"in the end, everything turns out alright...and if it hasent, thn it simply means its not the end!
i wonder how many of us actually fall for tht typical 'bollywood' assurance every time we hear it...
Thanks to our candyfloss cheesy cinema lines,the aunty next to me sniffled everytime kiran kher said tht and a couple of juvenile teenagers awed in agreement with SRK...
I swear if i die before everything turns out right in my messed up life,il'l make sure my sorry spirit comes back to haunt 'farah khan' forever...and also that the people who delude us into believing this fairytale crap are sued for evoking false hope...hmpf!!
yes! i wont even wait 30 long years to be reincarnated and seek revenge...!!:-/

kyonki asli life mein, ul'l never know when and whr the picture ends (as opposed to the 'kyonki picture abhi khatam nahi hui' threat they kept giving us in the movie...wch they kept insisting was related not to the flick but to the 'big picture' aka life...sigh!.well i just thought it might be farah's insecurity telling the audience not to get pissed and walk off thinking tht the movie has ended *grin*... )
Anyways go watch it for the amazing songs and bring out the child in u (for a while) who, somewhere deep down keeps gettin tempted into believing in fairytales...:)and heyy take 'paulo coelho' along if u can...he'd be happy.(watch it to know why *grin*)
A true film crtic surfacing from a Doc !!too good
OSO seemed nothing more than few MTV gags put out together... to make a movie.. It was SRK which made it possible..!! Bad screenplay, and baseless story.. it was just meant to be a profit earning machine.. and it surely did its job...!!
Watch Saawariya for it.. a cinematic journey.. poetry in motion.. though the "aam janta" may not like it also.. :)
Bad movie, big let down. Farah Khan should be banned from making any more movies. SRK, i feel bad for him, after a epic Chak De a dud in OSO.
And what a shameless translation of Paulo s epical dialogue to Hindi....i was so pissed off....
Deepika was good, but what the hell was ghost doing in it ? Story lifted up from Karz and the jibes at the oldies esp Manoj Kumar were pathetic....
Songs were good and the filmfare sequence was awful along with the OK.
The way it was being potrayed in the media before the release was horrible....All good words fell flat when the viewer comes out of the theater.....
I wont bother to watch Saawariya which critics say is another horrible movie, a imaginary town and all in blue.
I think the problem with us Desis is that we look at our fils as a reflection of our present society. The detachment to look at a film as entertainment, artistic endevour or a muse is not accepted.
On top of that since the "big" guns are making them - SRK, Farak, SLB they are sliced into tiny bits for they falter.
Just imagine OSO was made by Dhawan -starring Govinda- everyone would have been happy.
And Saawariya made by some amatuer director would have been a classic and experimental movie.
But aapna "dil hai hindustani" so life is movie and movie is life.....and these big guns better get their acts together :)
@ compassion unlimited
thankoo thankoo :D
*takes a bow*
@ rohit
mtv gags??? i dint get tht...
ya true...it has become as big a hit as it is only because of 'king khan' who happens to be my fav too :D
baseless story...yeah...but not many bollywood movies are otherwise...
i'd heard pretty bad reports about 'sawariya' so was thinkin of skippin it...but now tht u said so, i think il'l giv it a try...afterall even if it flopped i wanna know why *curious*...heehee :p
@ ashu
whoaa ...thts a lot of 'movie bashing' there ashu...
i dint find it thaat bad...maybe because i was a lil biased tht it had SRK in it...
but ya have to agree, it was zilch compared to 'chakde'...
i think il'l dare to go and watch sawariya...want to see for myself...:p so taking the risk...
i think u shud too ...so if its really tht bad, thn we can sit and crib about it together...heehee
@ ceedy
Firstly if OSO was made by david dhawan and starred 'rangbirangi govinda' , ppl wouldent have gone for it in the first place...heehee
and even if some did, they wouldent have expected much...so as u said..it would have kinda lived up much more than their expectations...its almost like expecting 'tushar kappor' to act well :p
heehee ok ok il'l stop acting mean
but then frankly speakin, even though we know tht films are far away from reality, we casnt help relate some situations to life...im sure all of us do tht because somewhr some scenes and situations in movie scripts are not picked up only from 'fairytales'...
its true we spend 150 bucks to watch 3hrs of fantasy where everything is picture perfect...but somewhr our silly heart goes 'see see...i told u...even he says tht' everytime it hears some kinda optimism...
and then our brain retalliates, comes to our defence...wants to get out tht 'fairytale situation', tht 'candy floss concept' out of our system as soon as possible...lest we start believing in it...
and thts when we sneer at the 'fantasy' on the big screen...
somewhere deep down ,our stupid lil heart still hopes life to have the perfect fairytale ending...while our brain knows too much to believe in it...and thts where the entire problem lies...:)
TADAA!!! thts the 'universal (not only hindustani) dil' ki mentality u were speaking about...jo sapne toh dekhta hain..magar sapno ki duniya mein poora yakin karne se aaj bhi darta hain :)
take care!
Yeah even I felt 2b bit too fairytalish n stupid at the fag end n ws a bit exaggerated even bt ovrall ws a gud entertainer :) n SRK ROXED... :D n paulo yyyyyy??? kuch samajh nahi aya...for reincarnatn or smthng like tht expln it doc :P
So finally someone has talked something against OSO..phew!
Doesn't matters as i haven't watched neither i think i'd do so..lol!
it depends, i watch all kinds of films from all over the world.....and if i start living that I will go kinda crazy....so for me they are pure entertainment...
btw you are lucky you paid only 150 bucks - I paid 400 each for these two movies (converting from $'s)....damn
I so wanna see this movie Pri. Everyone's talking abt and Im a big fan of Bollywood Ken-equivalent SRK LOL!
Who's the Barbie looking actress btw?
**in the end, everything turns out alright...and if it hasent, thn it simply means its not the end
LOL I know Pri its sooo fake! Just cos the end wasnt neat that doesnt mean its not the end. Just that some Endings r sad - no obe can help that - thats life. ppl r so fed into believing there r always HAPPY ENDINGS. F*** I hate that kinda fairytale crap.
Likeu said, i wanna grab hold of the songs...will chekc it out soon.
tnxx for this realistic review Pri! :)
@ project71
nice! :)
@ madhavi
well if u remember thrs a dialogue in the movie --'agar hum kuch dil se chahe toh saari kayanaat humein usse milane ki koshish karti hain'...thts picked up right from paulo coelho's "alchemist"--'if u really desire something very much, the entire universe conspires to help u get it' :)
and yess SRK rocked as always...the movie was fun only thanks to him :)
@ illusion
no illusion...its not thaat bad..its quite a good entertainer...juss that its a bit too fairytailish...:)
there are some hilarious moments in the movie like SRK imitating rajnikant :D whr u wouldent be able to stop laughing...
Abhishek bacchan though in a very small role still managed to get the audience laughing...
i think u shud watch it :)
@ ceedy
well ceedy, i wudent say tht the 150 bucks were a toal waste...the film did manage to get me laughing..esp the 'rajnikant' scene...and also the 'filmfare awards' part...and many things more..besides SRK is worth it...:)
@ keshi
the new face is "deepika padukone" model turned actress and some cricketers daughter as well :)
she's really beautiful....
the songs are really sweet and so is SRK's acting as always...
basically its a pure entertainer...:)juss a lil fairytailish but u shud watch it ...afterall we know too much of reality to go to a movie hall and pay 150bucks to know more of it dont we? ;P
Aha...ya ya nw i get u...u bet thxs to SRK picture baaki thi aur dekhne k layak thi :) n i ws slightly thinking it 2b this or once paulo says na follow ur omens nwyz gud observation doc :)
@ madhavi
well tht was the most obvious 'stolen dialogue' in the film :D ...heehee...so no brownie points for noticing tht...
anyways hail SRK!:D
Hey Pri...
I agree....but OSO is a movie ntirely made for Indian Audience and has every masala for it......
But good Time pass...:-)
Yaar SRK mera bhi fav he, my biggest fav, that makes me feel more miserable, cudnt takee the comments ppl made out on him :(
i tend to believe this... may be not blindly but i do.. life tends to be a fairy tales at times.... call me naive but i have seen it happen.
I am not ready to quit my dreams just yet :)
biatch she is! that shalwar looks too good on her!
@ blog boy
agreed blogboy...good entertainer :)
@ ashu
yeah ashu ...i know how it feels :( especially some cruel remarks like "buddhe ke 6 packs toh dekho"...hmpf!!
jealous cretins i tellya! :(
@ raaji
then probably ur very lucky to have seen life as one raaji...its not everyone who comes across fairytale endings...:)
so heres hoping u never have to let go...
take care!
@ keshi
sure does kesh...and not only in the salwaar but she's gorgeous throughout the movie..be it in the 70's look or the trendy teenager act...
wish she could act a lil better though :(
In OSO, SRK consistently mouths the dialogue
"Agar sab kuch theek nahi hua hai! To kahani abhi poori nahi hui, Picture abhi khatam nahinn huwi hai dost". After a point the audience was forced to yell “Abey picture khatam kar”. That’s sums up the fate of the movie. In the end credits, a disappointed Farha Khan makes an entry in rickshaw only to find the red carpet rolling back. This could well be the case in days to come too when the audience gives a thumbs down to the movie.
well i meant OSO was a packaging of few gags and stars.. things lifted from here n there.. thats it.. Nothing great in Farah Khan's direction..!!
People though loved the climax.. when deepika turns out to be a ghost.. they find it good.. but very few may know.. that entire part is frame to frame copied from Bimal Roy's classic "Madhumati" :)
So what effort did Farah made from her side.. inspiring SRK to get a 6 pack.. or getting 31 stars in a song..
And out of that 31.. how many can you exactly call "STAR".. Zayed, Dino, Arbaaz, Aftab, Lara, Tushar, Sunil Shetty.. etc etc lol :D :D
@ anonymous
hahaha...u bet! that reaction was given almost universally i guess :p
dayummm!!.did they really show farah khan in the end credits?...i dint even wait for tht...my friends were too bored with the 'madhumati+karz' remake...:-/
i liked the songs though...esp 'ankhon mein teri' and 'main agar kahoon' :)
@ rohit
u said it buddy...tht was unnecessarily hyped ..as is always in bollywood cinema :D
have to watch 'sawariya' ...though not expecting much from it anyways :)
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