This scribble was inspired by a sight seen along the roadside on diwali day...i dint have the heart to post it up thn, thinkin it might ruin some cheerful moods...but saw it in my drafts today and it got me pondering again...
The world is enjoying so it seems...
everything seems happy and bright...
but in a dark corner i hear...
silent sobs piercing the night...
as i go near,the face looks up...
and i see a pair of eyes forlorn,
gazing into empty space,
i stare hard and my smile is gone...
dazzling lights and glittering skies,
every nook and corner adorned one can find,
i flinch as i realise this happy sight,
is missed by this little boy who's blind...
i watch silently as his mom hushes him down,
his angry tears stop streaming in a while...
but i cant help wishing this festivity here,
on his innocent face would play a smile...
and yet again i question ur injustice,
yes u up there who's known to be just and kind...
what pleasure thy derives from such cheap tricks,
thou makes me wonder whats really on ur mind...
someones crying for a little happiness,
someone begging to take away the pain,
someone sporting fake smiles for the world to see,
someone trying to keep playing 'sane'...
each one has got their own set of problems,
and each a different breaking point to bear...
its hell tough to gauge who's suffering more,
but maybe its easy, looking up from above there...
u supposed to be the almighty,
the one we rely on through thick and thin,
the one who knows and watches all of us through it,
the one who counts each blessing n forgives every sin...
but ur ways always seem to confound me,
to a point from whr i can only gape...
your plans never cease to amaze me,
and sometimes i really see no pattern taking shape..
yet somethings are just accepted,
and maybe whats in store for us is just one of those,
but dont u think its time u got into action,
and just stopped seeing right through our woes...
your angry believer...
I hope you got the answer by now:)
Jus keep it rollin;)
Lovely poem :)
this is so heart touching!!
and yup nowadays I am angry believer too
touched my heartstrings!!
this is an age old philosophical quest!!!!! you are pained because you "believe" his presence - and are blaming "him" for his design variations :)
on the other hand there are people who do not beleive his presence - for them this is just design flaws or mutations
but honestly - dont you think the blind, deaf and dumb are more privileged than us -
blind - cannot see the hatred and pain and suffering that we observe in our daily lives
deaf - are indifferent to all the abuses meted out by fellow beings
dumb - they cannot be opinionated as easily and saves them confrontation with "normal" people.
Good poem though but there is positivity in everything around - just dust the covers and look beneath
OMG pri u put MY true sentiments abt God thru this poem so well! Loved it.
**yes u up there who's known to be just and kind...
what pleasure thy derives from such cheap tricks
exactly my thoughts. Can anyone ans that?
""and yet again i question ur injustice,
yes u up there who's known to be just and kind...
what pleasure thy derives from such cheap tricks,
thou makes me wonder whats really on ur mind...
someones crying for a little happiness,
someone begging to take away the pain,
someone sporting fake smiles for the world to see,
someone trying to keep playing 'sane'...
awesome .. i m in the same state from past few hours..
wow ..tht was amazing writing ..nd its one hell of a question .. nd seriously y does all this happen ..
in d first place, y did he created earth if it was meant to b a place fr sin .. could he not commit sin for he was god nd he want for someone to commit it and see what pleasures it gave .. nd is it not sin to give pain to ur own children n let them live in misery .. is it not sin to discriminate .. to give more to some n less to some .. so is he not a sinner? or jus cause he is the one who defined sin he can get away from the that ..
but the last line says it all .. wthevr we say ..whtevr we do .. we believe !! And newyz we would keep endevouring the pain ...
ahh... what can i say... true
I love the title too :)
Well put..but this is the classical question for most believers often justified in bizarre ways as pain(sometimes self-inflicted) in the glory of god.
But then seriously, even if god did exist would he be bothered running around making sure everybody passed their exams, got the jobs they desired, achieved their dream, met and loved and were loved by their soulmates...or for that matter even making sure no deformed babies were born and that no one goes hungry.
Why is the reaction to seeing this to turn the gaze upwards and ask questions off 'HIM'. I know the task seems to arduos to be tackled by anyone but that hazy figure in the sky...and too big for any of us here..and then again Hey its much easier being 'angry' at the one above(or below)...than being angry at urself and those around you for allowing it to happen.
well that is what gets my goose cooking(just as well its thanksgiving)..thats enough of a tirade..sorry for being the solitary contrary view.
@ scribs
well scribs...i wish getting answers was so easy..but neverthless i appreciate the effort and yes i would be fibbing if i said it dint make me feel better :)
thanks and take care!
@ sameera
thanks dear...was just trying to express some heart felt thoughts here...:)
@ lunatic
i guess at some point we all are...
@ kaylee
thanks kaylee..will leave u a mail soon...
@ ceedy
dont u think we search for the positive in any situation only when we see no other choice...
we like to believe its all okay sometimes and i agree its this attitude wch keeps us going...
but its very easy to comment on how less fortunate ppl should feel optimistic and see the bright sight esp whn we are not in their shoes...
have u ever considered this?
the blind cant see the beauty of life , the diff hues of dawn, the first drop of dew, the colours of the rainbow...
yaa i agree they cant see the evil going on around them..but does tht leave them untouched by it??
the deaf cant hear ppl cribbing, talking ill about others and of them...but so are they kept ignorant of the bliss of divine music and soul stirring conversations...is that fair???
the dumb...u say it saves them confrontation with 'normal' ppl...have u ever wondered how much they pine to be included in tht spectrum of 'normalcy'...to express so many beautiful thoughts wch can but only take shape in their mind...yaa true these thoughts can be expressed thru other ways but can they ever enjoy a so called lovely conversation with wht u call 'normal' people...
now tell me...would u still say they are a lot more fortunate??
its very easy to say dude...easy to write about the injustice too...(im aware)
but only the one who wears the shoe feels the 'bite'...:)
@ keshi
im looking for my answers too keshi :)
still havent found any yet...
@ abhishek khanna
past few hours??? lol :)...
good for u buddy!
believe me its better than being in tht state for the past soo many years ...
@ anuj
hmm anuj...the initial part of ur comment opens up a whole new conversation...well i dont believe tht he created the earth as a place of sin...or so i would not 'WANT' to believe...
as for the suffering and the difference in intensity...we'd never really know...afterall everybody thinks he is going thru the worst right??
but i agree with u, that the world is full of suffering and each of us has our own cross to bear...and sometimes with no fault of ours (as of tht lil boy)...
many ppl associate it with 'karma' or the 'wrong doings' of a previous life...but i beg to differ...
i dont think its fair that someone shud suffer for a wrong doing he dosent even remember from a past life he isnt even aware of...
a second school of thoughts speaks about the 'circle of life' philosophy...but i dont know if thts true either...cos wht about the horrible things happening to babies juss a few seconds after their birth? wht about congenital defects? wht about genetic mutations? wht about child deaths?? the poor things havent even lived enough to be a part of the so called 'circle'...and yet they have to lead a life full of misery...
somethings (ive myself witnessed)science cant explain too...
and who do we look up to for answers then?? HIM??
but he believes in keeping silent...and everybody says 'there is a PLAN'...
@ raaji
thanks dear :)
@ the angry agnostic
well i agree...probably its only human to search someone to blame things on...
read my replies to ceedy and anuj...and then tell me...can we still blame ourselves or ppl around us for sufferings enthrusted upon us by obviously something wch isnt in our hands...
i agree its not fair to blame HIM for circumstances and suffering we ourselves invite...but thts not the pain im talking about...those are too minicule an issue...:)
and yet again, guess we arnt that strong enough to take up the suffering all by ourselves...and thts y we search for a higher force...someone stronger up there (whom i agree we have conjured up)whom we belive would take care of it all...
and thats the reason we keep being angry at HIM...keep praying to help us through...and somewhere deep down keep believing :)
probably thats why im still searching for answers and u still reluctant to put 'atheist' infront of angry (instead of the 'agnostic') in ur handle...:)
take care!!
:) U wrote it wonderfully. I love your honesty.
Doc, many thanks for your concern for the hapless blind kid and your resulting anger against the GOD, loved it and i bow a million times to you for your lovely feelings within!!!!
dil ko chhoo gayi yaarpri...a doc..gettin the hang of it..ops dat mus b tough yaa..!
good one.. adn i can see teh questioning mind here... one really does do so at times!!
Vry gud...indeed some imprtnt n portal qts go unanswered....whyyyy...reality is such...vry wel put down pri..
Tkcr..luv ya
really touchy....:)
hey ..this is kind of interesting u knw .. this discussion abt god, 'the supreme' ..
a bunch of us frndz were drunk a few dyyz bck n we jus came dwn to this topic tht 'yes' some extreme power exists which drives us in some way n does help us in many .. nd evryone believes ..
may be he is not mute .. who knws he might be crying too .. just tht those tears dont wash the pain away .. but see we can't say tht god doesn't know nothing of pain, sorrow, grief or emptyness .. I guess he might .. else who wud he have manifested it in the psyche .. so he does feel the pain .. may be. May be he is bound to inflict some pain .. jus to strike a balance .. its kind of weird ..
n seriously sometimes it does feel tht we are still quite blessed in a way of being far healthier, single peice nd happy thn a lot others .. nd if we cud b in pain think of the people who are lesser thn us ..
the human emotion is a big mover in itself ..
I shud commend the way u put through this post n d comnts .. r u lookin fwd to b a psychologist? :P .. hehe
i do not disagree with you - my post did not mean to demean what the less fortunate - yes I agree that it is easy to read and write -but believe I am talking to personal experience in life which I have undergone - (not the latest ones :) which I have had to fight fought to be where I am today - there was hope lost by many people close to me - but I kept saying that there is something more to it than that meets the eyes. I have been in some slippers not complete shoes but what I think unfortunate person needs is strength and hope.
Likewise - yes we can be concerned like you were - what i feel is that there are certain givens in life - somethings just are - one can brood over it or one can accept it and find a best way out of it.
Every person who is less fortunate in some way has a strength imparted in some other way - one needs to really make an effort to make it alive.
And I do accept that my viewpoint about the negativity is myopic (state of mind is unstable) - there like a real "doc" you did open my eyes thanks.
I feel very angry sometimes because I cant take radical steps to go out help people as I am striving currently to make a living - and forgetting really how to live.
@ sweetstickychewy
thanks dear :)
@ ashu
well my arguement with HIM has always been on...for reasons more than one...
and i guess itll continue tht way...
even HE must be used to it by now i guess! :)
take care...
@ anirudh
even docs are humans anirudh...:)
@ sam
thanks sam
u know ive always been the 'questioning' kind ...:)
i dont even expect answers sometimes...because im aware some questions dont have any...
@ madhavi
thanks madhavi...
i guess we all are well aware of tht arnt we mads?
but human as we are , never stop asking...:)
@ kp
thanks :)
@ anuj
well the discussion never ends i guess :)
know wht, ur comment reminds me of tht song
'duniya bananewale kya tere mann mein samayii...
tune kahe ko duniya banayii' :)
ohh yaa the human psyche has always interested me...
with the field im in, psychiatry is a very good option...and yess am seriously interested...but my shrink keeps warning me against it...lol!!:D
@ ceedy
no ceedy i dint mean tht u demeaning thm...i perfectly understand...
besides, none of us can really help even if we want to...
because genuinely speaking all of us are in need of 'help'...
so stop feeling bad about it...its alright :)
as i said before, we all have our own crosses to bear...
take care!
@ trupti
sorry for deleting ur comment dear...thanks for caring soo much...but its best to leave my personal life out of this space isnt it? :)
dont worry about me...
have mailed u...
take care!
A doctor you always were
and now you're a poet
Always caring, you always were
but now we all see it
A beautiful poem :)
@ cosmic
thanks cosmic...but its not just about 'caring'...its more of 'asking for justifications'...although im aware tht some things can just not be justified...
take care!
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