double leap it can but only once,
for its just a pawn and there are many of its kind,
regrets none nor takes pride at its death,
the game continues with the others aligned...
the rook but can go only straight,
from all the twisted routes away,
it stands proud with head up high,
safe sheltered by the pawns at bay...
then there is the bishop standing tall,
moving diagonal to challenge the opponents mind,
you get a little upset when its slayed,
yet happy if an equal kill u find...
the knight is but a different sort,
and so in twos and halves it goes,
can help u despite its limited steps,
a smart player to use it knows...
the queen is the most important one,
she can walk about as she pleases...
save her for the final steps,
and note the amount of power she seizes...
the king is but a loner wretch,
who can only walk one step at a time,
no better than a pawn is he,
couldent save his own self for a dime...
life too is like a game of chess,
and all of us have our positions assigned...
each with our own flaws and limits,
with HIM as the player--the master mind!!.............
wonderful thoughts......
omg...u just rock pri!
*bows in admiration*
love and hugs :-*
A pawn if it persists, can even become the mighty queen!
I guess an angrez will do anything to get power, that is OK with most angrez, but a more conservative Indian pawn would prefer to get converted to a Vazeir I guess, rather than undergo such gender change operation ;)
you are i guess only talking about the physical aspect of life that defines us....maybe its akin to chess but thats too narrow an outlook...
human spirit, mind and thoughts are not defined by any boundaries...or characteristics...
ahh... wonderfully done :-)
nice one!!!
so you have been playing chess lately :)
well said babes....
@ adi
thanks :)
@ luckydivz
thankyou..im flattered! *bows in gratitude* :D
@ stupidosaur
err was that 'STUPIDosaur' at his best?? ;)
@ ceedy
read again with an unbiased mind...
and this time try seeing the pawn=ordinary man who carries on his routine life with no particular aim/ambition...
rook=the virtuous one who inspite of having a hundred crooked roads ahead of him(which lead him directly to easily attainable success), always chooses the straight (read 'right') one...
bishop=the guy stuck in the corporate world when lil does he know he is just a means to reach the top---a rung in the corporate ladder...
knight=the guy who in search of better prospects gets lured into the 'brain drain' trap and hops in twos and halves--forever stuck between two worlds (the one his heart calls 'home' and the other which his brain calls 'a better deal')
queen=the jack of all trades...the one 'trump card' with the most power only because she/he is worth it...
all paths open up for this one person who can either make it or break it...yet inspite of being the 'actual power' without whom the game wouldent be possible, remains recognised as the master of none...
king=the head authorities in most firms and business companies aka 'the boss'...who enjoys his status when everyone including his subordinates and employees know that he would be a lost chimp had he to run the management alone...
the one who takes the credit without an ounce of effort.....the one we'd like to give a kick in the backside for being sucha lucky assh**e...
BUT life goes on...just like the game...each of us well aware of our positions...our dreams...our ambitions...and yet our limitations....
each of us waiting for that one move by the 'mastermind' which can change the luck of the game forever....
(hope this explanation helped explain my thoughts out a lil more clearly)
@ raaji
thanks dear :)
@ rahul
lol...actually have been playing 'life' and just getting about understanding the rules ;)
@ princess mia
thanks dear :)
@ all
please read the explanation ive given of the poem above (in the reply to 'ceedy') for a better reflection of what was going on in my head while keying this down :)
I will respond in detail later as am at work...
I am not denying your arguments....but they are still valid and corrent but uni dimensional.
Will try and elaborate later.....and before I do that - I would like you to define yourself in terms of what group you think you belong...will just aid me in arguing :P
@ ceedy
well at the stage and point that i am right now, i'd think of myself as just a 'pawn' trying to understand the rules...hanging onto the hope that one step at a time will lead me to attaining the satisfaction of attaining the status of the 'vazir' someday---who inspite of not being recognised as the superpower in the game, has convinced everyone and more importantly himself of his true potential...
ohh and just in case the pawn that i am is knocked off in the process, then i wouldent worry too much because as rightly said in the famed movie 'being cyrus', "ULTIMATELY THE KING AND THE PAWN GO BACK IN THE SAME BOX" :)
Very interesting!
n im thinking all of us play all of those rules at sometime or the other....
One cannot have an unbiased mind - we all do not know everything or have answers to everything - the bias is based on our limited experiences and knowledge...so I am not denying that I am biased - and according to me so are you and what you have written. Think of it this way - if you are really unbiased then what you state or I am stating is not what we really beleive in.
I also do not dispute fact the each description which you so generously have redefined again (thank you) .
Each of the pieces that you describe and the acts that they perform - yes are limited by the physicality of the rules. And most of us do have to follow those - in order to be comprehended by fellow person.
What I really argue about is this last stanza
*life too is like a game of chess,
and all of us have our positions assigned...
each with our own flaws and limits,
with HIM as the player--the master mind!!............. *
Our positions are assigned but should we take it for granted that that is what we are destined to do...you are talking about all the pieces taht are mobile - what about people who are not able to move?
Mind on the other hand does not follow this rule. You say he the "mastermind" can change the luck - I say we created HIM to make us follow a path that comforts us....there is no real eveidence of his presence....
Lots and lots of artists, musician, painters etc etc from the creative realm of life - are put into these squares...on the physical level and many never follow these steps....at a metaphysical level they exist in different planes....and that is also life....and thats why I said earlier that it is a narrow outlook....it not ro refute what you have wrote...but stating that THIS is life - for me did not make sense
@pri again :p
with reference - to your comment that you think of yourself as a pawn - aspiring to be a vazir - no matter what the end result is sort of answering part of my question....
aspiration - dreams - hope - ego (good wala) - personal will - imagination - are all not bound
wonderful, simply !
i dunno how to play but i do know the rules... love the analogy and its treatment :)
wow..great analogy.
mujhe toh chess nahi aati. :(
@ pavi!!
yes..very true...life is but a chessboard :)
@ ceedy
///if you are really unbiased then what you state or I am stating is not what we really beleive in.///
well there is a difference between 'belief' and 'bias' but the line between is as thin or thick as we draw it....
we can believe in something without really being biased about it...
as far as this matter is concerned, i guess it would be right to neither call it 'belief' nor 'bias'..maybe we should just call it 'perspective' :)
///I also do not dispute fact the each description which you so generously have redefined again (thank you) .///
see! just as i said...we have just laid our views on the topic :)
and ur most welcome to know mine just as i am curious to know urs...
///Each of the pieces that you describe and the acts that they perform - yes are limited by the physicality of the rules. And most of us do have to follow those - in order to be comprehended by fellow person.///
isnt that a way of life too...how many of us can do exactly what we want when we want without being bound by some limitation or the other....
i agree thats the way it should be..thats the 'ideal' life...but is that practicality??
does such a free, unbound, limitless existence really exist??
///Our positions are assigned but should we take it for granted that that is what we are destined to do...you are talking about all the pieces taht are mobile - what about people who are not able to move? ///
well i can only say that ur going by the literate version of the poem....i kinda guessed that was happening and so the explanation in the comment section....
do not let 'walk' 'step' and other such usage of words mislead you into thinking that im limiting life and people to physical capabilities...im well aware that the body is just an instrument...the mind writes the 'notes' for the orchestra :)
but unfortunately both are needed to create the right 'music'...
///Mind on the other hand does not follow this rule. You say he the "mastermind" can change the luck - I say we created HIM to make us follow a path that comforts us....there is no real eveidence of his presence....///
this again is a matter of belief...but some belief which helps us lead a better life isnt wrong is it??
though i agree, that rubbing it the wrong way can be disastrous as well....faith too needs to have a limit...again here 'limit' is the keyword :)
///Lots and lots of artists, musician, painters etc etc from the creative realm of life - are put into these squares...on the physical level and many never follow these steps....at a metaphysical level they exist in different planes....and that is also life....///
and who says that these people dont have their own limitations and flaws..they do....everyone does...just that they have mastered the art of being happy inspite of treading onto different planes...
and that in itsself is an art of living...
and i believe, to reach that stage which is almost at par with 'moksha' , one requires to go through all the hardships of all these limitations and rise above them....
probably it is then that the 'pawn' becomes the 'vazir' :)
@ vandita
thanks dear...but remember, knowing the rules is the first and the most important step in playing the game (read 'life') :)
@ solitaire
thanks and no worries...
board game se kuch nahi hota...zindagi ki 'chess game' toh aati hain na? :)
*well there is a difference between 'belief' and 'bias' but the line between is as thin or thick as we draw it....
we can believe in something without really being biased about it...*
The difference between - belief is something that could be a presumption - not necessarily truth - eg. existence of GOD
Bias - is something a tendency or preference for a certain issue....
Now what you beleive in I dont have to and vice versa - but to sell it you have to be convinced and biased...about it. Also dont take bias in the negative aspect....
me selling a a "green" design is strong BIAS and not just beleif ....
As always we agree that everything/everyone has it/their own perspective.
* just as i am curious to know urs...*
You remember tho - curiousity killed the cat ;)
*snt that a way of life too...how many of us can do exactly what we want when we want without being bound by some limitation or the other....
i agree thats the way it should be..thats the 'ideal' life...but is that practicality??
does such a free, unbound, limitless existence really exist??*
Let me be clear here - as I said I dont dispute that we have to live within the bounds to be accepted by the society ( again its a personal choice) but my argument is that THAT should not limit you to think beyond...
means - being aware that yes we have boundaries - many become complacent and dont want to go out of the comfort of those 64 defined squares of exitence - nothing wrong with that...
and some want to create another 64 squares or maybe simply alternate the black and white on existing - now is that wrong - dunno...
///Our positions are assigned but should we take it for granted that that is what we are destined to do...you are talking about all the pieces taht are mobile - what about people who are not able to move? ///
yes music indeed requires the right about of crests and highs or it is deemed noise...and miss metaphors...read what i wrote...."by people not able to move" i mean - people whose minds are bound too....not necessarily physical movement.....like the secretary ....keeps working feeling that she is destined...to be one...
Lets not get into debate of beleif of HIS exitence here - it can lead to a whole new argument and divert from chess - lets assume like we used to in school - its a given - HE exists and this 64 pieces are what you have to play around with.
*and who says that these people dont have their own limitations and flaws..they do....everyone does...just that they have mastered the art of being happy inspite of treading onto different planes...
and that in itsself is an art of living...*
Yes they all do....have flaws...but the biggest difference is - you are calling it a FLAW...they have called it a CHARACTERISTICS......and built on that....you call it a LIMITATION....they call it a CHALLENGE.....
So like everything and as discussed before its ones perspective....you can see the 64 squares as LIFE....I see it as a piece in the life......and someone else might see that as a tile with pattern...and some will see colors in it....
And Moksha is I guess a marketing tool for selling BLISS...common we know its not possible to be Buddha in our age and time :P
I think you already are a vazir...just put on a new fresh robe and see things a little more positively...thats it :) and damn SINGH is KING....so I dunno what to be :P
@ ceedy
///The difference between - belief is something that could be a presumption - not necessarily truth - eg. existence of GOD
Bias - is something a tendency or preference for a certain issue....
Now what you beleive in I dont have to and vice versa - but to sell it you have to be convinced and biased...about it. Also dont take bias in the negative aspect....///
well i dont believe in selling my views...all i can do is lay them infront of you...
also, they can be called 'YOUR' viewsd only when ur completely convinced...but u needent be biased about them...
I for one, am always ready to hear someone elses opinions and i think thats only because im not biased...its a different thing though that im totally convinced in what i believe in :)
but im open to changes if i find it more sensible than my arguement...
inshort i lay my views to share and learn not to sell them...no offence! :)
///As always we agree that everything/everyone has it/their own perspective.///
yes...exactly my point! and its difficult or rather impossible to sell or thrust ur perspective on someone else :)
///You remember tho - curiousity killed the cat ;)///
yes but im human...remember?? ;) lol!!
///Let me be clear here - as I said I dont dispute that we have to live within the bounds to be accepted by the society ( again its a personal choice) but my argument is that THAT should not limit you to think beyond...///
well i guess here, we are talking about two entirely different things..u talking about social norms and pressures and im talking about individual issues which cant be helped not because of what others may think but more because of our own inadequacies at a personal level...
///some want to create another 64 squares or maybe simply alternate the black and white on existing - now is that wrong - dunno...///
no...not wrong at all...if one thinks its right and one is capable of living an independant life based on his own set of rules, then all i would say is hats off to him...
but for the comman man, that unfortunately isnt the practical way of thinking...that to us is called 'dreaming' :)
///Lets not get into debate of beleif of HIS exitence here - it can lead to a whole new argument and divert from chess///
yes ur right..infact i still remember a similar debate between one 'mr angry agnostic' (who unfortunately dissapeared as mysteriously as he had appeared) and me on my blog a long time back...
which then i guess eventually led to both of us mutually appreciating each other...he appreciating me and ppl like me for my faith...and me for his strength to go on without the support we hang onto in all times --good and bad :)
///Yes they all do....have flaws...but the biggest difference is - you are calling it a FLAW...they have called it a CHARACTERISTICS......and built on that....you call it a LIMITATION....they call it a CHALLENGE.....///
very well said...i told you ive got a long way to go....im just another pawn :D
Nice song on d blog :)
Came frm ankur's blog
*inshort i lay my views to share and learn not to sell them*
Well you have to be offensive - arent we playing Chess...yeah I agree this can be argued in two different spheres - one daily life and the other professional...and in your profession you will have to learn to sell your diagnoses eventually - you cant just lay down the prognosis and let the patient decide can you? (get the gist of what I am saying?)
*well i guess here, we are talking about two entirely different things..u talking about social norms and pressures and im talking about individual issues which cant be helped not because of what others may think but more because of our own inadequacies at a personal level...*
Again as the last sentence of the previous comments - it basucally how you see yourself and think for yourself....and this is like a tongue and groove kind of arrangement - the individual defines the society he wants to be part of...tries it and in turn the society chisels and fine tunes the initial defination and it goes on and on...
*that unfortunately isnt the practical way of thinking...that to us is called 'dreaming'*
imagine the person who wanted to be practical and never dreamt the format of how one could meet people and exchange idea - namely blogger....we would not have had this talk...so this is again a balance you have to define...if you think that being practical is hampering your dreaming which in turn is disturbing you...then go start drreaming and vice versa
ok now...i am never going to be able to play chess again :(
Yeah...but sometimes I don't play it well.
Guess CEEDY knows a lot about chess/life...hahaha!!
@ prashant evolving
thanks...but i assume it distracted u from reading the post?? lol!
@ ceedy
///Well you have to be offensive - arent we playing Chess...yeah I agree this can be argued in two different spheres - one daily life and the other professional...and in your profession you will have to learn to sell your diagnoses eventually - you cant just lay down the prognosis and let the patient decide can you? (get the gist of what I am saying?)///
sorry if that seemed offensive...it wasent intended to sound that way...
well as for my profession, a doctor is not supposed to sell his diagnosis...he is just supposed to arrive at one from the facts and history...
so its more like the patient laying out the facts infront of you and u reaching a conclusion based on his symptoms and ur examination...
so basically its you who has to decide :) [im not speaking only in the 'literate' sense here]
///Again as the last sentence of the previous comments - it basucally how you see yourself and think for yourself....and this is like a tongue and groove kind of arrangement - the individual defines the society he wants to be part of...tries it and in turn the society chisels and fine tunes the initial defination and it goes on and on...///
agreed...it is but a vicious circle...
///imagine the person who wanted to be practical and never dreamt the format of how one could meet people and exchange idea - namely blogger....we would not have had this talk...so this is again a balance you have to define...if you think that being practical is hampering your dreaming which in turn is disturbing you...then go start drreaming and vice versa///
its most often that we stumble while reaching the balance...if everyone knew everything about limits, then the world would be a much happier place...but human as we are, often get confused and cross them....
///ok now...i am never going to be able to play chess again :(///
heyy cmon, u cant quit after giving us all this gyaan...infact u'd be able to play it much better now ;)
@ solitaire
yup he sure does :)
and dont worry bout not playing it well sometimes...afterall winning and losing is all a part of the 'game' :)
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