How often do we travel in time??
ok thats a easy question...lets make it a lil more tougher...how often do we travel 'ahead' in time??
im sure all of us like travelling back in time to get swept away in the magic of nostalgia....
and why not?? who dosent want to relive good times?
but i really envy those who can travel in the future...fly away into the land of dreams and take a look into the rosy picture...
they say dare to dream and make ur dreams come true...
but i for one, am afraid of travelling in the future...
why u ask??
well i dunno...maybe its the uncertainity...
maybe its the insecurity...or just maybe its the easy way out...
you are not afraid of something until u think too much about it and probably thats why i choose this escapist route...
so i continue clinging onto the past...
not because it has given me just good times...(have personally been through a lot of bad times too)
not because im grateful for all the things to have turned out the way they did...(there are things i wish had turned out otherwise)
not because it has left me with no regrets...(have had my own set of regrets along the way)
but only because its OVER!
its all over and done with and that is the reason why i can look back at it without being afraid of it??
and the future??? well,its like this weird framework which dosent have a head yet...or rather has a veiled face...and im apprehensive about finding out what lies beneath the veil...
it could be a monster face or it could be an angel...it is a strange sorta suspense and i dont want to ruin it...or rather im afraid of doing so...
maybe its the suspense in the travel that makes me go on...
also im scared of expecting things....afraid that if the future dosent live upto my expectations, it would crumble me...break me into a thousand pieces and i would never be able to gather them again...
so i prefer to look away...to look back...
yeah i know thats not too brave and it may seem pretty much cowardice but maybe life has made me just that...a coward!!
time-travelling is fun as long as i dont try to tread the territory of dreams to take a small peek into what the future might hold...
so i take solace in travelling through times i have already been before...
no wonder people say i live too much in the past!!
PROMPT: taken from 'writers island' ,the topic being 'time travel' ...
i am travelling in the future sometimes... but you are right, thats a little bit scary and confusing because what if it never comes true - they all the hopes are shattered and lost, dont want to feel it. But then again if you have a clear picture of your future you know how to create it, dont you?
Happy travelling! :)
I think many of us can relate to what you are saying here, I mean many of us cling to past, and prefer to go to travel to known destinations.. who knows whats in the future.. would I say it is bad?.. it depends, getting stuck in the past might not be very good.
Re visiting events and places from the past can be so disappointing. I remarried a former wife. The old spark wasn't there. I've returned to holiday destinations which my memory had made more special than they actually were. I drink to the future!
i have just realised that time travellin in to thepast doesn help.. while doin the same towards the future makes me look forward to something nice..(Wen i am dreamin i'd as well dream about good ones eh?)
all this sed and done, no one can help but cling on to those few moments which made us think"life is worth living!".. :)
Cheers doc!
Your words are so true. And we must always remember the past, for often that is where we learnt the lessons that will guide us into the future.
i personally am not up for time travel into the future... one coz i might wanna see whats in store but i wudnt wanna pin all my hopes on it since its tentative...and two coz our future changes with what we do right now so i'd not steal the defining moment's thunder!
Very thoughtful post! I'm trying to live in the present because parts of the past have been disillusioning and the future scares me. Grin. Enjoyed this post!
@ lena
well ya its very true...but then having a clear picture is one helluva lucky thing...
somehow it always seems to be a haze (atleast to me) :)
@ rambler
agreed...but sometimes not as bad as dreaming about the future and finding it never 'to be' later in reality...
i guess living in the present is the best for people who still can :)
@ keithhillman
hmm that was trying to merge the past with the future or present...
we often try that only to find it dissapointing...because we cant help comparing the two and whats gone always seems better...
thats the magic memories bring along---sometimes good...sometimes bad :)
take care keith!
il'l drink to the future too---the unpredictable,mysterious and unknown future... *smiles*
@ anonme
well all i can say is ---some are happy to dream, some dont want to dream but dream anyways and some have just lost their capacity to dream...
sometimes life makes u go through all these 3 stages (in that particular sequence)and u cant help wondering if its trying to make u stronger or testing u out...
anyways im glad ur still a dreamer and proud to be one...:)
here's hoping u never have to change...
take care!!
@ tumblewords
well im trying to too...but sometimes it just seems impossible...and the past however disillusioning seems more secure :)
the present needs too much effort at times and the future...
the future just stands there far away and yet fast approaching, trying its level best to scare the hell outta u...lol!!
yes, our minds do a lot of time travel
i am in a sector of my own life right now,, where i feel like my future is contingent on my past,, and i am spending an unorthodox amount of time trying to balance out the two... this was a wonderful post....
Reminds me of what someone used to say - "Be engineers of your future, not curators of your past!" I'm guilty of living in the past a lot more than I should be, too!
Don't they say "Live in the present"?
Doctor sahiba, when you take a travel to the future tag me too. i want to see a good future for myself and constant talkin to ya wud make me a changed person ;)
i want to be happy, for long time to come and if it means getting a preview of future, then why not take a curtain raiser and then come back and say
Picture to abhi baaki he dost!!!!!!!
me taking up the prompt toooo...and some crazy ppl out here commenting...lol
to me Presence is the only truth..
oh yes we all are time travelers aren't we...
Here is my take - I live On...
@ crafty green poet
u said it!!...they sure do :)
@ paisley
thanks dear...hope u succeed in the balancing act :)
@ vinesh
thats a wonderful quote there...but both of us know its easier said than done...
neverthless will keep that in mind :)
@ vandita
damn! this is the second time i missed seein ur comment...:(
anyways i agree with u...esp the first reason...pretty much why im afraid to travel in the future myself :)
but the second reason...thats a nice way of thinking..never thought of it that way :)
take care dear
and enjoy ur present...:)
@ justjen
thanks...sometimes its nice to know u rnt alone...it seems less scary :)
@ solitaire
yes they do...but i for one confess that most often im too busy counting the potholes instead of enjoying the ride :(
@ ashu
lol sure ashu...incase i decide to travel in the future someday, il'l remember to take u along...
afterall nothing like good company ;)
till then hope the 'present' is kind...
crazy ppl??? what are u talking about??
atleast i dont see anyone around here half as crazy as me...lol1!!
@ keshi
thats a very brave truth for some to face keshi...
am happy for you...keep up the strong spirit!!:)
@ preethi
u bet we are!!
each of us lost in this journey through time :)
thanks for visiting...
future can be scary but it can give the answers to all ur questions nevertheless.
and anyways pri, sooner or later future will take its turn. Someday u will have to face it, good or bad!
me wants to travel in the future :)
just got your sms....
phone card over .so could not call u :(
and about yesterday, its okay...u know i can never be angry at you ...
speak to u reaalll soon
@ divya
hmm there is never a guarantee that u would get all ur answers divya...
as for the future, once its there then probably il'l think about it...because then it would no longer be 'the future'...it would be the 'present' at that point of time..lol!!
@ dhee
guess im a lil late at checking comments :p
I am unable to enjoy the ride either...
Ah for me, it's the risk taking that makes life adventurous, the past makes me whom I am, but the future is the person I will be, clinging to the past means no change for me and anything stagnant heads for disaster...me thinks :) But good post, got me thinking and dreaming :) Thanks.
I like your personalized way of writing this post - you made us enter your mind and I like your honesty. Your no-pretension way of putting together these confessions made it appear like it indeed came from your mind and heart and all your readers became your confidant.
I share your sentiments - I love to re-visit the past, but unlike you, I also love to peek into my future as much, and most of the things I just dreamed of are becoming realities as I live them. Try it, the future doesn't bite.
We could always choose to hold our futures in our hands.
I wish you well.
~ Jeques
@ solitaire
which is not a good thing for either of us :(
@ ul
thats a nice way to look at things...envy you :)
@ jeques
thanks for the kind comment :)
but there are times when the future is not in our hands and thinking about that only makes the realisation more painful...
thoughtful and engaging post...
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