PROMPT: empty, highway, ignore
the night is dark and deep...
silence fills the air yet i cant sleep...
i close my eyes and make a wish...
suddenly i find myself at a bend
a lonely highway it seems to be...
an empty path asif just made for me...
i walk along the road unknown...
its long and winding but something lures me...
im alone and afraid yet a faint halo leads me...
and then there is YOU!!
lost in a different world...
far away from reality...
there is beauty all around...
there are things i have only imagined...
and then there is YOU!
with a cloud for a pillow i dream...
a very different place it seems...
there is the lovely music of harps being played...
and then there is YOU!!
there are people smiling with friendly eyes...
noone speaks a word and yet i dont feel ignored...
there are flowers of different hues...
i see 'strawberry rain'...
and then there is YOU!!
i see angel faces and genuine hearts...
they touch me and my heart goes out to them...
i see 'vanilla skies' and 'crystal-clear seas'...
i watch innocent kids and aged people beaming with radiant joy..
and then there is YOU!!
i climb a stairway of beaded wishes...
each one is on its way to fulfillment...
as i reach the final step, a hand extends,
without a moments hesitation, i reach out...
and then there is YOU!!
YOU smile at me and ask me if i want to stay...
in this world of urs,or come back some other day?
and at that very moment i look down and see...
my loved ones are all away from me...
ive gotten here before my time is due,
should i return to them and wait some years few?
i say a silent prayer to drive away my fear...
ive made up my mind and ive decided to stay here...
just some days of missing me and they'll be fine...
i dont ever want to wake up from this dream of mine!!
and tomorrow when to wake me up they'll try,
i dont want them, on my death to cry....
and be it perhaps only for a lil while,
but i wish they'l greet my memory with a smile...
and know no matter how far it seems,
il'l always be around in their dreams...!!
Iam left with no words doc...
BEAUTIFUL.... 'U' make it so :D
lovely.... treat for dinner :)
hugs n lodsa loveeee
wonderful... wow!!!
P.S. more comment later... :)
n yes, when someone is in the heart n mind... u dont dream abt them, they just come to ur thoughts!!!
Mind blowing- cos what happens at that final moment is what even I have though about often-but never gave a thought what after that!
" climb a stairway of beaded wishes...
each one is on its way to fulfillment...
as i reach the final step, a hand extends,
without a moments hesitation, i reach out...".......steps of wishes and help at the last step-this is some imagination!.Liked the post and its worth a couple of reads (if not more)
"strawberry rain" - LOVE what this did for my brain! :)
Wah doctor saab wah!! :D
I love such poetry.
Melancholic, lost types. :-/
very beautifully put...
Just lovely! Truly lovely!
I love the rhythm and rhyme in here!
An excellent poem. Well done!
oh..my my.....
wonderful wednesday poem. with beautiful rhymes....
If only I could pen my thoughts as well and you do,
If only I could flow and fly along your lines, of unsaturated hues.
I'd be a better poet. :)
Lovely read. The whole poem was terrific. I enjoyed every bit of it. Al though I did start reading it with a closed mind. I was open in the end.
If I had a promise of returning another day, I'd take it. But that's just me.
Beautiful Pri... it is touching
esp the last para... I wish too that wen i m long gone... everyone thinks of me with a smile and not ...anger :)
I loved it!
Lov :)
Lovely Pri!
but I know my mum and sis will somehow miss me and they WILL cry
@ mad orchid
done! so u owe me a dinner treat when we meet!! ;)
@ ankur
thanks! :)
but il'l prefer to come in dreams and speak to my loved ones when im no longer around...
because thats the best time for undisturbed conversations! :)
@ sid
i too often used to think only uptill the end...so this time went a lil ahead and tried imagining what it would be like...or rather what i would like it to be like...
thanks for giving my thoughts so much time and thinking they are worth it! :)
@ texasblue
well i loved what it did to mine too...
dunno how i came up with that though :D
guess my imagination goes a bit overboard sometimes...lol!!
thanks for dropping by!
@ sutta
thankyou! bur it wasent thaat melancholic was it??
yep i agree, i was a bit lost though :)
@ paisley
thanks...tried putting some secret thoughts together :)
@ tumblewords
thankyou! :)
@ linda jacobs
i loved the way the prompt got out of me some of my innermost thoughts...
thanks to 'bone' and 'pia' for the effort they put in 3ww! :)
@ anthonynorth
thankyou! :)
@ blogboy
thanks for appreciating! :)
@ jeya
u sure are one of the fine ones...i can tell from the lines here itsself! :D
thanks for appreciating my piece...
just some thoughts i put together to try wipe away the gloom that 'the end' tends to bring in us :)
@ tc
yeps most would :)
but i guess i wouldent and rather stay out of fear that promises can be broken and i wouldent want to lose out on that one...
but like you said, thats just me! ;)
@ raaji
thanks raaji :)
@ veens
well about being angry..i dunno really :(
because for those who are angry at me when alive, wouldent be much affected after im gone either...but that again depends though! (u know what i mean!)
but as for the people who love me,
i would rather have them smiling in the memory of the times we've spent together than crying because we wouldent be able to anymore...
and then again,i dont want them to miss me and feel upset...because even then, i would just be a thought away! :)
@ keshi
i know keshi :(
but thats what i dont want...i dont want my loved ones to cry for me...because of me...even when im gone!
it would hurt me most!
yes Pri, I dun want that either. But they cant do that. Its natural to cry when ur loved-ones die. So I wont ask em not to cry..let em cry if they must, cos crying can be quite healing.
Pri, poetry apan ke sae ke upar se jaati hai, so no comments.
But...I saw your response to my compliments on Sol's short and sweet :) And wanted to ask if you had read these two favorite posts of mine:
1) My Water Acrobatics
2) The Idiot
I think you'll have fun reading them :)
Like always...u have a way with words. O i still gotta catch up on ur pvt. blog. I keep furgetin.
What a beautiful heart Pri
We never want people to cry for us while we live, but they will and they will cry if they ever lose you.
So the best thing you can do for this world is to stay and bring more light into our lives
Of course you will still be blogging at 104
this is good...
such a lovely place for us to call "our final destination"
am back...to comment :) I read it this time (pehle iski length dekh ke bhaag gai thi)
This is nice. I like the picture of heaven that you have painted. Sab happy and peaceful. After going through everything life throws at us, I do hope thats where I end up!
And you're right about what you said in the end. People do live on in dreams.
Here's a story I'd like to share...
There's this very close friend of mine, dad of two sons, and THE greatest dad I ever know (sachi, he really understands kids)...well...he lost his younger son when he was 8 years old! I cried so much, not for the son (I had only met him once), but for the father, (writing this is bringing tears...its been 3 years now!)
I ask him "how are you" every year on the boy's birthday. Last year, I asked him, Charlie, I don't know how you feel about me asking you about Andrew, please tell me if it makes you sad to think about him. (You know India mein kaise people avoid talking about the dead) He smiled through his tears and said "Are you kidding me? I LOVE talking about him, and I am so glad that you remember him and think about him too!" He said the boy visits him in his dreams some times, and it feels very real! He says no matter what, I am still the father of two boys! So true!
I like where you took this, it brings a freshness, both sad and inviting. It is well done.
@ keshi
hmm guess ur right in a way...but it still pains me to think that they would be crying because of me and i would be doing nothing about it...
it gives me a helpless feeling! :(
@ aneri masi
no i havent read them yet...i guess i discovered ur blog wayy after :(
but now i surely will read :)
///After going through everything life throws at us, I do hope thats where I end up!///
i do hope so too...and if its any different from this, il'l know where ive reached :-/
and then probably il'l resort to boring ppl out there so that they kick me into 'heaven' outaa frustration ;) ...heeheee!!
///He says no matter what, I am still the father of two boys///
thats very touching! :(
but u know he is absolutely right...il'l never leave my loved ones alone even when im gone...
heehee...il'l keep torturing u guys with my memories too :D
and maybe my ghost would blog too...lol!!
The words just carry you from verse to verse. Putting you there and taking you ahead. Till you are brimming with emotions..
very elegantly described
@ mez
thanks for the compliment :)
ohh and ive already sent u an invite...so seeya on there!
take care! :)
@ clyde
blogging till 104???
u wouldent want me to bore u guys for soo long would u? :p
///best thing you can do for this world is to stay and bring more light into our lives///
i know...but these things arnt in our hands...
il'l have to leave when il'l have to leave :)
so i take solace in the fact that im a total menace and would do more good when gone..the world would be a different place (maybe not better but definitely quieter...heeheee)
so while im here, lets enjoy the party...whatsay?? *turns on the musci blast volumen*
cheers!! :D
@ bitchyangel
well, the final destination better be worth the whole long tiring journey...whatsay? :)
thanks for dropping by!
@ writercat
thanks! though err...i dont think it was intentional :)
@ beauty and the beast
heyy thanks..that was flattering!
great to see u on here :)
Wow dear...u write it so beautifuuly:-))))
You know great writers like you are (silently)expected to put up new posts on a regular basis. Now you cant tell people not to read the newspaper everyday-its a habit not possible to change:-).
Ah Pri
The world will never be a better place when you're gone---you have so much to give this world---and who cares if it would be quieter--sometimes the silence is deafening.
And who would play piano music on their blog for me
Aww, Pri, that's beautiful! That thought, I can identify with it so much!
:) nice
just please be an angel in the dreams not bhootnath!!! ;)
wow doc...tht was wonderful...good writing :)
@ chakoli
thankyou :)
@ sid
ahh thankyou...u sure know how to flatter someone :D
ohh and i do post almost everyday...u must have noticed the other blogs havent u? im addicted!! ;)
take care!
@ clyde
aww thats so sweet!
ohh as for the music,i promise to include u in my will ;)
@ macadamia
thanks dear...im happy we share the same thoughts :)
@ ceedy
hmmm now we will have to think about this...depends on who's dreaming...heehee :p
@ maverick
thanks mav :)
hows the new job going??
a beautiful destination....
mesmerizing poetry! :)
Hi Pri. Thanks for dropping by on my Blog. Nice meeting you as well. Blogrolled ya!!!
Doc you really write well.
u know wat... i read it again... complete... and guess wat...
its awesome!!!
amazing yaar... the way the feelings are expressed :)
watever i will say will be less for this one :)
Keep it up...
@ onemorebeliever
thanks for dropping by :)
@ secret admirer
@ shekhar
the feeling is mutual :)
thanks for blogrolling!
@ ankur
whoaa! im scared of heights ;)
but neverthless, thankyou!
Phew!!! "_______________________"
What would you leave behind?
I hope it's jus a dream, nothin more nothin less.
keep it rollin;)
It's all very beautiful language. I especially liked the phrase "strawberry rain." Don't think I've ever seen those two words put together before. Very unique.
@ scribbler
a lil more than a dream...a lil less than reality...
@ bone
heyy thanks to ur wonderful prompt,i was able to express some of my innermost thoughts :)
love 3ww...
keep up the good work of providing inspiration to soo many!
take care!
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