yess today i confess...i am in love with you :)
Its true i kept denying all along...kept insisting that i was beyond all this love and worldly emotions...kept avoiding the topic ...but today i gotta thank you...
thankyou for showing me what true love is all about...
its all about YOU and i finally am convinced it exists...
uve been with me through everything...u are the only one who has never left my side...
remember those days when i needed a shoulder to cry on and all my friends were either too busy or too happy to cry with me??... u were right there beside me...
i always thought that love like this existed only in the movies...how wrong i was...true love does exist and i feel indeed lucky to have experienced it...all thanks to u :)
the one who sings to me when i am down...the one who stays up all night with me...who never lets me feel alone...
its true i sometimes neglect you...ignore ur presence...but u bear up with all my tantrums...all my mood swings...
there were days when i got soo busy that i almost forgot u existed...yet u waited patiently...
there was always soo much to hear from u.But i was selfish...sometimes heard only what i wanted to.and wanted to hear only what i liked to hear...But u never complained...u never cribbed..that was just not you...
there were times i totally neglected u when i was with friends...took u for granted.
I wonder how u must have felt then...wonder if u felt insecure when i would talk for hours on phone while u would lie patiently on the couch waiting for me to come to u...
There were times like that night, when i was talkin to sapna till 2 am in the morning only to doze off at the end,forgetting all bout u still being there in the living room...
i felt terrible in the morning when i found u still lying there on the couch while i woke up after my 8hrs sleep...that day i realised how much ive been taking u for granted when around with friends...
but secretly somewhere i was afraid they would see right through my emotions and know it was love...and then u know my friends dont u? all that leg pulling and wanting to get to know u better...ok i admit i was a bit possesive...i dint realise then...but now i know why...*blush*
Ive never said it to u before...never thought it was necessary...expected u to figure out the unsaid and i know u did...afterall they say, when ur in love, it just shows :)
but today i must confess...ive been in love with u ever since u came in my life...i never really believed in love at first sight...but when di introduced u to me somewhere , my heart skipped a beat...i calmed myself then saying that this was most likely an infatuation...hell! i wasent even ready for love...but something in me kept wanting to see u again n again...wanting to hear u everyday...every minute...
now i know what they mean by 'love at first sight'...
u gave me that funny feeling right from day 1...that funny feeling which says 'its definitely more than friendship' :)
That day when i was alone at home with u,i kept wishing noone would disturb us...how i hated it when i had to open the door to that silly salesperson...i cursed him for interrupting us and that too when u were singing my fav song...
ahh! how well u know me...u know exactly what i want to hear...what mood im in...and me..i know every bit of u...and thats the very reason i cant help falling in love with u...remember 'wise men say'?? it sounded soo much better coming from u...the charm of ur voice...boy! i was floored...u brought the charisma of elvis alive...
those ghazals by jagjit singh, those romantic numbers which u sang to give me company between that 'every-15-mins-bp-monitering' during night calls at the hospital making sure i dint neglect my patients only made me realise how much u care...im sure u could tempt any girl with that voice and killer looks...but u prefer to sing only to me *blush* and probably thats why i feel addicted...i think im feeling a lil bit too possesive about u now...sigh!
its true they say...when ur in love, u dont need anything else...its asif ive lost sense of time, place and person when im with u...damn! i really miss u when u rnt around..my colleagues at work have started noticing it already...sigh!
we have come a long way and it took me this long to confirm our relationship would be strong enough to last...touchwood!
they say 'never say never' but i hope we never have to part come what may!
i cant imagine life without u and i dont want to....
My blogger friends have often asked me about u..they want to know who u are...where ur from...theyve heard soo much about u...
every writer has an inspiration...they always wanted to know the force behind my passion for writing...the special one in my life...and they just wouldent believe me when i denied there being one...they saw right through my lie and dint believe me...smart ppl we bloggers u see!! *rolling eyes and grinning*
so i think its time u met them...they are highly curious about you...its about time i introduced u to the virtual world too...afterall they gotta know u too right??
its not fair that only my real life friends know u...:)
so maybe il'l just post a pic of urs for all those who havent seen u yet...thought of posting it today itsself..im sure u wont mind...but then thought i should make it a lil more special by putting it up on VALENTINE DAY..*blush*
im sure they would be able to survive the curiosity till then...wouldent ull guys?? *grin*...afterall its jus a coupla days away..u wont have to wait thaat long :D
now u know why i was always distracted or not around when u guys wondered and waited for my reply on gtalk...being in love really keeps u very busy dosent it..u can never have enough of it ;)
finally will not joke this time....
i am happy for you....congrats to you both....;)
good good....
Don't you just love a love story? And how I hope he loves you too!
Just in case, Happy Valentines Day!
aww thats so sweet..cant wait to see him.:)
i wish u two a very happy future...
I thought I knew this :)
Don't know really how.. but I knew!
maybe through some posts or something..
anyways...i m so happy for you :)
this is infectious :)
I hope yu 2 are happy forever and ever.
@ veena
amazing girl!! u knew i was in love?? :D
woww thats a bit scary...my secrets are open to u even before i disclose them...but then again ,like i said 'when ur in love, it just shows' :)
anyhoo thanks a ton for the wishes...
@ ceedy
thanku ceedy ...im happy too :)
@ -om-
:) yaa and to think i was almost beginning to feel love dosent exist...
@ sweettalking guy
thanks a lot for the wishes...
do come back on valentines day to check out the update though...
hoping for the best! :)
@ khushi
ohh thanks so much khushi...really appreciated...we are hoping to have a good future together too :)
@ cosmic and all those who have either met or seen me with ahem!!\
please dont spoil the suspense...i repeat PLEASE!!
afterall getting u guys curious adds that extra drama to my already dramatic life...
so please refrain from dropping hints :-/...it takes away the whole zeal of the enthusiasm from us...
besides we are a shy couple and thats why took so long to come in the open...*blush*
thanku one and all!
I am too happy to see you in love....Way too happy. have a great time together on the balentine dey!!!
And do share the pics with the pod, sweeetie :))
I quickly read this post and actually was shocked at the picture you have put up! I re-read to ensure that this is not the picture of "Ahem!" :)
Congratulations to both of you!
On a second, more critical appreciation of this post, I couldnt keep my Sherlock Holmes cap away.
I am sure we will see a picture of your IPOD Touch on valentines day!
I think u r tryin to disguise them all.. all of them... hehhee
and i m certain tat i m right... :)
Take Care..
PS... No need to post this one.. ;)
@ ub
very funny ub :D
ull see a pic soon ...patience! :)
@ ankur
i dint get what ur saying...
dont tell me u dont believe me now...
im really in love ankur :)
I am not denying tat u r in love just sayin its not wit a human... :P
u know what pri............
when first i started to read a few lines of ur post i guessed the post was all about ur love-ur blog :D :D hehe soooo foolish of me :P
Happy valentines pri :) very happy for you .... by the way plz..mujhe abhi dimaag me ek doubt aaya :P plz dont u dare to put any pictures of puppies/kittens etc etc etc :P this is not going to ba another joke of yours :x :x
I think i wont be a spoil sport by guessing who it might be :)
oh...well what to say....
Love is in the air.
It is great to know that and happy for you as well.
I wish love and insanity for you never dies.
All d best.
@ divya
tum bhi naa divya...dog/cat???u think i would joke on this like that..woh bhi valentine day per?? lol!!
im serious and very much sure its love :)
just wanted to share my happiness with u friends...afterall u guys have become almost family now...
@ rambler
no dont guess...it would hurt me if u guess wrong...u know how it is dontya?
when in love u dont want to be coupled with anyone else...*smiles*
patience! wait till the 14th...:)
@ blogboy
thanks a lot for the wishes...
ya indeed february is a special month :)
I m Sorry but as divya the first thing came to my mind was a teddy or something.. not someone..
so sorry.. never intended to hurt u... :)
Take Care...
and now waiting for D V Day!!! :D
@ ankur
hahaha..no problem ankur...can understand...
me speaking soo much might have felt like an exaggeration and so planted that doubt in ur head (about the teddybear)...but when ur hopelessly in love , u can speak for hours about how it is and yet never get fed up...:)
and btw i think teddies are cute but kiddish...*grin*
im very happy for u dear..
i am just waiting to see the pic now..
may u both have all the happyness in life :)
i know.. mere toh post hi issi barre main hote hain.. par somehow i was doubtful.. par maine bata diya.. woh kehte hain na doctor aur waqil.. inse koi baat nahi chipani chahiye... :P
and u r never hopelessly in love.. u r just happy n hopeful in love.. :)
heheeh.. and teddy is cute.. kiddish... huh... :P
Good stuff. You found your happy ending/ beginning. :)
being in love is beautiful...
but heres a quote i totally love
“Some people are settling down, some people are settling and some people refuse to settle for anything less than butterflies.” - Carrie, sex and the city
You went straight for the butterflies, didnt you? :)
awww im just sooo happy, nuthin better than hearing abt a frnd in love that too so close to vday, lookin fwd to the update on 14th.
all the best to both of u pri...:)
Its not anti-climactic na?
And which laptop are you referring to here doc?
oye mera comment kaha he ? raz khul gaya isliiye publish postponed ?
was wondering'jaane woh kaise log the jinke pyaar ko pyaar milaa' :D
@ niki
jus one more day to go dear..patience! im sure ul like my choice...:)
and thanks a lot for the wishes...
@ ankur
well ur right...happy and hopeful..hopeful before u meet the one and happy after u meet :)
@ mansi trivedi
being in love is indeed a beautiful feeling...
u just gotta be patient and when the right one comes along , u just know...
ok ok before i sound any more cliched, il'l better stop here :D...
its dangerous what love can do esp to a blabbermouth u know ;)
seeya around on v-day!!
@ solitaire
atleast not for me dear...but then its normal for u to think ur love is perfect isnt it?? :)
hope u like my choice too though...
@ j
laptop?? what laptop?
ouch j! u sure know how to hurt feelings dont u?
u think i would be crazy enough to write about a laptop like this??hmpf!
@ endevourme
well thanks...i was wondering too and then THIS happened...:)
thanks for dropping by....
seeya around on V day...
huh.. doc y fooling people.. u r talking about ur laptop
Pri is nt in love with some guy.. she loves her laptop
wow congrattz Pri!
good to know!! btw, have i inadvertently chatted with him??
btw, remember me telling you abt this way back during our first few conversations!!! :) I'm never wrong!! :D
btw, r u planning to subject me to the same treatment that I've meted out to you in my case??? :o
wow, always great to see people in love,so bubbly and happy.sweet way to make the introduction too.bet hes all charged up for the valentines day announcement. congrats and best wishes to the both of you:)
I can't help but smile as i read this. I can identify at parts.;)
Cheeries! keep rocking!
@ keshi
thanks dear :)
@ sam
patience my friend patience :D
ul'l soon get to know...
thanks for the wishes though *smiles*
@ angry agnostic
thankyou :)
@ sweetstickychewy
thanks dear...i bet u can...infact im sure almost all people in love can...thats how i realised its love in the first place :)
take care!
I have a feeling u majorly fooling us wid sumtin now.Cmon Pri.....be REAL this time.Dare u have fun ard...i'll hit u hard.
Beautifully expressed.
Happy valentines day :-)
awww...u forgot to recomment to my comment :|
anyways happy vday pri
ufff... 14th feb aur main yahan bhaagte bhaagte aayi...just to find nothing at all :D
Hey doc. Valentine's Day is here!
Where is the much-awaited post?
@ mez
ohh ull get to know in a lil while dear...wonder why u think im joking :(
@ karthik
thanks for dropping by :)
@ vands
ohh im so sorry i missed out on ur comment earlier vands...thanks a lot for the wishes..the post will be put up in half an hours time :)
@ divya and solitaire
ohh im flattered girls...jus a lil patience...its such a wonderful day...just giv me a min minutes to put up the post :)
u guys should really be awarded the 'smart ass blogger' award...
ul'l guessed it spot on and hence i was compelled to keep ur comments pending and put them up only today (after putting up the post) :D
sorry about that ppl, but just couldent allow urself to spoil the fun ;)
u said something about it not being a guy...so ur comment also had to be kept pending...sawwrrryy!! :p
thanks for being sucha sport...knowing it was all a joke and yet pretending (in the comment section) that u dont :D...
well he sure does look 'charged' up..dont i get points for playing along:)
@ angry agnostic
u seem to be quite a 'natural' at playing along and around...
this game ended today...:)
but is the 'anonymous identity' game ever going to end??
hey, sorry didnt know posting with a nickname wasnt regular policy on your blog.Let me introduce myself(I would ask you to not publish this comment though you are free to..its your blog:))
My name is Ajay Sharma, I work as a for a realty fund house based in Delhi. Most of my work involves a lot of analysis and research for which I have to wade through tonnes of information on my screen.
To reduce some of the boredom, I take short breaks blog hopping though Havent felt motivated enough to make my own. So you would find me posting comments on several blogs around blogger and rediff blogs though my is usually is hopablog rather than the one I use on your blog inspired by the first post of yours that I read, which I have added onto my rss reader.I prefer to post anonymously being paranoid with the identity theft stories going around, and since it is general protocol(I thought) that blogs that allow anonymous postings are blogs that are happy with anonymous posting proceeded happily to do so on your blog.That I also dont have a google id is a side story. Apologize if I have erred.
I hope this much of an introduction suffices for the moment, wil probably get to know more as time goes on.
lol thats funny all along I have been posting anonymously all my posts had to be cleared before published, now that I write this post presto its online, the computer always finds ways to beat you up, anyways be that as so
if possible and if you so wish delete these comments, they were supposed to be more of IM's
PS I have made a complete ass out of myself havent I..lol
May God Bless This Couple :)
Take care!
@ abhi
hmmm?? :-/
@ ravi
lol...guess ur a lil late buddy...the 'curtain raiser' post is already up and so is the photograph ;)
@ angry agnostic
ok...got that..no issues..was just curious thats all...
its nice to have u commenting on here...
have a nice day! :)
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