please dont kill me if this sounds boring or if some of it dosent make much sense--the reason being i AM bored right now!
So here goes the tag
Instructions:Remove 1 question from below, and add in your personal question, make it a total of 20 questions, then tag 8 people in your list, list them out at the end of this post. Notify them in their chat box that he/she has been tagged.
1. Name Three Most Valuable Assets?
2. If you have the chance, what would you probably say to your beloved one?
i would probably decide when i have the chance...:)
3.something which made u laugh today (my question)
a very interesting discussion i had , the topic being 'ram dev baba' and his 'kapaalbhati' technique ...:D
4.Where is the place that you want to go the most?
as of now, HOME!! :)
5.If you can have 1 dream to come true, what would it be?
mmm tough one...lemme think..mmm...probably the dream of having all my prayers answered :) [i know i know...i AM smart!]
6.Till now, what is the moment that you regret the most?
well there are quite a few things i regret and i also regret the fact that i have so many regrets...but most of all i regret the time i trusted people wayy too much.........
7.What are you afraid to lose the most?
my mind...my heart...watever!
8.What would you do if you found a briefcase full of money?
leave it alone...seriously...call me superstitious or dumb or whatever...but i believe something which belongs to someone else can never be yours...it'll just mess everything up...
9.If you meet someone that you love, would you confess to him/her?
10.List out 3 good points of the person who tagged you.
---very humorous and fun loving
---knows how to chill in life
---is a good friend
11. What are the requirements that you wish from your other half?
well i dont have any criteria per se and i would expect the same from him...
12.Which type of person do you hate the most?
i hate everyone equally...
13.What is your ambition?
sounds like a 'junior KG' exam question...so here's a 'junior KG' answer---to be a good human being.duh!
14.What is the thing that will make you think someone is a bad person?
if he/she manages to hurt me..because im not hurt that easily...
15.Christmas is coming, who do you like to celebrate with?
u travelling back in time..its january dude...anyways considering this tag was created a long time back...i have celebrated it with the ones i wanted to celebrate it with :)...
16.If you could do one thing different in life, what would it be?
would live life RIGHT, right from the start...so that it leaves me with no regrets...
17.Are you a shopaholic or no?
not really...am more of a 'window shopaholic'...but at times a good shopping spree can serve as therapy--one helluva stressbuster...
18.What is your stress buster?
err i just mentioned...SHOPPING...
besides theres PAMPERING MY SWEET TOOTH...
19.What should be done to people who make such long tags..
they should be made to answer them first :-/
20.Do you have any plans for tomorrow?
mmmm..tomorrow?? lemme check...thursday??...NOPE!
ok now to pass on the tag torture...:p
---blog boy
*blush blush* thanx for the compliments...
neways i knw u were just being nice .. thts y u wrote such good things abt me.. liar liar :(
Tag executed.....
Thanks for tagging....
hmmm... another one to the kitty!! fair enuf will be done!!! but its so boring!!! honest....
Living life right from the start...how would you know what is exactly right then?Cause right and wrong change as our perspectives do as we mature,do not they?
Sorry for getting philosophical!Nice tag :)
@ abhishek khanna
oye!!u mean to say...u rnt that nice?? :-/
i forgot to mention--amazingly low self-onfidence..heehee
@ blogboy
cool..will check right away :)
@ sam
heehee...most tags are..take it up when u r bored...:D
@ sameera
point noted sameera...i thought i would be given that liberty as they mentioned 'differently'...so probably living differently would be living all right...
gawddd! i gotta stop...me's confusing myself now :-/
i was away all these days.
now im back to haunt your blog ;)
missed you..........
HHmm.. wonder what is more interesting, the tag or your answers ;)
12.Which type of person do you hate the most?
i hate everyone equally...
Now that speaks my mind too.
Thats WAS really LONG!
Lov n cheerz!
PS:- Did you get some ADSENSE money? update the people here regularly wil yu?! much appreciated it wud be ;)
hmmm this is almost a quickie...as in karne mein zyaada time nahi lagega...thanks for taggin me
lol @ 3, 5, 13
sweets...will do it soon :)
thanks for tagging me. But I recently did this tag myself and to my surprise, i tagged you too :) May be you didnt see it :)
haha and this tag comes to me 3rd time .....J and Raaji already did it and now the doc herself....ab to tag likhna hi padega!!!!!
ha ha ..nice post...good to knw abt the junior KG answers...lol
well well ..another tag completed with some great answers ... I jus think tht u have learned or mastered this art of question-answering .. hehe .. or have been questioned a lot lately :P ..
Answers to Question 8 is outstanding.:)
@ secret admirer
thanks...im flattered to know 'nostalgic moments' is admired and missed :)
@ j
hmm...wonder if that compliment was for the tag or me...:p
@ veens
heehee..yaa it was a pretty long tag...but pretty easy and quick to answer.try taking it up :)
and no..not a single dime yet..:-/
will definitely keep u guys updated..infact plannin to treat u'll when or arther IF i ever make my first blogger buck :D
@ vands
ur most welcome...waiting to read u :)
@ raaji
heyy ya i guessed i missed that one...
will check it out now :)
take care!
@ ashu
haan ab toh tum likh hi daalo...:D
now that ur back, hope to see a lot more and cheerful posts from u
take care!
@ maverick
lol!!...miss those junior kg days :(
@ mez
really??? lol! thanks dear :)
@ anuj
well a little of both anuj ...
and then the two are interdependent arnt they?? *grin*
@ sweetstickychewy
thanks dear...and it holds true for everything :)
1. Name Three Most Valuable Assets?
Over Here Character and Self respect has an adjoint set with interdependency they cant be separate entities so i guess self respect and character seems to be much nearer to synonym not the dictionary one , but for sure the sense of the adjectives
6.Till now, what is the moment that you regret the most?
well there are quite a few things i regret and i also regret the fact
that i have so many regrets...but most of all i regret the time i
trusted people way too much.........
When you regret your trust then for sure theres serious issues in self
belief for “Someone who trusts can never be betrayed, only mistaken.”
One doesn't Stop trusting his/her/it Eyes because it mis leaded you to see Mirage , You still have faith/trust in your eyes , Mirage is not a result of trusting the eye too much , but may be a result of ignorance towards the abstraction.
12.Which type of person do you hate the most?
i hate everyone equally...
Your Justice towards hate sounds more of communist patterns Like
Vehicle for everyone(Bicycle) whether hes prime minister or a Grass chopper , You would make a good leader in kerala /westbengal/ CharAna Republic with that kind of Equality ( " One Whose loved the most Holds potential to Hate the Most" - with no doubts you might have loved everyone equally in past or sometime of your life span)
14.What is the thing that will make you think someone is a bad person?
if he/she manages to hurt me..because im not hurt that easily...
Ur Bonding Equation Has Brownian's motion. (One Who can hurt badly is
not hurted easily)
19.What should be done to people who make such long tags..
they should be made to answer them first :-/
I Answered Them
@ Anonymous was Myself A Germ
A Germ
honeslty woman... u really epxect me ot do that??
btw, i see ur answers have been dissected.. nice and proper!! :D
@ the germ
self-respect may be a part of character.
but they still are two seperate entities..dictionary meaning or otherwise too.
As for u assuming certain things about pri, i wonder which of the two is right: either you know her too well or you dont know her at all
@ Germicide
You can close your eyes to things u don't want to see it,... but u cannot close your Mind/Heart to Tangible/ Intangible things which u don't want to Think/Feel it .. So i expressed my Mind/Heart out on the TAG , irrespective of whether i am a pundit of knowing/unknowing someone
A Germ
Haye u tagged me..chal thik hai chalo jitne utne ache...main TAG QUEEN hu hehe,wil execute it re...cnt promise when bt will 4 sure doc.. wont mke u wait longggg..promish :)
Love n hugs
Btw i just lovedddd the pic..itz cho chweet.... :))))))
@ germ
on the TAG or on the person who has answered the tag??
either u need to improve your language as i gather you are not as good in putting forth what u want to say or maybe u should get your mind cleared
buds,read your comment again.all u have done there is proved your stupidity. lol
@ pri
i wonder how can u tolerate such nonsense from some anonymous germ .
@ sam
lol sam...yess i do expect u to take up the tag :D
as for the dissection,they r just some scalpel slashes there... it dosent seem as clear..u gotta see carefully, and ull notice the mess ...lol!!
@ germicide
well theres a third category of ppl too germicide, those who THINK they know pri too well :p
thanks for taking my side...but chill!
these thngs dont affect me..
thats his perspective (about the tag or whatever)...so his probles :)
take care!
@ mads
yep mads, waiting to read u...
have fun tag queen! :D
hehehe! interesting read as always.. :) but im very wary of honoring such looong tags! :P
@ Germicide
Patience and diligence, like faith, remove mountains ~~~> All you had
is lost Patience, attacked Civilians, all u did was Being Faithful to your inertia. to be at rest or at constant motion unless acted upon unbalanced force.. Patience and perseverance have a magical effect before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish ~~>
@ Germicide <~~ mate u advised/commanded me to improve .. i have only my smile to add to it as~~> A smile is an inexpensive way to improve
... Do not speak unless you can improve the silence <~~ is what i
remember for the one who Tells/Advises/Commands me to improve
As far Language goes ~~> English has just 16 grammars to its credit... but has the flexibility of grass to fight the torrential
winds/storm/rains/any disaster that comes it way..u can speak it anyway... the reason why its
spoken so widely and accepted is that u don't need to remember grammar while communicating... so i accept i may be having wrong way of
communicating ... but definitaley not wrong language
“If you don't like my opinion of you, you can always improve” Mate
@ germicide I spoke in right spirits for you... ignore me henceforth if i don't meet ur communication nodes
... my recommendation would be
swallow 3 Pills of patience thrice an hour .. or call Lifeofpri for immediate assistance.
A Germ
Wot i see is a crack case out here!!
damn i am busy...am late to this party...
well executed doc....nice one and interesting (see i am so busy that i forget to be funny)
on a lighter note - was tagged for same by raaji - and i declined and am doing the same to you - too many personal questions i dont want to dwell into - atleast not on the blog - hopes you understands :)
Good one.
As to this one, What is your ambition?
sounds like a 'junior KG' exam question...so here's a 'junior KG' answer.
Tell you what, my first job interview had this question, my MBA entrance had this question, and surprise surprise, my most recent job interview in the 'placement week' as we call it, had this question as well! So...!
whenever I come back to your blog after a gap, I find a tag :D
cute one!
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