nor do i have any idea who first started it...sigh!
anyways keeping to the rules, here goes...
i am tagged by ceedy and here is how it should be carried out...psst!! dont ask me to explain pleease..i have to admit i cant because i dunno myself :(
tag 10 person in one post but still there is no actual limit (you can tag more if you want!).
Once tagged, you have to copy paste the link in this post, and make them grow!Do not delete any of the links and be honest to yourself!copy paste the link in this post, and make them grow!
so here it is...
BennyLiew,RamblingMoo, mum and kids in wonderland, Judelittle, our mini blogsphere, rooms in my heart,,
ChinNee, Jo-N, LadyJava's lounge, strange but true, mariuca's perfume gallery, meet uncle j-uncle j, Farah, aNgRiAniWoRLd, Hows Life About , The Three Hero's, Ceedy, Pri, You Next
i tag:
blogboy, rambler, sid, roshan, Mez, chandni, sutta, LaVidaLoca, Sush, Sam
sorry guys..had to pass it on...was kinda afraid this might be just one of those chain forwards wch if not passed would bring u bad luck in breakfast, lunch and dinner for the next 15 years!! :-/
ok now if u arnt dead out of sheer boredom already, let me try a lil more ;)
here is another tag i got tagged with by chandni...
according to this, i have to allow u guys a peep into my handbag (right now unprepared)...sigh!!

okk now please dont blame me if there is any explosive in here because i myself havent emptied my handbag in ages...*embarassed*
ok so lets see what we've got in here...
--->a small note pad
--->2 ball point pens (black and blue)
--->my 'dental appointment' card...(recent achievement)
--->4 toffee wrappers (blue, yellow, dark pink, transparent)
--->one 'eclair' chocolate wch'll dissapear in the next 1 minute...heehee
--->a small water bottle
--->a pocket size mirror and comb
--->my cell phone
--->cash and 'change'
--->half a pack of face freshners and one pack of tissues
--->a small scrap of paper with something scribbled on it (hopefully nothing important because i cant seem to read it now :-/)
--->2 passport sized photographs
--->a glue stick
--->my 'glares' with cover
--->a dominos discount coupon all crumpled and rolled into a ball (would they let me still use this?? *wondering*)
--->a recently used 'mumbai to goa' airticket
--->a phone book with some important numbers which i cant trust my cell with (considering that my contact list has self-erased itsself twice before...dont look at me like that..i dunno why these things keep happening only with me..hmpf!!)
--->a book exhibition pass i had been to a week back...
--->house keys and my room keys
--->'INOX' movie ticketstubs of the recent 'u me aur hum'
--->ewwww! i just found a piece of paper with chewed gum in it...believe me! i dont normally do sure there was no dustbin around!! :-/
thats about it!now u know why my handbag almost always looks like its going to explode any minute?
i cant believe i let u guys have soo many details...sigh!!
makes me feel my life is like an open book...(that it has nothing interesting written on it is another story...but STILL!!)
some loser i :-/
ok so let me tag some others to share the title...*muhahahaha*
-all the remaining lady bloggers around here
hehehe! it was fun just reading it pri!
thats was nice!
i liked the bit abt chewing gum on paper. i do that too! i know there was mo dustbin around! ikkie it is!!
and the bit abt ur life being an open book cracked me up too!
P.S: i havn been as frequent here as before! :( sorry!!
I always wonder how & why do girls have so many things in their handbag;-) wonder its called a "handbag" & not a purse:-)..(I know I could get myself into trouble for that one!).
PS: (A)thanks for the TAG...I am just going to follow your instructions & hope I dont display my "technically challenged" skills 2 evidently:-)
(B) In which months post can we find your write up on Alzheimers?
(Told you..never think you alone face problems with "technical issues"...I can give you a run for your money in that field:-p)
Hmm.. interesting to view the contents of ur suitcase too (told the same to Chandni!)
And chewing gum????? u r not a doc.. rt?
And dental appt card? I dont give that 2 u as yet..
in the bag-
i recently got such a huge one, cos i thought it looked sooo sexcee, and guess wat, everyone loved the bag more than i did..
and wen i say they loved it, i mean they loved the size- last week, they put in their tiffen box/ mobiles/keys along with keychains alongside my stuff- that had a lota things tat ya have in ya bag, and a sun-protection-stole and a make-up-jing-bang bag..
i'd a fresh pair of socks as well in it, for ma dance clas..
n it gave away the next day- a smaall, apin hole in it- i need to get tat darned!!!
darn!! :(
good blog btw!
@ cold coffee
no problemo...i can understand u were busy with exams and stuff...
welcome back! :)
about the chewing gum, thanks for understanding...sigh!
@ sid
naah!no problem at all! im used to that family says i shud carry a 'suitcase' instead...:-/
that post i was talking about was written after watching 'u me aur hum' its sumwhat a review...heres the link :)
really liked the way u put it in ur latest post! :)
ohh and btw u havent got the imeem thing sorted yet? :(
@ vrij
heehee thats what mom and dad call it too :D
oyee! mujhpe shak?? :o
kyon???u think doctors dont chew gum is it?? :-/
///And dental appt card? I dont give that 2 u as yet..///
dint get this part...u a dentist???
@ rantavereflect
haha...nobody seems to ask me because mine looks all too stuffed and about to burst already :D
heyy btw i agree a big handbag can look very sexy...and yes they are soo convenient too!
sadly most ppl dont understand that concept and offer me suitcases instead :-/
Docs do chew gum, I do.. but I never put it back in my bag. If it has to it stays in my pocket for a max 15mins!
And yep.. me a dentist :D
tag time ha :)
the gun would be a lot of fun in the bag :)
There goes another one in my bag... :P i meant the tag bag..tu loser b bangyi doc se...hawww... :O
Nice one...:)
OMG!! So many things in your handbag. I shudder to think what might be in mine. Thank God you did not tag me or I would be have been soooo embarrassed!
Wow! Thats some weight you're carrying around on your shoulder! Face wash? why?
LOL u hv so many thing sin ur bag girl?
**a recently used 'mumbai to goa' airticket
Still in ur bag? awww...
Im glad u didnt tag me on this cos no one has to know wuts in my bag..its quite embarassing!
Are you sure it's a hand bag.. or a school bag?
wow... you have so much stuff in your bag. I dont even carry a bag :-)
well I am glad it gave you an opportunity to at least clean it up... hehe
Cool Tag! :-)
@ vrij
u make me sound like a chewed gum collector :-/
sigh! i dont normally do that...really!!
ahh ive been lising all my life with a dentist--the one at di ;)
@ rambler
ohh i do carry that sometimes...heehee
@ mad orchid
heehee...ab jo bhi tagged hain woh mere saath woh title share kar lenge :p
@ solitaire
look again dear..look again!!
the last category in the 'i tag' list ;)
@ aneri_masi
now that ive upturned it, its gonna be lighter for sure...a lot of waste is going right out :-/
duh! the facewash?? to wash my face :p
the summer is really killing me :(
so i need that...
@ keshi
haha u are tagged dear...chk the last category in the 'i tag' list :P
ohh but i know its gonna take u ages to take it up right? :(
ohh the boarding pass? yeah u must have noticed a lotta unwanted crap there (like the choc wrappers, INOX tickets, chewed gum et al)..this is ust another of them :(
i know i know! it was about time i emptied out the mess...
infact the tag made me do it...thanks to chandni :D
@ j
heehee...atleast u dint call it a suitcase..thankyou! ;)
@ raaji
u dont?? really?? :o
how do u manage? big pockets eh??
yaa ur right..this tag sure helped me clear up the mess *yawn*
hehe... the first tag i m still not able to understand... wat kinda chain is tat :P :P
but kewl :D :D
and ya the 2nd one is cool, let us know many a things, i hope u rnt hiding something ;) ;)
hehehehe.... few love letters or something :P
and dental appointment card??? :O :O
cash and change :P :P
**half a pack of face freshners and one pack of tissues
hehee... face freshner... :P :P
yaar itne fresh face ko kahan jaroorat hai??? :D :D
and looks like u r a collector... an used air ticket, movie tickets, dominos... looking for some kinda reimbursement kya :P :P
haan book exhi pass... woh toh bhool hi gaya :P :P
gayi thi ya sirf pass?? :P
waise yes, its gonna explode, put up a pic of urs handbag and then we will tell u :P :P
hehehe... this one was fun readin... :D :D
btw... wat color is ur hand bag??? some pink??? :D :D
**all the remaining lady bloggers around here
who said Im a LADY? Im so un-ladylike ya know. LOL!
Congrats for finishing 2 tags together:-)))
dental card...!! do you always have to carry it??
so which exhibition is it??
hmmm.... on a trip...I guess u must be dine uptill now:-)))
yday freaking blogger was giving me a tough time... pata nahin open hi nahin ho raha tha!
yaar i m going to my hmw twn today evening
and i will be back after 3 days ok?
i will do yur tag then!!! ok?
and well well... i have ful khachda :D
e.g :- once i was going to giv sme strays chicken bones ok/ and i saw my neighbor who is cynical and always starts an argument wen we giv strays foos :-/ so as i saw him i put the bones in my aprons opcket....and forgot abt it :-/
after2 days mom smelled around Kitchen and well u knw the rest :-/
ahh well... at least u dnt find such things in yur pocket/bags :((
have fun!
You do have a lotta stuff stored woman:P I really hope you can use the discount coupon:-)
ok, now we know no bad luck for your breakfasts, lunches and dinners :D Good for you!!
and woooooooooooooooow so many things in your bag :D
@ ankur
u think main apne loveletter purse mein lekar ghoomungi?? lol!!
(yeah!keep guessing! :p)
oyee...i did go for the exhibition...hence the pass..but must admit it was kinda good stuff! :(
thanks for the compliment but yaa need the face freshners because summers mein my face can compete with a 'tala hua papad' heehee
and this handbag is ka zamana gaya btw! woh bips ki ad nahi dekhi kya?? ;)
@ keshi
perfect wrong timing woman! :D
after those gorgeous saree pics, nobody would believe that ;)
so u cant escape from the tag...*muhahaha*
@ chakoli
no i dont always have to carry it..but as i said its a recent achievemtn, so im taking pride in carrying it along :))
ok ok frankly havent removed it because im afraid i might lose it :-/
///hmm...on a trip...I guess u must be dine uptill now:-)))///
sorry dint get that bit...
@ veens
ewwwww veens..that totally grossed me out!
i dont think i would want to know the contents of your handbag now :-/
but on second thoughts, it has made me more curious...sigh!
will keep an antiemetic ready when i come around to read it :p
have a nice time in god's own country! :)
@ craziest
heehee i hope so too...
@ lena
heehee yaa i dont want my toast to burn everytime :P
waiting to have a peek in ur handbag ;)
eeep.. do i have to do tha tag.. it seems weird !!!!
I thought I was high maintainence
Thts a cute tag!and hey relax lady u jus let us know abt whts in ur bag and not anything personal!!so ur life is still not a open book and we still hav a lot more to knw abt u! :)
Ah.. ur sis a dentist.. cool. So a doc and a dentist at home.. waat lagi hogi ghar waalon ki.. unless everyone is a doc..
Waise is ur sis practicing?
Its called selective reading!
funny tag...
hehe will do it..
haha ur such a smartass!
ok I will take this tag up next..combined with few other tags that r pending. :) tnxx hun!
so many things in a handbag! and and ... chewing gum yunk!
Are those your bag contents or suitcase :P Inna kuch..phew!
aur kya nahi toh love letters kya ghar par chodkar aate hain :P :P
oh... kis type ka exhibition tha btw???
hehe.. tala hua papad : P:P
acha so make us believe ;) ;)
seriously maine woh ad nahi dekha :P :P
par main woh SArabhai...dekhta hoon..
white is so middle class :P :P
@ roshan r
heehee it sure is...its a 'passing around the weirdness' tag ;)
@ la vida loca
haha as chandni said in her post we are 'low maintainence but high design' ;p
@ ria
i guess if i can tell u whats in my bag, i can pretty much tell u whats in my life...sigh!
@ vrij sis has her private practice but im strictly forbidden from entering her clinic because she thinks i take her for granted and throw attitude and boss around around when im on her chair :-/
nope we the only two doctors in the family unless u count in my mom who is 3/4th of a doctor herself without formal training in the profession...kinda the eklavya way..sigh!
my dads an engg who believes more in google than in doctors..hmpf!!
@ solitaire
ok thatll remind me to do some selective tagging next time! ;)
@ blogboy
u found it funny?? i found the first one weird..and the second one..well maybe that was kinda 'introspective' :[
@ keshi
heehee that i am! :D
yaa do'l be famous for finally getting the great keshi to execute tags ;)
waiting to read you...
take care!
@ endevourme
u would never understand a girl would you? :-/
@ mez
umm wait lemme check...*loks to confirm*
its my handbag alrite! :p
@ ankur
///aur kya nahi toh love letters kya ghar par chodkar aate hain :P :P///
maine kaha na?...keep guessing! :p
///oh... kis type ka exhibition tha btw???///
kis type ka matlab?? book exhibition tha bhai...but most of them were those boring self-help kinds...
it was a small collection...
///hehe.. tala hua papad : P:P
acha so make us believe ;) ;)///
kyon?? main yahan pe koi 'oil control facewash' ka ad kar rahi hoon kya?? :-/
///seriously maine woh ad nahi dekha :P :P///
TV nahi dekhoge toh aisa hi hoga...
///par main woh SArabhai...dekhta hoon..
white is so middle class :P :p///
oh my my my *in maya sarabhai ishtyle*
dats why dey say dat a lady's purse is a different world altogether!!!
i think pretty girls like you should always carry heavy handbags.
they help in hitting roadside romeos ;)
Quite a bag and then kudos to shoulder to carry that kinda weight ;)
bap re what not do you keep in your hand bag??? is it bag or basta? just kidding but really i must say with your ahngbag u are armed to fight any kind of disaster :) trust me you are nothing short of super woman.... :)kudos girl
the member from the bags union called me....saying please help us...we are overfilled, overweighed, our bellies are bursting at the seams, the buckle joints need oiling....
hope you get the msg :P
haha i will willfully take on the handbag tag.... love the fact that u were detailed to the lowest level of granularity :)
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