so here i go...
its quite simple per the tag,i got to allow u a small lil peek in my room, my bag, and my wallet...
in a way, this tag is pretty personal...hmmmmmm...

1)my bed--wch is amost always cluttered with books, mags, pillows strewn about.
2)my cell charger---one of the most essential things in my life.knowing tht i am incapacitated without my cell, i make sure its always around and in reach...
3)my closet wch is a mess right now and almost always is thanks to my undecisive sense of clothing...i take ages to decide what to wear for formal occasions and when i finally decide on something , the rest of my 'try-on's' get rolled up and dumped in one corner of my closet till...err...the next time im in a state of 'decision crisis'..heehee
so if somebody tries opening my closet, u better know how to survive the avalanche of clothes following...:p
4)a secret drawer chest (man! dont i sound 'film celebrity'ish now...*grin*)...well the topmost drawer is under lock and key and has all my personal diaries in there...some of wch i havent opened up in ages now...yess i do maintain a diary too apart from blog (though im sure most of u out there must be wondering what else i have to put in there considerin theres so much saved up on here already)..hmmm SURPRISE SURPRISE!!:D
5)and one of my favs---a balcony view facing the main street where i sometimes stand and watch the hustle bustle of daily city life ...and block out all thought processes as i watch busy vehicles race by...
and also from where this 'juliet' has spent her time staring at the star filled skies..lost in the peace and tranquility of the moment... the cold breeze brushing past her...the tiny rain drops falling on her face...transforming her into a die-hard romantic as she seems to get lost in the soft music playing in her mind and is inspired to pen down a random scribble...:)
1)my stethoscope
2)a face wash (especially in summers)
3)a pen wch is usually not working (sigh!) and a writing pad...
4)my cell phone
5)my 'hospital white coat' which i always plan to leave in my locker but somehow have never managed to till date...
err...pretty boring things i know...*grin*..but im a pretty boring person u see *winks*
1)my id card (incase im lost and suffer from selective amnesia...sigh!)
2)a small pocket sized photograph (jus in case my fans mob me and want an autographed pic)
3)cash (just about enough to buy me lunch)
4)a credit card (incase i suddenly decide to run away from home) :-/
5)used to have a keychain with a 'ganeshji ki murti' to it...but then ppl around started 'oohhing' and 'aahing' and 'chochweeting' it that my overpossesiveness led me getting upset everytime anyone touched it...:-/
so i decided to leave it behind at home till i learnt to deal with my ultrapossesiveness for ganpatiji...sigh!
now i just have one keychain(for my house key) wch was gifted by a friend and has 'pri' engraved on it...:)
there! tag completed...mission accomplished!! :)
now to tag 5 'star bloggers'...
so the chosen 5 will be *opens the envelope while the audience holds their breath in suspense*
---cosmic joy
---compassion unlimited
---abhishek bacchan (oops khanna)*grin* on special request..[now dude, u better complete it...:-/]
and ofcourse anyone who has found this tag even remotely interesting and wants to take it up are welcome to do so...
take care folks!
Hey pri...
Hmmm Bed..ahem same story all d way :D
Closet r one big problm i tell u reallyyyyyy believe me til date itz never cleaned alwyz think to bt somethng or the othr or shd i say meri laziness it lays stil unattended n wil remain gawd knws fr hwwww longggg :P
Hey i also love my diaryyyyy :D
and also from where this 'juliet' has spent her time staring at the star filled skies..lost in the peace and tranquility of the moment... the cold breeze brushing past her...the tiny rain drops falling on her face...transforming her into a die-hard romantic as she seems to get lost in the soft music playing in her mind and is inspired to pen down a random scribble...:)
haye haye luv ya juliet :D
Rest of thngs dunno need my commnt do they..n pls u aint borin who gonna believe u doc ;)proof hai kya im toh not :D
Hey doc well executed tag :)n btw d pic n kid r chhoooo chweet :)
Gawd!!! This is scary:P Man!!! You need a peek into my closet of skeletons? Ha ha ha
never mind.
Keep it rollin;)
hmm... i'm ok with the entire lot.. except the one abt your cell phone.. it never is arnd u... don't tell me other wise... am not gonna blv it!! u dumb headed doctor.... grrr.... $#@$!@#%!$%$#!
btw, nice template.. i liked it a lot!!
@ mads
heehee thanks dear...its friends like u tht convince pri she's an interesting person *grin*
@ scribs
ohh not a peek in ur closet da, whr all the skeletons are locked up *winks*...juss in ur room, bag and wallet...and im sure thr are no skeletons there :p...
waiting to read u!
@ sam
heyy sorry about tht...its almost always been 'wrong timings'...really busy these days to even call back...:(
and thanks for the 'template' says "thankyou" :p
take care!
long time doc sahiba..ap hame bhul hi gaye lagta hai..u stil goin gud here...keep doin dis...u full of life..!
lovely post Pri!
**a balcony view facing the main street where i sometimes stand and watch the hustle bustle of daily city life ...
I hv a balcony too...thats the best part of the house.
will do the tag for sure in the coming week
ooh! that reminds me of a celebrity show! They show off all their stuff int the wallet and room and wardrobes!!
Done. Thanks for tagging me.. makes me feel a lil special :) And I am glad it is a simple tag rather than some of the more intruding ones.
@ anirudh
heyyy anirudh...yaa its been a long time...greeeat to see u...hows u been? :)
@ keshi
cool i know whr the inspiration for ur posts come from *winks*..ahem!!
juss kidding girl!
@ abhishek khanna
u'd better...waiting in anticipation :-/
@ candid confessions
lol!!! really??
waise apun bhi celebrity se kuch kam kahan?? nahi? ;P
@ cosmic joy
hey no probs...the pleasure is all mine..and now tht i know who enjoys doing tags, dont blame me if u have many coming ur way frm now on :D...
and hey i dont promise they'll be all equally non-intrusive...remember i dont make thm...i juss pass them on ...haha :p
take care!!
hmm .. m sure there are more thn 5 things at evryplace :D .. hihi
Lovely information.....I lost my diary of my teens some time back, but it was my best friend.....I wrote everything in it....good, bad, nasty feelings everything!!!!
My tag due now :P
@ anuj
well u sure are right...but then the tag says juss 'five'...:p
tough luck buddy!...heehee
@ ashu
aww...i know how tht must suggestion--search the whole house...turn itupsie down..its bound to be somewhere...:-/
heyy will take up ur tag the space :)
take care!
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