My friends and me went for the first day first show of "KANK" n ive got juss one word for the movie ---DISASTER!
Wonder wht the hype was all about!
me being a ardent "SRK" fan was all super exited to go for it more than 2 weeks in advance...n thn wht does he do?? let me down big time..hmph!
I remember havin those pre "KANK" long discussions bout how the movie wud be and after reading the huge expectations karan and amitabh had managed to create in their interviews , we were almost certain tht "SRK" and "rani" wud set the screen on fire once again!! LIARS! :( yep surely the screen wud be set on fire ...but probably by the angry audience who were thoroughly let down by a stupid story n senseless acting! hmph...
The only good thing bout "KANK" are the songs...they r beautiful n thts one of the reasons i had my expectations high...but even they were put all in the wrong places...the beautiful title song was all spoilt by makin it a "first meet" song...sheesh...(who the hell says "kabhi alvida na kehna" to a stranger u juss come across...not me), mitwa was good n thankgod atleast it dint pop up at a funeral or sumthin...hmph!

but thn overall it seemed tht KJ juss wanted to push those wonderful songs in between some crappy scenes n dint know wht he was doin...either he dint get it right or i dint...*snigger*AB has played his part well and for the first time junior AB has won my heart over SRK :)...thr sure were a coupla good shots but thn we expect sumthin better than tht frm such a bigbanner multistarer film isnt it??? *sigh*
The response was outrageous...yeah , nobvody liked it *snigger* (outrageously disgusting) n now i know why sanjay dutt said tht the movie mite lead even the best of couples to think bout their marriages n go for a!!
Peopple had already started walkin out even before the movie ended...but me a hopeless "SRK" fan still clung on to the hope tht IT (the storyn his crappy acting) wud actually get better in the last 5 minutes atleast...hmph!! but i was greatly dissapointed...
we went home wth a light pocket, a pissed off mood and an invisible "anti karanjohar" banner on our head instead of the halo i normally hav there...esp while watchin a KJ flick...
but wht the hell! atleast the popcorn was good
*uh oh...apun ke andar ka optimist jaag utha* :D
PS: those who r planning on goin for the movie,please sell ur tickets unless u guys get the news tht a tsunami is coming and the only safe place is a multiplex...better still , stay at the snack bar...its better than the 3hours of crap ...even the "bubblegum wrapup" couldent save the film...eyuckkk!!!
You hmphed about 10 times in the post.
couldnt agree more...horrible to say the least!
It has been a painful experience
@ confused
stop exaggeratin tht u said it , i counted ...its only 4 in the whole post...hmph! ;p(tht makes it 5!!!)
@ chandni
u bet!! it was a total letdown :(
I watched it in Gurgaon. 180rs! Aaargh!!!!
I stopped watchin em..hindi flicks :P
LOL Pri is it that bad! hahahaha nice n funny post :):) I wanted to go see it and now that u warned me I WONT SEE IT. Sounds like another Bollywood candy-floss left-overs.
**now i know why sanjay dutt said tht the movie mite lead even the best of couples to think bout their marriages n go for a divorce
tnxxx for warning me Pri - I'd save my money in this case then :)
I think it was good..! " Had a deeper meaning" to it!!!!!!!
IF lady in the water was good, this was mind blowing!
ur telling me now!!!
I saw the 3.5 hrs of torcher wondering when the movie will end!
Unnecessarily dragged...the storyline cld have been made so much better!!...if only KJ had used some brains!
lol Ekta!
@ kart
believe me,my response was the same :(
@ la vida loca
wise desicion pal...its time i joined the "anti KJO" club too lol!!!
@ keshi
u r most welcome keshi...:D im sure u wudent njoy it...its sheer torture to the sane mind ...sigh!
@ critics_anonymous
yeah yeah...u never really lose ur sarcasm dont u ? even in ur comments...n btw wiseguy, i liked "lady in the water"...go catch the deeper meanin in "KANK" n lemme know if u do get it...
@ ekta
i couldent agree more ekta...join the club! :p
@ keshi
yeah yeah keshi, laugh on us dumb mortals who yet again did the stupid folly of goin for tht crappy flick...:((
am soooo glas I havent seen this movie and will never see it too...!
haha..ben hearing from everyone that it avoided it. thank God
u can read the editorial page of thsi saturday's hindustan times...if u r feelin the above..!
@ anand
lucky you!!! :(
@ pythoroshan
yeh, u were saved the torture ...heehee...n heyy welcome to "nostalgic moments" :).thanks for droppin by
@ anirudh
yeah, apparently i heard its makin a lotta profits overseas...sheesh either those ppl r losing it or we!
guess its to each his own again :)
lol who's calling who dumb..cos I watched in on Sat lollllll!
oh god.. why didn't you forward me to this blog before i went on to watch the crap :(
couldn't agree more..
almost the same kind of review that i had posted long back...KJ and SRK had let their fans down!!
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