im supposed to be on a holiday and all im doing is getting worked up on those small things going wrong...sigh!
anyways i guess thats the usual story when im away from home..
hopefully things will be back to normal by the time i get back...sometimes i wonder whether these 'breaks' actually do more harm than good...
ok anyways, im too bored to go anywhere right now and too lazy to get out of bed...yeps u guessed right..ive been lazying around all morning :D
so keeping up to the lazy status and to keep up the act of trying to look busy actually doing something important err like say searching for a new job or stuff,let me take up this tag...heehee
ok i noticed it being passed around on some blogs and couldent resist stealing it ;)
so here goes...(sigh! i know...i still have to do another tag...would u believe me if i told u i had written the whole damn things-- '10 things i like about guys' and it just dint get saved?serious!...but il'l write it once more when i feel a lil less frustrated ok?)
ok so read on and get ready to be tagged...muhahaha *evil laugh*
the rules are simple---
u just got to answer what every question demands...and its called the A-Z tag because i guess it covers up all the questions from A to Z..err..almost..
wonder who came up with such weird questions though..yeah yeah some of them are pretty stupid! :D
A-AVAILABLE??: err..well thats what my gtalk status says...what are u talking about??
B-BEST FRIEND: hmm..someone might be reading and would get offended if i happen to miss their name out..we got a bad memory..what to do? we are like that only! :(
btw did u know there was a book by that name "we are like that only"?? **DIGRESSION..ALERT ALERT!!**
oops ok ok sorry!
C-CAKE OR PIE?: ummm..cake and make that chocolate walnut dripping with gooey chocolate icing...WHAAT??im NOT sharing!so dont look at me like that :-/
D-DRINK OF CHOICE: tea in the morning,water with lunch/dinner,black coffee if im staying up at night...
E-ESSENTIAL THINGS USED EVERYDAY: err..clothes,deo,internet(heehee) and my brain(ofcourse!)
F-FAVOURITE COLOUR: blue (preferably sky-blue)
G-GUMMI BEARS OR WORMS?: both...they dont make a difference...
H-HOMETOWN: west coast-india!
I-INDULGENCE: books, music and interesting conversations (where usually im allowed to do most of the talking..heehee..kidding!)
J-JAN OR FEB?: february...if u know me enough, ul'l know why...
K-KIDS AND NAMES: umm il'l ask them to choose :p
M-MARRIAGE DATE:would u stop reading my blog if i told u i was already married??? :(
no right?
then why are u asking stupid questions??
N-NUMBER OF SIBLINGS: one(the evil di!) *thankgod for only one of her kinds*
O-ORANGES OR APPLES: crunchy apples
P-PHOBIAS: lost some along the way...gained some along the way :)
Q-QUOTE: 'i think...therefore i am!'
R-REASON TO SMILE: the people i love...
S-SEASON: monsoons (and i think staying indoors all the time during monsoons is a waste!!)
T-TAG 3 PEOPLE: solitaire, kook and cindrella
U-UNKNOWN FACT ABOUT ME:hmmm how much do u know me??
W-WORST HABIT:---> procrastination...
--->ultrapossesiveness when it comes to people i love most...
(difficult to decide which is worse)
X-XRAYS UVE HAD: xray chest (PA and LATERAL views), xray left ankle (LATERAL), xray abdomen (PA view)
as a medical student, i had this 'i-better-go-and-confirm' attitude (read 'OCD')everytime i sneezed or hurt myself and having the radiology dept (free! free!)just a hop, skip and jump from the hostel sure helped! heehee
Y-YOUR FAV FOOD: mom made :)
Z-ZODIAC: u believe in star signs??
heck! neways, GEMINI! *searches frantically for her copy of 'linda goodman'*
(sigh) i was putting togather end of my wits for the one line do it urself story....it bunked!
u were not suppsed to post till monday....?
The letter C is always so appetizing.
gr8...I liked "Q".
and why Feb?
I can find 2 reasons.
1. Shortest month
2. valentine's day... :-)
C makes me salivate...
*smiles* @ indulgence :)
i would be heartbroken and stop reading your blog if u were married :(
@ endevourme
sorry about that endevourme...sometimes things dont go as planned :)
@ j
u bet!...ummm..chocolate, cake,croquettes,candy..yum yum!!
@ blogboy
thanks blogboy...
ohh about feb, ur right there..both those included and some more :)
@ vands
i think il'l share 'C' with u for all those times uve been soo sweet :)
@ secret admirer
really? :(
but probably then atleast u would reveal ur true identity to me and stop sending in those strange anonymous mails??
Marriage date is sooooo funny!!!!!!!
Anyway, Neeku had tagged me with this and I confirmed it with her if I could make my own associations. She gave me the green signal.
But your is not bad either!!!
it was a good laugh!! :D
seems like your laziness could bring smiles on many many faces of your readers :)
Girl...awesome tag !!!
BTW, I just did it. Check it out. Though its not the traditional A-Z tag, the kind you've done. I've changed it to my own way.
Guess you'll like it none-the-less.
@ solitaire
thanks :)
but just loved the way u did it...started a whole new trend of doing tags..u know im very much tempted into taking it up again :p
(heehee ok ok dont groan!)
@ lena
im glad it could...atleast theres some good thing about it :D
@ cindrella
yeppers dear..did check it and found u were tagged by 'aneri' before me...
glad u did it the way u did it...rocking! :)
that was a kool tag..
nice read
lol @ xray pt..
west coast.. i miss it..
i did this sometime back.. and this is fun indeed/. teh A to Z tag blog
i did this sometime back.. and this is fun indeed/. teh A to Z tag blog
@ princess
thanks dear :)
and yaa have had quite an experience in the hospital...as a doctor and as a patient too...sigh!
@ chriz
heyy...cool to see u here...
i reember reading u a longg time back thru random bloghopping...
will hop over again soon :D
i am just a secret admirer.
if i tell u who i am, it wouldent be a secret anymore :)
You're married? :O
Shit! I'm not coming to this place ever again. :P
@ secret admirer
okk...if u insist!
@ rohit
kyonnnnnn??? :( sob sob!!
chintu pintu ka blog toh padh loge na? heehee
u sharing the cake only with vands? and not me? and about all those time i have been sooooooo sweet :P
@ divs
ok ok..thats clearcut EBM' (emotional blackmail) now...
but just a nibble each both of you :-/
haye haye ye kya kar dita chori..mast...oh boy u too LINDA N CHOC CAKE.. :D dekha dekha..acha kaam kiya doc...:)))
left wid smiles..n pic reminds me of my chilhood :P
love ya lods muahhhsss
E... oh.. u do use ur brains everyday... i thought human dont too often.. coz they have too much na.. :P
L... self obsessed, nahi na.. ;)
M... if someone then... for them wats the answer... :P
U... really!!!
G... good one!!! :D
@ mad orchid
heehee it reminded me of mine too...infact i do have a kiddo pic of mine just like this one...the same curly hair and playing with building blocks :D
glad it brought a smile to u...
@ ankur
haha! as for brains,i use the lil that i have ;)
L-selfobssesed? dint u know?? :o
M-mmm that depends on who that someone is :p
brains.. u dont use lil u have, u use a lil of wat u have, so does everyone... :P
L... No, i was making it sure.. :P
M... oh really!!! but then u have to give specifications na!!! :P
the historical data revelas an odd shaped vegetable - turnip....
and also a factbook saying that "i think thats y I suffer" :)
and archives of marraiges are found an institution non existent in 2050
@ ceedy
really?? :o
is it just 'marriage' thats non-existent in 2050 or also 'love' ??
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