Its amazing sometimes how a small thing can hav such a major impact on ur life...
Sometimes, life changes wth a fraction of a second n even before u know it ,u r a different person altogether...living a drastically changed life, very different frm the one before the "fraction of tht second"...:)
It never ceased to amaze me how ppl change soo much, how they can make sucha important decisions within a matter of minutes...
would they regret it later?
would they feel they never really wanted it?
would they think of it as a bad deal?
Most ppl who know me would know tht i think with my "heart" most of the times...n maybe thts the reason tht ive succumbed to a lotta bad deals in life...maybe made some wrong desicions too...but never really thought of it as wrong, cos i for one dont like to regret things i'd cherished (once upon a time)...
Besides i always believe tht in life thr r no wrong desicions...they r juss desicions, whethr they r wrong or right is purely subjective...its juss something u think is best for urself n for the others involved in any given situation or circumstance...so where does the question of it being a bad or wrong decision come??
People who dont know me too well think tht i usually listen to my mind...:)
i wish!!!...but thn again,sometimes mebe thts the best thing to do... oops ,sorry--thts me digressing!
So we were speakin bout how a small thing can change lives...
Someone sent me a e-card yest wch said "thanks for being my angel"...well tht did bring about a strange sorta satisfaction, the kind u experience whn someone thinks of u as a important part of life...weirder still i had absolutely no idea how i'd helped this person n why i was being called his "angel" n tht confused me all the more...:(
Later in the evening, i did manage to catch "mr X" online and ask hiim about it...n thn it struck me tht here was a friend who i'd not been speakin 2 for a long time now...he had moved to anothr town n we had drifted apart...no contact, no mails n juss a few offliners once in a while...we spoke about old times and only thn i realised how a small thing said can make such a significance in a persons life...
Whn i asked him bout the angel bit, he reminded me of how i had helped him out whn he was goin thru a bad phase...n tht he could never thank me enough for it :)
More than him being happy, i was happy...was happy tht atleast i'd been of help to someone , someone who valued the lil assurance id given in sucha a big way :)
In life, we all hav such "angels" in the form of friends, who keep helping us spread our wings , helpin us learn to fly, helpin us to be angels for someone else...
N tht set me thinkin,
sometimes we become angels n we dont even know it :)