to stop for a quick hello nobody has the time,
busy friends dont mind if friendships fail...
yes,who bothers to visit each other anymore?
its so much better via text-msgs and mail...
with packaged stuff reheated for meals,
home-made food we have begun to crave...
but who has the patience to cook each time?
things are soo much easier with the microwave...
immortal love is seldom heard of anymore,
though everyone wants it to go just fine...
but who has the time to cry when ur gone?
if things dont work out,there is someone else in line...
true friendship today is so difficult to find,
u expect friends to be always by ur side...
but who would care with u to stay behind?
if ur car breaks down, they'l hitch another ride...
so to walk all alone be prepared,
everyone here is living a life deranged...
dont brood too long over the past gone by,
cos yes my friend,now times have changed...
PROMPT: 'changed' taken from writers island
Those Were The Day... |
indeed they have and how very well written. couldn't be more succintly and truthfully said.
This totally sums it up for me...what I have been feeling since a few months,now.
I lost a few of my dearest frens over the last couple of months...but no one really cared to look back.
And I was left wondering, what went wrong ?
At times in life, you think that its time you gave some credit to yoursef, and abhor from confronting/apologising...coz you begin to feel that you've been taken for a ride. And thats when you see for yourself, that no really cares...who's got the time, you see ?
Its indeed a lonesome walk...love or no love..
Nice post dear, but makes me sad, coz I dont undestand why...
Realy yaa i feel like an ancient attimes in todayz world. Sumtin is wrong somewhere..
really dont know what to say....i love to be alone so these times actually suit me :)
Sometimes true.
Great rhymes - first time I've ever seen microwave in a poem.
well, i kinda accept the fact that friends / loved ones even family cant be there with us all the time. but just treasure every moment you're with them . a realistic approach to life is what your poem says. lovely. thanks for sharing
this poem is unfortunately so true! I really really enjoyed your take on 'changed' and I agree with all you've pointed out, maybe we can all try to change things Back to the way we used to be.. one at a time?
mm...you touch us with this post. frank, relevant and to the point. Great job!
God, you did the prompt so well!
I don't know but well, the times are sure to get worse..
but then if it were not for Bloggging and you guys.. i did be crazily sitting and writing something like this too.
I confess I m loner... I have verr few friends whom i meet up with.
nowadays u dnt feel it is worth investing in relationships that u r sure will take u nowhere. You know what kinda relation will blossom b/w people when u meet them.. and I tell u there is a dearth of warm-hearted people like u guys!
y dnt they make more people like u around me????????
so Pri, now that we have seen the change, lets change it back...lets do things the way we want :) what say you?
beautiful depiction of the sorry state of affairs around us........
very nicely written!
nice but woh doosre wale blog pe jo "hope" likhi hain woh jyada pasand aayi mujhe...why dont u paste it on this blog doc? :)
You've captured modern life perfectly. No time, and we say everything changes so fast today, but not the pace, the things not quite done.
It has not really changed that much if one makes the effort.
@ rebecca
thanks rebecca...its really a shame they have :(
@ cindrella
well yes dear..u rnt alone...have gone through it too and i agree its a bitter realisation :(
but then there is still some hope...not all's lost....not all has changed :)
@ mez
i agree something is wrong somewhere...we have just become a lil selfish and preoccupied...
but definitely we can change and so can time again :)
@ ceedy
alone?? yes ceedy...everbody likes a lil solitude(it gives u time to think and reflect) but noone really likes to be lonely ...there IS a difference isnt it??
@ richard
yes ur right...only 'sometimes' true...and then again sometimes we realise how beautiful the world still is...
everybodys allowed to crib a lil when they are let down isnt it? :)
@ totomai
thanku...but really speaking, im still a dreamer at heart and refuce to accept such a reality...
and secretly want life to prove that times havent changed afterall ...sigh!!
ah such a great and painfully true poem
truly evrything has materialised in this world of today!
@ lucy
exactly...just that everyone should try to change themselves a lil and get those times back and not give up (which we often do as life turns us into 'survivors')
@ ratanaoung
thanks for the appreciation...hope the sarcasm is well taken and thought upon to improve our 'today' in the little way we still can :)
@ veens
there are good hearted people everywhere veens...
jus that some are too busy, some are too afraid to show their emotions and some are just trying to keep pace with life.......
believe me ive got a wonderful set of friends who show me time and time again that life is still not all that bad :)
this take was just to remind those 'some' people to stop a while and live instead of 'survive' and that its not always good to move so fast that u forget to appreciate the beauty of life (which can never change)
*smiles and hugs*
@ rambler
anytime...im always game for that...:)
forever ready to change the world but it keeps trying to change me instead...
have promised myself to not let it succeed though...*smiles*
@ anonymous
thanks :)...but we gotta move towards a change...get those times backk
@ khushi
really? thanku!! :)
i have provided the link to my other blog in the side bar over here so thought it wasent necessary to paste it on here...
thanks for appreciating neverthless...
@ anthonynorth
u mean the 'piece' isnt quite done...please can u explain? i dint get that...would appreciate critism too so dont worry about that :)
@ gautami
exactly gautami...thats what is lacking 'EFFORT'...
we all got to try just a lil bit harder :)
thanks for dropping by...
You could have written this for me. It so sums up my life right now - especially the microwave meals! Nice one.
ofcourse ..times have changes .. well u will alwyz see a good n a bad in a change .. m sure there is a lot of good too in the today tht it is ..
but ya we surely have missed on to a lot .. A LOT .. i mean :)
couldn't agree more...really well written
Yes! Times have changed, but we can still find who we really are, in spite of the changes. I have found I write far more with my laptop than I ever did with a pen. I have turned this change to a convenience, even though I began viewing computers with great suspicion!
Lovely write!
Smiles and Light
@ lunatic
yes i agree dear..its a material world...
but neverthless all is not lost just as yet :)
there are chances of improvement...
@ keith hillman
thanks :)
we can all relate to a bit of it somewhere ...
@ anuj
i agree...thats a optimistic approach there and definitely the 'better' way of seeing it :)
@ vandita
thanks vands :)
@ gemma wiseman
wise words gemma..thanks for sharing :)
i really liked the 'we can still find who we are inspite of the changes' part ...very true...*smiles*
take care!
very true :P be prepared to walk alone? tumne mujhe dara diya !! I cant walk alone.
@ divya
ohh sure there'll be fellow travellers along...just that they wont be walking hand in hand forever...
but then again if ur lucky, they just might :)
cheer up!!this was just a cynical take...
the worlds not thaat bad a place also :D
goood one :)
noone lonelier n happier thn me
Sounds like the next change ought to be to try harder, huh?
Fun poem; it's got a fun meter to it.
I am not sure what 'today' is being referred to here...is it 'today' with reference to times a hundred years ago(that we have read about..assuming no one on here is that old)...20-30 years old(as in when we were kids)(the readymade food and txt msgs seem to subscibe to this view)..or is it just with reference to the process of growing up(abt friends willing to walk away)
if it is the first version, isnt this characteristic of every era to believe 'what times we live in' being described in poems as worse off than the nostalgic good times.
I would take the contrary view that 'today' is indeed better than most yesterdays in both senses.
Its all very well to say it was so fascinating to see my gran cook and cook all day to conjure up those magical delicacies which was the true taste of love in the food..but couldnt she have had a better life..if 'cooking' wasnt all she did all her life..if she had a choice to cook in '2 mins' and devote rest of it to more engaging pursuits. Mind you modern 'today' in no way forbids you from living that lifestyle either..it gives you a choice..(same can be said about text mesages and emails)
in the other sense...hey its growing up...'true' friendship is and always was(remember brutus) a rare commodity..well you might have expected you school chums to have hung about you for the rest of your lives..but if they didnt hey grow up..thats the way life is..it isnt 'change' per se..its always been that way..everyone who has commented has experienced the same thing..and you would find the same in chronicles of history o matter how far back you go...its just that the realization comes to us later on in life..and its our perception that has changed..rather than the reality(call in wisening up..call it loss of innocence)...
finally reminds be of the super tramp
what is this life if full of care
we have no time to stand and stare
written almost a 100 years ago:)
@ ashu
well thanks ashu...lonely and happy??...in a way we all are :)
@ susan helen gottfried
thanks dear...was hoping the cynicism wouldent let the 'fun element' fade :)
@ angry agnostic
well well...its you again..and this time with more 'food for thought' :)
firstly, this scribble was a cynical take as we have mentioned earlier (for further explanation read replies to earlier comments)
coming to ur comment, we agree there are pro's and cons to everything...
as for the era this scribble is inspired from,we are not prejudiced about any era perse...it could be as u want it to be..by that i mean we were hoping every age (maybe not always chronologically) would relate to it...
as for the cooking bit, i agree with u tha modern day tech has definitely made things far more easier ...but how many times have u jus had reheated left-overs for dinner just because u were lazy enough to fix a meal and not because u had more interesting pursuits to follow...
i do think that we are definitely becoming slaves to machines instead of us taking over them :)
same for emails and text msgs...it leaves u satisfied that ur still in touch with ol pals...so satisfied that u dont really bother to find much time to meet up with them when u could have done it a lot more often...
now about the 'growing up' part, well yes ...we do agree with u when u say that maybe we do need to grow up afterall...
because we still feel let down when our friends leave us...
we do feel hurt when we realise someone who we love dosent care about us...
we do feel lost when our hopes are snatched away from us...
but we do know (as u said) that we are realising 'reality' a lil more everyday and maybe are just trying to get used to it...
thanks for the wise words neverthless...
ohh and as u must have noticed, we have used 'we' instead of i because...
1)we suddenly have found 'i' to be sounding a lil sefish...(its just a phase---a crazy one)
2) we like to believe we are not alone...yess we admit we are still a bit afraid of walking all alone ...
3)we have learnt to 'respect' ourselves a lil more...and believe that 'we' gives us that 'positive change' feeling effect :D
man now you are really scaring me, are you like multiple personalities bottled up in one..whats with the 'we':)
@ angry agnostic
me??? lol!!
i thought u are the one going as an anonymous identity around here :)
Hi Pri,
No, I wasn't criticising your piece. By 'not quite done', I meant life - we are rushing everywhere, and not having time to do everything we need to.
This is the impression I got from the way you handled it.
The work was excellent!
Its so sad that I can identify with so many of these things. Very recently, I have discovered that I am unable to eat Indian food anymore. The moment I do, I get an upset stomach. Thanks to the frozen meals that I live on!
@ anthonynorth
*blush* thanks :)
ohh and u got the right impression...thats the one i wanted to get across...
@ solitaire
take a long vacation home and that should take care of it...
u would then hopefully return with a much stronger stomach immune to everything...
the paanipuri and chat stalls in india would see that ur system can survive all the possible germs there could exist :p
life is a never ending series of changes... if it stayed the same,, who would want to do it day after day..... very nice post.
Nice piece I really liked it. I often long for the "simpler days" and then I realize that before my time is up on this earth today, these days I am living now will probably be viewed as the simpler times to some.
@ paisley
yes i agree...life would have not been as interesting if everything remained constant...
but then its human nature to remnince about the past long gone isnt it?? :)
thanks for visiting...
take care!
@ anonymous
very true! i agree...the times we are living in will be soon known as the 'more pleasant past'...
maybe our future generations wont even have the time to reheat leftovers for dinner,(probably they would have a small capsule like thing to swallow with equivivalent nutritive value instead) text msg their friends (that is if that term even exists by then)...sigh!
but sadly thats how it is and probably will be...the story continues :)
What a great take on how our lives change. Very true. Everyone wants the quick fix, the here and now. Nobody has time for anyone else everyone is out for themselves. How I miss when a smile was a smile, a call was a call, a letter was on paper and done in ink. Not on the phone or via computer.
There's truth in your words and it's sad. Sometimes reality is scary. But we humans, resilient as we always are, will find ways to survive all these changes - but its just sad, especially if we are used to the kind of life that's used to be.
Check out my series poem: Changes
Happy Valentines!
I wish you well.
~ Jeques
@ jadey
thanks for visiting :)
i agree with u that noone really has the time to bother about this stuff nowadays...
if only we could make some time, the world would again be a warmer place :)
@ jeques
thanks for commenting ...:)
those of us who have lived those times cant help but miss them and those of us who havent, wish for them...sigh!!
thanks for the valentine wishes...hope u had a nice time too...
take care and seeya around!
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