"how do u know tht?" she'd ask amazed,
and from speaking further she'd refrain...
everyone would get fooled by her happy face,
yet,somehow he managed to see right through the pain...
and she wondered how can he,
have a judgement so wise and true??...
but when asked he had but one reply,
"thts because i think i really know u"...
not convinced by what she heard,
now afraid of being read out loud n clear...
she continued to gape in empty space,
hoping someday he'd calm down her fear...
the fear which noone could ever gauge,
the fear residing deep within,
the one wch gnawed at her night and day,
yet no one knew about, neither friends nor kin...
afraid that whn the day arrived,
to speak out about it, to him she'd dare...
what if she realised thn,
tht she's been mistaking his curiosity for his care??...
what if she was wrong in judging his words?...
what if it all was just a delusion??...
what if everything she believed in was a lie?...
what if her reality was juss an illusion??...
not knowing what was troubling her,
trying to figure whats on her mind...
guessing thrs something seriously wrong,
yet aware the solution he may never find,
he continued to humour her in small lil ways,
and hoped tht it would light up her days...
their friendship grew with laughs and smiles,
all was well, everything seemed fine...
but everytime he asked about her fears...
she would pull away and draw the line...
ignore always this indifference he tried,
and whn he said "its ok", she knew he lied...
he knew it hurt her to see him this way,
yet she always left him confused why she wouldent say.
he never pressed on it, cos he knew she cared,
and wouldnt ever lose hope on the silent love they shared...
till one day he could resist no more,
implored her to tell him what was troubling her so...
confessed he loved her and always would,
pleaded her to confide in him and she knew she could...
"tomorrow" she promised as silent tears were shed...
that night, she shot a bullet in her head!
Hey Pri,
Wat an Enigmatic Beauty I so luved each n evry line of it..
"thts because i think i really know u"... wow :D
I wont make further comments..intelligent ko ek ishara kafi hota hai.. :)
literary work that was,would have turned shakespeare upside down in his grave..
learned a few lessons:dont ask for much.. but that is not possible..is that..??
the more you try to simplify,the more complex it gets..
Too good..but then it always happens that way..at least most of the times
woah...tat scared me....enigma....lovely one i must say...synonymus in real life too....
@ madhavi
heehee...thanks mads...glad u liked it :)
@ relations
thanks...lol...even if the poem dint manage to stir shakespeare , ur compliment will definitelymake him turn in his grave :p...i can actually imagine him frowning...heehee
jokes apart, ur absolutely right in tht---"the more we try to simplify things sometimes, the more complex they can get" :)
some ppl never get about confiding/trusting others even though they want to do so themselves...
At times its juss not in ur hands...
the worst misery is when u cant trust the one u love soo much ...
@ compassion unlimited
dint exactly get wht u meant by "it always happens tht way"...
care to explain???
@ anonymous
lol!! im sorry for scaring u with it...
i agree, life is at times but an enigma :)
also amazingly familiar.
i wrote a poem very similar to this once. well, more than once, but i was surprised to see this.
i hope you aren't really hurting this bad. if you are, i hope writing it out helped. it obviously got me through that point in my life.
anyhow.. very well written.
@ soul
heyy dint know u were into poetry as well :)..
is it on ur blog??
send me the link to the poem if possible...would love to read it.
tk care
Oh..Its Poem time.....
Gr8 one..Stupendous work this is..
I wil love to read many more...
Shocker. Absolutely shocking end. I htot she wud confess her love too.
grt one!!!
A perfect ending! For a poem. May it never happen in real life.
Good one Pri. :)
Firstly, I LOVE that band ..
wat a tragic fear it was .. I mean what could be so fearful to draw one's steps over the edge, and let oneself engage in deceiving ur own being ..
I mean its tragic .. the end
Lovely though ..
I wish it continued .. in the sense tht
she said 'tomorrow' ..
but the 'tomorrow' never came
invariably they dwelled in thus pain ..
being together ..
but seriously .. nice poem ;)
way to go
very high level...:) she promised tommorow.....what was troubling her?....
that left me spellbound... and that is the way things sometimes turn out to be.. because we're scared to face our fears.. its easier to lose urself.. beautiful post..
Hi Priyanka.. great piece of work.. couldnt stp myself frm leavin a comment here.. amazing play of words.. loved every bit of it bt again a vry tragic end..
@ blog boy
thanks blogboy :)..will definitely keep posting...
@ ashu
thanks dear :)...sometimes life takes an unexpected turn leaving us speechless...
@ indicaspecies
thanks...welcome to my space :)
@ anuj
the fear that she will never be able to confide in the person who loves her soo much took over...
thts the worst thing tht can ever happen to someone anuj...imagine knowing u love someone very much yet cannot confide in him/her...makes one very helpless...and thts wht ive tried to put across in the last part.:)..
she finally lets go of her fears by lettin go...of her life...
life is not always about "happy endings"...sometimes its just about "endings"...
@ kp
well i juss put forth a part of it above...:)
and thn again, if everything was so easy to figure "she" (and in most cases, "life") wouldent be an enigma would it? :)
@ irreversibly screwed
thanks :)...
i couldent agree more, sometimes we are too afraid...too afraid to trust...too afraid to confide...or maybe juss too afraid tht we would be let down by the ppl we love..and by ourselves...
it does seem cowardice at times...but fear we all do...and at times it just manages to get the better of us...
This poem seems to be in all shades of "grey" but ive tried to put forth life's harsh reality through it...
some ppl juss get soo comfortable puttin on a happy mask tht they cant bear disclosing their true face even to themselves at times...and its probably thn tht they resort to the easy way out...wch is a lot easier than the one they r living...
sorry if tht sounded a bit too remorse
@ nisha
thanks for dropping by and commenting nisha...im flattered :)
oh lord. Thats a bummer.
Sad realities.
Beautifully written.
WOW Pri!
I meant the end,Bullet in the head.
honest, I have read it several times,and its just lovely
:O :O :O
Bravo!!! Simply amazing!!!
Here's my take
No words to spare,
But a sigh at the end.
Some might have shed tears
As they arrived to the end.
All that I'd say
The story never did end.
She bit the bullet that night
And easily sought her end.
But I believe he's dying every moment
Cos he knew she never deserved that end.
Keep it rollin;)
pri thts true wht u said ..
bt thn struggle is something we all have to go through .. lord has marked us to be trying not to fear ..
dont u think .. putting an end to the struggle is weak n a defeat .. nt tht its necc to win or somthing .. bt thn u gotta b a fighter .. a damn fighter .. Die of courage .. like thy say ;)
bt vry intense feelings there pri
I liked it :)
cheese gal
hi again.. yes i do write..i don't post much on my blog tho... i haven't had a chance to find the poem yet, but soon as i get around better i will.
happy weekend
@ raaji
u said it raaji!...life is full of em...these "sad realities" :)
@ keshi
thanks dear :)
@ compassion unlimited
thanks...but dont complient me too much...might juss end up writing more :P...heehee
@ abhishek
oye abhi...tussi yeh bhi karte ho? blogs ke liye "sound effects"...acchi baat hain..heehee
assi will contact tussi for more the next time assi writes :p
@ scribbler
thts wonderful buddy...
would like to complete ur verse with a last coupla lines---my humble attempt :)
"neverthless her mysterious end leaves him with nothin to say...
for he's aware tht life deprives u of what u most deserve anyway"
@ anuj
well said pal...i agree :)
@ soul
yeps sure...will be lookin fwd to read it :)
u have a nice weekend and tk care...
Hey apologies .. bt had to tag you ..
I was tagged so had to throw the HUGE ball at someone ..
u have been TAGGED !! :(
Compliments is a mild word..sometimes when it comes from deep within,it touches a chord in those reading it..this one did..thats it..keep writing
whr r u .. update man !!
@ anuj
heyy thanks for tagging :)...
but have already taken up this tag a longgg time backk :p
@ compassion unlimited
thanks buddy! :)
@ anuj
main yahan hoon ...yahan hoon...yahan hoon ...yahannnn *singin veer zaara istyle*...heehee
and in case u havent noticed yet, UPDATED!! :D
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