I was tagged by ceedy and then by veens for the same tag...and though i dunno if i have done full justice to the tag,(because i know i could have written a lot more to explain myself better..but then u would complain i write too much..hmpf!!)yet i guess i have fairly put enough of my views forth on here...:)
my apologies to both ceedy and veens for neglecting it for soo long and letting it lie gathering dust...
so without further adieu, here i go:
1) It is important to be liked by others...
well, there was a point in life when i thought this to be very important...i wanted everyone to like me..and so tried to be nice to everyone..sometimes much more than what was required...
it was only later that i realised that i was probably, in the process not being entirely myself all the time...probably i was too worried about maintaining an image...an image i had built...an aura of niceness all around me...and it was only when i started feeling suffocated that i realised it was probably getting too much...
was i losing my identity in this 'niceness' game?? was i pretending to agree with some views which were never my own?? and why was i doing that? just to be liked by everyone??
I also realised that i was being dishonest (although in a harmless way)when i let everyone believe i agreed with them,sometimes even over things i dint, and i would end up hurting them eventually by speaking my mind out when things got too far...
yes it was a painful realisation (as most are) but then things changed...
thats when i understood the meaning of "i'd rather be hated for what i am than be loved for what im not" and started abiding by it...
its true that being liked by everyone is a nice feeling but 'not being yourself' for the same is definitely not worth it...
afterall in the end, u know uve lived ur life right when u can meet eye to eye with the one in the mirror and say 'well done' :)
2) Obedience is a virtue:
hmm that depends...it might not be always the case...
I believe one knows best and obeying someone is probably accepting that he/she knows better than u...im not saying this is wrong...if it feels right , it probably is...
like many a times , we have felt that our parents/seniors/friends/enemies et al are right on a particular point...thats when our 'i accept' button gets activated by default...but sometimes we choose to ignore it...
in my opinion, we should think for ourselves (NEVER let anyone else do the thinking for u)and if it feels right, then go ahead and agree wholeheartedly...
but if it dosent, then one has every right to defy...
just look into ur heart and ul'l get all the answers...:)
3) People are not malicious but they become so because of bad experiences or circumstances:
well...i dunno what to say...again this view of mine has changed over time...
When i was younger, i used to feel that 'nobody changes'..if ur bad, you are...period!!
but then life has, at many points shown me the other side too...ive seen people changing drastically after setbacks...
bitter experiences or bad circumstances can definitely bring about changes in the persons personality but i still believe they can never be permanent...
there are times when u are soo angry with life that u kinda want to follow the 'do unto others what others have done unto u' philosophy...but as time passes, u realise u just cant afford to carry on that way because it isnt u!!
u are being bitter and probably (in the worst situation) u would always be but u dont have any right to vent it out on someone who isnt responsible for it...and if u continue doing that, the circle will never end and probably someday it would stop at u again...
so its better to learn from our experiences and setbacks than adopt a negative attitude just to get even...and the question is? even with whom?? life...fate ...destiny?? hah! as if it cares!!
4) Education broadens our view and makes people more humane:
hmm i believe the world is this vast sea of knowledge and taking a plunge definitely helps to understand it better...
education should definitely be given due credit because it does help broaden our views...it helps by transferring great minds and their thoughts through books and works...we are able to understand different viewpoints on common topics which we wouldent have been as exposed to otherwise...i agree..i agree with it all...
but does it make people more humane???
if u mean more 'civilised', then i would probably agree with u again...
but does 'humane' mean just 'civilised'...i beg to differ...
5) People who have no money troubles are happier:
lol!! thats the most ridiculous thing ive ever heard...
i guess i dont need to explain my view further...huh??

6) As people get older they get wiser:
well i would like to believe that...but sometimes jus cant *rolling her eyes*
ok sorry...on a serious note, i would give an older person some extra credit because life definitely teaches u a few things along the way, whether u want it to or not...besides there is the concept of more 'textbook learning years' as well (though after a point the latter dosent matter)...
but ONLY if the person is wise enough to learn from his mistakes or smart enough to learn from those of others around him, would he be a little better than others who are chronologically less mature than him...
otherwise as tom wilson said, Wisdom doesn't necessarily come with age. Sometimes age just shows up all by itself...
At the same time i wouldent snub someone just because he/she is young and must have not seen as much of the world as i have...nor would i underestimate their capacity ...because im aware that life dosent always offer u experiences after asking u ur age :)
some people just 'face young'...'learn young'...'grow up young'!!
7) You can live on love and fresh air:
where there is love, there is a will (not the legal 'will' u idiot!..hmpf!!)...and where there is a will, there is a way...
so u can work out the rest...but only if u r as crazy as me :p
On a little more realistic note,arnt we all living on just that?
love for our ambition makes us work harder...
love for success makes us aim higher...
love for ourselves/loved ones make us live happier...
so in a way, arnt we all living on love?? and ohh fresh air comes as a free package..*grin*
and its not all that bad...we living pretty fine arnt we?? ;)
8) There is a celestial guardian angel looking after each one of us:
sometimes i do so want to believe that things could turn right with the wave of a magic wand...i do want to believe that there is some 'fairygodmother' out there looking for me and all i have to do is keep a pumpkin and two rats ready...sigh!!
nah! dont get me wrong...there is no harm in dreaming but if u believe in guardian angels , u gotta believe in evil forces, trolls, dragons and goblins as well...and i think il'l better stay away from all that lest it throws me into a fairytale and i have problems coming back...:-/

and considering my shoe size, the prince could very well walk away with even 'godzilla' wearing the glass slipper...*looks at her big feet and sobs uncontrollably*
i do believe in a stronger force though which i depend upon at times...especially when it comes to things i know i cant do anything about...and many a times this force has pulled me through and im thankful! :)
9) All living beings reincarnate:
hmmmmm...u mean to say there is something more to those flashes i keep getting than just overactive imagination??? *scratches her chin*
when in school,i used to often scare my friends and family saying that i would reincarnate and come back in the same house and school...(they couldent and still cant stand the thought of having to tolerate me in another life.*rolls her eyes*)...
This weird fantasy of mine was further encouraged by those bollywood blockbusters back then when the girl would die and come back reincarnated to marry her true love and give the story a happy ending...
i remember dreaming along the same lines till one day i researched further into the topic and was brutally told by a friend that u cant really make sure of what form ul'l be born as in the next life and that u may be anyone/thing...like a animal, rodent, vegetable, bird,inanimate object ...anything at all!!
on hearing this i went into denial but then read the same thing in a book (gifted by the same evil friend after knowing my passion for the topic)...
From that day i stopped believing in reincarnation...or rather avoid thinking about it...hmpf!! who would want to come as a carrot in another life? :-/
10) Heaven and Hell are places you go to after death:
ohh really??...do they take reservations???..i dont like standing too long at gates u know ...*throws attitude*
PHEW!! that was long...but now im not as bored anymore...cant say the same about u guys though..heehee
so i wont torture u anymore...anyone who wants to take up this tag is free to do so...dont forget to drop me the link...would love to read :)
i differ on the luv point :D
strangely i cudnt disagree on 95% of the post!!!
oh gawd,,m i agreeing cause i want to...or really all this is making real sense to me?
that was really really long but the best answers anyone can give to the tag :) i presonally loved number 7 :P
hey Pri no worries...ur ans was SUPERB so u were a winner from the moment I saw ur answer :) btw put ur comment in my new post plz...cos I think u put it in the last post :) tnxx hun!
now to ur tag...great qns here.
And u answered really well Pri.
**well i would like to believe that...but sometimes jus cant *rolling her eyes*
LOL! I can u'stand how u feel abt that one.
**i dont like standing too long at gates u know
hehehe me neither..when I get there, they better open em soon cos Im going in style in my Merc and I hate waiting ;-)
wow ..tht was quite a 'gyan' on life ;)
come check out my famousness LOL!
lol..nice post..liked the last answer ...we have reservation everywhere :D
@ endevourme
i knew that was coming...afterall not everyone can be as crazy as me :D
hmm about the latter part of ur comment, now u gotta decide which of that is true...
@ divya
thanks divs...and about no.7, i knew i could count on u for being as crazy as me...heehee
@ keshi
u said it keshi!! :D
ohh and im glad u liked my interpretation to the song on ur blog...
ohh and i did check out ur latest post...keshi's way to stardom...u rock babes!! ;)
@ anuj
yeah..i decided to offer some for a change...
only asking questions all the time can be boring...
u gotta answer too sometimes :D
@ maverick
yeah but mind u ...i meant just the kind based on merit...
rather the kind which dont make u wait outside a restaurant for ages and u keep oggling at ppl hogging away just so that they may feel embarrassed and hurry up :p
haha.. seems u wrote this tag 15 years ago :D
I went through the brutal task of doing this tag too!! But I just got done with a worse one!!
Pri ans the polls on my blog n leave ur comment for my latest post.
u do love to go on and on and on, don't you?? you incorrigible chatterbox!!
afterall in the end, u know uve lived ur life right when u can meet eye to eye with the one in the mirror and say 'well done' :)
i couldnt agree more
i think we both think as two different things na. waise I m glad yu put it this ay! I have something to think abt now
u know my views right!
education and money perfect
Wisdom doesn't necessarily come with age. Sometimes age just shows up all by itself...
loved this, i think it applies to me :D
7. :P
the prince could very well walk away with even 'godzilla' wearing the glass slipper...*looks at her big feet and sobs uncontrollably*
well your feet wont be as disfigured as mine would it ?
and be always thankfull dear!
it helps :) in yur beliefs!
who would want to come as a carrot in another life?
--> carcked me up big time hehhehe!
me also throws "attitudes" and says.. hmm fine it was ok.. not ad at all"
hehehhe! no way it was too long.. but well u did it so well! i m glad i tagged yu/.
and then better late than never :)
big time long answer i guess ;)
chalo.. i give yu doses of my comments!
dnt faint.. it is the same veens ;)
doc apologies meets with apologies...and thanks meets gratitude......ahaaa what a meeting
(sorry i cant live w/o craking pj's - what i will do to assist you is include them in brackets - you can then ignore them - deal)
well you have written with your heart - so honestly i will read it when i have time - just dont want to breeze thru it...so will comment tonight :)
@ abhishek khanna
lol!! now now u know i always have soo much to say :D
@ solitaire
ohh...will surely drop by to read it :D
have u put this one up on ur blog yet??
@ mez
yeps..done that already...
nice idea that u came up with btw..u sure want to keep up the 'love spirit' of the valentine month in the air dont u?? :p
@ sam
yes and i guess nothing can be done about it...
ppl who have tried to hush me down have given up hopes and joined me themselves...heehee
@ veens
welcome back veens...its greaat to see u again :D
and yaa that was a very cool dissection of the tag...me likeee! ;)
@ ceedy
haha knowing u would have to try soo much, i wouldent want u to burden urself with the cumbersome task of segregating them with brackets et al...
so no worries...have pretty much learnt to enjoy them myself now..
and soon il'l be following the 'if u cant change them,join them' philosophy ..sigh!!
heyy and i really appreciate that...
most ppl i know, would have freaked out after seeing the length of the post itsself and either gone away without reading or just yawned and typed in a 'nice tag' comment :D
i dont blame them though...i can be pretty boring! (this is where ur supposed to go "no no ofcourse not")..
heehee see, i toldya, its brushing onto me ;p
Being nice to people - Yeah, I had troubles with that too! And its a lot better being myself.. I guess i realized it that if people had to really like you, they would for what you are! It resonated when I realized that I had reached a point where it felt like fawning around worthless people..
Btw, nice posts.. nice topics raised there..
Quite an insightful tag eh?? Let me know if they take reservations ;)
And why the :( ?
mom just sent me their wedding anniversary photos today........
and oye hoye! someone is looking very beautiful in a blue saree :)
have emailed them to u just in case u still havent seen them...
i have seen them over a dozen time and now feeling guilty that i missed it :(
@ candid confessions
thankyou :) nice of u to drop by here...
ohh as for the earlier part of the comment i agree with u totally ...
take care!!
@ j
haha definitely i will, provided they have free internet up there...err..or maybe down there :p
@ dhee
u deserve to feel guilty...aunty and uncle were pretty bugged u dint even call to wish them...
neways aartu had emailed me the pics a long time back...
and the saree thing was entirely her idea because she needed company...:-/
This was really good. Love it
that was longgggggggg but i loved to read :D
and i guess your loved ones dont like the idea of your reincarnation as they are not sure they would reincarnate exactly the same way :D
And you reminded me i have to do the same tag as well as yours too and some more.. huh!!
You were asked for blah blah tag na.. then y did u come out with a Gyan thing, u r cheater... :P
haa... u dont belive now its important to be liked by others, kidding me... u urself took up this tag coz ceedy and veens tagged u, isnt it? So to maintain the image u r doing this.. right?
n when it comes to experience, ask me, its not enough, never.
do agree on u with
///but does 'humane' mean just 'civilised'...i beg to differ...///
//people who have no money troubles are happier///
u again missed a punctuation mark. :P
it took me hell lot of time to understand what u could have meant... and yes u r right eventually. it isnt true.
as ppl grow older they get wiser and richer too, i guess my baldness is the reason. :D
You can live on love, but its the one which can also take away all the fresh air from u. No arguments though :)
///There is a celestial guardian angel looking after each one of us:///
y cant it be the male angel, y always a female. :P
///All living beings reincarnate:///
Carrot is not a form of reincarnation, read some vedas. :P
///Heaven and Hell are places you go to after death:///
oh and a girl with that much attitude believes she is going to die ever??? i guess no.. not.. never :P
hehheeh... only u cant be good at blah blah.. :D
P.S. I believe if i would have been in front of u, a big kick on my back was the answer to this :P
@ la vida loca
thanks dear :)
@ lena
heehee ok il'l try to believe that..though i have a feeling that they are fed up of tolerating my nonsense :p
ohh and u better get about doing those tags...
eager to read ur thoughts :)
@ ankur
///You were asked for blah blah tag na.. then y did u come out with a Gyan thing, u r cheater...///
well i cant help it...gyaan is a part of my blah blah ;)
afterall they dont call me 'the wise one' for nothing.ahem!!
///u dont belive now its important to be liked by others, kidding me... u urself took up this tag coz ceedy and veens tagged u, isnt it? So to maintain the image u r doing this.. right?///
ofcourse not...i took up the tag because i wanted to do it...i like executing tags...u should be knowing that the amount i write...
besides the way i write, i could sopmetimes very well upset or anger ppl instead of making them like me more...:p (this comment has been purely based on experience from the past...unfortunately for them,i havent changed on that)
///u again missed a punctuation mark. :P
it took me hell lot of time to understand what u could have meant... and yes u r right eventually. it isnt true.///
sorry i failed to understand what u meant..as far as i know there was no punctuation mark meant to be there...and btw that was a part of the tag(the question) not the answer...
///as ppl grow older they get wiser and richer too, i guess my baldness is the reason. :D///
baldness is the reason for what?? u getting old, u getting richer, or u getting wiser? :p
///y cant it be the male angel, y always a female. :P///
oh sorry my mistake...but blame it on the fairytales..they never really spoke about a fairy god father in them...lol!! but they can exist too if u say so...:p
///carrot is not a form of reincarnation...read some vedas :p///
ohh i soo wish i could send u a copy of that book which speaks about us being reincarnated in any form or shape as living/nonliving ...
and yes i do believe in science more than scriptures atleast in this regard...
///oh and a girl with that much attitude believes she is going to die ever??? i guess no.. not.. never :P///
please explain...u mean a person with attitude believes in immortality??
i am unable to see the relation :(
///hehheeh... only u cant be good at blah blah.. :D///
yeah u r good competition :p
now i will make mom read dadas comment...hehehe :0)
@ aarti
oye aartu kuch bhi!!...do u know ur dada has sent me pics of him being mobbed by his phirangi girlfriends ;p
will email them to u ...u can show that to aunty as well...heehee
@ pri
come on g-talk ASAP...important news
inna bada tag pri?
nice read!
As promised, finally I have a long time to reflect on your post - well written - here is my input and thanks for taking on this small gargantuan task - you know you write much more and longer than this ;)
1) You realised YOUR truth and it might have been tough for people to accept it.
2) Agree - but sometimes emotions overwhelm us and this defiance which again is the TRUTH is difficult to comprehend
3)Well said
4)Not there is a difference how you reflect on this education in your personal life - thus the difference between humane and civilized
5) For this read the comment I got - an excerpt from Ayn Rand on my Tag
6) True - everyone has something to share - keep your eyes, ears and mind open but dont forget the heart....finally do what you feel is right
7) Love in its purest form is a great boon but sometimes it clings and absorbs your very existence - like sucks the freah air out - what then?
8) So true again - but so many just keep doing errors because they feel that THE POWER will pull them thru...its debilitating
9) Did you have a choice of coming as PRI...think about it
10) Heaven and hell both have great parties and you are only invited to one of them only ONCE - such a cheap design right :)
@ ashu
tune midways hi chod diya hoga na padhna? ;p
@ phoenix
thanks :)
@ ceedy
///As promised, finally I have a long time to reflect on your post - well written ///
1) You realised YOUR truth and it might have been tough for people to accept it.
2) Agree - but sometimes emotions overwhelm us and this defiance which again is the TRUTH is difficult to comprehend
3)Well said
4)Not there is a difference how you reflect on this education in your personal life - thus the difference between humane and civilized
5) For this read the comment I got - an excerpt from Ayn Rand on my Tag
6) True - everyone has something to share - keep your eyes, ears and mind open but dont forget the heart....finally do what you feel is right
7) Love in its purest form is a great boon but sometimes it clings and absorbs your very existence - like sucks the freah air out - what then?
8) So true again - but so many just keep doing errors because they feel that THE POWER will pull them thru...its debilitating
9) Did you have a choice of coming as PRI...think about it
10) Heaven and hell both have great parties and you are only invited to one of them only ONCE - such a cheap design right :)
///afterall they dont call me 'the wise one' for nothing.ahem!!///
Doc dont tell me u work in a mental asylum, huh??? :P
///u should be knowing that the amount i write...
besides the way i write, i could sopmetimes very well upset or anger ppl instead of making them like me more...:p ///
do u write so that they like u or the way u write? U know wat i mean ;)
///sorry i failed to understand what u meant..as far as i know there was no punctuation mark meant to be there...///
it shld go like this
People who have no money, troubles, are happier:
///u getting old, u getting richer, or u getting wiser? :p///
oldness doesnt come with age, it come with the way ur heart start behaving and ur mind starts thinking. richer in terms of i m gettin hair again after getting bald, and wiser yes, ofcourse, with company like u and the words of wisdom, certainly m. :D
///but they can exist too if u say so/// oh my god, in iteslf is so male... ;)
///and yes i do believe in science more than scriptures atleast in this regard...///
So wat does science says abt all this, i hope u have something concrete coz its always baced on evidence, facts, blah blah..
and well for reincarnation, read GITA :)
///u mean a person with attitude believes in immortality??///
hahaha... immorality isnt wat i was talkin abt, its wat u believe, never will get old, the beauty will remain and so on...
may be... u havent thought of immorality yet..
///yeah u r good competition ///
not really yaa.. but i believe in participation...
@ ankur
for once read that statement again without being biased about the absense of punctuation marks...lol!!
it is as it should be(without any punctuation) 'PEOPLE WHO HAVE NO MONEY TROUBLES ARE HAPPIER'...that means ' the rich are happier' in simpler and less confusing terms...:)and thats y i said i find it ridiculous...
i have seen quite a number of things u have misinterpreted in ur comment too...or rather understood differently...
anyways sigh!(atleast by now u must have known what i meant when i said i am 'brutally honest' at times...no offence!)
and lastly as for the 'GOD' topic u have raised, though most of us believe or refer to him (there i said it too..lol) as a 'HE', i would still that wouldent be absolutely correct...in somewhat the same way, as we have given faces and forms...im not saying this is wrong but just that it dosent matter whether the force/power is a HE/SHE/IT...because HE/SHE/IT is of equal value...it is the faith we have in the entity called 'GOD' that makes all the difference :)
i will stop being baised in ur case coz now i understand u(d way u use punc marks :P )
oh my god(devi for u)
somebody has taken all my blah blah so seriously.. cant believe it ;)
maafi... do i deserve???
waise yes, talkin intellectually(aapko dekhkar :P ), we need someone, may be he/she/it, someone to guide us, someone who we have a fear of, someone who we pray, may be we call it divine, idol, worship, god... wat not!!!
God is someone who helps us in deciding wats right n wats wrong, so whosoever it is, by all means the best thing ever produced in this world.
Hats Off to u God!!!
and understood differently are the right words rather than misinterpreted, as per me. I respect everyting u say doc, dont get me wrong on anything, but a blah blah tag is a legpuller, isnt it ;)
being brutally honest is the best thing one can have, n i dont have a mind to mind doc, nothing is offencive for me, except disgracing someone when not needed.
Though if by any means if i have hurt ur feelings, then forgivenress is virtue. :D
@ ankur
heyy hurt my feelings???
no wayss...i dont take things soo seriously :)
that was just supposed to explain what i meant because i realised u might have 'understood differently' :D
take care!
long tag but great read :)
my favs: 5, 7 and 10 :)
@ vands
thanks vands...how about taking it up sometime? :D
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