and thats the kinda joke wch brings in all the regrets...
the kind u dont feel like laughing at...
the kind u juss want to shut urself away from...
the kind u cant stand anyone enjoying...
the kind when everything starts coming back to u and somehow not in the way u planned it...
the kind u cant help wishing to be different...
the kind wch would be funny if it wasent so sad...
the kind which makes u pause and think about the "circle of life" philosophy...
the kind which haunts u day and night...
the kind which makes u look away from the stranger in the mirror...
the kind u know u cant do anything about without worsening it further...
the kind u just refuse to live with...
the kind u know is not possible to die without...
the kind u neither want to share nor want to keep...
the kind wch follows u everywhere as u try ur best to run away from it...
the kind which dosent let u be yourself...
the kind which kills a part of u every minute...
the kind u wished u could ignore but are aware u cannot...
the kind u know u somehow are the only person totally responsible for...
ironically, the big joke u have turned your life into...
The worst kinda punishment is when u cant forgive yourself for somethin u r guilty about...thats when it follows u everywhere u go, eventually tracks u down and haunts u throughout life...the tables turn and the joke is then on u...
and all this while u thought u would be the one laughing??!!

heres hoping and praying we never have to go through such a situation ever!!
i know im not stronghearted enough to handle it...are u??
I've seen it..i've faced it & i am done with it!
It pinches you..stings you big time but i am glad it happened otherwise i wouldn't have realized how bad it feels to be in these kinda situations!
Now it rarely gets me off guard as i don't think i would let it happen to me yet again!!
Well there is a quote that I remember "Dont forget to see yourself in the mirror and laugh - you will miss the joke of the century"
I am going thru it right now - being haunted and the very person who was always jovial has become a joke :(......
But hey this is fun too and am going to enjoy it while it lasts as it is showing me who really cares.
Yes Pri,
I have experienced it and I must say..It teaches you the lessons of life...which no education system in the world will teach students on how to tackle it...
Good one...
dont make a joke of neone else if u cant take the same on urself.period
@ illusion
thats a very positive attitude u got there illusion...
would say im better off not being in tht position ...
***otherwise i wouldn't have realized how bad it feels to be in these kinda situations***
i would rather advice u never to know or let others know how it feels...
anyways tk care buddy!
@ ceedy
well all i can say is this post was kinda reflecting on the "circle of life" philosophy...
but good u takin it in a positive way...
and glad u taking it as a learning experience...not many ppl are strong enough to do the same...
@ blogboy
yes true blogboy...but i still do not agree with learning the lessons of life at someone else's cost...
and thts what i meant when i said "the joke u play on others turns around and eventually comes back to u"...
@ abhishek
EXACTLY abhi! thats what the post meant...glad u got it!
guess people sometimes miss out on the subtle message :)..or perhaps life has already done its job of pointing it out loud and clear to them...and then again sometimes life makes u learn the hard way...
hahahahah! yup i think i could comprehend what you are trying to convey like all the rest before me have said. at the risk of being repetitive hell we learn , don't we?we try to get away but then realise its all so futile. its like hitting rock bottom and thinking it cannot get worse and it does and you wonder where did i go wrong? but when you least expect it , times do change and someday you can actually sit back and laugh at the joke you had made of yourself. trust me you can. i am learning, i keep learning. experience is the best teacher and darn what a teacher. :)
very true Pri! Well-written post.
**The worst kinda punishment is when u cant forgive yourself for somethin u r guilty about
true...its best to let go..but its very hard for some ppl to do...
That's life. listen to it like a relaxing music, dance with every rhytm and you won't realize every difficult step. ;0)
hi Pri.
Its a true that everythg we fall in one of these situations.
now a days, thgs r like i cant make a laugh. i know m laughing but not from wid in.
Anyways, nice to read ur post.
ofcourse pri .. everyone is scared of guilts .. ur not alone :) ..
nd tht is where the vry questions of 'why me'? comes frm :( .. I mean if something was supposed to happn thn y were u tht axis ..
bt thn it happens ..
so dnt wry ..
few wrds:
To make sure yesterday doesn't repeat
I took a shortcut home
I left on the street I know
That they won't find me here
I found out how to make my mamma proud
Be real quiet, don't talk too loud
I try, I try to disappear
My life is for the taking
Break down as you're waking
I'm ending all this pain
When you find me in the morning
Hanging on a warning (Oh)
The Joke is on you
You said you were pretending
Here's to a happy ending (Oh)
The Joke is on you
the kinda u cant stand ne one enjoyin
the kind which makes u pause and thk abt the circle of life
the kind u neither want to share nor want to keep.....
wonderful post....feels lik m reading my mind :D
but v suffer mood swings dont we....sometimes v r sad sometimes v r happy....somtimes v thnk its for our gud...som time v think its the saddest joke....irony...can we let it go wid time???or mayb its jus too difficult to forget
@ utopia
true...experience is a great teacher...but sometimes its better to learn from the mistakes of others around us...we cant afford to learn by making them all by ourselves...:)
@ keshi
yes keshi..i agree ...its very difficult to let go of ur past especially if u r responsible for ruining always comes back to haunt u...
@ reign
nice philosophy reign :)...makes one feel better isnt it??
@ sandhya
thanks for dropping by sandhya...and heres hoping things will change for the better for u ...
@ anuj
nice lines aware the worst kinda guilt is the one u experience when u know its ur fault tht life has turned into a huge mess for u and for the ppl u care about...and u r aware u cant do anything about it...the games u played are being played back on u...and thts the circle of life...
my take wch i always make sure to remember---never do unto others what u wouldent want others to do onto u...cos u never know when life will place u at their is only then tht we can live a guiltfree existence :)
@ alohomora
well yess thts the irony of life...sometimes there are ppl thnking tht they can play games with others and have the last laugh...but often they end up being surprised as life plays their own game at them...
they say what goes around comes around...and that is a lesson one can never forget...
well, if ur speaking about decisions or phases in life where destiny intervenes and takes over no matter what we actually want, then probably we can forget about it n move on in due course of time...but the worst joke is the one u played and life decided to backfire on u...and believe me ive seen tht happening to ppl...and i dont know whether to feel sorry for them or (at the cost of seeming ruthless),tell them they deserved it...
hey pri... u ok??
And let me correct u.. u r strong enuf to handle any stuff!! trust me... u have strong ideals and they are really worth respecting in an otherwise world!!
so be true to urself.. u'd be able handle anything!! trust me!!
I can relate to this at times... sometimes we just get carried away with the jokes, we laugh a little too much, we trust a little too much... and then there is no way back... at least not without the damage.
@ sam
yess prefectly fine...this post isnt about me nor about anyone in particular...its juss about life and situations and how we should fear the "circle of life"...only then can we live a guiltfree existence :)
neverthless thanks for the compliments ...
@ raaji
true raaji...sometimes some things are juss irrepairable...leaves one feelin helpless...
tk care!
Yes pri,We are our destiny.we govern it by our actions but manage sometimes to shift it on others.self pity adds to it,but how to laugh at ourselves is a question but very difficult to answer
I somehow relate to this so much.. Am sure atleast once in life everyone goes through this kind of phase... You just come out stronger..
Good work again..!
@ compassion unlimited
yes compassion...u got it right...u only realise the pain when u have to wear the persons shoes...and thts when u realise how much it hurts...
many still dont realise...some do realise but take solace in the fact that its all over and done with...a few however try to put in tht extra effort and correct their mistakes...
but sometimes life dosent like corrections and makes it dosent work...and thts when u realise nothin can change the things u'd done and its no use regretting...
@ nisha
true nisha...such thngs help one become a stronger person...u just got to realise it on time...
This happens so many times and only then we are given a chance to learn from it. Good topic..very thought provoking.
Great post.
@ annie
thanks annie :(...but at times its better to learn as spectators than make the mistakes ourselves...causes a lot of hurt to everyone...
@ ashu
thanks ashu...:)
The worst kinda punishment is when u cant forgive yourself for somethin u r guilty about
very much true
biggest punishment is our own guilt
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