what would u do if you suddenly forget who u are??
try as u might u just cant recollect anything about urself...u dont recognise ur loved ones...ur family..ur friends...where u live...ur home...ur workplace...nothing!...nothing at all!!
im afraid to even think about it...god forbid if it ever happens to me, i wouldent know how to live...cos urs truly thrives on her memories...
i cant imagine life without them...
and life would be over for me if im ever caught up in sucha state wherein i dont even remember who 'pri' is or rather was...
i dunno if i would even go for psychiatric help...i must admit that is one situation in which i would just plain give up i guess! :(
and people around me?? how would they react?
would they be able to tolerate me?
would they get irritated an angry when i refuse to recognise them?
would they opt to send me to an asylum if i happen to turn violent out of frustration of not being able to relate even to near and dear ones??
All these thoughts were triggered by the newly released 'u me aur hum'....
yes i went for the first day second show :D
and i suggest u catch up with it soon??
the songs (esp the title track and even 'jee le' for that matter)make soo much more sense now after watching the movie...
i always admired kajol for her fine acting...and her potrayal in the movie is just brilliant...she seems to have lost a lot of weight after marriage too (hmm..does marriage do that?? maybe i should give it a shot then..heehee)and shes looking her gorgeous best...
i could never really tolerate ajay devgan much and i always thought he could never do justice to a sensitive role...but he proved me all wrong with this movie of his...
he has done full justice to the character and u cant help but shed a silent tear during some emotional scenes...
the others too have suited their parts just fine...and the movie dosent leave u with an aching head due to overdosage of drama...theyve seen to it that there is light humour interspersed everywhere to give it a casual yet mature approach...
some parts do remind you of 'the timetravellers wife' (book) and '50 first dates' (the movie) but u are too swept away to dwell too much into it...
cupid killers should stay away because u guys might come home transformed...(sigh! nobody warned me)
all in all, the movie has lived upto my expectations...its sweet but not overtly diabetic...and makes u want to wish such love could exist in reality too...
i couldent help thinking what would happen if it happened to me...dammit! i doubt there are any ajay's(the name is ajay in the movie too) in reality...
and even if there are,would someone ever love me soo much?? :(
'sometimes the longest journey is the one between two people'...ahh! how true...:)
sigh! i guess with the absence of an ajay devgan in life, urs truly would have to make do with her blog to relive her memories...
its a good thing we are recording our life in print :-/
i m back i m back i m back...and guess what i m watching tje movie tomorrow...though this days i hate tear jerkers, but Kajol, hmm after 13 yrs she shud be at her best!!!
thanks :D
i was wishing that it be good :D
i LOVE them BOTH!
I looked at the movie, and felt they might have copied "the notebook" partly..
I liked the unplugged version of the title track a lot..and even the lyrics is good
i am not reading the review yet!
*eyes tightly shut*
cheers, doc!
nice feedback... i will see the movie ASAP... :)
waise its a copy of notebook... have u seen it?
Kickass movie!!
I too saw it today, awesome awesome awesome. :D :D :D
Oh ,i don't like that happen to me either. For now let's be thankful we know ourselves and the people who love us.
Now, it's me can't stop thinking about it. Yeah, what if...
Anyways, nice post!
Nw ur review created interest in me to see that movie...
Doc Eggggggmsssss hainnnnn... so wannnnntttt to sseeeeeee... n i expected Kajol to give a bouncer yet again..coz she always does tht n as for her looks..she always looks ravishing..aint she ... :D and Ajay too frm nowhere beech beech mein shows thts yeah man i can too act.... :P after hum dil chuke sanam might be this is the one v al were waiting for to see him act hehe..
Nicely putup review...i love all the songs of U me aur Hum..the film's name itself is cho chweet..
Pri...Mads...aur hum ... :D :)
@ ashu
heyy thats great..though i thought u were always around and just open to some :)
yaa u shud catch up with the movie...ul like it!
@ veens
i have a feeling u gonna love it....esp since uve not seen 'the notebook'...i havent either so i guess could appreciate the movie more...and not start comparing :D
@ rambler
yes me too...though not at first..but ater watching the movie...the songs made sense :)
havent watched 'the notebook' :(
@ black coffee
heehee ok ok...it does contain a spoiler i guess...if u dont know nething about the movie yet :D
@ ankur
nope havent seen 'the notebook' :(
but do catch up with this one ASAP...
ul'l surely like it i guess...and do carry a box of tissues...
have a feeling theres going to be waterworks :D
@ sutta
u said it!totally!!
@ nirmal simon
heyy thanks..will surely check that out :)
@ reign
cant even imagine life like that...
even the thought scares me :(
@ cm-chap
is it running anywhere in sydney??
or u waiting to get back and watch it? :(
@ mad orchid
aww...damn exam timings...
i remember how always the good movies got released during my exams...
killjoy attitude these eggjams have :-/
dont worry...catch it as soon as ur exams are done...hopefully itll still be running then...when are u gonna be exam-free??
@ Pri..
waise to ive three papers on 18th,21st n 25th n pracs k dates ab tak aaye nhn wil get em in may..n 21st ka eggms has a side to get postponed so some bandh n strike thngie..aargh i hate this mamta banerjee :( so mebbe aftr i finish my theory papers for sure..
n u bet on the killing attitude so true doc
have seen this movie in english [50 first dates]..thanks for the review!!!!
Aaj second time dekhi apun ne.
Yayyyy!!! :D
nice review but why do u think that there wont be any 'ajay' in your life?
a sweetheart like you will surely get a person who loves u very much :)
I have not seen the movie, just the thought of not remembering is what caught my attention. Scared? Yes! LOL
Thanks for stopping by!!
I seriously hadnt thought of seeing this movie.but nw i seem to hav had a change of heart...after reading all these wow reviews i sure m gonna catch up wth this movie soon!
@ mad orchid
aww :( its gonna take ages for them to get over then...
chalo neways all the best :)
@ brocasarea
well its more like 'the notebook'...but unfortunately i havent watched that one yet so couldent relate it to that ...
have u watched 'the notebook'??
@ sutta
kyon?? pehli baar samajh nahi aayi? :-/
@ nik
lol!! thanks nik...u seem to have more confidence on that than me ;)
@ single in the city
yaa it is a scary thought...made me remember all the times i had plain forgotten things and just neglected the matter :p
and only on remembering them was i convinced that im okay..sigh!
it was a pleasure reading u...nice blog! :)
@ ria
thanks for dropping by :)
and yess u shud catch up with the movie...its worth it!
I hope that dun happen to me..I mean suddenly forget myself :)
but yes VERY thoughtful post Pri!
I thot it to be a super duper flop althou....;-)))
Althou u gave agood review...letc see...when can I make it:-)))
der u r prasing it all.. n den ders ashu...
forget it!!
the fact.. luv exists and there are real life ajays who love their lady to teh greatest extent imaginable by a sane mind... but then even that might fall short!! :)
so chillax.. your mr right will come along in due course of time!!
Pri u look like a fairy in your profile pic :) I don like this couple so no pic for me.
That was a good review you've given for this movie...don't know how , but Ajay devgan has always been an actor i've liked. Should go and catch up on this movie.
@ keshi
i hope so tooo...its something i wouldent wish even for my worst enemy...
though sometimes i wish i could just erase off some bad memories :-/
@ chakoli
yaa catch up with it before it goes off the theatres...this one is worth a watch...
hope u like it! :)
@ sam
err..ashu dint like it?? :(
hmm guess its subjective...would want to know ur reaction though...so catch it ASAP!
lol!!as for my mr right,he seems to have lost his way and is too proud to ask for directions ;)
@ mez
aww...thats so sweet... thankyou!
whether fairy or not, with a compliment like that, im certainly flying...all the way to cloud 9 :D
heyy u dont like ajay-kajol?? :(
actually me like the onscreen chem of SRK-kajol better...they create magic!
but this movie wasent bad at all...ajay devgan CAN act i guess :p
@ prats
then u shud go and definitely catch it...
i dontlike AD thaat much...but in this movie, it just dint matter...sigh!
i am very unlucky in both way...did not get access..no problem..but after after spending 300bucks and watching this movie..not worth...second half better half..still there r lots of flaw in movie....u can bear it since u doctor
I have to wait for atleast a month or two to get the DVD(with subtitles :-/).
But, will surely watch.
Cheers :-)
i saw the movie (not in the theatre, on tv) and i'll be honest i did cry to sleep after watchin it and not before i managed to msg someone to always remember that i love him...
just the thought of anyone forgettin that was too heavy on my heart that night!
Pretty true....fears best expressed thru your post!!...I still have to see the movie but kind of get the gist of it, but then, your post was more than just a review-its an articulation of what can happen when what should not happen "happens"!
PS: pehle bataya hota that a brilliant mind saw thru this issue, I would have tried thinking thru something else, rather than putting that post:-).
@ sid
err..dont u think the flattery is getting a bit too much?? ;)
im perfectly fine with it though...more is always welcome esp coming from fantastic writers like u (now thats my bit of complimenting)! thankyou...heehee!
ohh and relax! no issues at all...infact its nice to share views on topics like these...
besides if u go on this way, ul'l never get about writing, because someone somewhere in the world must have definitely thought on some issue before we thinking on it :D
its fun knowing different thoughts on common topics...u shoudl check out some of these 'prompt' sites (3ww, writersisland)
its fun writing for them...
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