whatt?? seriously! i did...i tried counting the number of ppl in the movie hall just to know how many more idiots (other than me) go to movies starring 'esha deol' and 'tushar kapoor' and their likes (u get the drift dont u? do i need say anymore? :-/)without reading reviews...sigh!
anyhoo after counting the number of ppl in the hall i still had a lotta time to while away...so i was busy observing ppl around me...leave aside the 4 i had come with since they were equally bored and sitting just because we had paid for that crap!
there was this fat guy in a stripped shirt (i guess everybody suffers under the delusion that they look slimmer in longitudinal stripes..sigh)who was busy laughing at the pl's cracked...and know what, u cant even call them pj's actually..because they dont qualify as 'jokes'...hmpf!!
ok so i was busy watching this guy and his reactions and i concluded that he was suffering from 'labile moods'...because he suddenly would go all serious (probably noticing that i was staring at him) and then suddenly laugh hysterically (probably when he thought i wasent staring) without once removing his eyes off the screen...
after concentrating on the 'labile emotions' show for about 5 mins, i got bored...
ok ok i know that its rude staring at ppl too...so i changed my subject of observation...
there was a 5 year old kid who was busy pestering her mom to take her out...i would have gladly obliged actually...but wonder of wonders, the lady just gave her a tight slap and made her sit quietly for the rest of the movie with her...poor kid! :(
now howw boring and soo totally unfair is that,lady?? just because u dont have a sense of humour(and will buy any crap given to u),dosent mean ur 5 yr old shud be smacked for having one...
anyways i dont like to see bawling kids and so i shifted my gaze to the aunty in the front row...(yeah! so now u know how boring the movie was?)
now aunty was apparently having a great sense of humour and believed in 'on the spot venting' and hence was busy cribbing on the phone to her husband (i assumed)...
im sure he must be kissing his stars for not coming along :-/
if only she had spoken a lil more louder, i would be able to catch every word heehee...but the angry guy sitting next to her (by chance not choice)was very keen on hearing the dialogues in the movie and so kept hushing her down...sigh! probably her phone conversation wasent soo interesting afterall!
now i was bored again, and there were no more people to observe closely without me actually falling off my seat (in an attempt to lean and search for more cartoons in the audience)so i tried to concentrate on the movie for a while...
but tanisha's and upen patel's and sameera's and tushar's and esha's (err...almost everyone's)acting really lost me and i was back to square one...BORED!!
The only reasonable acting was by paresh rawal(who is a far better comedian otherwise) and (wonder of wonders!!) sunil shetty...(sigh! see how much they drop ur standards)
ohh there were a coupla funny lines here and there which just manage to make u smile--u know, one of those 'ok fine! see im smiling at ur joke' kinda smiles...but other than that, the film is a total waste and an insult to comedy :(
ohhh and what took the cake was the BIG JOKE OF THE EVENING...no no! not in the movie but in my life...sigh!
this happened during the intermission when my cuz got tired of me yawning and pulled a half sleepy pri to the snack bar hoping that it would wake her up...
urs truly was only too happy that she would get to drown her frustration in that tub of popcorn during the second half of that film...so i happily trudged along...

now my cuz has this mean streak in her and suddenly i found myself all alone in the crowd..so assuming that she had gone to get herself something, i headed towards the popcorn counter...(P.S:when i head towards a food counter, FOOD is all i can see! :D)
so i went there and calmly handed over the money to the guy behind the counter and asked for a tub of my usual 'cheese+tomato' popcorn...
and what i get in return is a broad grin...
ME: "huh? my popcorn?"
GBTC(guy behind the counter):"in a minute maam" (still grinning)
ME:*now wondering why he is still grinning* "err... tomato and cheese"
GBTC still grinning broadly...
suddenly a small impish guy emerges from below the counter..apparently he had bent down to pick up somthing...and i look dumbfounded wondering why they have two guys incharge...sigh!
GBTC: "one plain salted please"
IG: "yes sir..will that be all?
and hands the GBTC his tub...
GBTC: "ohh and one cheese and tomato mixed for the lady here"
and grins broadly at urs truly again....who is now wishing she would just DISSAPEAR!!
sheesh!!! why dont they give these guys uniforms :((
i went off hurridly forgetting all bout my cuz and got back to my seat...hoping i wouldent see that guy anywhere in the hall again...
ohh and the movie..dont ask ...was busy with the popcorn during the second half...and somehow i survived through it :-/