Go ahead! spread that smile around...
and while ur at it,can anyone explain to me what 'uruzu urzu durkut' means?? *puzzled look*
neverthless i like the sound of it ...so hum along! ;)
have a nice day! :)
UPDATE: they say uve got to find ur answers yourself ;)
so i went ahead and did just that...er..with a lil help from google...heehee
also i just couldent wait for someone to find out and explain it to me...
so making it simpler for u people, here's one beautiful interpretation i came across---urzu urzu durkut is a kashmiri word for exactly what it sounds like...ie 'cute' or 'wonderful'...:)
a blogger further explained it in one of his posts (i found courtesy google) that the word actually is a kashmiri word which also precisely means
'Long live with standing on your legs firm"! which further means... "Live healthily with your own support throughout"....
ahh...makes me love it all the more...
so guys...adios for now...and dont ever forget--- 'uruzu urzu durkut' :)
lol..that's a good one! :) where do u find these comic strips?
Nice nice :)
verr funny! It is ironic, how people never take the good things from movies :)
@pri..tht was nice...good job... :)
hmm .. TZP ..ceedy here's one bad thing tht amir's movie do .. hehe :D
well ..'urzu urzu durkut' means 'mind you knee ..' on the lines of 'mind ur step' .. 8)
keep laughin!!
lol....thank you!!!!!
well i missed this question or else cld have helped (pri says here - yeah right!!!!)
@anuj....ab meri kya galti hai is me :(
nice :)
whered did u find this word from ?
Sounds like a funny tongue twister.
@ lemonade
this one was sent to me by a friend...:)
@ veens
well i guess everything and everyone faces criticism...u just gotta laugh it off and cant afford to look back...i , personally loved the movie 'TZP' :)
@ maverick
i just shared a smile maverick...nothin else :)
@ anuj
lol...anuj..where did u get that from??
the interpretation ive found is much more interesting...read it in the updated section..though im surprised u havent already,considerin it was put up soon after (maybe only veens and lemonade missed it)
cheers!! and
uruzu urzu durkut...;)
@ ceedy
yaa...i know..i know..but couldent resist googling it..am addicted to that song these days :D
thanks anyways for the help u wud have offered ;)
@ keshi
just trying to spread some smiles dear :)
glad i succeeded...
@ ashu and j
u can find 'uruzu urzu durkut' in the song playing on my blog..(im surprised u havent already)..
the song is rom the movie 'yahaan' and is sung by shreya ghoshal...and is my current addiction :)
take care and enjoy!
you are tagged :)
I didn't miss it :X
I dint know the meaning.. I thought it was some rhyming stuff :)
urzu urzu durkut
@ ceedy
thanks :)
will take it up soon...a coupla more tags in line before urs...
but this one seems real interesting...
@ veens
ohh i was referring to the 'update' :)
anyways hope uve read it now...
@ abhishek khanna
hmm..all u do these days is smile :-/
anyways keep it up and hoping to read a post from u soon :)
I tagged you too.. :)
Same as Ceedy's ;D
*Evil grin!
@ veens
ohh thanks...
now i HAVE to take this one up and soon :)
Oh yeh I did see that song playing. But pray, when I have some intense psy trance playing on my ipod nothing else matters :P
@ j
yaa i understand...trance has that effect on people :)
though i suggest u listen to the regular jingbang once in a while...heehee
The comic strip is so funny. My cousin told me once (a doctor too) that now everyone will be ashamed to find out that they are not dyslexic!!
firsly finally someone else who listens to "urzu".. I thought the song from yahaan was shot beautifully..
@ solitaire
lol!! yes i agree :D
@ rambler
well im for one am in love with that song..:)
hehe LOL strip ... made me smile too, and abt the song from yahaan...i think it has a beautiful ring to it :)
@ vandita
yaa i had it playing on my blo for a long time...u missed it :)
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