so here i go...
kindly note that all the below mentioned points are very rare to find in one particular individual and so one should have the same 'dont generalise' attitude just like u had while reading the tag '10 things i hate about guys'....:p
ok ok, jokes apart, (*pri opens her thankyou speech*)i guess i am lucky to know some guys who pretty much have all these qualities in them...
1)i like the fact that u are so protective about ur mother, sister, girlfriend, friend-who-is-a-girl etc etc...
i know that most of the times we like to believe we are staunch feminists and we dont need ur protection and security and though we can very well take care of ourselves,every girl does want to let off her guard somtimes knowing that there is someone to take care of things...
2)i like it when u tolerate my mood swings and temper flashes without saying a word...
yes i know, i can get pretty crazy sometimes(err..ok ok most of times)...but i am thankful u are blessed with a sense of patience much greater than mine...
3)i like it when u allow me to talk and talk and talk...and then request me to shut up a while so that u can speak..heehee
whether u actually listen to me or not, i have never really bothered to investigate...
but i think you understand me when u say that ocassional "hmm" :-/
4)i like when u yell at me when im being silly or stupid...
as much as i like to believe i am always right, sometimes i know i am wrong and want you to tell me that...

5)i like that u always manage to get me curious to know what u are upto...u somehow seem to make even a simple boring monday morning sound so interesting and complicated...*grin*
6)i am pretty much impressed and envious too that u know soo much about 'sports'...
i admit i always sucked at sports and used to barely pass in 'PhysicalTraining' at school and that too i have serious doubts that the 'E' grade i got in PT(almost always)was only because they considered my academic success otherwise and felt sorry for me :(
i know some venutians might not relate to this...esp the other 64 girls in my class because they were always better than me at those stupid games :( :( :(
but having shared this secret with u, i feel lighter and i would like you more if you dont bring it up again in the future...hmpf!!

7)i appreciate that u hardly ever dig up past fights or arguments...and everytime we meet up, you speak asif the last fight never happened...i seriously doubt ur memory but am happy that u have a bad one when it comes to these...heehee...
8)i like the fact that u are never really bothered/conscious of ur appearance...
please do not get confused..i do NOT appreciate ur laziness...but i do admire ur confidence...*grin*
really...have u yet seen a guy who wouldent answer the door just because he hasent shaved? or one who wouldent pose for a pic just because he thinks his hair is in a mess or that he has dark circles around his eyes and stuff??...:-/
9)i like it when u consider me close enough to talk about your problems, issues, life, future...because it makes me feel important and trusted...sharing secrets would gain u brownie points and 100% assurance that i wouldent post them on 'postasecret.com' for u...
10)finally though i might seldom say this..i like it that you...
---get possesive about me without being scary(making sure u give me my space)...
---get worried if i am upset but try to show asif it'll all be okay...
---get irritated with my 'stuck up attitude' at times but hardly ever complain...
---are always around to lend a helping hand in case i ask...
---will always give me an unbiased opinion about things even when u are tempted to say otherwise...
---are sucha good sport and can accept critism at its worst if its coming from the people u love...
---are a wonderful friend and no matter what, i can confide in you...
and last but not the least, that you never give up on me even though (i admit)i can really be a crybaby at times...
with all the points given and the tag executed successfully,im sure all u guys must be beaming with pride and hoping that the women in ur life must be feeling pretty much the same about u...
just two words for u then---THEY DO!
no matter what we say or dont say, no matter how much we crib...we know that u guys can be the best father/brother/son/buddy/partner if u want to...
we also understand nobody can be the 'raymonds' man...everyone has their limitations, flaws, imperfections...
so just because we often stress on things we dont like, dosent mean we dont appreciate you...
what say girls?? :)
so...now that i have declared 'truce' and in sucha aprreciative way, i will tag!! heehahaha :D
solitaire (the brain who initiated the idea!)
anuj (as promised and warned!)
veens (the cutie who is worried about her 'graha disha' these days ;P)
divya (someone who always cheers me up with her innocent posts)
sam (who will hopefully not miss reading this ;p)
abishek khanna (after he gets back from his convocation)
and whosoever is interested in taking it up is free to do so :)
BTW, regarding your comment on my blog, I believe I'm one of the few guys (Phoenix as well) who's vented his feelings publicly, primarily because I got tired of hearing the girls' side of the "same old, same old". Bill worked it out the best: "If you prick us, do we not bleed?"
< Packs soapbox into suitcase >
Here's hoping the gender wars continue! :D
nicely done....good job :)...
ummm...what yaar Pri... as usual i will copy frm yurs. andu have this donot copy thingie :P
kya karron!
--im sure all u guys must be beaming with pride and hoping that the women in ur life must be feeling pretty much the same about u...
just two words for u then--- THEY DO!
u did a wonderful mam! And yah I m very worried abt mah graha dasha :(
I liked the title "truce" tag.. well after all those male bashing in the previous one :D
@ mugger much
hmm..well i liked the honesty in that post...
the gender wars will be on forever (as each side will be reminded oft and on of the injustice bestowed upon them)...but there will be those 'truce' phases too...and thats what makes it worth it :)
@ maverick
thanks...hope the 'truce' is accepted :D
*waves a white kerchief flag*
@ veens
haha veens...im sure ul come up with something a lot more interesting...
u remember u told me u had a lotttt to say on this?? lets hear it girl...
ohh and why worried about ur graha disha still?? :(
@ rambler
u liked only the title?? :(
hope the 'truce' petition is accepted though after all the male bashing :p
uh oh
wow..beautifully written..
10 points hi tho dene tha pri :P i read more than 10 :D
i felt like u took up one single person in ur life and described him here :P and u say u r not in love???
@ solitaire
heehee...why the expression?? :D
@ divya
as for the 'more than 10 points'explanation, i had to compensate for the many extra points i had written in '10 things i hate about guys' :p
and yes,i AM in love..heehee...u did read that 'valentine day curtainraiser' post dint u?? ;)
ok ok jokes apart, does it really seem that way???...
hmm...u made me think, girl!:-/
it was so cute.. i had tears of joy relating to the post and thinking of all my close guy friends..
thanks doc! :)
**i appreciate that u hardly ever dig up past fights or arguments
now that I like too :)
Best of urs is this post... ***Chap feeling glad***
1. True. it comes for guys very naturally.
5. Ha Ha true.. Isnt it a great feeling to share things? Thats why guys r like that
6. yeah.. Glad that ur admitting
7. On the lighter side... Guys forget what fight they did with which girl.. So better dnt open the mouth policy
8. Thanks to lazyness
hey this more than made up for the 10 things u dont like abt em....
i esp like the 5th point and its pic
and i totally agree with u on "no matter what we say or dont say, no matter how much we crib...we know that u guys can be the best father/brother/son/buddy/partner if u want to..."
great post
PS: thanks for offerin to share ur cake with me in the comments on the last post :)
this is quite a cute tag.. truce indeed!!
hey i felt that it was more of a personal blog rather than a general one...like as if you were writing abt someone and not abt every guy...is it???
and i really loved all that you have written...and i m a li'l proud of myself now...hehe...
@ anonme
u r most welcome dear...most often we tend to overlook these things...tend to take them for granted :)
writing this made me realise that...
@ la vida loca
thanks :)
@ keshi
only that?? :(
heyy keshi would love to see ur list...dont think uve been tagged for it before have u?
@ cm-chap
heehee...some guys would hate u for giving out their secrets ;)
@ vands
thanks dear...i knew u would agree...its usually me who has to go easy on the 'bashing' :p
ohh and for the cake, netime *grin*
@ j
so the 'truce' petition is finally accepted...phew!
thankgod for small mercies :p
@ skeptic saint
heyy thanks for coming by...
ohh and it wasent about anyone in particular...err..atleast not intentionally :)
if u look carefully, u would relate to each point..they are the most obvious things about guys wch are normally overlooked by girls...
and more importantly this was a 'truce' tag...heehee..u should read the one i wrote some time back '10 things i hate about guys' :p
I agree to madam ji...acha hai kabhie kabhie bandho ko mauka de dena chahiye bacha samjh k chod dia unhe..acha hai..kaash unko yeh hamara tyaag samjh aaye...nicely done..n no 5. is so damn true actually sabhi wale hehe...acha hai :)
All these points are very easy to find in a computer but... lol
oh.. u r looking for a MAN
1) oh really.. "staunch feminist", but with whom???
2) tolerate ur mood swing.. :P
well, the mood swing is so fast like a sewing machine at times... one never knows wat a women want at times, unpredictable. :P
3) guess this is contradictory with wat is written in last post, though no comparisions drawn
4)No girl gives the right for this expect 2, best frnd and husband.. :P
5) guess, men will be men.. always interesting :D
6) Today, it was seasons 1st race, Australian Grand Prix, and Ferrari failed to complete even, bad day... :(
7) Selective retention till the time it is useful... :P
8) guess, we dont want to win any beauty peagents among our friends *grin*
9) someone said, women rnt emotionally stronger, then y do men come to dem???
10) all coz men r selfish... as every other human, but we r more stubborn too.. :D
lol.. it was fun reading all those, though i went back and read the last article abt dislikes, and i find,
women will be women, not sure wat dey wanna say... LOL
@ mad orchid
thanku hainji ;)...ab aap zara is tag ko execute karne ka kasht karengi?? :p
agar aapko apni busy schedule se fursat mile toh...heehee
@ ankur
oyeee...dissection?? :o
thik hain thik hain..hum bhi answers leke tayar hain...
3)---well there are two categories of ppl..ones who let us talk talk and (pretend to) listen to us :p and the other who fail to do so...
the earlier tag spoke about the latter category...this one speaks about the former..heehee
9)---ohh its not about being emotionally stronger and stuff...its just that u trust someone to share ur problems with them...
i am equally flattered and feel equally trusted when my female friends discuss their problems/future plans with me...
neways guys will be guys...they'll never understand what a girl says...:-/
actually I hv been tagged on abt 75tags undone yet LOL! :(
alright now.. we do remember past stuff... only we guys have this insane habit of chukcing what we don't need outta the house!!! :)
got teh drift? good!!!
now, i'd like to know why wanted to tag me of all people??? i am not an expert of women... at times i feel i don't understand the lot at all!!!
hey Pri..
wonderful tag and indeed executed well.
I like this the most...
--im sure all u guys must be beaming with pride and hoping that the women in ur life must be feeling pretty much the same about u...
just two words for u then--- THEY DO!
I am sure "she" does!!!! :-)
Seems hard!
@ keshi
lol!! so u have no plans of executing them anytime soon or u dont know where to start? ;)
@ sam
ahaa!!well the confusion is always on...nobody can ever be an expert at understanding the ooposite sex...
but im sure u can come up with a list of qualities u like huh? :)
@ blogboy
good to know u r so sure about that :)
@ solitaire
well, it seemed that way to me too...why do u think it ook soo long? ;)
thought i would never get about making a list until i got about sitting and taking notice :D
so look around and im sure ul'l come up with a much longer list than u expected...
cheers! and all the best!
Gud points Pri..u covered just everytin that I cud think of. Guys can be such an extreme nah.
How can any list about the opposite sex be complete without mentioning 'sex' itself..or are we just being churlish about it.
Of course one THE things someone of the opposite sex provides is the warmth you feel in bed..nothing..not even your best friend...not even your mothers hug can give you the same feeling...the completeness..of loving and being loved.
@ mez
ur right mez...every case has extremes...but its not only the guys...there can be extremes when it comes to girls too :)
@ anonymous
well firstly, 'sex' is not a attribute...it isnt a 'quality' or 'trait' to be admired or liked...while the tag demands 10 'things' u like about the opposite sex(read as attributes..atleast thats how i read it)
secondly,this is subjective and so views may differ from person to person..
but since uve asked me il'l share with u that to me, 'making love' is the ultimate consequence of two people being united in mind and soul first...
as i have mentioned at the start of the tag, the attributes ive spoken about are very difficult to find all in one person...u might like certain things in different people...and so u 'randomly' like those attributes..and i personally dont believe 'making love' is something as random as qualities u appreciate(wch could very well be in someone u like or respect but NOT love)...
hope u get the point...
take care!
kahan dissection agar wahi karna hota toh..
1) //every girl does want to let off her guard somtimes knowing that there is someone to take care of things...//
and then later they call it possesiveness...
2)//thankful u are blessed with a sense of patience much greater than mine...//
yes otherwise tolerance of widest mood swings will be impossible, women do it for men.
3)//but i think you understand me when u say that ocassional "hmm"// r u talkin abt the former or the later? i guess.... :P
4)//as much as i like to believe i am always right, sometimes i know i am wrong and want you to tell me that...//
sometimes u know.. sometimes... and when many other times men try to tell u... u think u cant be :)
5)// u always manage to get me curious to know what u are upto//
there is a famous sayin, women cant keep anything with them.. do u wanna embrace the fact!!!
6)//u know soo much about 'sports'...// coz men feels life is much more than thinking abt themselves... :D
Today team india is selected, bhajji and dhoni have to appear for a fitness test. ;)
7)//u hardly ever dig up past fights or arguments..// men know, life is too long, so move on...
8)//u are never really bothered/conscious of ur appearance.// there are a lot of other things to care about, other than dresses, makeup, looks...
9)//it makes me feel important and trusted// u said it all!!
10)again we dont mix many things in one...we like to keep it simple :)
and someone says we dont understand wat a girl says!!!
tat was dissection, not completely me, but i can be... the above facts/statements are not meant for taken seriously, but its a light hearted attempt to show a student of biology, that even maths students arent bad at things, just that they dont like to dissect when so not needed... :D
hehehe.. enjoy :P
and light heartedly!!! lol
seriously i m .. worried abt mah graha dasha :(
@ ankur
THATS ITTT!!!that was WARCRY! :-/
im going back to male bashing........:p
@ veens
uhoh now what happened??
omg.. and u tellin me this is how warcry happens.. again kidding me...:P
so much i wrote n so lil is the response... guess really u have to go back to male bashin, yahan nahi chalegi bachchu... :P
waise dissection ke din gaye kya ;)
yaar last weekend itna hectic na tha really!
dnt ask!
pura time workk :)
waise yaar.. i got yur songs got it dwnloaded and all
i iwll upload them and let yu know! ok
Pri, please accept my sincere apologies!!! I am sorry for asking you to write ten things that you like about men. I am struggling with it and can only add one sentence at a time!! The incomplete one is up there for you to see.
@ ankur
haan dissection toh sirf 'freshers' ke liye hota hain...for first year kiddos :D
and then we progress from dealing with cadavers to dealing real live humans...and the latter can even scream and sue if anything goes wrong ;)
@ veens
aww veens...batana tha na pehle..
wouldent have troubled u with that mp3 thing :(
thanks a lot for trying to help..but i just sent u a mail...
those mp3 i'd asked for dont seem to work on that stupid player of mine :(((
@ solitaire
okk..heading right over to ur blog then :)
and heyy no worries, im sure ul'l complete the list soon enough...
btw why did u put it up when its not complete?? :(
lol Pri!
o well I can start as follows:
1. Baboon characteristic #1
2. Baboon characteristic #2
3. Baboon characteristic #3
4. Baboon characteristic #4
5. Baboon characteristic #5
6. Baboon characteristic #6
brb to continue..
hehehhe... hhehehe.. cant stop launghing after reading wat u have written for me... ;)
now tats wat we call WARCRY!!! :P
do u wanna say tat from dissecting an animal u move on to autopsy n necropsy... tats sounds better.
//n latter can scream or sue, when anything goes wrong.// :P :P really??? r they given a chance to say???
@ ankur
lol! ur wrong there ankur...i was talking about human cadavers...and u talking about animals??? :o
ohh if u mean mice and frogs, thats higher secondary bio stream not medc school...
first yr medicos dissect cadavers...and just by the way, autopsies are done on ppl who were ONCE LIVING...so by the time the autopsy is conducted , they are cadavers not live humans :)
and as u must have noticed, i was talking about LIVE human patients there who can sue or scream...lol!!
guess warcry is confused with misinterpretations eh? ;p
now im the one who's laughing...heeheee
oh doc... misinterpretations... :P
u wanted to ...
do u wanna say tat from dissecting an animal u move on to autopsy n necropsy... tats sounds better
tat was for wat u wrote.. now, if u want me to go line by line from next time... then i will be specific... :P
//i was talking about LIVE human patients there who can sue or scream...lol!!///
oh and u thought i m talkin abt a corpse, doc they cant anyways... :P
oh so u misinterpreted doc, not a problem, let me clearify, sometimes for grown ups too we have to detail specifically. :D
arent the latter given anesthesia, or u try with a patient totally alive n conscious state. dont tell me doc, coz tats cruel :P
so the chance to scream is gone, they scream afterwards, coz tat wasnt a better option... :P
and Sue, we r living in India, sounds funny, but guess it is!!!
and i never believe in one way laughing, u can laugh over urself, not a problem at all!!!
and another misinterpretation, n i write specifically n categorically... (:P)
while responding to your dissection post, i wrote, and i quote myself, kindly read
"tat was dissection, not completely me, but i can be... the above facts/statements are not meant for taken seriously, but its a light hearted attempt to show a student of biology, that even maths students arent bad at things, just that they dont like to dissect when so not needed... :D"
Now who called it a WARCRY, misinterpretations doc, isnt it...
RX Take it lightheartedly.. but who listens to Doctors nowdays, huh? :P
so from the state of WARCRY, to misinterpretations, do u again want me to go, specific.... :P
@ ankur
OMG!! ankur, dont take me u took that 'warcry' thing seriously :p
it was supposed to be taken lightheartedly too *grin*
i never did...
Sweet!!! (though u r tryin to take me for a ride par chalega...)
:D *grin*
//dont take me u took that 'warcry' thing seriously //
sentence is wrong... correct it... :P
they are not that bad after all, are they? :P
Loved what you have written. I guess i could say the same in almost 90%.. :)
I liked the idea behind ur latest post.
Beautiful post! :)
Pri, I am pretty sure I am NEVER going to be able to complete it..even after I fall in TRUE LOVE as Mel says..
Did the others complete it?
I loved the way u say it :D
much luv,
@ lena
thanks...and ur right dear..they arnt soo bad i guess :p
@ mez
maybe u should take it up sometime mez..its really helpful as a stressbuster...
@ vik
thanks vik :)
@ solitaire
heyyy i would be able to write a book if im in love i guess...yeah i know u must be rolling ur eyes ...heehee
nobody has taken it up yet :(
@ princess
thanks dear...i guess i was speaking for everyone...no? :)
seee .. we care ;)
@ anuj
yea yea i know...now lets hear some praises from u martians as well ;)
waiting to read ur tag :D
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