what with these blasts going on everyday?
a price innocent people have to pay...
nothing new it now seems to be,
wonder how much more we are yet to see...
someone crying at the loss of her son,
shocked by the demise of a dear one...
someone informed of a missing friend,
the one they always thought on whom life could depend...
suffers the common man so all his life,
afraid tomorrow it might be his son, his wife...
aware from this fear he can never be freed,
consoles himself that nothing in life is guaranteed...
each time there is a blast in the city,
someones life changes for eternity...
that someone who has to live with the pain,
of never being able to see his loved one again...
one moment in time and everything stands still,
one blast is all it takes soo many to kill...
yet tomorrow our undying spirit they will talk about,
'survivors we are' screaming headlines will shout...
with nobody having the time to stop or pause,
life seems to go back to wherever it was...
and while some take pride in the calamity they faced,
there are those whose loss that can never be replaced....
Life never seems to stop
amazing work!!!!!!!!!!!!!
nice one!!!
Life is like tht!!!
Well written .
n makes me wonder if we shld feel good or bad that life goes on..'CAUSE of everything...INSPITE of everything!
@ rambler
well yes...but sometimes its just not possible to move on with it...some losses can never be replaced...
@ adi
@ blogboy
i agree...c'est la vie!!
btw long time...hows everything?? :)
@ pavi!!
life does go on..its just that sometimes we cant seem to...
yeahhhh.. well-written babe..
they say that we are survivors, but it's indeed sad that life really goes on :(
n yeha the loss is irrepalceable, no matter what we do or say..
it's disheartening to know that india has become a soft target for hardcore terror ..
p.s.--> yeahhhh, i loved ya negotiation skills with my begging bowl.. ya want 50% of what we make, let's make that 40- what say..
10 extra for me for my 'invisible begging bowl' copright
so damn true...
but easy for us to say, not for the ones who've lost someone near n dear :(
Very nicely said.
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