i was tagged by solitaire, ankur and radhika for this...
the deal is that i have to list down 10 things u guys dont know about me...well this one put me in a kinda fix because firstly i have to give out 10 secrets without exactly deterring from my status of an 'enigma'
and secondly there is soo much to talk and yet hardly anything!
ok without confusing u guys anymore, lemme proceed with the tag...
1)this happened when i was in the 11th standard...we had an experiment in physics which i used to hate...it involved taking some measurements using a micrometer and other such irritating details...
now being the ace student (ahem!*brag ALERT!!*) that i was, i could not afford to let this dislike towards the micrometer affect my grades...
so just a coupla days before the internals, i sneaked into the lab and hid the entire box of micrometers behind an old dusty cupboard...
on the day of the practical exam, all hell broke loose because there wasent a single 'micrometer' around...so obviously no student could be alloted that experiment...heehee
and somewhere in the corridors was a smiling hell-angel watching all the chaos from the corner of her eyes, as the professors panicked and complained to the authorities about the mystery of the missing micrometers...
a day or two after the practical exam, the micrometer box was found casually lying back in place on the topmost shelf...the poor lab-assistant just could'nt believe that he had been so absent-minded...but everybody (except 'urs truly' ofcourse) could ;)
2)i had my first crush on 'doogie howser MD' (remember the 'child prodigy turns doctor' serial that used to be aired on star world during those good ol days?)
lately i read somewhere that he is 'gay' :-/
sigh! guess i always fall for the wrong people...
3)when i was in 4th grade i once slapped a senior (7th grader) hard on the face...just because she was playfully slapping me (yeah she had this irritating habit of slapping the junior kids on the face--the 'how are u??' types)
u should have seen her go red with embarassment and i got some dirty looks from the teachers in school as well because of that...
she (the senior) never interfered with me again...maybe also because of the fact that i had a godmother--the 'evil di' was in the 10th grade back then...:D
4)there was a phase in my life when i just wanted to let go of it...
it took me a lotta time to get over that phase...but im always afraid of a relapse...
5)i have this tendency to ask questions but not bother to listen to ur answers unless they are really very interesting...(ohh and i have my own standards of interest..sigh!)
this often leads to me asking the same questions again the next day...much to the irritation of my friends...
eg:this happened this week...
monday 9 am--
pri: "what say? maybe we can meet up tomorrow and then we'll talk..."
friend: "ohh no pri...its not possible for me tomorrow...i have to attend a cousins wedding...u know riya dont u?meghas sister...the one who had met u the other day...shes getting married...the guy is from pune...works in a MNC...and u know what? i was the only one to know of it when they were going around"
pri: "okk...cool" at this point ive already drifted off somewhere else
friend: "so lets catch up on wednesday then...will come over to ur place"
pri: "ok sure...will be back early on wednesday anyways"
wednesday 6 pm:
ocassion--pri and friend meet up...
after exchanging hi's,
friend: "so uve been keeping all busy these days..i tried calling u soo much in between"
pri: "yeah its been a lil crazy at work these days...so whassup with u?"
friend: "nothing yaar...stayed over at meghas place yest"
pri:"meghas??? why? everything okay?"
friend: "yaa aunty and uncle were just missing riya"
pri: "huh?? where is riya?"
friend: "argggghhh! pri!!!...kyaa yaar...uski shadi ho gayi hain...bataya toh tha"
pri: "err...heehee..ok..ok...i remember ofcourse...i just thought that...emm..she had come over to stay yesterday since u were staying over at their place"
friend: now almost on the verge of tearing out her hair
"she got married YESTERDAY!!!"
pri:"really??..err..ok..i remember...u told me..heehee..."
6)just because i dont speak about something dosent mean that ive gotten over it or forgotten it neither does it make me a happier person...
7)i fell sick and had to be hospitalised for almost a month in 2005...i recovered from the 'pancreatitis' attack only because i had the support and reason to look forward to life at that point in time...
im afraid now that the reason no longer exists(for me), il'l never be able to survive it again...
8)when i was 11, my best friend and i used to always hang around together in school...one day, she told me she was going to buy something from the store across the street...i, being warned by my parents not to leave school even during lunch break, told her i would stay behind and wait for her till she comes back...
she never returned...i kept waiting...
the next day was declared a holiday at school...
even today, i tend to panic if someone i care a lot about gets delayed...
9)only ONE person in the whole world knows everything there is to know about me---ME!! :)
10)i have this habit of hurting from within...il'l remain irritated and upset the whole day...ul'l know something is wrong but ul'l never know what it is which hurt me...
in all possibilities i might tell u and then dispose it off with a 'just kidding' but with me, there is always a lil bit of truth in every 'just kidding' :)
whoaa!!guess ive let out a lotta secrets...
and now before i start feeling awkward and delete the entire post, let me hit the 'publish' button :)
soo much for 'tag ethics'...sigh!
ok finally, i TAG:
---the white phoenix
waiting to hear
so let them out! :)
im afraid now that the reason no longer exists(for me), il'l never be able to survive it again..."
one the great things I have learnt it..we always find reasons to do and to not do things..just think over it, if you want..you will find lots of reasons to survive
lolz tum itni badmaash thi...err...itni badmaash ho :D
it was good to know about so many things about you... and must say, i've become a sort a 'fan' of yours..! :)
mee too ...yay for doogie!
Nice blog girlie.
Hope to have you at mines as well.:)
yay yay yay
mujhe tag nahi kara :D
Ahaan :)
Nice 1 thr..I just learnt that just because someone doesn't speak about something, it doesn't mean that they have forgotten it..
i can imagine 'pancreatitis' attack :(
pains might become really unbearable.
Lots of secrets, werent you scared to give them away? ;)
hmm !!! it looks like to me that tags and secrets go by hand on hand ...
Btw, really nice post.
What do you mean your friend never returned? She passed away?
Keep your fingers crossed girl. May you never have to be hospitalized again for such reasons and if you do, may you have even better reasons to recover for.
Nice one. Remind me never to slap you.
Phew!! Nice read Doc. Thats a lot many secrets girl. Sorry to read some of those secrets. God bless ya!!!
@ rambler
well i try not to find reasons...because if i try finding reasons to survive...i might in the process find reasons not to too :)
i prefer letting the reasons find me! (hope im making sense here)
@ luckydivz
lol!! isse kai jyada :p
@ radhika
im honoured :)
thanks for tagging...even though i kept it uncomplicated,this tag, interestingly did make me feel a little lighter and at ease...
sometimes 'connecting' isnt as difficult and awkward as we feel it could be...
even today, i tend to panic if someone i care a lot about gets delayed...
happens with me too..i lost a frnd during mba..n he still is missed...
now dr pri... you may start having ur share of stalkers.. too many secrets known to ppl now!! :P
@ la vida loca
i remember i used to hate being disturbed when 'doogie howser MD' was on tv...
i loved everything about him...his style...his looks..his personality...his sophistication...sigh!
maybe he had a role to play in my decision (right from school days) to opt for medicine too...heehee
@ anyushi
thanks :)
will drop by urs soon...
@ abhishek khanna
hum aalsi logon ko tag nahi kiya karte :-/
@ sach
thanks :)
and yess people dont forget...some pretend to forget (to be happy/make others happy)...but somewhere deep within we all remember...........
they say 'lucky is the person who has a good health and a bad memory'
if thats true, then i guess im just not lucky! :)
@ lena
nope...im sometimes afraid to keep them all to myself though...
we all have our box of secrets...some, which we can afford to open up...
some, we know we never will! :)
yes pancreatitis is bad...but i guess it happened to me, perhaps to increase my 'pain threshold' :)
though i hope with all my heart that i never have to go through it again...as i probably wouldent be able to...
@ alok
well thanks...as for tags and secrets going hand in hand, they can go only as far as u want them to :)
@ solitaire
///What do you mean your friend never returned? She passed away?///
she was killed in an accident while i was waiting for her to come back so that i could share my tiffin with her...that was the last memory i have of her...
///Keep your fingers crossed girl. May you never have to be hospitalized again for such reasons and if you do, may you have even better reasons to recover for.///
thankyou...im keeping my fingers, toes, hands, legs---everything crossed on this one :D
///Nice one. Remind me never to slap you.///
haha i dont think i would need to remind u ;p
and if u still dont remember never to slap me(after this post), then im sure u will never forget once u do...haha
@ i walk alone
its okay...u dont need to be sorry...it feels good to share secrets sometimes :)
they say it makes u feel lighter...
take care and god blessya too! :)
@ maverick
i can understand...some people can never be replaced...some memories never fade...
@ sam
haha...u sure these are 'too many'??? ;p
thanks for the warning though...and since ur the first person to bring this up, u might just be interrogated incase anything happens...heehee
i loved the micrometer thingy--- heeeee-- ya really are a hell angel woman!!! haaaa.. ma god, n i can almost see that evil gleam in ya eye!!!
ya dun have a reason to survive- gurl, cmon woman..ya have sooo many reasons to live, trust me, ya're way too young to dismiss things sooo lightly..
evil di in class 10 --> haaaa, do ya always have back-up when ya take a risk ;)?
'jus kidding' means ya're not :) well, i guess i undertsnad, cos whenevr i say, 'im no longer a kid', i know i'm being a realllllll big one ;)
nicely dun tag!
thnxx for tag...
1) u Pri, cant believe it!!! :P
notorious u!! :P
2) haha...
3) matlab all the good things u told abt urself arent true... :P :P
4) :)
5) i have come across selective amnesia at times!! :P
6) ok!! :-|
7) gosh u told me tat... touchwood!!!
9) okie... tats true i feel somehow!! :D
10) i know a lot of it, it happened a lot during early days!! :)
well done tag!! :)
btw... midst of all this, u havent commented even at the post of the person who tagged u!! :)
"just because i dont speak about something dosent mean that ive gotten over it or forgotten it neither does it make me a happier person"
Wow!! Powerful lines! You've got a new fan!!
hmm..i had left a comment here, did blogger eat it?
the 'evil di' was in the 10th grade back then
so u were the next one....to be nominated as godmother?>
@ rantavereflect/jane
///i loved the micrometer thingy--- heeeee-- ya really are a hell angel woman!!///
u bet i am! *batting eyelids*
///ya dun have a reason to survive- gurl, cmon woman..ya have sooo many reasons to live, trust me, ya're way too young to dismiss things sooo lightly..///
umm u just might be having two contradictory statements in that one line :D
nvm! :)
///evil di in class 10 --> haaaa, do ya always have back-up when ya take a risk ;)?///
heehee not always...though its always better to have one...
@ ankur
///9) okie... tats true i feel somehow!! :D///
everything i have written is true...believing it or not is upto you :)
///10) i know a lot of it, it happened a lot during early days!! :)///
///well done tag!! :)///
thankyou sir
@ nupur
*blush* thanks..im flattered :D
@ aneri masi
i dint get any comment before this one :((
stupid blogger!
@ chakoli
haha...not really i dont have any younger siblings to play 'godmother' for....,
**///9) okie... tats true i feel somehow!! :D///
everything i have written is true...believing it or not is upto you :)
well..., did i actually say that i dont believe it!!!
i say its true coz i may have experienced it!!
***///10) i know a lot of it, it happened a lot during early days!! :)///
***///well done tag!! :)///
thankyou sir
its ok MADAM!!! :)
Then i need to write it all over again!
1) There must be a lot of ppl blessing you for this :)
2) Have you seen the Harold and Kumar movies? Doogie's in them! Completely drugged out!!
3) Good girl! I wouldn't call that a "habit", its more like "abuse" slapping around little kids.
4) Am glad that phase is gone, gone, gone!
5) Hehe, same here, dear :)
6) I guess a lot of us are like this.
7) einh, there will always be bigger and better reasons. Just remember one thing. No one is indispensable, and nothing is the end of the world!
8) Now one is heartbreaking :(
9) Yep, again, most of us are like this, right?
10) And this kinda explains number 9.
@ aneri masi
///1) There must be a lot of ppl blessing you for this :)///
thankyou :D
///2) Have you seen the Harold and Kumar movies? Doogie's in them! Completely drugged out!!///
yeah ive watched it...but long after i was over him...otherwise wud have snapped out of it long before :p
///3) Good girl! I wouldn't call that a "habit", its more like "abuse" slapping around little kids.///
EGGJACTLY!i was cheered by a lot of my classmates after the act of bravery...heehee
///4) Am glad that phase is gone, gone, gone!///
///5) Hehe, same here, dear :)///
i knrew i would have company for this one ;)
///6) I guess a lot of us are like this.///
yes i agree...its just human nature i guess :)
///7) einh, there will always be bigger and better reasons. Just remember one thing. No one is indispensable, and nothing is the end of the world!///
some people are...and they can never be replaced :)
///8) Now one is heartbreaking :(///
i still hurt when i think of that day...
///9) Yep, again, most of us are like this, right?///
yes..i guess we all have our secrets...some skeletons which are better left in the confines of the cupboard until we find the right person to share them with :)
///10) And this kinda explains number 9.///
yes it does i guess...but that dosent stop me :)
1) hehe u lil devil ;)
2) hey i liked him too... i thot he was pretty cute, hes gay? :(
3)woah... panga le liya 7th class waali ne
5) lol not fair pri...
6) will remember
7)aww may u never have to be hospitalised again... take care
8) darn!! thats real sad!
9) :)
10) will remember this too
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