September 28, 2008

back off curious cat...ur no friend!!

Ever noticed how people tend to ask u questions u least want to be asked and particularly at the worst possible time??...
well i really dont know whether its deliberate or err...deliberate..hmpf!!
I mean what exactly are they tryinsg to prove? concern,curiosity or whattt??

---ever noticed when u have the job security u always wanted, nobody seems to be asking about ur goddam work but the moment u lose/quit ur job, everyone comes prancing around suddenly taking interest in ur working hour schedule, what-you-are-doing-these-days, what u intend doing in the future et al...

---when u are just about trying to come to terms with a broken relationship, and all of a sudden everyone u know, starting from ur closest aunt to ur neighbours friends daughters neighbour seems to suddenly realise its time u moved on and got married and start suggesting prospective candidates...

---when u are just about to leave for a job interview,some friend will call u up and suggest that u should have applied elsewhere instead...
i mean hell! where were u when i was making that 'pro's and cons list'? hmpf!! :-/

---when ur all in high spirits about ur birthday nearing, some old aunt will decide to pay u a visit just to tell u how she was married with 2 kids when she was ur age...*rolling eyes*

---when uve just gone thorugh a tough divorce and decided that the 'single' life is the wayy to go, some stupid 50-something loser will come and tell u how he/she feels desperately lonely now that he is old and greying and how he misses having someone around when he is sick with cold and pneumonia...untill u start getting visions of yourself being in the same state....

---u just start feeling happy and proud of ur status around the blogworld and are just about to bask in the glory of the compliment overdose u been getting everyday, some evil gremlin decides to tell u that ur living in a virtual world with imaginary ppl who forget you as soon their PC shuts down...sigh! :(
and then u come crsshing down from cloud 9, all bruised and hurt et al...sigh!

im sure all of us have gone though atleast one of the above situations...
i mean cmonnn, dosent a person have a right to live life the way he or she wants to??
does the frigging society have to bother and take interest in everything u do or dont do....
why cant everyone mind their own stupid business and concentrate on their own lives instead??
everyone is stuck up in a mess i agree, but that clearly means that u stay in your OWN mess and try to sort it out instead of trying to gauge the intensity of the messed up lives of people around you and estimate how low they are feeling....
and if u tell me that u care about me and thats why u want to hear the story, dont expect me to be stupid enough to buy that one!
as much as nobody needs your sympathy,nobody needs your curisoity either.....and its high time people got that...

ohh and please dont think i will mistake your comments as curiosity :D
ur most welcome to share ur views and opinions...the difference is noticed only
when it crosses the line...and most of the times it only comes from those u dont want it!!
so feel free to share your thoughts/frustrations/experiences with assured no advice uncalled for, will be offered atleast from my'll just be a common ventout among us cohorts of the same irritated frequency ;)

they say curiosity killed the cat...but sometimes i seriously wish it worked for humans too! :-/


Punam said...

Pri.. Yes, I agree everyone goes through these "Oh No, not again!" moments. I do too. Usually, I choose to ignore the unwanted questions but then.. sometimes, they do get the better of me & I end up getting upset. Guess that is life.

Macadamia The Nut said...

Ooooof! Tell me about it Pri!!!!!
And worst is when they label them as 'well meaning'. Bull shit I say! I call them morbid curiosity!

Anonymous said...

is this post related to the "LOCKED OUT" POst on your other blog?/
logon ki baatein ek kaan se sunne ka aur doosre se bahar karne ka

Chaioholic said...

I remember d number of God Bless ur soul msgs and Hey hope u r fines i got for my last post wen all i meant was a humble outburst of cynicism. But still not bein rude to anyone i wud jus say sometimes u really arent tellin wat u r tellin for gettinthe attention of the like-frequencied bloggermate.Still we get comments and mus say sometimes they are weird (Rollin eyes);) Lol....

Unknown said...


Well, I think this happens because:

1) When people fail (or stop trying) to do something out of their lives, they want to make someone else their own puppet that acts on their wishes, just to get a sense of accomplishment.

2) They are just plain too jealous of your success. :D

The best way out, in my opinion is to find something to do and stop worrying about these losers.

Stupidosaur said...

I am kinda lucky and unlucky that way. Nobody much bothers about my life.

Pavi!!!! said...

Sometimes people(friends, family, neighbors, acquaintances,strangers)make the world a tougher place to live in...
many times w/o even realizing that thats what they are doing.

I'm sure all of us have (un)knowingly been one of those people..sometime or the other in life.

Pri said...

@ punam
exactly matter how much we try to avoid or face them, sometimes they do get the better of us....
the human race is a curious lot especially at times when u dont need their curiosity....

@ macademia
yaa wellmeaning my left foot! thats b***sh*t!!
i remember asking someone how it will help me if they mean well...i was outright blunt i agree but that was in that phase of life when i had almost reached my breaking point!

now i just smile and then ventilate on my blog :-/
the world sure knows hot to increase ur patience....sigh!

@ adi
lol!! and i thought this post was about unwanted curiosity and how i loathe it ;)
but if u have to know, the answer is no....atleast i dont see how u can see any relation between the!!

@ chaggoholic
well ur right..sometimes this place is just a platform to vent out :)
but i guess even though we dont know each other personally,we have formed a bond with the others so its but natural for them to be concerned....
its all in good intention as long as they dont reach the extremes of curiosity and concern seems more like gossip :P
nice of you to drop by and im sorry ur first visit to my blog had to be with me at such a 'cry baby' phase :)

Pri said...

@ alok
thats a very nice way of thinking alok...but i wish it was a little more convincing...most of the times, such losers tend to bother u when ur not exactly at ur high it becomes really difficult to believe that they can be envious...
but neverthless i think its none of their concern...but sadly thats not the way the world works...
here everything is everbodys concern...
neways i guess the best option is to give a damn and ignore them...
or on second thoughts i wouldent even like to give a damn...

@ stupidosaur
well categorising it as lucky or unlucky clearly depends on what phase ur in right now....
but IMHO, at any point whetether high or low,not having unwanted curiosity or concern in ur life is always a blessing :)
so feel lucky!

@ pavi!!
we should realise then that barging onto someones personal space can be suffocating...
and u know what,its never usually friends/family/wellwishers....the unwanted advice/curiosity almost always come from people who dont know anything about you or ur life but still feel its their duty to interfere and in pretty much the hurting way....
thats when it gets frustrating!!


IncorrigibleV said...

i loved this post, so bang on target...
kitni baar hota hai... but abhi recently nahi hua hai thankfully so i cant recall anything specific.
oh i can, u know that me and dad are alone na with mum being away... everyone i mean ppl who havent called dad in a whole yr have also called to ask what we're doin abt the washin and the cookin and how we shd feel free to pay them a visit!!!
jo bhi phone karega "khaane ka kya kar rahe ho?" is like the common question and so irritating to answer

Keshi said...

**---when ur all in high spirits about ur birthday nearing, some old aunt will decide to pay u a visit just to tell u how she was married with 2 kids when she was ur age...*rolling eyes*

I so know that one! :):)


Keshi said...

btw when an aunt says that to u next time, tell her this:

"My aim in life is not to become YOU"


Rakesh said...

ahh..very very much true..and one more thing people around u always pull ur leg....they are not interested in fair competition.

radiohead said...

Hi there, thanks for remembering me (or my blog? :D) and coming back .. umm I have not been that frequent since like 6 months may be .. but there have been reasons for that .. prolly an internal fight that was there for long/and prolly is still at the corner ..

hmm ..curiosity. To be honest I would surely ask you questions, sometimes even the weird one's but definitely not the 'being an ass' ones (like the job hours when one is out of job/quit) .. thats a basic human understanding that any sane person should have .. and guess I do. I mean forsure.

aah .. so curiosity .. how have you been all this time? any updates that would make me laugh or prolly get me more curious .. hehe

so doc .. life's too small hun .. some or the other time we do catch up some or the other place ..

c u arnd !!

Mysterious Mia said...

oh yeah babes in myc ase i have been thru more than one of those cases....

Pri said...

@ vands
////everyone i mean ppl who havent called dad in a whole yr have also called to ask what we're doin abt the washin and the cookin and how we shd feel free to pay them a visit!!!
jo bhi phone karega "khaane ka kya kar rahe ho?" is like the common question and so irritating to answer///
yeah i totally time they ask u that, tell them to come over and cook and clean for u....but make sure u have just the right combo of humour and seriousness in ur voice..that way there are less chances of them asking the next time ;)

@ keshi
u bet!
but sometimes all u can do is smile at them and then go to ur room/blog and vent out.....
because unfortunately superior pressures (u know moms and the kinds)still want to maintain contact with these....*rolling eyes*

@ anuj
///Hi there, thanks for remembering me (or my blog? :D) and coming back ..////
ur most welcome...and btw u were never forgotten :)

////umm I have not been that frequent since like 6 months may be .. but there have been reasons for that .. prolly an internal fight that was there for long/and prolly is still at the corner ..///
hmm i understand....i think all of us are going through pretty much the same thing i guess...wont ask u about it but i hope and wish u never stop writing...

///aah .. so curiosity .. how have you been all this time? any updates that would make me laugh or prolly get me more curious .. hehe ///
well a lot has happened while u were u got lots to catch up on if u really want to :)
we've even had an online antakshari not a lont time ago (scroll down a few posts below)
storytime if u remember has completed 3 of its sessions and we have managed to concoct some wonderful stories together :p
go thorugh the posts when u have the time....

///so doc .. life's too small hun .. some or the other time we do catch up some or the other place .. ///
i guess ur right....and needless to say, its great catching up! :)


@ princess mia
believe me girl! i know the feeling :(