while i havent yet finished on 'shantaram', i couldent resist starting on 'the 3 mistakes of my life' simply because its a small book...
somehow i find chetan bhagats books kinda fake...esp the way he introduces the story(i had a similar impression about 'ONATCC' when i'd read it)

yet i bought this one because there was a big hype about it and also because his books are light reads which i can finish fast...
hmpf!! all i can say is buying this book was 'the second mistake of my life' (buying 'ONATCC' being the first)..should have borrowed them from the library instead :-/
but i console myself with the belief that has been inbuilt in me since my childhood days (all thanks to mom and dad)--that buying 'books' can NEVER be a waste!
Anyways i finished this one in one night flat (one of the reasons for this was i was in mumbai at that time and had no internet around and while the 'night life' in mumbai was rocking away to glory with blaring music and flashy lights, i chose to curl up snug in my bed with chetan bhagats new book!
ohh the other reason being amidst all the chiches, i enjoyed the book in parts...typical bollywood masala kinda book..guess CB has a film in mind this time around too...ul'l do know ONATCC is going to be made into a movie dont ul'l?? yep with our very own sallu bhai and plastic katrina in the star cast along with some others...sigh!)
havent started with 'unaccustomed earth' and i wont be able to start on it till my next trip to mumbai as i forgot to get it back here with me...i only hope i havent lost it on the way though :((
---i went for this marathi natak (play) named 'zavai mhaza bhala' on sunday and must say i really enjoyed it...vikram gokhale was awesome (as usual) but the star who hogged the limelight was the young artist 'advait dadarkar' playing 'chinya'(short for chinmay in the play
though the play reminded me of 'the father of the bride' at many points, yet must say it was very well scripted and it was fun to see almost the entire older generation in the audience (including my mom and dad) nod in agreement to all the emotions potrayed by vikram gokhale :)
go and catch it..especially with your parents, if possible...
---have taken up a challenge with a stupid blogger friend (its 'veens' if u havent guessed by now...heehee..yea yea..im getting back..because she called me 'stupid' too..hmpf!!) of losing 3kgs before the first of june :p
yes right!!--we working towards 'size 0'...so save ur breath and dont try to be sarcastic in ur comments...hmpf!! :-/
ohh motivation is always welcome...there is always room for that :D

mom is not too happy about the weight thing because she thinks there are chances that i may go paranoid about it...heehee
someone told her about 'anorexia nervosa' once and since then she has been looking with suspicion at everyone who wants to lose weight...
yeah, she is very happy that ive resorted to healthy food and have once again cut down on eat outs and junk food...
but at the same time,she's aware of what an 'extremist' i can be and that kinda worries her :p
she has already started with her '3kgs in 15 days is not healthy at all' sermons *rolling eyes*
and to make matters worse, she just read in the news today that john abraham fainted on the sets because of his strenous diet regime....
i mean, gimme a break ma! he is trying to lose SIXTEEN kgs in 2 months...im stopping at 3 in 15 days! :-/
parents i tell u!! when u want to do something they stop u...when ur not doing anything, they complain...phew! ive given up on understanding their species...really! :-/
---im planning to put a hold on 'in a nutshell' from now on...atleast for some time...
for one, its already taking a backseat as compared to 'nostalgic moments' and 'raindrops and roses'...
secondly,ive decided there are days i dont want my entire life in print simply because there is too much happening and not everything is worth going through all over again *rolling eyes*
thirdly, i dunno...maybe the enthusiasm (like they say) is just fading out...
---ok one other thing i would like to tell everyone (and by that i mean those few on my gtalk list) is that-"just because i appear online on gtalk all the time, DOES NOT mean im around...so please dont
ive had enough problems regarding this over the last few days which unfortulately have still not sorted out...
so please get this clear---i
ohh and just incase u cant read the message printed on the first page of my personal diary, let me write it here for you---it makes a lot of sense...
"life is a book and you are its author.Believing in your own intuition and instincts is key.
Asking yourself new and empowering questions and writing your thoughts and observations will aloow you the freedom to take both small steps and great strides.
there is not one name for happiness, contentment or caring.
Let the words that u write here serve as your own key to life"
and that is exactly why i blog... :)
thats enough for now...over and out!!
chetan bhagats new book is a complete s@#t!!!
it doesnt means tat if u r an IIT/IIM/Symbi Product u write anything...
jhumpa lahiri is good :)
:P :P
aaj hi maine padha even Kareena is not!!! :P
haha... even i m plannin for 5 in 1 month ;)
we will miss 'in a nutshell'
**"just because i appear online on gtalk all the time, DOES NOT mean im around...so please dont assume misunderstand"
no we wont misunderstand and keep it in mind :)
(a) Can I borrow chetan bhagats book from you:-p
(b) I know pure air is best for health, but would be great if you dont disappear surviving just n that..how about sme food:-p...(**Ya, rite..dude u frgot I am the doc**)
(c)**im planning to put a hold on 'in a nutshell' from now on...atleast for some time...**...boley tu some time= how much time for a lay man like me...days, weeks, months...though i wud prefer if you cud let me know in Hours:-)
and yes... moms r d bestest!!!
when i go home she doesnt believes i m fat and she doesnt cut on any calorie part!!!
gud or bad... dont know :)
"life is a book and you are its author.Believing in your own intuition and instincts is key.
Asking yourself new and empowering questions and writing your thoughts and observations will aloow you the freedom to take both small steps and great strides.
there is not one name for happiness, contentment or caring.
Let the words that u write here serve as your own key to life"
well said... really :)
i too write coz it gives me a chance to retroinspect and introinspect... :)
and yes... the words serve my life too :)
Take Care
can you send me your book....please donot misinterpret the wording..many times u have misinterpreted.
Hmmm... on a wt loss spree.. cool! I hope u have no ambitions of becoming Ms Mysore like Veens ;)
vrijileshATgmail never finds you online on gtalk :(
hey i have heead a lot about that book... now have to grab a copy myself...
and Vikram Gokhale is awesome....no comparisons at all.... :)
yeh sab mere liye greek aur latin hai :P
will read in detail again to comprehend...ok
have you revied shantaram? lemme know
"somehow i find chetan bhagats books kinda fake"
Fake..ah that's the word I was looking for. I totally agree with you. Haven't read the 3rd book yet, but I felt the same for the others. The word I have been using to describe is 'filmi'..the other thing about his books are they don't inspire me much.
I thought his first book was decent..and the second had a good plot but the book on the whole was a disappointment..
lets see how this one turns out :)
Ohh u don’t recommend “3 mistakes of my life” ?? Hmm..thts sad . Even I din’t like “one night @ a call centre”. Was v.dissapointed . N Noooo! A movie! Wat a disaster!I’m not watchin it!
But I loved his 1st book..”five-point someone”. It was a very njoyable read!
N hey I like the movie “Father of the Bride”…very adorable it is. N I was actually nodding my head during some parts…Dads do feel n behave that way!
Good luck on ur losin weight mission!Nothing can motivate me to go on a diet. Eating healthy is manageable. Thank God research has proved that chocolate is good for the heart!N im researching on how potatoe chips can be good of health, so am forced to consume lots of it :P
BTW, just curious…wat doc are you???
@ ankur
i thought '5 point someone' was pretty cool but my IIT friends tell me that its hyped too :-/
ONATCC was total bollywood stuff...and '3 mistakes of my life' is okay in parts but nothing realistic...total bolly stuff again :-/
///aaj hi maine padha even Kareena is not!!! :P///
so what if shes not?? dosent mean we cant be!! :-/
i hate kareena neways *rolling eyes*
but yeah,inspired by her determination to reach there :D
///yes... moms r d bestest!!!///
yeps they sure are...but mine is frank too...if i gain weight, she is the first one to tell me :p
love her neways--my mom!!
///we will miss 'in a nutshell'///
dont miss it too much...its not going forever :p
@ sid
a)yeah sure...anytime!:p
infact i'l gift it to u :D
ul have to pay courier charges to paris though...heehee
b)yea thats where the problem starts...
cant give in to workouts and cant give up on food :-/
heehee btw i like the idea of you guessing what i would reply...is it something like the voice in ur head? :D
or am i just becoming too predictable...sigh! whatever is going to happen to the enigmatic status! ;)
c)ohh 'in a nutshell' is the restricted blog of mine and i dont remember u sending in ur email address asking for an invite...have u??
pardon my failing memory :(
il'l definitely send u an invite when im updating it next (if u want that is :D)
though an overdose of me could be toxic!! :p
@ rakesh
naa..no rpoblem...the very fact that u know ive misunderstood those times, means ive bothered to clear off the misunderstanding :)
its better than just letting it build up isnt it?
as for the book, sure--u can borrow it from me anytime...but how its gonna reach u is ur headache ;)
@ vrij
why do u hope so??
waise u should motivate veens u know...she might just mention u in her thankyou speech ;)
@ radhika
ohh...its not thaat great..the book...typical bolly stuff just like 'ONATCC'...i kinda liked '5 point someone' but his second and third book are nowhere near it...neverthless read and
tell me if u like it...
and yeah..vikram gokhale is an awesome actor!
and he rocks at theatre :)
@ ceedy
reading in process :)
will let u know once im through...
it was swiped from me midway by the evil di :-/
but yeah loved whatever ive read till now...
@ p
well yeah...glad u agree...i kinda liked his '5point someone' but then it went downhill i guess...
and another thing was i caught him giving an interview on TV and that dude has got tons of unwanted attitude :-/
he actually had the nerve to pass a derogatory comment expressing surprise at his books selling so much here saying "i wasent aware that ppl back in india READ!" :-/
that put me off completely!!
@ rambler
same here...but believe me, this book is no better than the second :(
@ pavi!!!
yeah im sure the movie is going to be worse than the book...i wouldent know neways because im not going :D
i liked '5 point someone' too...guess it was the initial enthusiasm and maybe the curiosity of the unknown...my IIT friends hated it :-/
i liked 'father of the bride' too (both the parts)...was sweet, comic and emotional all in one :)
thankya! :) i dont know how far its gonna go...but have to stretch it to 1st of june (atleast for the sake of the challenge..heehee)
after that i guess, il'l volunteer to help u with ur research ;)
well ive finished my MBBS last year end...that makes me just a basic doctor yet!
what about u?? :)
i reckon u into research...what kinda research? u done medicine too??
ya... it is hyped... life in eng colleges are such only... my roomie is also from IIT Mumbai and then i have many other friends... its a nice book for those who havent been to eng college so there one can fake a lil...
and yes.. 3 mistakes can be 1 of urs :P
hehe... u hate kareena... well most girls u...
but u gimme a diff reason :P
and my mom loves me so she doesnt tells me :-/
it shldnt go forever... but i m gonna miss till the time it is :)
oh sorry... comment wapas bade ho gaye... bore toh nahi hui na :(
Baap re baap doctor.
You had so much to write.
Almost seemed like you let out a big sigh when the post ended.
I am so jealous of you. Forgotten what pleasure reading is all about since 4 months thanks to my doctoral dissertation.
I've already motivated Veens to stop this harakiri of loosing wt and try to eat normally.
@ ankur
///and yes.. 3 mistakes can be 1 of urs :P///
i dont get what u mean...care to explain???
///hehe... u hate kareena... well most girls u...
but u gimme a diff reason :P///
really?? why do most girls hate her??
i hate her just because i think she is very artificial in her acting...nothing personal! :p
///and my mom loves me so she doesnt tells me :-////
and my mom loves me and so she does :)
nice to know 'in a nutshell' would be missed...
@ solitaire
i could never get myuself off reading...yeah it did slacken a bit in med school days :-/
ohh yes..this post was kinda long..but u know me? when i start writing, its difficult to stop :p
err...will try to keep it short next time...sigh!
@ vrij
whaaattt??? how mean of you!!
why did u demotivate her like that? :-/
well as for me, im still eating normally..just stopped the excess junk that i used to put in my system (until i get motivated enough to work out)!
Books books and Books...this is the 3rd post I m reading abt books...yup nt the same one but...I guyess... suddently everyone is feeling to read kya...;_))
ohhh..... size zero...madamme..madammme... puleeez... dnt get tooo anxious to reduce ur weight...afterall chubby-chubby cute people are more appelaing...trust me thats the fact...;-))))
Good reasons for blooging;-)
yeah my life is a book too...a very short story tho.
Thats the best way to loose weight.. cut the junk and oily stuff.. eat normal home food properly and do normal exercise.. like walking, stretching, a small jog.. no need of heavy duty workouts!
What a mighty coincidence... i got a JL too.... "Unacoustomed earth" :)) and well as i m eading "bridges of madison city" right now... i cant read that :D
well well!! so many things all together~~~!!! ohh well i read tem al :))
and abt the gtalk thing... i dnt care reall y:P
and u knw what i did.. i saw "August Rush and PS I love you"... an d have beencrying to sleep after seeing the latter!
that last quote is real good... i think i read it smewhere b4... was it on yur blog?!
and abt the other bog... u dnt have to update it nw and again everytime :D
anyways also like this one the best :))
chetan Bhagath **pfaff** ;))
@ chakoli
///yup nt the same one but...I guyess... suddently everyone is feeling to read kya...;_))///
lol...guess so..whats u reading these days btw?? :)
///dnt get tooo anxious to reduce ur weight...afterall chubby-chubby cute people are more appelaing...trust me thats the fact...;-))))///
yea yea sure ...but only with kids :D
size 0 is in vogue! ;)
and then again, i need the motivation more to keep fit than lose fat :)
@ keshi
err...why do u say that?? :-/
but neverthless i wouldent mind my book being short..as long as its interesting! :D
@ vrij
yeps buddy..i totally agree..and why wouldent i??
thats the easier way out too ;p
@ veens
first of all, im really shocked u havent commented on the weight thing :0
dont tell me vrij has really managed to demotivate you?? :-/
/// and well as i m eading "bridges of madison city" right now... i cant read that :D///
tell me if u liked it after uve finished reading...might put it on my book-shopping-list the next time i go :)
///and abt the gtalk thing... i dnt care reall y:P///
good u dont(now i can ignore u the next time u around)...that was for people who do :p
///and u knw what i did.. i saw "August Rush and PS I love you"... an d have beencrying to sleep after seeing the latter!///
havent watched 'august rush'...'PS i love u' is beautiful :)
have u watched 'autumn in new york'??...i think ul'l like it!
///that last quote is real good... i think i read it smewhere b4... was it on yur blog?!///
yeah u must have read it somewhere..its not my own...infact its right there printed on the first page of my diary (snapshot shown in the post)
and ive mentioned it in the post too..sigh!
its a quote i found very close to me...just one of those which manage to voice out ur exact feelings :)
///and abt the other bog... u dnt have to update it nw and again everytime :D///
that i know! :)
whats *pfaff* btw..sorry not too acquainted with ur (techno) slang yet :-/
amazing...it means u have completed writing your book("Life is a book and you r author")..good..this time u have not misinterpreted na...:D
what???? John fainted??? when? is he ok??
I read both of CB's books, found them mildly entertaining.
wow, its been AGES since I saw a play in india. how i envy you!
ok, now i am gonna brag. me used to fit in size 00 before my ma-in-law and my ma fed me all those mithais at my wedding 5 mnths back. trying to get back there. another month, baby, thats all its gonna take! :p
But pls, khana mat chhodna yaar, like John.
sigh...i wish i could write funny comments like you :( I am so boring :(
Pfaff is a sewing machine. Its the best in its class, its German. I have one.
:D :p
size 0?? waah wahhh :)
n ya're just 3kgs away- woman i wish i were in your place..
n mom's yehhhh they hyperventilate for nethin n everything- so typical, another species like ya said- cute species though..
chetan bhagat- he's a writer for the masses- like listening to an anu malik song- more timepass tahn brilliance ;)
keep fillin in all ya spaces :)
@ rakesh
completed writing my book???no waysss...u mean my life's over???? :0
heehee this time u misunderstanding ;)
@ aneri masi
whoaa...1 months time and back to size 0...supercool!! :D
mujhe bhi tips do pleeeaaase...and no! im not doing any of those stupid aerobic exercises u keep speaking about :-/
ohh john is fine now i guess..he lived to give the interview!!
bade logon ke bade nakhre :-/
one fainting spell and everybody goes ooh aah...if i fainted, u wudent have even asked...hmpf!! *jealous*
and u--a boring person!! :0 :0
no wayzzzz....noty in a million years!
@ rantravereflect
///n ya're just 3kgs away- woman i wish i were in your place..
sigh! i wish i could allow myself to let u live in that misconception...but naaah! im a strict gsandhian...they dont call me 'sant pri' for nothing...
so it is my duty to wipe off the misunderstanding...
when i spoke about size 0, i was being SARCASTIC :-/
so before anyone could ask me if i was trying the bebo gimmick, i decided to putt off the fire of their sarcasm by killing it with my own cynical squirt gun...heeheee
ohh yeah,i agree..the 'mom specie' is one helluva cute kind :D
just by the way, i hope chetan bhagat never drops by my blog..he would be in for a rude surprise!! *evil laugh*
losing 3kg? you sure you need it?
*and that is exactly why i blog... :)
that made me smile, girl :)
Take care, have a great weekend, good luck with 3kg challenge :)
I bought the book just yesterday!! I didn't like One Night one bit. He seemed like such a wannabe writer in it. But I did like Five Point Someone..light very light kind of reading!
Good luck for the weight loss:-)
hey...good luck with the weight loos..and well i duuno about that book...when is the movie on 5 point sumone releasing ??
Lol! Let me know who wins ;) You or veens. Meanwhile I'm going to go devour a box of hersheys. Muhahahahaa Muhahaha!
nice post! it really makes sense.
reading is indeed fun and no waste, yeah invest on your mind!;0)
L save you the courier charges...in delhi fr a bit starting next week..(he he..hum bhi smart hein..we knew you wud mention the courier charges bit:-p)...
PS:-Yup, dont worry about over dose..i mean you are a doc...but l handle this overdose aaram se:-)...you are heights of a certian thing...better known as modesty:-P
hmm...getting down to size 0 without mehnat...there is one way, they do these body wraps. heard of them? they claim to take away at least 10-15 inches in a single session!
they wrap you up in something for 2 hrs i think, and unwrap karenge to you will be skinnier. sounds scary, nahi? but on second thoughts, sounds good, 2 ghanta araam se so jayenge ;)
you seem like a die hard fan of soccer :-)
Dr. Pri,
Please come to the Woes of a Psychology Student and read my latest post. Value your opinion.
@ lena
thanks girl! and yeah i need it...the luck and the weight loss too :D
@ craziest
thanks...ohh and tell me if u like this one...i found it too bollywoodish....like he just wanted to throw in cheap thrills and passion to distracxt the readers off a baseless story :-/
similar to 'ONATCC'...i liked '5 point someone' too and bought his second and third book with the hope that they wud live up to it...
lets see..maybe his fourth book will :)
@ samby
ohh is he making a movie out of '5 point someone' too?? i'd heard something a long time back but nothing happened :(
and now i hear news about 'ONATCC' being made into a flick...sigh!
anyways about the latter,i seriously dont care enough! :-/
@ macademia
that was soooo mean!!! :(
@ iriz
u said it girl!! :)
cheers to that!
@ sid
yus yus! that was very smart! :D
how long u gonna be in delhi?? and how come the sudden plan? u from delhi is it??
ohh as for the modesty factor,thankyou!i take great PRIDE in that compliment ;p (see?? toldya im not all thaaat modest...heehee)
as for u handling the overdose, now that we really gotta see...*evil laugh*
@ aneri_masi
///hmm...getting down to size 0 without mehnat...there is one way, they do these body wraps. heard of them? they claim to take away at least 10-15 inches in a single session!///
whoaa!! thats scary...sounds somewhat like 'liposuction' to me...and no wayzzzz would i do that even if i weigh a 100kgs :-/
ive heard of more pleasant wraps though...there was this chocolate wrap which i wanted to try out once..but my folks dint allow me because they was scared i might try eating the chocolate :-/ hmpf!!
///they wrap you up in something for 2 hrs i think, and unwrap karenge to you will be skinnier. sounds scary, nahi? but on second thoughts, sounds good, 2 ghanta araam se so jayenge ;)///
nahi nahi...not good at all...i cant stay in one place without moving...leave alone for two hours (i even toss and turn in my sleep for that matter! :-/)
i would feel mummified! :(
@ solitaire
yes maam...flattered! coming right away :)
@ raaji
me?? a die hard fan of SOCCER?? :0
huh?? huh?? huh??
whatever gave u that idea!!??
@ solitaire
im not permitted to enter your private blog :)
u havent renewed my key i guess
how s chetan bhagat s new book? as good as last 2? J La s coooooooooooool
But I see you on my list!
Kya karna padta hai?
I sent you another invite.
Does that suffice?
Do I have to do that for everyone?
U wont believe it! i jus read 3 mistakes n am right nw readin unaccustomed earth ;) 3 mistakes is pretty much bollywood masala material but ya i found it entertaining..i HATED the climax n evertyhin too melodramatic..hey unaccustomed earth is goood i mean i read the 1st story n i really liked it..i mean i like the way she writes abt the nuances of human behavior n relationships..
hey 3 kgs in 15 days comes to 12 kgs in 2 months :p so basically u r pretty much doin wut johns doing :p hey yu guys cud have some telepathic thing u know u n john since u r doin the same thing :p
eeww man i ranted so much!
oops forgot to mention am big time into marathi plays..i recently watched divsa tu ratri me..'twas OKayish..shud catch the one u mentioned is it a comedy? no i dont think so..vikram gokhale generally does all serious stuff na?
have heard a lot abt the three mistakes book frma frnd of mine back in india. but (un)fortunately, i can't find it anywhere in the book stores in bahrain. u want me to try gettin it frm india or jus leave it?
i've been trying to read at least one jhumpa lahiri book for quite sometime but couldn't get hold of one. seems that i've got to intensify my search.
3 kgs in 15 days!!! can u help me out if u reach ur goal? but i can't leave the ice creams n chocolates...
@ ashu
'5 point someone' was good...but 'one night at the call centre'???? u liked it---seriously?? :o
err then if u liked ONATCC, then i guess u would like this one too :)
seems like we have a 'chaten bhagat' fan here!!
@ solitaire
i dunno really...till yest i was getting a notice saying something like 'this blog is open to invited readers only'
neways its sorted out now...i got ur invite :)
and have commented!
@ elusive
heyy tell me if u like 'unaccustomed earth'??
i left it behind and now cant read it till my next trip :(
as for the 'diet, im most likely stopping it after 3kgs..that seems to be the goal!
i dont want to faint like john...though i wud sure like that telepathic connection with him ;)
'zavai mhaza bhala' is more of a comedy..though it has emotions too...vikram gokhale plays a serious father who has problems accepting the fact that his daughter is going to go away from him with a man of her choice (somewhat the 'father of the bride' story)...so he is the emotional angle :)
whereas 'advait dadarkar' is hilarious and its because of him that the story isnt all weepy weepy kinds...
he adds the zeal to it--the comic angle...awesome comedy by him! :)
ohh and ur comments are always welcome..so dont worry about how long they turn out to be :)
i enjoy reading and replying to them...
@ elusive (continued)
have to catch on 'divas tu ratri mhi'...is it one of those serious types??
@ satish bolla
///have heard a lot abt the three mistakes book frma frnd of mine back in india. but (un)fortunately, i can't find it anywhere in the book stores in bahrain. u want me to try gettin it frm india or jus leave it?///
naah leave it...it isnt worth the effort...maybe u can lend a copy on ur next trip to india if u really wanna read it :D
///i've been trying to read at least one jhumpa lahiri book for quite sometime but couldn't get hold of one. seems that i've got to intensify my search.///
jhumpa lahiri is good...try getting hold of 'namesake' or 'interpreter of maladies' if u havent read them already...
///3 kgs in 15 days!!! can u help me out if u reach ur goal? but i can't leave the ice creams n chocolates...///
i would definitely..though its IMPOSSIBLE with the sweet cravings...u cant have ur cake and eat it too :P
hmm....may read this book!!..some say its good!...nice blog:)[good to know that ur a doc too!]
@Pri : NO NO NO...im not into research or anything tht requires too much wrk for the brain cells. My 1st research is the one with the chips ;) I do very basic n simple stuff...n all tht i know of medicine is how to spell it :)))
Good Luck wit ur specialization!
hmm i read chetan's latest too the first thing i read after my exams got over, i quite liked it...
all the best for ur weight loss plan, after uve achieved ur target do toss some tips this side as well :D
take care
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