watched it first day second show...and it was totally worth it...

the movie is rocking and keeps u on ur seats edge throughout the 120 minutes (except maybe during the intermission where u r still undecisive if u should go and get ur tub of popcorn lest they start runing the second half a bit too early..yea no kidding!)
For people who enjoy movies playing mind games with u, 'RACE' is THE one u should go watch...
if u dont know what i mean...go book ur tickets for the earliest show and ul'l find out...all in all (apart from some silly jokes wch are i guess inevitable in 'bollywood') the movie is awesome!!! (a 4 on 5 from me)
the star cast is well suited to the role...
the acting is great (except for sameera is wasted and is no better than just a prop :-/)..
the cinematography is rocking...
the script and dialogues are good too...
the songs are okayish though..kinda raunchy (especially the ridiculous 'baby zara touch me touch me touch me'!! though it is the only catchy number in the film)...but then guess its tough to have everything perfect isnt it? and no worries by the end of the movie, ull forget all about the music :D
and then there are some elements about it that if discussed wouldent be as thrilling...
so wont say much because i want you to go and check it out for urself (i swear they are not paying me to promote it...:-/) and yeah try not reading any reviews before going...not that they would include a spoiler..they cant even if they wanted to...:)
have fun!
and do let me know what u think of it....
unfortunately i'll have to wait quite a bit to catch this one ...
got submission on monday and im movin on tuesday :(
grrr i dont like such movies :( i somehow started hating saif :P
sounds interesting.. lets see if I can get hold of some tickets for the weekend.
God...i love that song zara touch me....i put it there on my blog .. i was so addicted with the voice of the song :D
now..i have to go ..:D
thanks for the recommendation dear...
abhi tak i was i m gonna go newayss!
@ vands
ohh...catch it on wednesday first thing then :D
best of luck with ur submissions...
where are u moving to btw??
@ divya
no no...u wont hate him in this...u might just fall in love with his charater ;)
@ rambler
yess do that...hope u enjoy it...
have fun!!
@ veens
lol!! cmonn veens...really?? :D
u put that on ur sure ur readers must have gotten scandalised by the lyrics ;p...heehee
somehow i guess i had the volume on mute when it was on..i dont seem to remember hearing it at ur place :D
hmmm.. ab to dekhni padegi...
I love Saif !!!
Will definitely watch it...
It's in my 'must watch' list. Will probably catch up this Friday.
I saw it today..
good thriller movie...
Saif and Sameera awsum.....
Gud u missed PEHLI NAZAR..aah tht something more thn it adds more thn any brownie point :) tee hee...
Have to see god knws kab lekin :P
lol Pri wuts it abt?
i just watched the movie u in love with saif's character....the movie was just awesome...thanx for the promises :P i thought of u several times while watching the movie...
Movie Review eh?
Well, I saw it too on Friday. and I'll say, its-not-great. YES! Its a decent effort. I'd say a good movie *not* great! Surely much better than Abbas-Mustan's last few disasters. But not upto the mark set by their earlier "Khiladi" or "Baazigar".
The problem is in order to put in twists and turns, they just jacked the storyline bit too much. I mean one just gets jumbled way too much. The first half wasn't upto the mark. They really needed to work on the screenplay at many point in the movie. Cinematography was good, especially the last car race. But the songs were damn irritating and just slowed down the pace of the movie. Perhaps the biggest negative aspect. Pehli Nazar is a nice song but filming is terrible other than that only Allah Duhayi Hai is worth listening but then again the its situation in the movie isn't perfect at all. When a lead actor happens to die before interval in a suspense thriller, cmon we are just too sure he'll return back. So after a time, I was "actually" waiting for Saif to rise from death and already knew that he didn't died. Katrina "really" needs acting lessons. She's just a glamorous doll. Bips was strictly OKAY! Anil was good, he did manage to tickle your funny bone. Sameera Reddy a bore. I'm a hardcore Saif fan, his character was built up the best. And I'll say he did a decent job. Though there was certainly more of style. Akshaye Khanna too got a strong role, he performed it well. *but* now his acting seems to be so repetitive. The same expressions, especially his chin. He's an actor of great caliber and should learn to avoid on such stuff.
Nevertheless, a decent flick. Worth a watch for sure!
"The Bucket List" is next in my list. :P
@ abhi
yaa u should go check it out...
@ cindrella
i assure u ul'l love him all the more after watching it :D
@ j
well i hope u liked it...considering uve watched it by noww..
@ blogboy
huh?? u mean saif and bipasha dont u?
sameera was just a prop there...still cant figure out why she was there in the first place..heehee
@ mad orchid
yaa i guess the other senseless songs made me forget all about the only 'okayish' one...heehee
'pehli nazar' isnt thaat bad come to think of it...
but the music in the movie gets a 1 on 5 from me...:-/
@ keshi
lol!! im accused of adding a spoiler im not going to leak out nething except my reaction this time :D
and secondly it is a bit too confusing to write a review u gotta watch it ;)
@ divya
im glad u liked it dear...and yeps read ur mail about the rocking time u and ur friends had! :D
i agree the company counts a lot in the reaction too :)
wonder how u got time to think about me though..the movie was soo full of surprises...heehee
@ rohit
well i liked the acting..though felt sameera wasent needed ..and kaif was more of a dumb doll (wch she normally always is..sorry if ur her fan :p)
u liked anil kapoor??..and u found his jokes funny?? :o
sigh!!dont u think they had 'karamchand' and 'lily' in mind while scripting his and sameeras role? :-/
johny leever was too good though :))..its a pity he was there only for 5 mins...
the 'FINAL RACE' was amazinggg!! :)
wow what a comprehensive and entertaining rview that was!!!
great now will definately watch it though im not too fond of saif!! but surely will check it out....
hey long time no see???? :(
YES! Ofcourse, Anil and Sameera's character was picked from Karamchand and Lily. But still I found Anil Kapoor decent, though Sameera WAS irritating.
And no you can bash Katrina, I ain't her fan. Oh yea, but she does luks beautiful! :P
oh ok then :)
@ phoenix
yea dear..long time! :)
whassup with u??
ohh and about the movie, this wasnet much of a review though...dint want to spoil it for u guys :)
ohh and me wasent too fond of saif before watching this movie...but his charater in this one is simply amazinggg!!
u gotta watch it...
hope u like it..
@ rohit
lol!! yaa..she was...irritating even as a prop :D
ohh i liked bipasha better than kaif...she is as gorgeous and can act too heehee
@ keshi
catch it if u can...i could translate the dialogues for u if u sponsor me a ticket to OZ ;p
i always have time to think about my friends :P
i have to watch it yet, but the ratings are 2, so can u enlighten us? :P
Hey, I also saw this movie yesterday. I liked it. As a entertainer its a good movie and not at all boring. I liked the music and the suspense as well. Ofcourse there are flaws, but a movie is meant for entertainment. I strongly suggest all to watch the movie. Foot taping music, I have almost heard the songs 100's of times...:)
@ divya
aww..thats so sweet of u...i usually concentrate more on the popcorn than nething or anyone else ;p
@ ankur
uhoh :-/
i'd read some pretty good ratings...dunno wch news u follow...
guess one mans food could be another mans poison :(
@ jaggu
eggjactly! :D
fulltime entertainment...and the twists keep ur attention captured...though at a point , it seems like an overdose ;p
but i really liked it...
err music...not so much..but okayish :D
saw it last night!!
too good... amzing plot... but somehow it was predicatble... the kaif part had stumped me... though i got the plot again after that got disclosed!!
A beautiful movie and comes really close to master plot movies like Chocolate.
Btw, even if i told u teh entire the movie is still worth watching!!
and teh songs... well okie dokie type except for may the atif number...
the background score rocks!!
@ sam
yess i totally agree..i could yet go and watch it another time :D
the final race really had me impressed...esp the 'bomb' story he uses to threaten him...very shrewd!:D
and even the last scene in which he has everything so carefully planned (talking about the bomb placed in anil's bag)even towards the end when he knows he has won the game....
loved saif's character in the movie :)
i agree the music could have been better though..and maybe they shud have picturised the song 'pehli nazar' on saif and bips..would have made amazing chemistry...
I saw Race last night. I thought it started off well but then the abundant twists and turns kinda lost me..
@ solitaire
err..that was the exact reason i remained glued to my seat :D
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