walking in silence into the past,
the road lonely, her mind forlorn...
she travels back in time to see,
that phase through which she'd once long gone...
those long hours gazing at the star filled sky,
trying to form a pattern there...
unknown constellations shining bright,
wondering what secret they'd want to share...
But soon life had made her cross another lane,
with people unknown and faces blurred...
no want to stop and greet or smile,
no time to think through the past occured...
a strange solace had sought she there,
amidst the busy new crowded zone...
there were people at every turn and bend,
yet she often found herself all alone...
scared to trip or lose a step,
she found herself going with the flow...
not once she stopped to look around,
or wonder what the patterns had to show...
too busy just to survive strong,
she wandered beyond that dreamy state...
slowly but surely killing the dreamer in her,
but at times she couldent help questioning her fate...
there were days she missed those star filled skies,
the innocence of those wonder years...
everything around had changed with time,
strangely making her lose all her fears...
faces unmasked as time passed her by,
each time hurting her a little more...
she was taught the rules of the 'survival' game,
despite clipped wings,she would have to soar...
smiling she waits at the crossroads today,
wondering again which way to choose...
heart and mind at conflict once more,
aware one of them will have to lose...
one of them will have to lose...!!
Its a tough decision---the one at life's crossroads...because once u eventually get about taking it, there is just no turning back...
the journey continues...and u dont find that same 'crossroad' in life ever again...
@pri...a quote from shantaram
the facts of life are very simple. in the beginning we feared everything - animals, the weather, the trees, the night sky - everything except each other. now we fear each other and almost nothign else. no one knows why anyone does anything. no one tells the truth. no one is happy. no one is safe. in the face of all that is so wrong with the world, the very worst thing you could do is survive. and yet you must survive. it is the dilemma that makes and believe and cling to the lie that we have a soul, and that there is a god who cares about its fate.
i dont knw if it fits in this post..but somehow seemd apt to be here
wow great job :)
btw i have a question for you but, dont wanna say it here.Can we go on gtalk sometime?
@ maverick
thanks for tht maverick...now makes me want to read tht book all the more...waiting for di to finish reading...
very true lines those :)
@ kaylee
thanks dear...
and heyy have told u everytime u asked,but guess u dont check my replies to ur comments :)
tell me what time ull be online so that we can speak on gtalk...
btw did u get the wish i sent u on 25th?? i dont see any notification in my mailbox :(
anyways seeya around soon...
take care!
Quite familiar this poem is... yeh it's the eternal conflict between the head and the heart.
amazing one....
life is all about journey....
gr8 one!!!!
@ j
well i guess everyone at some point in life can relate to the eternal conflict...and its happened with me wayy too many times that almost all my poems seem to have a pattern now...lol!!
(if thats what u meant by 'familiar')
@ blogboy
thanks blogboy
it sure is...its one helluva journey and it often brings us to crossroads where we wish the choices could have been easier...:)
c'est la vie!
Wow. This is so true. Crossroads...I find myself at them every so often...hard decisions..whether they are right or wrong, only time will tell!
great work.loved it
I love the style u write
I love your choice of music too
I love the way u speak your mind
BLIMEY!i love everything about u :)
(its not easy to write your feelings.it takes me ages)
hey doc I disagree :)....crossroads can be created when you want where you want - you have to have the knack to create positive ones - only then can you have a growth....
many people simply take a path and think that is the best - one way to approach life, some struggle - try out few things - find something and stick wid it - another way and some simply keep trying - depends on what makes you comfortable and happy - choose that road.
@ solitaire
i guess ur right..only time can tell where the road we take will eventually land us...
and yet somewhere we do know exactly what we are doing...
a small decision at the crossroads can change the journey forever...:)
@ secret admirer
thanks for those kind words and the rhyme... :D
n heyy, considering it takes u ages to express ur feelings, juss about home much time wud it take u to disclose ur identity?? :-/
@ ceedy
there are times when the eternal conflict between the heart and the mind goes on but u have to make a choice...
the pursuit of happiness is neverending...and life's crossroads dont really have these 'happy route' or 'sad route ahead' directions do they??
despite the conflict u gotta make a choice...take a decision and hope to never regret it in the future...
and i dont think theres anything called positive crossroads...u cant create CROSSroads...those are already there in life to confuse u...
all u can do is create a positive route maybe and then try to merge it with the decision uve taken at the crossroads...dont know if im making much sense here...
in short i simply mean,making choices and taking decisions is easy...no decision is wrong or right...its what u think of it...
but taking those u'll never regret later in life is the important part :)...(so u gotta think before u act, wch is sometimes very difficult)
afterall u cant just experiment to ur choice where emotions, feelings, and more importatly lives are concerned...
well simply whatever you do - have a conflict with yourself or absolutly agree on every fronts - i strongly beleive in the course of the nature where whatever has to happen happens - you only get what you can handle - emotions, money, love, fame.....- and lastly about thinking about lives of others - isnt that a myopic way of looking at life - we are shrouded by what life can offer society can accept - but the mind is beyond this boundaries - what about the fellow beings who want to think beyond the ordinary - do normal people really care about their emotions.....agrument can be from both sides - and i am the other side :)
lovely poem...
and its so damn true what u wrote abt the crossroads, we'd always think abt "what if we had taken the other route?"...
Nice blog!!!u write really well..keep writing!!
yeah i got and how about tomorrow?
@ ceedy
people who want to think beyond the ordinary should be strong enough to face such challenges...life is full of them anyways...
besides i frankly believe (whatever u may say) that noone and i mean NOONE really has the right to involve someone other than their own selves into a quest for answers they themselves are in search of...it would be insensitive on their part...
and thats what i meant when i said 'at the cost of emotions and lives...'
as far as people with 'extraordinary'(or 'beyond the ordinary' as u like to put it ) mindsets are concerned, i wouldent know about them...for i am but a ordinary person in this game of life ...and i think everyone is...
and then again what do u mean by 'normal'...who defines 'normalcy'?? and does that mean ppl with a different bent of thinking capacity are 'abnormal'...
I think they are just people with differences in opinion...nobody is 'extraordinary'...and where there is a difference of opinion, there are bound to be clashes...
but its all okay isnt it??
IMHO as long as u not hurting anyone or involving them in ur thinking zone at the cost of disturbing theirs...
everybody has the right to conform about what they think is right...but nobody has the right to be rude or hurt the one 'they think' is wrong...or involve them in their conflict within...
its just a matter of choices...and 'caring about something/someone' is just one of them...
@ vandita
thanks vands...and yaa theres always the damn 'IF'...:)
@ nisha
thanks for dropping by dear :)
@ kaylee
im not too sure if i can be around...something wrong with my gtalk :(
u can drop me a mail anytime...
well doc seems we have a debate :) i like it - i take your point of view that there are no extraordinary people - so does that mean that the people who really are able to make smg out of their life have a different mindset
The point I am making is unlsess one has interactions with other people "identifiers" how can one know about themselves - like for you moving away from a job - how would you know until you have tried it.....similarly in any relationship with a teacher, lover, emplyer or anyone for that matter - only once you interact will you know if you are better or worse----only then some people who have a "different" mindset will want to create a world for themselves - only then will they have to leave people - is there a choice here???
the people who feel hurt have actually taken it from granted that life is never changing - they start owning people with a "different" mindset - WHY? and make them do only what they want.
Now in this case who is really hurt...think about it
@ ceedy
well yaa...its nice to discuss on different views on a comman topic...:)
hmm reflecting on our discussion,lets have a recap shall we? ;p
CEEDY SAID: "what about the fellow beings who want to think beyond the ordinary - do normal people really care about their emotions.....?"
PRI SAID: "i think they are just people with differences in opinion...nobody is 'extraordinary'...and where there is a difference of opinion, there are bound to be clashes..."
PRI ALSO SAID: "its just a matter of choices...and 'caring about something/someone' is just one of them..."
CEEDY SAID:the people who feel hurt have actually taken it from granted that life is never changing - "they start owning people with a "different" mindset - WHY? and make them do only what they want.
Now in this case who is really hurt...think about it"
PRI REMINDED CEEDY OF WHAT HE SAID:"CEEDY SAID: "what about the fellow beings who want to think beyond the ordinary - do normal people really care about their emotions.....?"
now pri is confused...what is ceedy trying to figure out??
---whats the confusion about?
the fact that people dont understand those other people who want to create a different world of their own after experimenting and dont ever leave them alone and try to own them when probably they (who claim to be beyond the normal spectrum)want to be left alone?...OR
the fact that the people who are chucked out of the experiment by the ones who claim to be making something out of their lives, are hurt in the process and dont want to interact anymore??
or are u trying to measure the extent of hurt in both?
hmm seems like everyone is losing quite a bit instead of gaining ...this persuit of happiness dosent seem that happy to me...the 'identifiers' as well as the 'identified'(or should i say 'claimers') seem to be hurt in the end...
sigh! its all too confusing isnt it?...
'hurt' is a emotion (matters of the heart they say)and 'development', 'progress', 'interaction' are all part of 'growth'(matters of the mind)...and when we are confused between the two and try to merge both, thats where the conflict begins...and unknowingly we are brought at those 'crossroads' :)
and sometimes we dont even realise it...:)
these are just my views...and everyone has the right to have a difference in opinion...
as long as noone is hurt or takes it too personally..because i dont know about u, but i think i care about that...:)
maybe im just one of those 'ordinary' kinds ...lol!!
I have a feeling that you are stuck with the idea of normal and special people and have taken this argument personally.
I am sorry but English has limitations of how one can express certain thoughts - and also this kind of indirect writing does not justify the tone of the argument - as it is more of inquisitiveness then arguement.
My point is that we all are trained to make everyone else happy in this world- and to do this we have to almost give up our dreamns - both get hurt in the process depending on the choice - the one who takes on his dream and leaves the other behind or the one who gives it up to make the other happy.
this is a personal comfort question - as what path you select and what is it you really are wanting.
this started as a discussion to crossroads - where you feel that you have a certain set path that you have to follow and beleive that there is no turning back - then my friend what are you doing at this point in life - by asking these questions - you had a path - y not stick with it - i am just trying to say life cannot and should not be black and white - there are always some things taht will come and distract you - if you allow it or dont is absolutly on you - and that again is a kinda crossroad :)
wow i think end of the year is making us drain out all our tots :)
@ ceedy
firstly i never take these arguements on topics here personally...unless they cross a line...and as far as this one goes, it was juss a frank expression of views from both sides...
yeah was a bit irked with that 'ordinary' thingie u said mainly because i dont like tht usage...from ur comment its u who started the usage of 'normal' and 'beyond the ordinary'.so its not me who's caught up on tht...
anyways that as u said is the fallacy of the language that we might not be able to say exactly whats on our mind...sometimes at the cost of it seeming like indirect writing for justifying the arguement...so we all should be given that benefit of doubt dont u think??
besides, different people ...different stories...different experiences...and yet somewhere theres a comman pattern...so we often tend to reflect our experiences (rather than others) in our arguement...and so did i, not realising that it could be interpreted in different ways...so would request u not to take it personally...
well as for me asking questions my friend, that dosent in the least mean tht im shaken up from the path ive taken...dont u think u r being a little too biased here??
i do agree life is not only about black and white...but the greys can haunt u only as much as u allow them to...
anyways its again about choices and yet strangely sometimes 'no choice'...
i still believe that once a decision is taken,we are hardly given a chance to turn back...sometimes even if we want to...and like i said earlier thats what makes the decision taking so difficult---the realisation that once its done thers no turning back...
but maybe i guess sometimes u gotta call it as a learning experience and move on...
lol! ur right...looks like we overdoing on the 'end of the year rants' :)...
will dop that then!
oh yes, I can relate. I can relate so well...in spite of the indecision, once the choice is made, life alters in ways one would never imagine...and be it good or bad, it is definitely better than just standing, pondering at the crossroad...thank you for bringing me here through WI.
i liked this poem...sometimes you take a decision with your heart and sometimes with your mind...
whoever wins...you forge ahead till you reach the next crossroad...
welcome to WI. keep writing..
@ kaylee
sure thing..anytime!
@ ul
ur most welcome ul...its nice to have u drop by...
as for the 'crossroads', i guess ur right...its terrible to just stand there and stare...u just hafta make a choice and see where it goes :)
@ thinking aloud
exactly!! :)
@ gautami tripathi
thanks a lot :)
its nice to have u drop by...
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