Scene at a friends party...apparently this was one party i dint know many at...u know the boring kinds wch u go to even at the risk of seeming alien...just because the host persuades u and u dont want to break her heart...
no?? u dint get the picture?? ok...how about this?--the kind where u can afford to act mean and nasty because apparently nobody will remember ...
OKK! i see u got the picture now u heartless creatures!!
common friend (she): meeting her for the first time u dont drink??? with a shocked expression
me: 'ohh i do..im very concerned about the fluid:mass equilibrium in my body system' showing her my glass of fruit punch and grinning
she: awww thats just fruit punch...err...i mean hard drinks pointing to the vodka in her hand
me: 'ohhh okk'allowing her to feel tht i hadent got it earlier..'no i dont'
she: 'whaaattttt??? i dont believe u...'
me: 'uh huh?..well u got to...please please...i'll never be able to forgive myself and die wallowing in self pity tht thou dosent believe me..i beg thee to believe me'
she was a lil taken aback..though i think she was too drunk to realise the pun
'K'(my friend and the host of the party) was too busy holding her stomach and laughing ...and i couldent help roll my eyes...apparently i wasent in the best of moods and was trying to get away from the conversation lest i sounded rude (wch i was afraid i already did)...
she: 'no i mean really...dont tell me u still belong to the ol orthodox school'
me:'now now...its true i did my schooling in a convent but dont u dare call it orthodox' i could joke all i want and be as cynical as i would like to be because she wouldent remember anything in the morning and i was hell sure of tht...heehee
she: 'i mean...'
me:'lol..i know wht u mean..and no, its not about being orthodox...its juss out of choice...some ppl enjoy drinking ...some feel they r already 'high' enough and dont need it'
i could see 'K' grinning from a distance...and enjoying every bit of the conversation with no plans to come to my rescue...i was dying out of boredom talking to this lady here and my good conversation skills dint even matter cos she was so drunk tht she could conk off on the sofa any minute and i would definitely not catch her...:-/ .
me was waiting with bated breath for some 'drama' there...
but she went on bantering for the next 45 minutes finding noone around but me...she told me how everything seemed right after a few drinks ...and how it was needed to forget and come to terms with the tragedy called life...i swore to myself tht if he sent someone to save me from this torture, i would never crib about life ...but nope! i had to suffer for the times i cursed 'life' with all u fellow bloggers...and so there i was suffering in silence listening to this madwoman who either was hired by my jealous enemies to get me start drinking (ok this is whr i start getting delusional) or had taken up the challenge feeling sorry about my so called 'booze untouched' sad personal life...hmpf!
sigh! i was almost afraid tht i would give in if she insisted too much and return home drunk after having her talk me into it (at the rate she was cribbing)...
apparently two of us were not having a great day here! :-/
and then heaven took pity and my prayers were answered...
finally some drama...let the party begin!! yippeee!
“It takes only one drink to get me drunk. The trouble is, I can't remember if it's the thirteenth or the fourteenth.” - George F. Burns
Thankfully, it was jus one here:)
Keep it rollin;)
hahaha.. nice one doc...
@ scribs
nope dint even have one...
as for her...she was already drunk as a fish before we even started the conversation...
thats why was all anticipating the 'conk off'...heehee
@ abhishek khanna
ohh u wudent have said tht had u been there to hear her ...sigh!
im lucky to have remained sane all thru the conversation :-/
haha .. vry humorous of u pri ..
I guess she had already jolted dwn the whole bottle .. thts y she cudn't point to a vodka bottle nd only her glass (assuming she hid d bottle :D ) ..
nd moreover I think this was her first time too .. lol .. it was only thn tht she talked such Biggies abt gettin drunk n all .. haha .. n passin away in a frenzy .. :P
God bless her hangover .. (ROFL)
nd so ur untouched by alcohol eh? .. well well .. d doc have tasted d ether herself huh ... lol .. hehe .. may b sometime .. who knws ..
I guess coffee's enuf fr d high ;)
hahah....but seriously u dont drink??;-))
i wont say much as i have been on both sides of the fence - passing out and not drinking as i was a designated driver.....but my reasons to drink are summarized in this little anecdote
One afternoon at Cheers, Cliff Clavin was explaining the BuffaloTheory to his buddy Norm.
Here's how it went:
"Well ya see, Norm, it's like this... A herd of buffalo can only move as fast as the slowest buffalo. And when the herd is hunted, it is the slowest and weakest ones at the back that are killed first This natural selection is good for the herd as a whole, because the general speed and health of the whole group keeps improving by the regular killing of the weakest members. In much the same way, the human brain can only operate as fast as the slowest brain cells. Excessive intake of alcohol, as we know, kills brain cells. But naturally, it attacks the slowest and weakest brain cells first. In this way, regular consumption of beer eliminates the weaker brain cells, making the brain a faster and more efficient machine. That's why you always feel smarter after a few beers."
and btw I am drinking cognac right now :) hic !!!!!
lol @ the last part. *she passed out.
Ah...This is what happens when people feel that their perceptions of things has to be followed by everybody if not there is something square or wrong abt the individual. happens esp in parties i am sure.
Am impressed with the fact that you spoke ya mind out to her.
*winks for that girl
Some people just got to get a life and try to figure out why they are doing what they are doing in the first place. is it just to get in the place of the popular gang and feel chic? lol!
I drink but i don't believe in ridiculing someone who doesn't drink. personal opinions. stick to it. Ridiculing comes across as pretty high school to me.
Interesting read.
@ anuj
lol!!anuj...true true!
as of now, coffee does just fine :p...
@ anand
ohh anand...u dont believe me?? :(
sigh!sacchai ka zamana hi nahi raha *grin*
@ ceedy
hmmm bery interesting!!
probably il'l give drinking a thought when i feel some brain cells goin slow...
as of now the mess inside my brain is pretty much doing the job :-/
@ sweetstickychewy
yaa exactly...and thts wht was trying to tell her...its comepletely a matter of choice and its to each his own...especially when we hardly know each other...:)
its sad all ppl dont think the way u do...:)
and i personally think that drinking juss to get over things is really a bad excuse...
'agar sirf sharab se nasha hota, toh har botal nachti' :D
hey..thanks for dropping by :)
ohh i have been in similar situations...
n whoever said..you forget all worries when ur drunk..yea right :D
haha... I encounter such situations myself :)
peer pressure :)
definition of partying has changed for sure...drinking is the only way u can do it i guess....not a great thing but thats how it is....people like her can ruin ur party.......lol
Some girls think its chic to get drunk or to say that they CAN drink...when they actually cant. LOL!
Im glad ur not that kinda hopeless 'drunk' Pri. I too get tipsy with just one drink so I refrain from taking more than 2 drinks when Im out partying.
Wow... such an active blog.... You are great..... The posts are very much hilarious.... The poetic posts are great.... Definitely, i ll spend my free time here :)
i personally don't believe in trying to make non drinkers drink. in fact i'd discourage them for that matter. and people who make such a big show of the fact that they drink are the biggest wannabes. its just a matter of likes and dislikes and yeah some people just don't need that high.
i don't know about peer pressure though. i was a teetotller for almost 5 years and nobody tried to get me drunk ever until i chose to try this vice :).
i wouldnt have let her say so much.. cheers :D
@ mystery
yeps i agree...thats jus an excuse...
maybe drinking helps u forget for a while...but then its still a 'u can run but cant hide' scenario isnt it?
so at the end of the day, we gotta figure out a better solution than just a coupla shots...:)
@ raaji
hmm if they pressure u into something u rnt comfortable with, are they still ur peers??
somethin to ponder aint it ? ...:)
@ kp
heyy no..its the way u look at it...or rather u choose to look...
IMHO, u dont really need to drink to enjoy urself...
its all in the mind :)...
as i said some ppl(like me) are 'high' enough already even without it :D...
heyy and ppl like her dont ruin the party..in fact they add the drama to it ...heehee
@ keshi
well im not biased about ppl who drink keshi...but neither am i about ppl who dont :)
and i think thts how ppl should see it...
its okay as long as one r comfortable with what he/she is doing...and as long as others are not uncomfortable with it :)
@ rajkingme
hi...thanks for dropping by...am happy u liked 'nostalgic moments' :)
@ utopia
u said it utopia!
even i dont believe in 'peer pressure'...
its upto u to succumb to it...:)
@ abhishek khanna
lol!! well i wouldent too if she hadent been as drunk...:D
wanted to see things from her perspective though...
real maza is makin ppl talk when they are drunk.. u get to know some very hidden facts
lolzzz.... after a weekedn of partying and all... this one simply is like an icing on the good times!!!
imagine this.. work on sat noon.. partying thru teh night on saturday... up for the charity run at teh crack of dawn teh next day (slept for roughly 3 hrs here..)... and den run... and do a few other things along the way.. ;)
grab a burger for lunch.... watch x-men... again hit the dance floor... 3 am.. go to sleep.... 10am at work (damn the mondays!!).. adn now reading this post!!!!
pri at times i really pity u.. u do tend to come across some real jokers.... a complete laugh riot i tell u....
btw, abt that couple i told u... seems lyk they've kissed and made up.. don't ask me how or why.... :D
@ abhishek khanna
see see...one of the reasons i dont drink is because of ppl like u...kaun jaane peekar kya bak doon and heyy u know wht,she too wud have started 'bak'ing something had she not to pass out midway :-/
@ sam
thats a good way to spend a day...u needed the 'chillin out'...ur life was getting too boring anyways with work, work and more work...:D
as for the ppl i come across, heehee...u know only about the 'jokers' yet...
have met a lotta 'gems' as well...so it kinda makes it worth it :)
ohh and the couple...lol!! good...its a pity the guy made a hue and cry about tyhe whole thing ...bechare ne 'gettin back together' ki possibility nahi sochi thi lagta hain...hahaha
chal teri problem toh ho gayi solved :D
So when one is high on life, no need to drink. Does that mean when life deals you a low blow, drinking follows ??
@ cosmic joy
lol!! cosmic...whoever said u tend to get 'high' only when u r happy...by 'feeling high on life' , i just meant life putting u in a different state of mind wch often tends to cloud ur conciousness...
life is enough to give us a hangover isnt it?
and i dint mean 'high' to be associated only with the 'perk' moments in life...
life is enough to keep us in drunken stupor all the time with its highs and lows and im too busy dealing with the hangover trying to strike a balance...
u wudn't blv it it all happened due and innocent comment by her bro, who is getting married today...
btw, wen on earth ws it my problem???? :o
@ sam
arre teri problem matlab u were kinda upset about it right??
so i gathered he is a close buddy...and u were worried for him...
as for the realisation, sometimes all it takes is a single second to realise the mistake...and sometimes decades arnt enough...
they r lucky it got sorted out...:)
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