1) heard from a friend after 6 years...she's now married and has a 1yr old baby boy named 'om' (long live ekta kapoor!!)

2)learnt that sometimes all u need to get a little help is just ask...but its not the same with advice...u dont need to ask...it comes to u irrespective of whether u need it or not ...sigh!
3)received a real cute mail from someone which had me smiling even long after reading it :)
4)realised that 'wash and wear' clothes make me look slimmer...yayyyyyy!!....its time i revamped my wardrobe :p...
5)went on a surprise junkfood binge...bhel,sev puri,kababs,paav-bhaji,golgappa...had it all...yumm!! *satisfied grin*...it started first as a stress buster, then as a reason to celebrate in ecstacy (over india's victory as the aussie team bites the dust...HIP HIP HURRAY!!) and finally has now become an addiction :-/
6)caught up with reruns of my once-upon-a-time-fav show 'mind ur language' ...
7)got a lotta messages from friends asking if everything was fine and saying that i was being missed...made me feel good :)
the con's of the week gone by:
1)realised i'd probably done a big mistake by giving up my job after a friend told me that she couldent get in inspite of having a pretty impressive CV...
2)was further made aware of the foolish mistake by another friend who winced after he got to know i walked out of 'apollo group of hospitals'...:(
[but snapped out of the depression soon enough and decided that i dont really need to speak to people who dont understand me enough and that ultimately its my life and my decisions which i need to sort over time]
3)thought a lot about a lot of things and realised that probably im taking too much time to sort things out :(
4)stepped on the weight scale and realised i have gained 4 gross kgs in 2 weeks after all that gorging on junk food ...boohoooo!!sob!sob!

5)missed home...missed the air...missed the faces...missed the streets...and most of all missed the sea-food...though now have gotten a bit used to it,20 days were enough to get me missing all that, no matter how convenient and comfortable everything seems to be...:(
6)got to know how business minded people are and that even friends at times, have their own selfish interests camouflaged behind the sweet talk and concern...
reminded me of fav quote by oprah ---"i dont need someone who'll ride with me in my limo...what i need is someone who'll take the bus with me when my limo breaks down" :)
i realised that probably im not lucky enough...
hmmmm i guess somewhere last week made sure it struck a balance...
lol..nice one...good balancing act...i m sure the new wardrobe wud suit u amazingly...regardng the job thingie...if u r interested..then i can pass on the email of the HR head of fortis hospitals...i met him for placement presentations for my colg...so i can give u the email :)
with a name like om...long live SRK!!:P
---"i dont need someone who'll ride with me in my limo...what i need is someone who'll take the bus with me when my limo breaks down" :)
i love oprah!! :D
:) my first visit,had a gud read
great one doc :)
and u make me smile with ur sudden out of the blue humorous lines in the mid of the post~~
what a week!phew!!!
but you know what i loved the most?the fact that you wrote the pros before the cons
things will look up soon.....
@ abhishek khanna
well , a smile can say a thousand words...lol!!
@ maverick
thanku thanku...but guess hitting the treadmill would be a much cheaper option :(
as for the job thingie,thankuuuu...but im right now in the mourning period of a almost impulsive but necessary quit :-/...
so gotta wait till i snap out of it and get some really important personal issues sorted :)
@ gunj
yeps...me too...she sure has a way with words :)
as for SRK, my friend just hates him (sigh! i know i know...such ppl still exist)..so she's more likely to have named her baby influenced by ekta kapoors 'kggk'...sad! i know :-/
@ nisha
hope u liked it here...leave me ur blog link if u got one...wud love to drop by sometime too :)
@ ashu
thanks dear...
well like life, my posts also have some surprise jokes (at times pathetic ones)in between all the seriousness...:P
@ phoenix
but thats got a disadvantage too...by the time u log out of blogger, u remember only the con's :-/ sigh!
neways thanks...hope things turn for the better
Yes Pri it is indeed a balanced week..
I know how it feels when u miss ur home..and thts why now I am at Home sweet home after 2 years...to stay with family.......
take care!!
hey doc.. dont be all upset.. everything happens for good :)
rocking post. but I wonder why things turn out true from such random posts. Many of us can relate those bits of gyan :)
aww... i know the feeling of home sickness. but through experience, i must tell you that you will get used to the new environment and then it wouldn't be that bad.
Take care
Apart from quitting the job eventually everything balanced each other & i am glad you realized couple of handy things which could be pivotal whilst making decisions in future.
sometimes impulsive decisions do you a world of good :)
an interesting post..really cool
best of luck n u'll soon realize we all have been ordained with our share of luck
hmm that pretty much summed it up...pehle toh yeh batao what are there wash and wear clothes and where do i get em :D?
secondly i loved the quote by oprah, and u'll get lucky soon dear...jo log mile woh deserving bhi toh hone chahiye us bus ride ke ...
all the best for all that u need to sort out :)
I believe Everything happens for reason...The reason is always right one....;)
neat post Pri!
**4)realised that 'wash and wear' clothes make me look slimmer...yayyyyyy!!....its time i revamped my wardrobe
I wanna know how that happens? :)
**---"i dont need someone who'll ride with me in my limo...what i need is someone who'll take the bus with me when my limo breaks down"
thats a great quote! I had few friends who always wanted a LIMO yuikkz!
who eet ees dis nonsense person with same name? heh. i love whatever song is playing on your blog.
@ blogboy
well 2 yrs is a pretty long time...
everyone must be happy now that ur back :D
@ sush
heyy its always a pleasure to hear from u...
thanks for that dear...though sometimes its tough to believe :)
@ sunshine
well i guess we all share a comman thread somewhere :)
@ raaji
i agree raaji...but im glad it dint have to last too long...:)
@ an illusion
i guess so...the learning never stops does it? :)
@ desperado
thanks desperado...i hope so too :)
@ vands
u r absolutely right there vands...travelling alone is a lot better than the company of ppl who arnt worth it :)...
thanks for the goodluck wish...i need it :)
@ kp
well said kp ...*grin*
@ keshi
well err..i havent yet discovered the logic behind it keshi...was too happy to think about it ;p...
well oprah often makes sense...ive had a few or rather many of those too :)
@ pri aka namesake
ahaaa!! u a 'priyanka' too??
now now...i can say that too isnt it? ;p
lemme chk ur blog out...u better be good namesake...aakhir naam ka sawal hain :-/
As for the song,thanks...but it keeps changing as per the music mood...:)
nah it doesn't:)
wow .. d ups n d downs .. d highs n d lows .. d fun n d blows .. u got it all last week hun ..
well ..evn i don want to sit in to some stupid limo .. bt i wud love d new high capacity bus fr sure .. atleast nt the khatara blue line :P .. hehehe ..
u knw this bus experience n all ..its a diff thing in itself ;) ..though I guess Metro would b in the same genre .. hehe
@ illusion
u bet!! :)
@ anuj
well yeah...it was one helluva hectic week...
bus?? metro?? err...trust u to digree like that ...heehee ;p
you bet it can...
Sounds like a perfectly balanced week. ;)
@ abhishek khanna
lol...though i wonder how u could possibly say a thousand words to this post ;p
@ j
hmm yaa...though cant help wishing it was a lil more imbalanced with more towards the positive side :-/
awesome....i hav no words
hey doc.....if you worry so much per week - you might need therapy soon.....i like the pic....be happy dammit....
deemag pe itna zor mat dalo ke body bhi uska weight utha na sake ;)
no. just pri.
with the ya at the end of course.
@ alohomora
thanks dear :)
u not bloggin much these days?
hope to read more from u :)
@ ceedy
nahi re...apun ka ekich funda 'tension lene ka nahi dene ka ' ;p...heehee
aur aajkal dimaag per jor daal sakti hoon...meri weight badh jo gayi hain :(..toh body extra weight utha sakti hain :p
@ pri
okk...nice to have u drop by priya...:)
as for around blogsville, i can still address u as 'namesake' cant i??
will bloghop to your place soon...as soon as i can get rid of this dead-weight inertia (thanks to the extra kgs ive put on, even moving a finger on the mousepad makes me yawn..sigh!)
Like abhi i too wil also smile...bt my is a :D hehe...
Don't worrieess yous!
Everythings will falls in places...
and yous will be smilings todays.
take good cares, the weighing m/c is bad thats whys it shows so's.
hugzzzz's ;B
@ mad orchid
here's me grinning right back at u...:D
keep it on and pass it around dear...
take care!
@ veens
i hopes so toos dears...by the ways, thats a cutes styles of writings ;)
will visits yous soons ...
keeps bloggings! :p
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