The loud noise of firecrackers, blaring of loudspeakers, the beating of dhols, the singin of aartis n yet no frowning neighbours,no complaining grownups ---yep folks, afterall its ganesh chathurthi!!:)
welcomin ganpatiji into the house,
the gettin together n singin aartis,
girls puttin mehendi on their hands,
the competing for who'll sing the most aartis wthout lookin in the book even once,
the shopping for new clothes,
the "lets see how many modaks u can polish off" record;),
girls in pretty sarees or formal attire and guys in formal kurtas all lookin their traditional best,
goin to see atleast 5 sarvajanik ganpati on the last day,
remindin ppl not to see the moon n keeping a count of how many actually do so juss cos they happened to be reminded...lol *the case of the forbidden fruit*;p
the taking care not to see it urself :(
the putting up of the "matoli" (for ppl who dont know wht tht means, its a part of the ritual for decorating the specified space above the idol wth a variety of fruits...er...cant explain the exact thing on here...still want to know?? come over ;p),
the waiting for the "panchkhadya" n eating it more as lunch than as "prasad"...;p,
the "trying to help mom" attempt n getting kicked out of the kitchen cos u r eating more than wht u r helping make...heehee,
but thn, as usual time flies exactly whn u dont want it to...n before u know it,its visarjan time...:(
I still remember weeping during visarjan whn i was a kid...those days it was more of all the fun comin to an end than missing ganpatibappa not being around...now im highly amused whn my kiddo cousins do the same ...lol!!!
But then i try explainin to thm the very same thing my mom used to explain to me as a kid ,tht "ganpatiji has other people in othr worlds to take care of n he has to visit them too...so no matter even though he is goin back home, he will still be watching us and taking care of us" *smiles*
Tht used to make me smile thn but after a while, i used to torture my mom wth questions like "why cant he tk care of them stayin here at our place" and "dosent he like the food here or MEE??"...now tht i think of it,i was quite a brat!! ;p n i wonder if tht "fishing for compliments" is congenital ...lol!!!
But kids nowadays hav a lot more to ask n their questions never end...so do manage cookin up stories like "he will visit in a day or two" but dont think they fall for it sigh! cos the bawling dosent stop...tsk tsk, makes me love myself even more after lookin at these brats...mom!! r u reading?? ;p never gave u such tantrums did i?? always simmered down after one or two modaks ;)n thn again did really believe in tht theory of urs...
err ..., i still do *smiles*
so ending this post wth lots of sweet wishes for a bright, happy and lucky future...
happy Ganesh Chaturthi to you too!
Wish u the same Pri!
ganpati wishes to u too!!!
missing the yummy modaks..pls have extra from my side!
ganpati bappa moryaa...keep looking for vigna hartaa's chamatkars all around you:)
@ chandni
thanks chand!...wish u the same..tk care gal :)
@ keshi
hugggggz n wishes from my side too :)
@ ekta
yep sure ekta...eatin a couple more for u and anand :)
hope u can make it for chathurthi in india next yr ...
any special request i need to make for u frm ganpatiji??:)
@ slash
yess sir!! i will...neways he is always givin me surprises ...:)
*singin morya re bappa morya re*---looks eagerly at slash waiting for chorus :D
Wish you the same too. :)
happy chathurthi to u pri :)
ganpatibappa tumhe hamesha khush rakhein aur tumhari zindagi khushiyon se bhar de.
talk to u soon, take good care and muskurati raho :)
Wow really nice post... brought back some old memories...
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