well with the objective much attained, a few still thought that they were supposed to know me real well and only then dedicate a song for me...but thats okay too :)
anyways for those who did give me a chance to appreciate or laugh at (heehee) ur choice of music,i couldent say thanku in a better way than this...
so here is the 'chocolate surprise' as promised ...(ok ok i know, for once u just wished this wasent a virtual world out here right?? *grin*)

i tried to pick up a favourite but just couldent because it dint seem fair...afterall as i said earlier we all have our choices and i respect each one of urs :)
each song had some fav element...and it was also tough to select the one which had the combination of all (yeah just like ppl, the 'perfect' song isnt even made yet i guess)...neverthless what we like today could be something we hate tomorrow and with a labile mood like mine, its tough to label 'favs'...
but then again, isnt it the same with everyone?...dosent the 'state of mind' we are in, determine to a large extent the type of music we enjoy (not always though)...
what we find utterly sensitive today could seem dramatic tomorrow..sigh!!
what we find heartwreching today could seem artificial and fake tomorrow...
what we found romantic yesterday could seem irritating today...
so that leaves me unfit to choose a fav...or rather i would put it as, i liked them all each for their own special reason...
so at the cost of looking 'diplomatically correct',(though believe me i had no intentions to but am afraid it might sound that way to some)i hereby further dissect the dedications for the quality i admired in each...
--->'kahin door jab din dhal jaye' from rambler----for its sereneness and tranquility, this song has always managed to bring a tear to the eye...just like the movie 'anand' :)
--->'goa raum psychedelic' from j----trance manages to take me into another world..and love it for that...
--->'bol halke halke' from chakoli---brings about an air of romance with a whiff of fantasy :)
--->'na hain yeh paana' from chandni---ive always believed in 'love is another word for sacrifice'..and this song beautifully depicts the immortality of love...
--->'raat kali ek khwab mein aayi' from blogboy---ahh! those soulful melodies of that golden era...what more can i say :)
--->'irony' from ub---hadent heard this one before...loved it for its lyrics :)..though the music is a bit too strong for me...
--->'mausam ke sargam ko sun' from cosmic joy---for it brings with it the magic of the monsoons even when its not raining :)
--->'nasha yeh pyaar ka nasha' from adi---like it for its hep and jovial spirit and maybe im a bit biased because of the memories that movie brings :)...
---> 'friends never say goodbye' from raaji---for something i could never express the way i wanted to :)
--->'bridge over troubled waters' from anuj---because ive heard it hundred times and over and it has the same magic as 'sounds of silence' and 'homeward bound'...sigh!S&G continues to be an alltime fav...
--->'ding dong' and' dafli wale' by ashu---err im afraid not exactly my type...but anyways...if they make u happy they are worth listening...
as for 'geet gaata hun main' by ashu---LOVE that song because no matter what it always manages to get a smile on my face :)
--->'chodo na mujhe yun' from abhishek khanna---this used to be my fav once upon a time (those 'im-a-die-hard-romantic' days..lol!)...but still like it especially for the wonderful humming effect it brings about...:)
--->'song for a friend' from veens---for trying to build in me the confidence that i gotta love myself first...very inspiring and optimistic indeed :)
--->'aye kaash ki hum ab hosh mein aane na paye' from vrij---for it has done full justice to the fact that love is but a utopian state but when in it, we just dont want to get real..:)
--->'we never change' from illusion---for stating something which is very true so frankly :)
--->'aye zindagi gale lagale' from mez---heehee for winning me first place in the intercollegiate event i had sung it at...*blush* (oyee!!i wasent the only participant if thats what ur thinkin :-/)
--->'the rembrands' from sam---for reminding me what friends (and im not talking bout the series here which also happened to be my fav)are all about...:)
--->'first day of the rest of ur life' from vands---for reminding me of that first day of the rest of my life...:)
--->'tujhse naraaz nahi zindagi' from kp---for fitting my life in words...:)
--->'soundscapes-music of the desert' from ceedy---for introducing me to a different kind of music which i wasent aware would impress me so much...very soothing indeed...
--->'lady my sweet lady' and 'aaj jane ki zid na karo' from ankur---esp the latter which is very close to me...love it for the subtle yet heartwrenching lyrics...but love the original (by 'farida khanum') better than the 'asha bhosale' version as the latter adds a twang of sensational voice and music quality to it and in my opinion spoils the very essence of the song...
--->'woh subah kabhi toh ayegi' by angry agnostic--- for the ray of hope it tried to evoke yet somehow leaving me with a weird feeling...
so i guess that explains why it was so tough picking up a winner eh? (the last 3 being latecomers are recently introduced, so please feel free to share the chocs *grin*..ohh i can see 'veens' making faces :p)
now for my part of the promise and since there is no 'one' winner, i would dedicate this song to all u people in blogsville who have always managed to come around here and knowingly or unknowingly made 'nostalgic moments' a more beautiful place and pri a wiser, stronger and better person :)
so here is my dedication...
Beacauze we love you for the wonderful person that you are.
Much love
wonderful gesture sweeeeeeeeeeet doccie!!!!!!!!!!!
damn...and i did not even dedicate....doc please slow down your posts or get a job....
i cant keep up wid you pace....
well honestly....instead of a song - i will dedicate this album by Zakir Hussain - called Soundscapes Music of the Desert.....when ones mind races a lot - one needs this serene music....
here is the link - listen n let m know
I must have listend to this dunno how many times - owned a cassette, then few cds - then mp3 and now online :P
@ mez
thanks dear...
the feeling is mutual :)
@ ashu
ohh ashu...couldent help it...te dedications were just too sweet :)
@ ceedy
ohh sorry bout that ceedy...thought u were busy and forgot to comment :)
heehee and dont be so sure..no matter how busy i would always find time to update...so check out the space every coupla days :D
as for the music,raaga.com dosent seem to wrok for me...
tried googling it up but no luck...
could u send me a download link so that i can listen to it and update the post too :)
would love to hear ur choice of music...
ohh and last but not the least ceedy, a mind which races a lot faces a lot :)
take care!
so many wonderful songs right, like you said choosing one would be so difficult :)
hehe... nice post..
but my vote goes to..
1) Lady, My Sweet Lady - John Denver
2) Aaj Jaane ki jid na karo - Jagjit Singh & Asha Bhonsale
wat say guys...
verr diplomatic indeed...
but the virtual chocolate gift is such a killer!! er!! we r disappointed we have to share it with so many other people~~
but nevertheless.. its so sweet of you! u made my day .. mvaahhh!!
And I had a verr big confusion b/w this and the one Sam dedicated :)
Well I m glad i dedicated this aneways :)
i can't hear teh song.. for it doesn't play at my end... now when will you learn to put up the name of your song??? :x
Hey am late to the party I guess, but anyways here goes a lovely song. 2 people in love pondering the bigger issues in hope. If the imagery, lyrics and mukesh's haunting voice doesnt get under your skin you can lynch me down
You can also check out the other songs from the same movie(phir subah hogi) all goodd...
Quite diplomatic it seems.. But looks like you won yourself a freebie. ;)
What is it? Wait and watch :D
Thanks for the virtual chocs!
And sometimes you should not be so diplomatic or fair/balanced .. you can never make everyone happy all the time :)
thanx for the song doc
@ cosmic joy
well cosmic, thats what life is famous for--(not being fair or not making everyone happy)..and u know my neverending arguement with life ..lol!!
agar mere bas mein hota, toh main sabko unki khoyi khushiyan wapas kar deti...:)
@ phoenix
well i know its well deserved dear :)
@ chandni
*smiles right back at u* :)
@ rambler
u bet! its a difficult choice...
@ ankur
aww..u a lil late...neways those are wonderful songs...will surely update :)
@ veens
well the virtual killers was the least i could get across ;)
buy urself a big real box of chocolates from me for being soo sweet :D
ohh and loved ur dedication...
@ sam
u and ur good-for-nothing company...hmpf!!
it does make sure u guys are not whiling away ur time surfing the net for songs and entertainment eh??
those poor guys dont know about the blog hopping yet eh? ;)
neways the song i dedicated to all of you blogsville is 'because u loved me' by celine dion...
ull sure made the journey interesting! :)
@ angry agnostic
ohh better late than never...its been a real long time neways...
and yess the song is beautiful! :)
well havent heard all the songs from this movie but do like this one and also 'aasman mein hain khuda'...
this track definitely tries to evoke hope which i dont know if is a good thing or bad because from what ive learnt in life , dreams when crashed can destroy u completely and no song in the world would ever be able to gather the broken pieces...
thanks for the dedication neverthless...will surely update...
@ j
hmmm now u got me all curious j *raises an eyebrow*
I am really sorry.. but i m bad at time management... :)
still thanks a lot for giving an ear to my request.
heheh.. i m sorry.. so so sorry.. i shld have known this by now.. guess m lossin my ppl readin skills too :P
jokes apart.. very true. Farida Khakum's voice has a tinge of nasal, which suits the song. :)
Still there are many songs one can vote for. Pri(dont know ur name, forgive me), i guess this is the most difficult of the tasks u hv taken on ur shoulders. heheeh...
I can name 2 more today.
1) kabhi kabhi... from kabhi kabhi
2) o hansini.. meri hansini sung by kishore kumar.
guess the difficult times are yet to come. :P
how abt
:A Song for all lovers" by John Denver again... :D
@ ankur
well yes ankur..its tough to choose a fav...because when it comes to songs i will always manage to find out some good thing about every song except for some which are really the fully faltu or altaf raja types ;P
but if u really want to know my choice, u would know it from the songs which are usually playing on my blog :)...
@Priyanka (now i noticed) :D
Definitely, and currently m listening only to sad songs.. as mentioned in the sizzling effects of breakups by mez... :P so my brain is to recover the good romantic melodies.. there r some bad sectors i gues there in the hard disk of my brain. :P
but yes celiane dion is 1 u like..
will take time to kno wat kinda music u really like to listen to.. and one more thing...
every1 mentioned his/her fav song.. wheres ur choice.. guess it will enable knowing ur choice betta..
and yes.. even i deserve a chocolate now.. and yes we r talkin in a virtual world..but living in real.. and i believe in reality.. :P
so.. waiting for the real piece of goddies.. :D
hmm i can understand...we all have those phases and guess we just have to wait to snap out of them :)
besides the 'not-so-happy' tunes are the one which are more real anyways...
ohh and as for my choice, i wasent speaking about celine dion when i said that...i was referring to the songs playing on my blog (which is currently switched off)and most often in my posts too...
u being a recent visitor might not be aware of it :)
btw its more of a surreal world here isnt it??
ok ok that was just an excuse for the virtual chocs..:D
Thanks Doc. I will take the caramel-peanut chocolate in the center!
Ahem... it will take eternity :)
and yes.. i find peace in the not-so-happy melodies. The soothing ones.
Yes.. m new.. to this world in d way of knowing it betta.. m tryin of getting out of my surreal world.
always loved to read so here i m..
excuses are paid.. but not always.. :P
yayie i love "because u love me"
and im featured in this post...now me is really happy...thanchew pri:)
@ ub
haha...sure sure ub...its all urs :D
@ ankur
i know what u mean ankur :)
we all try to get out of our surreal worlds and learn to face reality...but there comes a time in life when u get soo real that u yearn to believe juss a lil off that surreal world...
so enjoy it while ur there...
all the best to u buddy...
take care! :)
@ vands
ur most welcome vands...loved ur dedication :)
thanks Doc for choclate!
well I had my name twice there ..
so each one can guess who was the 'Defaulter' :D ..hehe
nd thts a top procrastination ..turning comnt replies in to a post .. hehe ...jus kiddin
cheese ;) ..enjy d music !!
Thanks :)
u know i always felt such things do exist.. :P
bizzare... ;)
m tryin to enjoy but the enjoyment is not enjoyin me i guess... :P
waise i can think of one more song here... not for incorporating it though :P
Tanhai... from Dil chahta hai.. :D
Take Care
Gud Day!!!
P.S. -> How do u manage with work??? :P
@ kp
well thats the least i could do...the limitations of the virtual world u see :D
@ anuj
haha bery phunny anuj!:D
and about the procrastination bit...err..no comments! :-/
@ ankur
was on a break for some time..but guess ive learnt to balance things now...
btw thats a nice song there 'tanhai'...but then again DCH does give an answer to that as well i guess thru 'jaane kyon log pyaar karte hain' :P
but on a serious note, again its better to have loved and lost then to have never loved at all... :)
take care!
I never thought that i'd be able to make the "chosen ones"..hehe:)
I am glad you liked the track..thanks for the virtual chocolates & for the dedication..much appreciated:)
@ illusion
oh yes ..sure i did...thanks to u too :)
Then there is another one from DCH.. the title one... dil chahta hai, kabhi na beetain...
hehhe.. but ...
anyways.. i certainly agree.. its better to love than not to.. it was amazing n even d memories r beautiful...
well.. i was also so busy in nothing tat did not get ne time to put my thoughts forward.. but now i believe i m here to stay.. heheh..
now to mention another one from RHTDM... sach keh raha hai deewana.. :D
Take Care Buddy .. (of ur patients too ;) )
P.S. wat kinda doc u r??? :P
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