Today is the 31st of december--- the last day of 2006...
its amazing how time flies soo fast sometimes...it juss feels like yesterday tht 2006 had started .
probably life moved on soo fast ths yr tht i dint hav time to stop n think about how it was goin...or perhaps mebe i dint really want to.
Thr were times whn it did really go at snails pace ...
thr were times i wished it dint exist cos it showed me thngs i dint wanna see..
thr were times i slashed 2006 rite frm the calender hopin i cud do the same wth it in my life..
thr were times whn i felt i needed therapy to get over depression, to get over life...n probably ppl around me felt the same...lol!!! ..
thr were times i missed it all, terribly...
thr were times i felt life wud never get better.
n thn again thr were times i cherished 2006...
thr were times i was grateful to it cos it showed me a whole new world, ppl who seem to really care about me...
thr were times whn it did giv me some kodak moments (like the time i got my results n was officially dr pri )...
thr were times wch i can actually award "the best times of my life"...
thr were times i actually tested my friends n was very happy to find out tht i did hav ppl who wud love me whtever i am, however i am :)
thr were times i hated myself for not realising tht earlier n promised tht things would change...
thr were times i considered myself very fortunate...now thts a real surprise comin frm me ;p)
so weighing the pro's and the cons, i guess 2006 was a "not so bad" yr afterall...
heres hopin 2007 will be a lot better for all of us...
hope the new yr brings a lot of happiness n joy in our lives n fulfills all our dreams
and as the clock strikes 12,
heres wishin all u lovely people a "VERY HAPPY NEW YR 2007" ...
way to go gal, 2006 does seem to be 'growing up' year..well was for me..dont know for better or for worse.
Wish your 2007 turns out simply great..rock on girl:)
P.S. will be going through the rest of your blog soon.
happy new year :)
Yappy New Year!! Hope this year Is more optimistic to ya than the last! Boi, one year you musta had!
Happy New Year sweetie!
Long time no see...atleast the New Yr got you writing:)
Wish you a wonderful 2007 and may you cure this world of all illnesses:)
@ shilpa
u said it shilpa! hope for the best!
hav a great yr too :)
@ la vida loca
wish u the same buddy!
@ venom
u bet! :) but thn again 2006 has made me tougher i guess...err.. but thanks but no thanks, ive had enough! :-/
@ keshi
wish u the same dear...
@ tejas
well 2007 will hopefully have me blogging more...
thanks for the wishes n wish u a great yr ahead too :)
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