August 10, 2008


hii everyone.....

i did not give u ppl enough time to miss me i guess ;)
but i did miss being around like crazy....yeah yeah..i know! its just been 8 days...but 192 hours is a hell lotta time...sigh!
i was afraid i would go into withdrawal :p

anyways now that im back into action *drumrolls in the background*, let the fun begin!!

have a great weekend!! :)


Anonymous said...

Annnddd.. welcome back Doc!!

Vrijilesh Rai said...

Bonjour !

Welcome back :)

ash89 said...

welcome back! missed ur posts!

IncorrigibleV said...

welcome back pri :)
happy sunday to u too!

lukkydivz said...

lol how sweet ;)

Anonymous said...


nah nah... missed u 2 :))

The Furobiker said...

aao thakur

Rambler said...

hey good to have you back..

La vida Loca said...

Wel come bak

Pavi!!!! said...

welcome back...n hope the last few days were good to u!

Karthik S said...

Good to see u back. Missed ur posts.

Cheers :-)

Mysterious Mia said...

welcome..nna na na na naaaaa, welcome na na na naaaaa, welcome welcome welcome

ceedy said...

why :P...(maggi hot and sweet - the comment is different)

Pri said...

@ everyone
thanks for the warm welcome :)

@ ceedy
because i missed being around, u mean creature...*goes away sobbing*

ceedy said...

well as I thought so - had to test you...wanted to make sure you remember the ol sarcastic friend....but no you sobbed...

so now I will ask WHY you went...:P

Pri said...

@ ceedy
naaah! how can i forget you??
those were khushi ke aansoo :p

ceedy said...

Whose khushi????????????!!!

A cat you adopted? mind is all over...:P