Its funny about relationships...
amusing how some can get the best out of u while some can inspire the worst....
n yet, one always realises too late ...
Today was the last day of my "rural posting with old friends.."
the place is feelin empty already...will miss havin u guys around :(
Its weird tht u only realise the value of something when u see it going away from u...thts when u realise u missin it soo bad tht u want to hav it all backk..the very same way u had it before.
and thts whn life makes u realise tht u cant do anythin but watch those moments slippin by ...
and yet life moves all of us go different ways...
new directions,
new goals,
new destinations,
new faces,
new friends,
BUT neverthless,
old memories to cherish...
and nostalgic moments to treasure forever :)