and no!!...by his irritated tone,i dont think he was joking...hmpf!
A lot other things were said like i should probably be going and spending the rest of my life in a secluded ashram on the himalayas, give "pravachans" on abstinance from all kinda worldly "moh-maya" and even suggesting tht i would have been "swami vivekanand" had i been a boy and born in a diff era...(dont ask me to explain the swami vivekanand bit..even i couldent figure tht out :-/)
He also proceeded further sayin he cant be god (excuse me! whn did i ask him to be?..ahem! i did ask him to stop being a weirdo once though) and whn i asked why we cant be friends, concluded tht i was "god" (tht felt good actually...felt as if i had juss had a dip in the ganga) and should be friends only with other gods...heehee!! whaatta line! :D
can it get any funnier??? :-/
why dont some guys get it that it takes a lot more than juss physical attration to get a girls attention and direct her towards the "more than friendship" zone...
Maybe im unable to relate to his way of thinking...
maybe im juss put off by his overinflated ego...
maybe im juss too irritatesd by his hyperexcitable nature esp at times whn im feelin blue...
maybe im too disgusted by his adamant attitude, his so called drippin sexuality, and perhaps his way of classifying all his feelings as normal and "if u dont agree with me, u r abnormal and need therapy" justification...
maybe his overpossesive nature scares me at times...
maybe his uncaring attitude towards others puts me off...
maybe i refuse to take up hints and try to avoid the topic only because i cant see it the way he sees it right now and im not sure if i would see it tht way anytime in the future (especially if he continues acting like tht)...
and cliched and fairytailish as it may sound,i still do believe in "true love" wch is far far beyond jus physical attraction...and am not convinced tht its found soo easily...so if u juss pop up frm somewhr with a "im ur trueee lurrvvee" board, dont expect me to believe u...:-/
but NO!! he juss wont consider all that...and go right ahead and label me "mentally abnormal" for being able to resist his "oh-so-irrestable" charms. :-/
and to think i was feeling guilty all this while for my behaviour towards him and attempted apologising quite a number of times but never really got the chance to until today...and after the irritating conversation we had, i thought i really needent have done that and tht it was better off when we werent speaking.lol!! I hung up feeling less guiltier and a lil more weirder for having called him around a dozen times earlier to explain...
Tried callin him up again but mr weirdo who apparently was feeling all satisfied and good about himself tht miss-mentally-abnormal was calling him up because maybe she was convinced and wanted him to pay her shrink's fees for the 100th unsuccessfull therapy session, dint want to break his illusion and so kept disconnecting every time...but thinkin of it now, in a way good he dint answer the call because i had a lotta things to say, a lotta explanations to give why i couldent consider it any more than a friendship.blah blah...the waste of energy which probably i would have regretted later...thinking tht it was juss around 10 mins and i was already glad for not having put up with his crap...
I mean i agree u might be normal and according to u im not for not sharing the same feelings with u...but did u know having a vivid imagination and imagining things wch dont really exist about ppl who sometimes dont have the slightest clue tht u r imagining thm (until u tell thm tht u r), is called "erotomania" and tht is a psychiatric disorder...so please can i suggest u an appointment now?? :-/
Well after this post, one things for sure i dont think he would ever want to speak or imagine me again...lol!!
I admit it was pretty stupid of me to call back several times in the past few days (to apologise for my rude behaviour) juss to save the friendship...
but whoaa,thinkin bout todays conversation with a patient and relaxed mind, it did surprise me with a lotta revelations wch are kinda too freaky to handle :)... and i dont like scaring myself time n time again...besides i dont think i have the patience to call a person who dosent want to hear me out so tht he can keep believing what he wants to believe...so there!!
The only regret in all this is he probably dint let me explain certain things i wanted him to know...but then i guess i tried...but one things for sure,explanations accepted or not, im definitely not comfortable with what he said today and probably imagines everyday without my consent ofcourse...period!!
This impressive (being sarcastic juss in case u dint get it) conversation got me wondering how shallow-minded guys can get at times and also how "imaginative" wch the dude again justified as perfectly normal and said tht he was being totally honest in confiding in me about it...huh???
He also said tht there r definitely other guys out there who do pretty much the same thing juss tht he got about telling me and tht made all the difference...I mean wht the hell...is this guy telling me tht there r more ppl like him.."well atleast they dont freak me out with details of their imagination...besides ive got many good friends who are guys and they happen to be not 1/zillionth as crappy as you"...he juss smirked to tht wch enraged me all the more...
I retalliated with something about respect and my friends not being idle and me not having ever met a guy who thought of things in such a disrespectful (read as "sick") way ...and he surprised me by a big long speech on "respect" clinging onto every damn alphabet of the word and how he thinks tht it is the most important thing and he wouldent ever feel the same way if he dint respect me...ohh and yess forgot to mention history says he did "respect" a few other women in the past too who probably even fell for his "respect" story and maybe even stepped out of his imagination and hopped into reality transforming one into another...
But helllooo!! i dont think i can ever do that and would appreciate if he managed to get me out of his imagination as well (and thn forget all about me as a favour)as im not very comfortable there...
A few hours of afterthought also got me giving up on the friendship big time!!
From now on, every time i feel guilty for being rude (though the conversation was creepy enough to eliminate all pangs of guilt from emerging),il'l juss read this post and guess that would do more than enough to disgust me off him. :-/
sigh! it is only because of such hyper egoistic specimens that the entire "male" species gets misunderstood...
Seriously I toh dont understnd Men..i didnt believe the sayng tht men are frm mars n women frm venus...bt seeing things around me since a couple of days or months..seeing myslf goin thru the chnging situations i m forced to believe this ....why r guys so?????i relly dnt undrstnd them...
Bt in end u said bcoz of the super ego...bt aren't v gals also misunderstood nt once bt so mny times due male ego...thes guys... hmmm!!!!!!!!
heya.... thnx for teh male bashing u two... (mads and pri)... u have encountered the overtly sexually expressive male. And frankly, i really wonder why do u gals end up coming across them??? perplexes me!!
not al guys are like that... and def not most of them!!
such guys happen to strut their stuff arnd coz they have been led to blv they r sum sort of a sex god by some really stupid gals who fell for their charms... to much succes goes to the head....
there are gals who think and behave teh same way too.... in their book if a guy is not attracted to them, the guy's "abilities" as a man are definitely not worth taking about!! lol.... far from teh truth!!!
so grow up and stop teh male bashing!!
it's a sheer case of too much sexuality on a fellow's mind!! that's all... dealt with... now forget it!!
i knw pri, it's hard for u since he was a frnd of urs... but then some ppl can be real jerk!! remember the gal i told u abt... so take a chill pill... u still got gr8 frnds to hang arnd with!! :)
haha.. quite a bit of male bashing..
but lets work on stats.. do this thing
total number of jerks you met/ total number of normal guys you met
and you will get your ans..not all guys are same.. but yeah.. you will always find such frustu guys in the society.. dont blame anyone but the male female ratio in india.. if you find sucha guy again in your life... just ask him one question .. "have you ever had a gf?" and sureshot ans(if he speaks the truth) will be no..!
[i]it is only because of such hyper egoistic specimens that the entire "male" species gets misunderstood...[/i]
Absolutely !!
ppl do imagine .. bt firstly thy dnt go abt convincing others fr validating it .. secondly .. it nevr starts with physical attraction. . how can one boast abt tht?
no idea abt the 'male syndrome' being gud or bad ..
bt i sure liked tht 'true love' part .. donno y .. bt it was jus grt ..
You did the right thing!He doesn't deserve your friendship let alone love.Good blog btw :)
Hey Pri, angry post. lol. Cant generalize any one though. This is me speaking who has been cursing the opposite sex so hardly on my space. but yet some guys are hollow in their mind. cant do nethin for them.
its bad to generalize all guys and similarly its bad for all guys to geenralize all girls.
exceptions are there. lets live with the case to case basis.
well said ashy!! :)
*maybe his overpossesive nature scares me at times...*
This bit really scares meand also says a LOT about him!!Stay away from him!!! Dont even bother explaining.He will never understand.
Good.I neednt tell a doc..now that you have taken it out in the blog.just be reassured he is the guy who has to go to the asylum.Secondly his objective was to rattle u up and unnerve u..looks he has succeeded in that,.the next time u encounter a moron like him uttering nonsense laugh or walk away..the best would be to learn karate and give a chop u know where
First of all.....you are irritated...wow what a long trashing :)
Well one cant generelize anybody be it boy or a girl. Every specimen is different and behaves differently under different conditions and circumstances.
One of the ways to deal with such weirdos is to turn the tables on them - maybe embarass him in public or smg.
**asked me if i was mentally normal because im not "PHYSICALLY ATTRACTED" to him!!!
OMG did he really ask u that?? I wud hv slapped him.
Pri u know this is exactly wut I wrote abt in my last post..most men think every girl is easy and if they dun get attracted to him, then there's something wrong.
haha...well pri i cldnt but help laughing after reading ur post!!!
I mean...what the hell was wrong with the guy...but then when i think abt it...I think most men are idiots anywayz!
Tht guy was egoistic and also I am feeling tht mentally challenged[especially after "PHYSICALLY ATTRACTED" to him!!!] as he expressed needless things......
Tht guy must be having a false self high esteem and a tag on forehead saying "I AM SOMETHING" thts wat some guys trying to show to the world....some "DUDE" kindaa atitude...
NOt every men are alike.....so same as girls...Its up to us when and where to draw lines.....
lol.. what a time to read that post.. :-) I'm going through a similar phase.. and have gone through it once before too.. only that the first one was easier. I ended that friendship without a second thought. But this second one has been a very dear friend. That's when things get difficult. Why cant guys just remain friends I WONDER!
yeah u r absolutely write!!!
bcoz of few people like ur friend all of the men are balmed..
believe me ..
even der r few guys who believe in true love...and all such kinda feelings!!
But really ....
how could you tolerate him yaar???
kudos to your patience....
It is sad that you had to go through this shady experience. But look at the bright side .. it was only a guy .. how freaky would it have been had this f-r-i-e-n-d been a girl ??? :-)
Cheer up. As they say, chalta hai, hota hai, duniya hai ..
we all have our diasgreements. We all have our times when we are just not willing to understand the other... i guess this is one of those times...
i still refuse to stereotype males.
It was really nice of u all to express ur honest opinion on this topic...
well i havent gotten about replying to ur comments on a individual basis because i pretty much agree with everythin u all have to say this time and it would seem dumb to put a "i agree" in reply to every single of ur comments...
Now to clarify some doubts,wch some of u guys raised on my high tolerance threshold, patience level and why i dint slap him in the face, its with utter dissapointment i tell u tht i couldent do much about it because this conversation happened on phone...but neverthless, point noted and the next person who dares to act as crappy will surely be knocked down!! (thanks keshi for the advice..heehee):p
Secondly i fully agree with many of u out there who said its juss not fair to stereotype all guys because of some nuts...ive got a good number of guys in my circle of friends and am well aware tht they can make the best of buddies :).so wouldent want u guys out here to take it as a generalised post..it was more of a "one male bashing".:).
the last line wch stated the "misunderstanding" part was for the fact tht this "mr weirdo" started off claiming to be in love with me and when realised i dint feel the same way,went ahead expressing it in sucha creepy manner..(guess it was almost a "if i cant get u anyways, let me introduce u to the *real me*cos ive got nothing to lose" situation for him) .he also further confused me by speaking about respect and stuff...so after sucha incident one would definitely think twice before believing any guy when he starts about with terms like love and respect because u never know whr the conversation can head...and there are very good chances tht honest and pure intentions are doubted..juss a case of "a burnt child dreads fire".but then again i also know tht true love dosent need to prove anything...so doubt dismissed i guess :)
Another reason why i was patient and highly tolerant (as some of u guys put it) was because this person (sad as it may sound) was a good friend once upon a time and it was rather shocking to hear him speak in such a manner...was almost feeling bad for him till i was brought to my senses minutes after the phonecall whn i realised how cheap it all sounded and made me wonder whethr he really knows wht "love" is all about ...sigh!
Anyways all said, the friendship or whatever lil was left of it is OVER!!
Once again thanks a lot for being around whn i want to crib, rant and fume...and thanks for ur honest opinions :)...really appreciate tht...
I agree with u Pri..we cant really jump on a good friend and accuse him straight away. And Im glad he's not in ur life anymore.
@ keshi
naww keshi, had he been really a good friend, he would have known me better than tht...
neways im glad he is out of my friendlist too :)...might sound selfish but i dont need such creeps there...ive got wonderful ppl like you around :)
tk care!
atta girl!! am glad u r over dat sort of a creep... so let the light of hope burn for the nice guys still hog ur attention... after some people "still have a way with words!!" ;)
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