i was tagged by solitaire, ankur and radhika for this...
the deal is that i have to list down 10 things u guys dont know about me...well this one put me in a kinda fix because firstly i have to give out 10 secrets without exactly deterring from my status of an 'enigma'
and secondly there is soo much to talk and yet hardly anything!
ok without confusing u guys anymore, lemme proceed with the tag...
1)this happened when i was in the 11th standard...we had an experiment in physics which i used to hate...it involved taking some measurements using a micrometer and other such irritating details...
now being the ace student (ahem!*brag ALERT!!*) that i was, i could not afford to let this dislike towards the micrometer affect my grades...
so just a coupla days before the internals, i sneaked into the lab and hid the entire box of micrometers behind an old dusty cupboard...
on the day of the practical exam, all hell broke loose because there wasent a single 'micrometer' around...so obviously no student could be alloted that experiment...heehee
and somewhere in the corridors was a smiling hell-angel watching all the chaos from the corner of her eyes, as the professors panicked and complained to the authorities about the mystery of the missing micrometers...
a day or two after the practical exam, the micrometer box was found casually lying back in place on the topmost shelf...the poor lab-assistant just could'nt believe that he had been so absent-minded...but everybody (except 'urs truly' ofcourse) could ;)
2)i had my first crush on 'doogie howser MD' (remember the 'child prodigy turns doctor' serial that used to be aired on star world during those good ol days?)
lately i read somewhere that he is 'gay' :-/
sigh! guess i always fall for the wrong people...
3)when i was in 4th grade i once slapped a senior (7th grader) hard on the face...just because she was playfully slapping me (yeah she had this irritating habit of slapping the junior kids on the face--the 'how are u??' types)
u should have seen her go red with embarassment and i got some dirty looks from the teachers in school as well because of that...
she (the senior) never interfered with me again...maybe also because of the fact that i had a godmother--the 'evil di' was in the 10th grade back then...:D
4)there was a phase in my life when i just wanted to let go of it...
it took me a lotta time to get over that phase...but im always afraid of a relapse...
5)i have this tendency to ask questions but not bother to listen to ur answers unless they are really very interesting...(ohh and i have my own standards of interest..sigh!)
this often leads to me asking the same questions again the next day...much to the irritation of my friends...
eg:this happened this week...
monday 9 am--
pri: "what say? maybe we can meet up tomorrow and then we'll talk..."
friend: "ohh no pri...its not possible for me tomorrow...i have to attend a cousins wedding...u know riya dont u?meghas sister...the one who had met u the other day...shes getting married...the guy is from pune...works in a MNC...and u know what? i was the only one to know of it when they were going around"
pri: "okk...cool" at this point ive already drifted off somewhere else
friend: "so lets catch up on wednesday then...will come over to ur place"
pri: "ok sure...will be back early on wednesday anyways"
wednesday 6 pm:
ocassion--pri and friend meet up...
after exchanging hi's,
friend: "so uve been keeping all busy these days..i tried calling u soo much in between"
pri: "yeah its been a lil crazy at work these days...so whassup with u?"
friend: "nothing yaar...stayed over at meghas place yest"
pri:"meghas??? why? everything okay?"
friend: "yaa aunty and uncle were just missing riya"
pri: "huh?? where is riya?"
friend: "argggghhh! pri!!!...kyaa yaar...uski shadi ho gayi hain...bataya toh tha"
pri: "err...heehee..ok..ok...i remember ofcourse...i just thought that...emm..she had come over to stay yesterday since u were staying over at their place"
friend: now almost on the verge of tearing out her hair
"she got married YESTERDAY!!!"
pri:"really??..err..ok..i remember...u told me..heehee..."
6)just because i dont speak about something dosent mean that ive gotten over it or forgotten it neither does it make me a happier person...
7)i fell sick and had to be hospitalised for almost a month in 2005...i recovered from the 'pancreatitis' attack only because i had the support and reason to look forward to life at that point in time...
im afraid now that the reason no longer exists(for me), il'l never be able to survive it again...
8)when i was 11, my best friend and i used to always hang around together in school...one day, she told me she was going to buy something from the store across the street...i, being warned by my parents not to leave school even during lunch break, told her i would stay behind and wait for her till she comes back...
she never returned...i kept waiting...
the next day was declared a holiday at school...
even today, i tend to panic if someone i care a lot about gets delayed...
9)only ONE person in the whole world knows everything there is to know about me---ME!! :)
10)i have this habit of hurting from within...il'l remain irritated and upset the whole day...ul'l know something is wrong but ul'l never know what it is which hurt me...
in all possibilities i might tell u and then dispose it off with a 'just kidding' but with me, there is always a lil bit of truth in every 'just kidding' :)
whoaa!!guess ive let out a lotta secrets...
and now before i start feeling awkward and delete the entire post, let me hit the 'publish' button :)
soo much for 'tag ethics'...sigh!
ok finally, i TAG:
---the white phoenix
waiting to hear
so let them out! :)