent mean they cant be possible...:)
secondly after readin ur "pointers", i can but derive the foll conclusions bout u (ok ok now this is me kinda judgin u lol..though im not vouchin for it too)..!) u r juss another of those ppl who has learnt to move on n probably hav done a "not so bad" job at it...2) u r a "saint" reincarnate who has let go of all worldly pleasures n emotions n one who thinks tht ppl who cat do tht are morons 3) u r juss a heartless blogger who wants to feel good thinkin tht he can prove to be smarter than the rest (taken frm ur by actually statin so...4) juss a random moron who wants to kill time but has actually (intentionally or unintentionally ) lead to some marvellous realisations :) 5)a "god sent" to make us "inferior" beings realise tht all we are doin is broodin over things wch cant be changed...well, if thts the case thanku 4 ur "faltu" time...heehee
nahh...juss kiddin ...a appreciate the effort! :)

@ keshi

no probs at all pal!! even im tryin to cope up wth tht...cos we all know tht "advice" is much easier preached than practiced ...:)
gud luck to u too!!
tk care...

Anonymous said...

beginning to not believe in stuff u grew up believing in, not givin a 'friggin' damn :-).. it's part of wat they call growing up. exactly the point in one's life when it loses its significance because all one does then is strengthen defence mechanisms.

born_in_the_woods said...

I feel you are going thru some tough times..

Heard of this song I'll be okay?
when you're down and lost
and you need a helping hand
when you're down and lost along the way
oh just tell yourself
ahh, I'll be okay

Pri said...

@ chitra
If this is wht they call growin up, why aint i likin it? :(
Guess growin up changes it the innocence of childhood or the gullibility of dreams ...n all we get is "a grown up" view of life n the satisfaction tht we are no longer kids...but dont u feel we miss out on the real essence of innocence in the it worth growin up if all its gona do is make us feel depressed, hurt, bitter n serious bout everythin ---all in the name of experience??:(

@ born in the woods
thts wht i find myself sayin all the time myself n to ppl ..."il'l be okay"...
mmm do we really think so is it a modified "il'l try to be ok" or perhaps a well faked "il'l show tht im ok"...*smiles*
but thn again...thtsno big deal ...havent u heard "everybody says im fine"...:p

born_in_the_woods said...

On your comment to chitra:
Ya, I sometimes think similar...
All in the name of growing up, we go thru hell lot of things..more bad than good(atleast that is my case :D )

but after all those experiences, atleast i ve promised myself to make better "choices" the next time.

I get knocked down but I get up again
You're never going to keep me down
-the chumbawamba song...

What Say Pri?

Anonymous said...

it's not all bad pri. yes, there's a lot of disillusionment, but there's hope too. a lot of pointless hate and bitterness, but unbridled love as well. don't let yourself use the word 'depressed' ever. imagine it doesn't exist. and never let go of your optimism. i mean, look at me. the other day i posted a message here, i was miserable. yet today is a beautiful day. hence the sanguinity ;) but seriously, u sound like a happy person. be that way. u're all it depends on.

Anonymous said...

sorry.. forgot to leave my name.

Pri said...

@ chitra
"u r all it depends on"...sigh!
i wud love to believe tht chitra...:)
but yaa u did make me feel better...
as for soundin happy, well all i can say is thts the least we can do pal!!...everyone says im fine...but everyone is tryin to move on past a struggle within...:)
sigh! guess it was juss one of those days again...whn philosophy merges wth reality...:)

Ashish Gupta said...

awwnnnn! you are in dire needs of hugs :D

I would look out for some close family or frnd for hugs, dig into junk and eat lotsa air@marine drive or hiranandani :D

And read this post and sleep away in peace :)