Whoaa!!! ...all the attention deficit i was sufferin frm for the past soo many months has been suddenly made up for...n i instead of enjoyin it HATED it...sigh!
It all started yesterday mornin while leavin for the hospital...i was gettin ready to leave n suddenly i experienced a severe abdominal pain...it was juss whn i was wonderin whethr i shud take an analgesic or not, tht my "mommy bestest" saw me wincing...n thr tht was it!!! hell broke loose...
my entire house was suddely in full motion...
dad was jolted outta his sleep....
my di was sitting upright on the bed wonderin wht had happened
n my mom was at her panicstriken best...
Gawd!! sometimes i feel its a melodramatic place---my crazy home...
ok ok i agree everybody was concerned n worried cos they thought it mite hav been a relapse...but this was a bit weird...cmon guys, dont u ppl understand tht even im human n thn u cant really expect me to be confident tht its juss a simple stomach ache whn u act like THIS...so, why do u get mad at me whn i giv u a confused look whn asked if its nothin serious??
why do ull bring up my medical studies n raise doubts bout whethr i really read my textbooks or not whn i giv u a "i dunno wht kinda pain im feelin" answer...??hmph!!its diff whn YOU r YOUR patient...why dont ull get it?? sigh!
Now the thing i hate most is whn someone rushes me...thts whn i goofup n am at my clumsy best, n thts whn im most accident prone...sheesh! im surprised my folks dont know tht inspite of livin 23 whole yrs with me...ok guess it was a case of "crisis amnesia" as my dad justifies later wch (for his information) dosent make up for even the lamest of excuses for the weird behaviour of thiers...neways so i was sayin, within minutes i was rushed (n i mean RUSHED) to a lab to get my bloodtest done...a crystal vase broken in the hallway as i left my home.(i told u im accident prone whn im rushed):-/
Now the scenario in the lab always gets me nervous...the lady who is supposed to draw the blood always seems soo "not confident" n inexperienced...if she's a young girl, she seems inefficient, if she happens to be a old lady, im scared she may prick a artery instead of a vein...sheesh! bottom line---i DONT trust those guys with my VEINS wch always play "hide n seek" whr blood collection is concerned...:(
Finally after the ordeal was over, i was wheeled (referrin to my car) back home...note the world "wheeled" here cos thts exactly how i felt...a stomach ache is all thts needed to make my parents treat me like a paraplegic.
Bugged to the core, n highly irritated with my dad, i got home n decided to giv everyone the silent treatment for their juvenile behaviour...but sigh! not for long.how long can u ignore 3 irritating humans surrounding u with questions like "is it the same kinda pain tht u had last yr?", "do u think we should call dr so n so?"or "r u sure its juss acidity wch u r claiming it to be?"...
I was smouldered with questions left, right and centre...whn i told thm the truth, they brought up all the times i was careless bout my diet n swore they wud never let me eat another "french fry" in my life...tht scared the shit outta me n i told thm tht the pain had dissapeared...yet! dunno why , i had to hear anothr lecture of how they wudent believe wht i said even whn i seemed okay...gawd! wht does a poor girl say to all this?? i was traumatised by the sudden attention n lecturing...n to make things worse it was a 3 against 1 scenario...not fair at all!
I tried to get away sayin tht i had to leave for the hosp n tht patients at the OPD wud be waiting for me...but i guess my moms too smart for tht...she stuffed me in bed payin a deaf ear to wht i was sayin while my dad muttered sumthin bout "noone dying at GMC without an intern" :-/ hmph!! my dad sure knows how to make me feel important...
Di was doin her bit too askin me after every 5 mins if the pain had subsided...yeah right! 5 mins bak whn i lied bout the pain vanishing suddenly nobody believbed me...asif they wud now! n thn u cant even lie to someone who keeps monitering ur facial expressions n asks a detailed explanation for every time u wince...yeah! thts my di :-/
The rest of the day was as bad as it could get...i was made to sleep all day, stay away frm my laptop (though i havent yet quite figured out the connection of tht with me being sick , but yet it was insisted tht i stay away AND insisted is too mild a word), was kept away frm all foodies, rather ,I WAS STARVED---atleast till my blood test reports were out n normal(tht was the explanation my mom offered ,though it was hard to believe her the way she was actin).i kept insisting tht even if the report was bad, 8 more hours of eating oily crap wudent make much of a diff...but my mom juss wudent listen...my family had turned into a "maniac" n worse still the maniac had juss one aim---to keep me away frm all things they considered harmful to my health...in othr words all the things i adored .BOOHOO!!!...
I was bored to death, locked in my room, tucked in bed...couldent even sleep wth tht discomfort...half of me was equally scared ...as much as they feared the "pancreatitis" demon who had struck me exactly 1 yr bak unawares, so did i...i kept thinkin bout how it was thn...perhaps i wudent even be strong enough to tk it all again now...things had changed 1 yr bak n life could never be the same again :)
I smiled to myself as i went thru the "sms's" i'd conveniently ignored amidst all this hullabaloo...guess the demon had sturck equal terror among my friends as well who had started feelin worried too...
more melodrama to my already dramatic life...heehee(pardon the pun...but guess humour never killed anyone right?) :)
N finally the long awaited hour arrived ...with 75% apprehension n 25% tension, i opened the envelope wch had my test results...the report was kinda ok...though some of my levels were kinda high...but as usual my mom could only see the bad levels...my dad kept doubting the lab for the levels wch had come wayy within normal limits...he only stopped after an exasperated me told him to go n perform the tests himself if he dosent trust those pathologists...thts whn he realised tht he was overdoing it.
I thanked god for the "kinda ok" report---thanks to wch thr was no hue n cry in pri's home :)
But thr was no stopping my mom who kept insisting tht i should go on a strict diet again inspite of the results comin ok :(...
gawd! i reckoned it was better to keep my mouth shut lest my MBBS studies came up again n they passed mean comments raising suspicion bout wht i'd actually written in my answer paper n whethr il'l be treating my patients right if im soo careless bout my health issues myself...hmph!!big JOKE!!
so i decided to let it lie for a while...im happy atleast the "net ban" is off today...(though i still dont see the relation...sigh!...neverthless)...my mom keeps muttering tht she wont allow me to go to college until im completely fine...i cant even lie to her cos she can see it right thru my teeth :(...so i guess ppl at work will hav the fortune to see me only whn the discomfort completely subsides n im back on my feet ...well n kicking! :-/
Till thn, n god knows how long after---its only diet food, bed rest, stupid soups, restricted online timings, n loads of lecturing for me...
sigh! thts how life is---a stomach ache n all tht CHAOSS!!!