waiting for wht,
she herself dosent know.
probably for a new beginning...
or maybe, the perfect end.
Maybe for an explanation, a justification for whtevers happening..
or perhaps, an assurance tht things are gonna be all okay once again.
Maybe waiting for tha sweet nostalgia to wash away,
or perhaps for the bitterness to fade.
Maybe she waits for her issues to be sorted,
or perhaps new ones to blame...
Maybe waiting for a new life to start,
or perhaps this one to end...
Maybe waiting to hold on.
or maybe just, to let go!!
Perhaps she is tired of the wait,
but maybe its luring her...
luring her towards,
the new beginnin...
the perfect end...
the justification long awaited...
the assurance she always wanted...
the sweet nostalgia wch makes her long for those times she cant have back...
the fading of those bitter memories wch still manage to hurt deep within...
the sorting out of all those issues unsolved...
the security of new ones building up...
the start of a new life, the hanging on, the letting go ....
the END!
She is waiting.
precisely for what, she still dosent know...

nice one pri.....ur emotions find words.....ur gifted :)
really a nice poem.....
I liked last stanza....
well-said Pri!
@ alohomora
thanks gurl. im flattered! :)
@ blog boy
thanks.glad u liked it :)
@ keshi
*takes a bow*
huggggzzzzz to u too keshi!:D
perhaps she is waiting,
waiting to be herself,
to forget the world around her,
to live just one day without thinking.. just living...
Perhaps shes waiting
waiting for this wait to get over..
and see the world ..
the world as it should be..
sorry but i couldnt help..i think i got carried away by the flow of this poem..
well... the wait is never over!! it simply takes a new color every time!!
nice poem!! what has jaipur done to you?? :)
@ abhishek
heyy its amazing ppl who hardly know u can sometimes understand ur feelings best :)
nice lines!
@ sam
well yaa ...true it is! the wait is gonna never end...but sometimes nothin much can be done about it, however futile!...as the pic in the end says, sometimes gotta leave it as "whtever happens happens" :)
and as for jaipur, lol!!! well i dunno wht its done ...any guesses?? :p
i so know how that feels. happens to me too. its almost like i think too much. so maybe sometimes the best would be to just let it be and let life unfold the way it wants to our utter delight or disbelief. :)
Sometimes we need to just let things happen on their own.
@ utopia
i guess so dear:)...sometimes life does make one feel so helpless...but thn guess thts one thing u can be sure about life---the fact tht its soo unpredictable!:)
@ annie
thanks annie...nice to have u drop by.:)
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