im suffering from a very chronic condition which has many a times put me in trouble...but dissapointing though it may sound, it is no longer under my control...and i have surrendered to it...
i just wait for the day when itll engulf me all and make me famous as the eternal fighter against ETD (excessive thinking disorder)...
copyrights solely belong to me and anyone who claims to have founded this disorder before i submit it to the international journal of psychiatric health will be sued...
people relating to the following signs and symptoms may contribute and will be given due credit in the journal...
so here is a brief account to assist people self-diagnose this condition and ask for help (which im not yet sure would it dint for me)
side note: all symptoms were NOT experienced by urs truly and some have been observed in cohorts of the same demented frequency...
and just for your information we are already considering therapy...thankyou!!..hmpf!
you know you are suffering from ETD when:
1)you start wondering too much about the if's and why's of life...
2)you start questioning the existence of god and his justice...
3)you start churning out more than 3 blogposts a day (most of which are unedited due to lack of time) and u still have a lot of things unexpressed...
4)your blog readers start dedicating classical songs to you hoping that it would calm your racing mind...(read 'ceedy'...READ! sigh!)
5)your folks start worrying about how you can talk for hours on the weirdest of topics asif uve been thinking about it all your life (when they are actually surprised how you find the time)
6)you go into long spells of silence all of a sudden scaring everyone that you are thinking again...
7)you look too deep into the slightest of matters until you start suffering from 'persecutory delusions' or 'paranoia' ...sigh!
8)you get upset if some reader dosent comment on your posts (read o'commenters who have mysteriously stopped commenting...READ!!) and start assuming what might have happened...
9)you have a history of going places (usually at a max distance of 5 kms from your home)without notice or contact and worry the hell out of everyone( dosent take much to worry my folks atleast *rolls her eyes*)
10)you have no idea how you are going to find some answers but still feel thinking would help...sigh!
11)the only questions you have, revolve around 'why?'...
12)even 'altaf raja' songs make you cry and im not talking about the way normal ppl do on hearing his songs :-/ know what i mean? "there must be a reason behind that sadness" kinda tears---yeah i know..a clear sign that you are definitely thinking too much...
13)you think you would be able to host 'we the people' better than 'barkha dutt'...why, you think you would run the country much better than 'pratibha patil' for that matter, if given a chance...sigh!!

14)you stay up all night worrying about everything from major world issues and corruption to ur dogs vaccine schedule and no!,even sleeping pills and 'counting sheep' dont do anything to help the insomnia...
15)you start laughing hysterically at some joke nobody found funny only to realise u hadent even heard it in the first place and gthen later to realise it wasent even a joke!..:-/
16)you watch those 'saas-bahu' tv soaps and start relating that dramatic life to urs .scene by scene...
17)you start imagining situations and start wallowing in self-pity after a breakup putting the one u are in love with in good light no matter how evil, scheming and ruthless he/she actually is (this is where the bollywood storylines help...u start imagining things like ur guy/girl has a dying grandmom who has emotionally blackmailed him/her into marrying someone else or sometimes even to the extent of imagining that he/she must be pretending to hate you/not like you because he/she wants you to hate him/her and move on...argghhh!! gimme a BREAK!!)
the thinking will only stop after you see him/her with spouse and chunnu-munnu enjoying the roller coaster ride at the amusement park while you still have to be dragged along by friends..aahh the perfect bollywood scene eh??
18)you stare at a blank screen for 2 hours at a stretch and stiil dont get bored...
19)you start counting the potholes instead of enjoying the ride...
20)when you keep feeling something is seriously wrong with you and start concocting up imaginary conditions to diagnose urself with (and being a doctor surely helps here...sigh!)
any takers?? anyone relates to this?? cmonnn!!dont shy away...join the 'thinkoholic united' club...
'TOGETHER WE CAN AND WE WILL MAKE A DIFFERENCE' *in suhaib ilyasi style* heehee
4)ur readers start dedicating classical songs to u hoping that it would calm your racing mind...(read 'ceedy'...READ! heehee)"
hehhhe oh man this was funny :D
nope not really...
the only thing i relate to is insomnia though i dont think abt anything specific
oh and also i notice the bikes on the road nowadays tryin to spot a specific kind...only coz it makes me happy
take care pri :)
Im suffering from many chronic conditions hun...some of which are not even specified in the books. LOL!
**you get upset if some reader dosent comment on your posts
really? best remedy for that wud be dont go to their blog too. LOL!
HUGS ur pretty 'normal' to me ;-)
oh u reached till 'why?' gud gud congrats!
we are on the same track, i m far far ahead than u tho :D
if u escape naa there is no relief like this!
if u start laughing at (seemingly?)
normal things people do then there is still more progress..
u think more thinking will help? naah...
read richard dawkins...might help :D!!
random thoughts.. Read nonsensical stuff like "I moved your cheese" or "The Catcher in the Rye".. And tell me if it helps... at least it should take your mind off the crying bit.. :o)
You are a doctor, wont argue with you on this, but temme one thing...
Isnt this real us???
Take Care
P.S. The post is up.
yes agreed ....
sometime it happens...
watss the cure doc?
@ rambler
*grin* was referring to that 'sing-a-song day' post when i said that :D
@ vandita
ur lucky then vands...
ETD could have a dangerous prognosis :-/
@ keshi
thanks for that dear...made me feel better :D
ohh and btw would love to hear ur maybe we could come up with a diagnosis then or rather coin a whole new condition :p
@ endevourme
sigh!! had reached a long long time back...the problem is im still stuck there...:-/
hmm richard dawkins?? correct me if im wrong but dosent he write about evolution and stuff...*confooosed*
dont think ive read any of his though im heard about him i guess...
@ rithish
ohh ive been through that 'self help book phase' thing a long time back...
have read both in that series 'who moved my cheese?' as well as 'i moved ur cheese' :D
but what i know is they take ur mind off things only for that period of time ur reading them...sigh!!
once ur through, the questions come rushing back to u...
ok maybe im guilty of being a bit too stubborn too...:-/
@ ankur
there is no denying that...maybe subconciously thats all we thinking about even when we seem to show otherwise...
as for me, like ive said before
'i think therefore i am' *grin*
but sometimes all that overthinking does exhaust me out :-/
@ blogboy
unfortunately when it comes to AIDS and ETD (excessive thinking disorder), there is no complete cure discovered yet...
will let u know as soon as i find one :p
also I came here again to tell ya that I suffer from the most severe form of this disease...and that is she has nothing else to think abt anymore cos she has thought abt everything that there ever was!
yes Im brain-dead.
May be all that think exhaust me(not only u), still i m a human coz of dis trait of mine. yes, i do know tat thinkin can be dangerous at times, still didnt get out of her thoughts is one example..
I dont know, it is good ir bad to think so much, but yes, i do think a lot, while driving, sleeping, watchin, reading, eating... give me a cure doctor.. tell me some medicine..
i wish u wont say that only god can help me now.. :(
P.S. can only manage to impress one more, who???
and when u say we r more emotionally strong, then dont judge urself by the plethora of tears in ur eyes, we r less strong coz of the fact we hide those, and we cry in our rooms, inside and never get out of it.
@ keshi
lol!! no no..never give up on that dearie...the 'thinkoholics united' will always come up with new things to think about :p
dont lose hope just as yet! ;)
@ ankur
///do know tat thinkin can be dangerous at times, still didnt get out of her thoughts is one example..///
i understand...we all tend to get pretty stuck onto that note :)
///dont know, it is good ir bad to think so much///
sometimes other times not :)
sorry no cure for that buddy...will surely update u if i manage to find one *grin*
ohh as for the P.S part (in reference to ur post) i meant..."can only manage to impress one, more" ...guess a small punctuation can make a huge difference :p
as for the emotionally weak/strong quality, i dont think i would be naive enough to determine that only on the basis of tears shed...:)
take care!!
ya dats rite he writes abt evolution
but i read 'devils chaplain', dats a collection of essays...he has written about'mental viruses'hehe
nice chapters those are...
and of course i read a lot abt 'psychology' too...i shed a lot of mental burdens...
anyways...its not must to read this in fact...but reading just conforms ur thoughts...thats what my latest post was abt naa
actually...for me i dont know...a lot of things happened...i did so many things and my mind started they show in sci-fi movies naa...dead ppl waking up? something like that...
mother nature is great da, she created us so strong..
sorry..long comment...dont mind haa :D!!
lolzz could relate to many of them. Does it mean i have this disorder if i do not aply all the points??
Btw what a coincidence v- the status message on my gtalk these days is "Thinking...... 39% complete" :D
@ endevourme
hmm will surely try to catch up with that book...
agree we all have our natural defence mechanisms inbuilt within us :)
no problem at all about the length of the long as u leave nothing unexpressed, the length dosent matter at all..its always a pleasure to read thoughts :)
@ lena
i think u havent read the side note at the start of the post dear :)
u dont need to show all the symptoms...having 5 or more would be enough to diagnose u as a patient of ETD ...heehee..i myself have a moderate degree trying to save myself from reaching the 'severe' form of it :D
also there could be more symptoms i havent noticed yet ;)
ahh.. for a change I feel so good not fitting into the criterion mentioned ;)
Oh, you've got mail. the freebie.. or something like it.
oh I have been suffering since long long ..since ages i suppose .. evrytime i discuss things wid someone n tell thm the whole disected stry n my resons and my thinkings over thm .. all thy can come up to say is 'you think too much' ..
I guess I have already been crowned .. nd its bad .. bad bad bad .. cause in tht case its like .. nething I do .. I think a lot bfr tht ..n there are certains things in life whr u shdnt think n jus do it .. be it gud or bad .. jus do it .. like Nike ..
but I guess d head up above is a big messy pot which keeps on overflowing .. gaawd .. I need some help ..
There's it .. Hi-Five !!
thats it no more songs for you....;)
well you are only in the one dimensions phase of ETC "why" - lemme add few more
"where" "when" "how"
also dont forget the "jlto" syndrome (someone asks you an explanation for your indepth useless efforts and you simple shrug (in your case roll your eyes) and say Just Like That Only....
also another cult is HBI's where the impatients move from one idea to the other - it is Half Baked Idea's - cause brain thinks faster than it can comprehend.....
wish people with ETD get alzeimers so that they are slow and can think normal...LOL
My only very evident symptom is THINKING 24/7. LOL!
@ j
heyy thanks soo much for the freebie :D...jus checked my mail...will reply to u on there as soon as i check it out :)
aww its a pity u dont relate to any of those symptoms...i was hoping i'd be having company :p
@ anuj
well with me its often like thinking too much when i dont need to and not thinking at all in situations i probably need to...rather i think too much mostly when i can do nothing else about it :(
anyways welcome to 'thinkoholics united' *grins and give anuj a Hi-Five*
@ ceedy
ohh about the music, it did serve its objective to some extent ;) i still thankyou for that...
another cult to ur classification is 'PSOHJ'---pathetic sense of humour jokers...
these are people who crack jokes which usually only they find funny and are quite capable of hurting ppl by wishing them unwell as part of the punch line...
wish these people someday get a taste of their own medicine so that they know what it feels like and!
@ keshi
haha thats not the symptom but the entire condition itsself...
diagnosis confirmed ;)
u will be sent a formal invitation to the 'thinkoholics united'...haha!!
are you by any chance eluding to my SOH ./.
@ ceedy
now whatever makes u think that???
btw the last part of the reply was entirely based on those lines(for special effects)...u r good at picking up hints arnt u??lol!!
ohhhh people have tried and tried to give me that medicine...
but i am a virus that is tough to budge...
hints, well....from now on no more PJ's for you....dats for sure.....
@ ceedy
yeah thats better!...atleast not first thing in the morning (that is if u planning to survive long on this planet);)
its still 9.20 here *yawn*...
lol yes thats the symptom as well as the disease!
**'thinkoholics united'
haha good one! but Im afraid we wont be able to chat and socialise at this occasion cos we'll all be busy THINKING. lol!
dont worry doc, you have me in your company for most part of te times 2 come.
example : a flight to catch tomorrow to home from >> and its gonna snow there hugely tomorrow till the evening and i m goin mad thinking how d i get to the airport amidst 10 inches of snow :(
I think I'm better off in the non-thinker category!!! :P
There are psychologists out here on blogger if you need some help doc :) Let me know and I can recommend one .. though she may already be reading your blog!
kai ga bai..itkaa kashala vichar karte?? :0) too much thinking is hazardous to health
me too.. me too :)
@ keshi
lol!! keshi...i agree...
maybe we could come up with a 'thinking timetable' ;)
@ ashu
join the club ashu haha...the more of us the merrier...sansar ko sudharne chale hain hum ;)
ohh and i wont say 'dont think' about the situation (as thats against the rules) but yaa try not to worry :)
take care!
@ sam
believe me sam, u are...
duniya ka bhoj uthane hum akele hi theek hain :p
@ cosmicjoy
lol!! yess she does cosmic, if its sneha we are talking about...
and yaa she's the first person i'l speak to if i cant manage to deal with it by myself :D
most of the times, i get along...yeah as the song goes, 'with a lil help from my friends' :)
hail thinkoholics united!!!
@ aarti
hmm thanks for reminding me aartu :)
@ rohit
what can i say??
all great minds think alike :D
apparently, just a transitional phase... ;) wait for a few months and thou shalt be the same old but more practical!
@ g
this so called transitional phase has been strangely lasting too long...seems ive always been this way...dunno if thats good or bad...*am cofooosed*
as i said earlier , i think...therefore i am!! :p
hehe.. that's the condition of all mortals who have been through serious education in their lives but like i said, i believe one just becomes more discerning/pragmatic eventually.. ofcourse you can't stop thinking!
@ g
lol!! i agree...
like they say---'i was born ruined me' :p
your posts are good, btw! :)
GOD! Pri how do you come up with all this? I think we sould all go and consult Solitare... we will all be her "again first patient " hahaha!
i join yur club honey..
I will mail u.
@ g
thankyou :)
@ veens
somehow i had already counted u in veens ;)
we gonna help solitaire gather a lotta moolah!! :D
Guess this is telepathy :D
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