i gaze at the open skies...
they tempt me to reach out to them,
touch them and explore the meaning of those lovely hues,
how pleasant would be the view from up there?
i often wonder and spin a dream around it
but then im reminded of my clipped wings...
i awe at the vastness all around me...
i want to soar so high that i will no longer be visible to the naked eye,
spread my wings and fly over the oceans blue,
listen to the sound of waves as i glide across them,
feel the cool breeze touching me on the other side of the horizon,
but then im reminded of my clipped wings...
i want to let go of all worldly issues...
reach a stage where im no longer trapped in the clutches of materialism,
where i would be free from the evils of society and vulture eyes--
waiting to eat my carcass as i drop dead, tired from the effort,
i want to fly to another place...
to a different land afar...
soo far away that noone can ever find me...
and then im reminded of my clipped wings...
i have dreams to attain...
i have ambitions to achieve...
i have wishes to be fulfilled...
i have longings to be shared...
i have the courage to dare...
and even though im bound by these invisible chains today,
which keep reminding me of my clipped wings,
i still have the will...
the desire...
the hope...
that someday i will break free...
into a happier life...
a happier story...
a different world...
because i BELIEVE!! :)
PROMPT: stage, visible, touching from 3ww
Pri, This is very powerful and has touched me.
Reminded me of Jonathan Livingston Seagull.
And I do agree that we think alike.
keep it rollin;)
Marvellous yearnings, but kept down to earth, with clipped wings.
The dream of so many of us.
the will i sall that matters girl :)
keep going... yur wings will be mended and yu wull soar high.. and touch yur dreams and watch us frm up above there :)
Cool piece. Very rooted.
green eyed monster
The verse sounds like a poem...
Pri... utopia, we are talking abt, we cant run away from any of this... we have to face this... hard but truth... :)
and though scribbler has written of seagull, but believe me... its was a new life, it was learning how to live the same life...
beautiful words, guess u have done justice with the tag...
and may u get wat u wish for, u attain ur desires, u be happy forever... :)
Keep Smiling... coz u sound happy when u smile and u deserve to be happy :)
Cheers Girl!!!
But who or what has clipped your wings, laden you with invisible chains? Often we feel the chains around us, never realizing they're not locked.
Freedom is wonderful and clipped wings are not so great. Love the dream!
Almost sounds like you could be talking about marriage! Sometimes it feels like my wings got clipped when I walked down the aisle!
very inspiring
The refrain of clipped wings makes me hope those wings become healed...
beautiful words filled with hope.....
I like the poem, very vivid and almost tender in thought, lovely poem
Such a beautiful piece. Breath taking honestly.=)
Althou I woud say....moral is quite common...and words are not...:-)))
beuatifully narrated:_))
Really great verse full of HOPE. Loved it.
@ jo anne o
just my feelings on here, jo...
thanks for appreciating :)
@ scribbler
really? does that mean we all belong to the same typa literary group--great minds?---'richard bach, you and me' ;p
if thats what u said, im flattered! heehee
@ anthony north
i agree ...we all in a way, have our wings clipped...
just that most of us learn to forget our dreams and stay happy with what we have (which is perhaps the right way)while some can never forget them :)
@ veens
thankyou veens! thats sucha sweet thing to say...
and yes will be definitely watching...though maybe from a different world :)
@ gautami tripathy
thanks for appreciating :)
@ ankur
thanks for thinking that i deserve to be happy, ankur :)
that means a lot to me...
i agree with u when u say that we gotta learn to face the truth and that we can never run away from it...
or rather, maybe we can run but we can NEVER hide!!
it soon catches up with us wherever we go :)
@ pjd
well we all in a way are bound with invisible chains..
but what u said there really made me stop and think a while--
///Often we feel the chains around us, never realizing they're not locked.///
true...sometimes we soo upset with the thought of being bound that we forget to even check whether we can do anything about it...
sometimes we too tired succumbing to fate that we dont realise that breaking away might just take one small second of extra effort...
thanks for reminding us :)
ur words can evoke only more 'hope' ...
@ tumble words
yes i agree...but what is more magical is the 'hope' and 'will' to attain freedom inspite of the clipped wings :)
@ linda jacobs
lol! no me was not talking about marriage linda...
im happily single as of now :D
but hmm...ur comment does make me think about marriage in a kinda scary light :(
@ leigh lear
thanyou :)
@ tc
thanks tc :)
there is the hope that they would heal someday...and even if they dont, there is hope that i would learn to fly inspite of them being clipped...
thats what they call 'dreaming' isnt it? :)
@ paisley
i guess thats the only thing wch makes life beautiful inspite of all it is---HOPE!! :)
thanks for appreciating...
@ lissa
thanks...it means a lot to me :)
@ sweetstickychewy
thanks for the kind words :)
the prompt did give an outlet to my feelings...
@ chakoli
thanks dear...yes i agree we all thrive on hope...
and somewhere no matter what it seems like on the outside, the dreamer within us never dies!! :)
@ keshi
its kinda funny isnt it?---broken dreams...clipped wings...and yet there is HOPE! :)
but guess that is what keeps us going...
Oh.. man.. I should know how to use words very powerfull like this....
Great post!!!
And I wish u to attain, to achieve..and to be happy always.
Cheers :-)
Yes, may we write our happier stories...
Lovely !
Loved your header.
Emotions so well expressed in this poem, pri.
May all your dreams come true.
Good luck.
Preeti (just a mother of two)
@ karthik s
thanks a lot karthik...
ur wishes mean a lot to me :)
and heyy i cant read either of your blog as u write in a language i dont understand :(
is that ur native language??
why dont u write a few posts in english too??
would love to read you sometime...
@ cindrella
amen! :)
@ ps
thanks a lot ps :)
its great to have u drop by...
I have started a blog namely Chef Friday Brunch to challenge the creative musings within to come up with a piece of writing on a theme of the week that would change every Friday. You can write up a post which can be a story, poem, prose based on the theme or the prompt on your blog if you find the theme interesting and drop a comment on my blog providing the link to your post. I would collate the links at the end of week and post it on my blog. Please do spread the word around if you find it interesting.
Eloquent...but you are flying even with clipped wings, you just don't realize it so as you come into awareness (which this piece declares!) fly higher - realize you are extraordinary!
It would be so boreing to stop dreaming na....
i wud die...:-))
@ chef
thats a great thing uve started out there...thanks for informing me :)
@ amarettogirl
thanks for the encouraging words :)
@ chakoli
we are nothing without our dreams...
they make us...they break us...yet we can never let them go :)
**or rather, maybe we can run but we can NEVER hide!!
how true...
Take CAre...
Keep smiling :)
this is a facile piece of post.
good justice to the tag and the post as well.
if giving any crash course for novice blogger like me ;-)
beautiful... dreaming and believing...
That was so inspiring!Lovely poem :)
wow...really good one.. soaring high...you are..just look at yourself in a different light
where have i been all the while :(
thats an awesome, unbelievable piece of writing!! Loved it from the very beginning till the end :)
@ ankur
we all need to...always :)
@ blogboy
ahh now thats a cloud 9 compliment...thankyou! :)
@ onemorebeliever
thankyou...thats what keeps us going :)
@ sameera
thankyou :)
@ adhishg
hmm ur right...its a matter of perspective :)
thanks for dropping by...
@ lena
thanks for appreciating dear...
and about being late, no worries...
the only assurance that we have for each other is that no matter how far we wander, we'll always come back...
thats the beauty of friendship :)
inspires strength !!
@ vands
i guess we all need that at times to carry on... :)
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