AB (senior) rocks once again in his latest venture 'bhoothnath'...
I dint have too many viewer expectations to this movie and half heartedly tagged along to the movie hall once again without reading any reviews...
yeah i know...some guts after the recent disaster 'tashan'! :-/
anyways u ought to know by now that urs truly loves to take risks...and besides this one starred my fav 'daddy long legs' BIG B...
so that was enough to get me going!
but much to my pleasant surprise,'bhoothnath' is a wellmade mix of emotions and humour...wch is a big relief after 'tashan' (wch u must have noticed i dint even dare to mention on here because i was too afraid to live the puke-inducing experience again)
'bhoothnath' is about 7 year old 'banku' and his friendship with the ghost of 'kailashnath' , who once owned the house he is living in with his mom....
'bhoothnath' (as addressed by banku) is ultrapossesive about his house and has been guarding it for years and scaring away whoever tries to inhabit it...
juhi chawla has played the role of a modern day mother who dosent believe in the 'spare the rod and spoil the child' philosophy and yet somehow 'banku' turns out quite adorably alright...
the story starts off with a funny and enjoyable relationship banku shares with bhoothnath and leaves everyone laughing at their childish pranks....
'satish shah' and 'rajpal yadav' have done good justice to their roles and lived upto their status as comic actors...
u cant help but grin at AB as he gets all psyched out when banku tells him that he cant be a ghost because his mother told him that ghosts dont exist...
just when u think that the director 'vivek sharma' has made this movie keeping only the kiddo audience in mind, u are introduced to a heart wrenching flashback which brings out the magic of 'baghban' alive...
there are certain scenes which no matter what cant stop ur lacrymal glands from going hyperactive...and yes please make sure u carry tissues along...
nobody warned me and i had to use my 'popcorn salty' hands to wipe off huge teardrops flowing down my cheek :-/ (my eyes were burning by the time i reached home..sigh!blame it on the popcorn!)
the movie also speaks about friendship which is a bond which can be between ppl of any age and how certain people enter our lives as 'angels' just to teach us somethings about it...some lessons we ought to remember throughout...even when these 'angels' are not around to remind us...because even though it might seem that they leave us someday, they are going to be there with us forever...connected---heart to heart! :)
the music by vishal shekhar though, is not all that catchy..but guess nobody expects songs from 'bhoothnath' to be hummed for generations to come...so all in all they are sequential and the lyrics are pretty nice :)
couldent help wishing SRK to have been given a slightly longer role though...sigh!
except for a coupla flaws,the movie is well done and leaves u with a misty eyed smile when u leave the hall!
my personal rating: 7.5/10
special applause: to AB for being able to express emotions without even using a single word in some scenes...made me realise how great an actor he is...
the dialogue writer should be given special credit too as there are certain lines which just pull at ur heart strings and refuse to let go...
my opinion: go watch it guys!!
thts not a review.. thts a spoiler!
well u knw what? i so wished at least this one wud be good! THANK GOD it is!!
and i m gig to watch it neways :))
thanks girl :D
@ abhi
naah its not a spoiler!
i dint tell u that amitabh is a bhatakti aatma because he is killed by a band of robbers who come to steal chewing gum from him and that he tries to fight against them because he thinks its his money they are after...
and thats the main reason he goes and befriends kids..because comman choice...they like cheweing gum too...
see itna kuch toh nahi bataya tha :-/
go ENJOY the movie now!! *angelic smile*
dekhni hi padegi... par time nahihai... :( :(
too busy in office :(
waise suna hai kisi se ki achi movie hai, par dekhte hain how it turns out to be!!! nobody is ready to go to the cinema hall though so guess downloadin is the only option left
waise srk hai hi kyon idiot???
looks good..
but I am waiting for sarkar 2 :)
ab yeh to dekhna hi hoga
ohhh realllly u liked the movie pri??? 'coz all other reviews i've read say the movie is VERY BAD n ditto wit Tashaan!
It has SRK in it?
I just read a bad review from a mother on another blog.
She absolutely hated having her kid watch the movie!!
yes...AB is the Super star...
acting is really very good....
nice movie..
Hmmm... will chk out the movie.. now that u say its watchable..
And howz my sweety Juhi in the movie?
Now I HAVE TO go and watch this flick.
The point is - nobody here is willing to tag along with me :( Which is quite unfortunate. And I have yet to find the enthusiasm and courage to go to a cinema hall all alone !!
But yes... I WILL go and watch it
Lucky you.... So much time u get to watch movies....
U r courageous...who went again without redaing reviews... this counts for some clap...
clap clap clap...:DDDD
@ veens
yeps..i think ul'l like it :)
@ ankur
yea..considering u havent got the time and company to go and watch 'u me aur hum' yet, i think yeh bhi tumhe download karni padegi...
but do watch it :)
and hmpf!! there is SRK and i dont see any reason why he shudent be there..wish he was given a larger role though....sigh!
@ rambler
yeps...me too...but that belongs to a diff genra altogether...
'bhoothnath' is a fun film..atleast the first half :)
@ aneri_masi
haan...rent out a dvd if u can...i toh liked it...im a big fan of BIG B neways :)
@ pavi!!
no waysss!! tashan is just intolerable...its a 'puke bag' film with akshay kumar trying to compete with 'superman' et al...sigh!
atleast i liked 'bhoothnath'...though there are a few flaws there wch can be ignored i guess :)
try catchin it on a dvd if u dont believe me...
@ solitaire
i dunno...i personally liked it..
try catching it on a dvd if ur confused what to do :D
and yeps it has SRK, and knowing what kinda hate relation u share with him, i should tell u not to worry cos he has a very minor role :(
@ blogboy
u watched it too? cool!!
see that makes two of us around here who liked it...:D
@ vrij
juhi is her usual best...fits the role of a super cool mom :)
u should watch it...u wont regret!
@ beauty and the beast
im sure ul have some kiddos around who wouldent think twice about going for this movie...we adults are often a bit biased about children movies and reluctant to go :-/
(not me though! im the first one to go for them esp animations...heehee ...have watched them all! :p)
@ cm-chap
yeps..to think doctors are supposed to 'act' busy rnt they?? :p
btw life is all about 'finding' time...
so i guess u should take it easy on the workload and relax a bit!u deserve a movie! :D
@ chakoli
thankyou thankyou!! *takes a bow*
whats the next release btw??...bow cud be extended..:DDD
L read this post after I see the movie...so much so for suspense:-p..I liked the precise rating though..7.5(or did u round it off from 7.467..)...(Ya rite!..smart ass comment is what you would think! ) :-P
@ abhishek khanna
yeps..i knew the 'chewing gum' plot would get u interested :)
now go watch it..acche bacche ki tarah!
@ chakoli
heehee thankoo!
will remember it when i post my next review :D
i really wanted to watch '27 dresses'...but unfortunately it never got playing here :(
@ sid
woww! u r quite a mind reader ;)
btw how did u like the movie???
maybe now we should sit and discuss the clumsy flaws...whatsay?? :D
quite surprised at ur review!i was not planning to c this movie after reading a bad review. I hav already taxed my mind wth Tashan and so i dint hav the courae to go n see another disaster!!i might jus change my mind after reading this review. :)
i saw this movie last night and i kept thinking about what u said about it :)
maybe thats why i liked it.......
AB is a fine actor but he could have shown more potential there....
hmm tentative plan already made will catch it this week, thanks for the review :)
@ ria
'tashan' was really sad :(
i hated it!
tell me if u like 'bhoothnath'
i would advice u watch it with a 'review unbiased' mind :)
@ secret admirer
well i guess he could...the script should have taken care of the flaws...but had it been not for AB, i would be cribbing about those :D
@ vands
cool!! let me know what u thnk of it :)
[lol!! that sounded asif i was the director myself]
well i totally disagree with u in dis....
7.5/10 is too much..i will rate it as 4/10..
nyways i am pretty late here..d movie is released long back and was a flop..so no arguments..
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