err...now what happened??? :-/
why is everyone giving me those dirty looks?? *makes an innocent face*
there it is!!...i kept my promise...a cute lil fotu of my darling...my lifelong muse ...my one and only love 'ipod nano'...*rolls on the floor laughing*
It was gifted to me by my di somewhere in december 06 and has been with me giving me company almost everywhere i go...:D
ok before u all start pelting me with virtual stones, let me remind u i never once said anything about it being a 'guy' ...for that matter i was careful not to mention any 'he' in the post or comment section...
now if u guys chose to assume, im not really to blame....heeheee
it was fun watching all (err ..well almost all)of u going 'bless u both' and all that....and the devil in me just couldent go about bursting the pretty bubble...so it made me play along truthfully denying all facts of my love being a pup/kitty/teddy/laptop (dont look at me like that..nobody i replied to mentioned 'ipod')...muhahahaha!!
well must confess some oversmart bloggies did guess it was a ipod i was referring to...but the devil in me again made me keep those comments pending ;p ....thanks to them for being cute and playing along not wanting to spoil the suspense...
ok ok before the 'bakra/bakri' trick enrages u guys and makes u not want to visit my blog anymore,lets speak about 'valentine day' plans please...
hmm i have been reading quite some few bloggers mention things about valentine day being a big hype and yada yada yada...and to some extent it might be true...
but then again,cmon who dosent like to be pampered??
and heyy single people can have fun too...u dont necessarily have to be committed to celebrate 'love' do u??
As for me, im definitely going to celebrate V-day whatever u may say...
well there could be two ways between which one could choose
one is the usual way most of us singles go---the watching chick flicks with other single girl pals and lots of tissue...humouring the self with the listing game etc etc...
whatt???u havent heard bout 'THE LISTING GAME'???? u kidding me!! shame on u!...are u really even 'single'? *raises an eyebrow*

ok fine..let me tell u what the game is about...its like a group game mostly popular among young single ladies wherein you start listing out the pro's about being single...ohh you do list the cons too but who cares?? :p
the game further proceeds with you listing the bad points of ex bf's or gf's/ crushes who never knew u existed/stories left incomplete and so on....*yawn*
then the results are compared and the winner with the most pro's of being single wins and then u start comparing the bad points and so on....
ya i know its sheer timepass..but thats the whole idea!! :p
caution: people can suddenly turn nostalgic and start crying, bawling, puking or laughing hysterically...it helps having a doctor around...thankoo thankoo *takes a bow*...that is another reason why im almost always invited...:-/
after the bouts of insanity the 'listing game' brings about, then we go high on orange juice...*rolls her eyes*
then one of us usually suggests we watch reruns of 'F.R.I.E.N.D.S' which is bound to be running on z-english or one of the channels...
after mouthing almost all the dialogues with the volume on mute and after having a happy dinner while watching ross onscreen realising its rachel who he truly loves and the airport scene et al, we say a bye to the gang and return to our respective homes...
then we want to go into drama queen mode...but unfortunately the day has been very happy and we dont feel like crying...so keeping in mind the tradition, we play all the possible sad songs in the world which include post-goodbye, post-breakup post-infatuation, post-seperation, post-partition (yeah even that)---everything which can even remotely bring back memories of the past wch is long gone or the future which never happened...and we cry...FINALLY!!
then we open up our diary or blog and write about how sad we are and how valentine day reminds us about things we dont want to remember...(bah! bah!!) and we revel in self pity for the next coupla hours...
and finally after fidgeting with the cellphone wondering if the ex/crush/celebrity would still have our number and atleast recognise us if we called to wish,we escape into the land of dreams and nightmares only to wake up with a wet pillow and cellphone still in hand the next morning, probably feeling good and bad at the same time, about the bolly/hollywood style valentine day we just celebrated...hmpf!!
it goes pretty much the same way for the guys too except that the chickflicks are probably replaced by football/cricket (or who knows?? maybe chickflicks too just that they prefer not to reveal all their secrets *grin*)...
such is the story of those i-believe-im-so-miserable-without him/her singles on most valentine days who remain vulnerable for the rest of their single lives just because they want to remain that way....lonely, melodramatic and unhappy...
and the listing game, the single and happy spirit is all forgotten...shucks!!
i ask WHY??!!i mean being single feels miserable only if u want it to feel that way...believe me it can be pretty fun too but only if u try...and thats where most of us fail at times---because often we are stuck up in the past living times we have lived before at some point neither planning to come out of it nor wanting to accept it and start living the present...
dont u think something has got to change here and the only way its possible is when we ourselves try to bring about that change...
Having been there and pretty much celebrated it the first way before,i can but only say that despite the crazy times with friends,the way the day usually ends (like i mentioned above)is a real good way of scoring a "A+" in the subject of 'selfhumiliation' and 'ego trampology'...hmmm maybe its the orange juice :-/
so this valentine, for a change...dont go the usual way...
--->spend time with family...
--->say that 'i love u' to ur mom and dad...
--->gift that box of candy to ur younger sis (she wont even mind if they rnt heart shaped)...

--->get those roses for ur gran (its worth seeing that smile on her face)...
--->buy gifts for ur siblings and even for urself for that matter...
--->call up friends u havent been in contact with just cos life got too busy...
--->meet up with friends and talk about politics, cricket, animated movies, formula one racing, tomato soup,gas-gangrene (ok ok!u get the drift dont u?)...anything! anything which is sure to get ur mind off things u dont want to remember or think about...just dont be sad---thats all because believe me its almost always NOT worth it...
In short,do things u like doing even if it means sleeping all day...if it makes u happy, do it!!
Heyy and dont be a cupid killer...its valentine's afterall...love is in the air...u wouldent want to be called 'the grinch who stole valentines' would u?? :p
yes its true, we dont need days to celebrate with the people we love...but cmon who are we kidding??we all know how busy life can get and how utterly exhausting...
would u say we shouldent celebrate birthdays because each day of ur life is special for ur mom who brought u in this world...
we all know it is..but show me one person who dosent expect his friends/loved ones to remember his birthday or dosent get upset if they dont...
THERE!!...i rest my case! :)
so maybe cupid knew life would get busy and then eventually we would start neglecting things we like, people we love...start taking them for granted...
so maybe thats why saint valentine came up with that brilliant idea (no matter what google has to say)...
so enjoy the spirit of valentine today...
its one life guys...and soo many people u love (err..not speaking bout the cassanova kinda love mind you!)...
so take the time and show them u care!
so heres to all you people ,
choose the second way to celebrate this time...
u might not have stories to tell...
u might not have anything to write about on the 15th...
u might not get to hear those juicy bits of gossip about who is goin out with whom (for those who are single) or those coochicoos and whispered i love u's (for my friends who arnt single)...
but at the end of the day,those who love us wouldent mind and those who mind wouldent love us anyways...
All in all, whether u are single or not...whether in love or not...whether u are celebrating it in some weird outta-the-way style some idiotic-smartass-blogger has listed or not...just remember to feel good...because that is what is important and THAT my friend, is what 14th february is all about...

u deleted my comment on the last post :O
The doubt that its something not someone is certain now. Next time, use ur words more carefully buddy.
Still the nano can sing all the beautiful songs in this world, not tat a human cant ;)
I too dedicate one
Alicia Keys - "I keep on falling in and out of love with you"
Take Care and enjoy ur party with gals... :)
@ abhi
check again and do chekc my reply at the end of the comment section there :)
@ ankur
lol...it should be ankur...it should be...
and oh yes, 'ipods' do sing in a way...
which human could bring out the charisma of 'elvis' and 'jagjit singh' and the likes,alive eh?? ;P
have fun!!
"It was elementary my dear watson!"
Though like I posted in my comment (which you did not release) I was hoping that it was an IPOD touch :)
Maybe next valentines you can ditch this bf if Di presents you with a touch.
huh.. wat enjoy gal.. meh toh atthe office main kaam kar riya haan.. tu bata chori.. wasssup??? :P lolzzzzz
hey....u played bakraa to every one....
thts bad...
but I had fun.....
Happy valentine day to you..
I would like to quote
"For you see, each day I love you more
Today more than yesterday and less than tomorrow.
~Rosemonde Gerard
i knew it iknew it i knew it.........gimme a party!!!!!!!! party!!!!!!!!!!!!
priiiiiiiii...im going to strangle u now :x :x
but i loved the post sweety :)
very very happy valentines day to u too...
@ ub
naa...im afraid im too much in love with it to even replace it for a better version...
its here to stay...:D
btw , i have updated ur comment today...
@ ankur
heyy like i said...this time celebrate it differently...
wish ur boss instead ...lol!!
@ blogboy
haha...thanks for being a sport..though i think the others will be out to murder me for this trick ;p
@ ashu
ya sure girl...lets celebrate the 'singledom' :D
@ niki
heehee...ive already left the country ;p
u have a great valentine day too dear...
hehe mujhe pata tha...but just dint guess its an ipod that sings for u :P i thought puppies and kittens sing too :P
happy valentines pri :)
He is happily married with a kid or two... :P
and i m happily single and straight :P
guess u could have tried this with ur MS... :P
@ divya
haha!! well maybe they can dear...thats the magic of love ;)
@ ankur
gawd! i cant believe u saying that ankur...thats sad!
dude, u can be very much single and straight and still wish ur boss a happy valentine day...im not saying u ask him to be ur valentine ...hahaha!!
i guess u gave up reading my post after the pic and the first few lines eh??
i thought i made it pretty much clear to the confused few who still limit valentine day wishes only to their special significant other...
heehee so go now and wish ur bossie a very happy valentine...u might just get the day off ;)
Its really fun. Good post. Happy Valentines Day :-)
Dont be in any disguise... i have read it all.. and to confirm the same thoughts u can also read my post, if u have time though :D
gawd i cant believe Priyanka u tuk it literaly... u havent tried to read between the lines dont tell me.. :P
i can wish anyone and everyone.. i know.. :D
Happy Valentines Day huniiii :D
happy valentine day hun.....
very nicely written post
only a sweetheart like u could write like that :)
and i hate u for fooling us :x
damn!!! u fooled me there...
btw nice suggestions for v-day... lets party!! :)
just coz we want to!! :D
@ ankur
well ya thats me..i dont read between the lines...
@ khushi
thanks khushi *blush*
hope u had a great valentine day too :)
@ sam
yaaa i know..u toh had already started the dangerous guessing game?:-/
sure sure...where's the party??
ur treat btw :D
heres wishing u and her a very happy valentine day ;)
take care!!
@ karthik s
heyy thanks...wish u the same :)
that was mean.
i was expecting someone elses photo ;)
:( @ the prank
:) @ the post...
i had my share of fun today, hope u did too...
Happy Valentine's
Would never have guessed the anti-climax ;)
Happy Valentine's Day Pri!
I think I will spare you today because it is Valentine's Day.
Anyway, I would suggest watching re-runs of Sex and the City!
Happy valentines day!
i am yet to celebrate an all girls Vday like that.. sounds like so much fun.. only all my frenz are committed!
but me aint sad this year.. that i am single!
and thats wat i did this year! i went out wit mum.. gave her a hug n a kiss first thing this morning! :)
it was lovely..
take care doc!
Happy V-day Pri MWAH!
yes being single/attached can be FUN n cool, only if u 'think' so. Its all in the mind.
@ aarti
bery phunny aartu :-/
u and ur imagination...hope u dint pull anyone else into it *rolls her eyes*
have fun dear!!
better keep urself free in the evening...have loads to lecture... err i mean talk ;p
@ vandita
thanks for the wishes dear...hope u had a great time yesterday :)
@ cosmic joy
yaya sure sure...hmpf!!
u have been given due credit mister...check my comment section of the prev post..afterall u were the smartie who guessed it first :-/
anyways considering today is the 14th for u, heres wishing u a happy valentine day ...
@ solitaire
heyyy happy valentine day to u too (and thankgod im alive..haha)
couldent watch reruns of SATC yest :( cos the dvd has been borrowed by a friend who needed it more...
@ anonme
thats great to hear really :)
u kept the spirit of valentine alive...
cheers to that!!
i did pretty much the same thing apart from meeting up with friends and shopping for myself...heehee
but guess what, my mom wished me even before i could wish her ;)[at 7 in the mornin when i was rolling in my bed...she kicked me out of bed later is a diferent story..sigh!)
and i was like 'wowwww...and all the time i was thinking of going and wishing her first thing'...
that made my day :D
@ keshi
exactly keshi!!
have a very happy valentine day dear...
hahah! that was some joke! sigh!
I didn't feel, sad, morose or anything even remotely close to it. I am not even anti valentine. I was just busy doing my own thing. I didn't even talk to S yesterday and I didn't feel I missed out on something. Maybe I am just growing old. Sigh!
But I did go out for dinner with my girl friends and tis was good girly fun. Nobody was reveling in self pity. heheh!
dumbo... why don't wish her urself??
@ utopia
thats cool...wayy to go girl!! :)
@ sam
arre i would have stupid...but u know im neither on orkut nor does she chk her blog...so u r the only means of communication between the two of us...:D
Arre .. pyaar kiya to darna kya and chupaana kyon :) Apologies for almost letting the cat out .. was all in good spirits! and thanks for that angry credit :)
Anyways, Belated Happy Valentine's Day to you too .. so did you get your secret love any new clothes .. er .. i mean covers or accessories ??
Hahaha..ok so this is the much awaited post. Interesting!:D
Hanging out with Girlfriends is the best thing eva!!!:D
@ cosmic joy
haha...chupaya kaha hain?? bata toh diya :D
and yess ive got 'floral printed' shirts oops accessories...and it looks asif its just come from hawaii ;) lol!!
@ sweetstickychewy
well i agree...u can crib, malebash, grumble, mumble and celebrate too...and the best part is u can go looking like something the cat dragged in...heehee...because nobody would care about that...:p
thats the best part of an all girls party...yoohoo!!
U dissapointed me big big time. Wont forgive u..haan
lolzz... now i feel sorry i didnt read this post of yours and the previous one earlier :P
should be really fun for you to read all the comments on the last one.. Cool joke :P
As for the post itself - agreed 100% to everything you said. Only those who love their pityable, miserable state would play on it telling everyone how bad they feel to be single. We are as happy as we have made up our minds to be!
Happy belated Valentine's Day!
Love and hugssss!
PS: am in love with my ipod tooooo ;)
@ mez
awww im so sorry dear...the devil in me just couldent resist playing a joke on cupid ;p...heehee
@ lena
yaa i was hoping u would congratulate me too..heehee.but unfortunately u dint fall for the joke due to technical difficulties and time restrain :(
anyways hope u had a great valentine day...
ohh and maybe we should form an 'IPOD admiration' society ;)
PS: I am still angry :D
@ mez
:( really???
no worries...nobody can remain angry at me for long!! err...please dont prove me wrong...please please...pretty please :D
ok that was me trying to act cute :-/
not working??? :(
*sings 'dost dost na raha' and looks hopefully at annie*
i read the eariler post first and trust me, in my mind, 2 things were going thru - its either gonna be an ipod or a notebook... great minds think alike.. or perhaps devilish minds
@ roshan
the latter is a much closer possibility...:p
had a lotta brickbats thrown at me after this post...u must have noticed how the comments dwindled from a hugely curious number of 52 to a highly irritated count of 37...heehee
i just dont know why they say we doctors have a pathetic sense of humour...:-/
we ROCKK dont we?? ;)
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