October 09, 2008

fill in the blanks....

complete the following in not more than 12 words.

"life has taught me...."

(just a side note:i read somewhere that 'all of us learn something in life---something which someone somewhere needs to remember'
hence this is a humble attempt to compile life's valuable lessons right here at nostalgic moments...
sometimes we cant afford to wait to learn all the lessons ourselves...
perhaps, sharing our thoughts will help someone learn something life has already taught us and probably us too in learning some lesson life has rendered someone else....

i admit life sometimes feels like one hell dark scary tunnel...but lets try and spread some light while we can :)



Anonymous said...

first of all sorry about being online and not chatting.. As you must know... that ..house is full of youngie-pingie people... who just use my comp...and as google talk is automatically logged in... i m online forever!

SIGH! sorry!


Life has taught me.. to stop figuring out what life really is...and just go with the flow...and remember to live it :)


Pri said...

@ veens
no problemo..i pretty much guessed it wasent you online :)

oyee that was a nice answer..but u broke the 'dont exceed' limit...
anyways that made a lotta sense...so thanks :)

Keshi said...

Neat idea Pri!

However I feel that Wisdom cannot be taught...it can only be learnt through experiences. But ofcourse, we can share our lessons with one another..it makes us think and be more prepared. So here I go:

Life has taught me..that as I plan life, it has it's own plan for me.

(exactly 12 words too! didnt 'plan' it tho :))


Nitin said...

.....why Godji has given 2 hands one to hold.. other to.. ;)

Rambler said...

life has taught me ... not to take it seriously, its not worth it

sid said...

life has taught me..sm things cant be changed...n which can be,have already changed them!

lukkydivz said...

Life has taught me...that living it is not easy!

Anonymous said...

life has taught me...... its never wise to try and sneak into class if youre late(like they show you in the mentos ad).......it seems that the teacher also has a TV

Priya Joyce said...

life has taught me tat be firm and strong in water situation u r
btw haven' lived much of life juss 17 yrs re.

Priya Joyce said...

oops wrong typos its whatever*

Pavi!!!! said...

Life has taught me... that everything does happen for the Best. Eventually you’ll realize it.

Nice idea..i mean this post..i have to remember to come back n learn the lessons life has taught our fellow bloggers. 

Solitaire said...

Good idea!

Life has taught me...that everything works out in the end.

Pri said...

@ all
thanks for sharing with us what life has taught you :)
there have been some complaints about the word limit thingy...so i guess we can let that go a lil...maybe its not really possible to sum up the lessons life has taught us in only 12 words :)
so feel free and dont worry about exceeding the 'limit' here

i will. at the end compile the entire list in my next post so that all of us can read the other lessons offered by life too...and this time with the satisfaction that we didnt have to go through ALL of them by ourselves :)

and please continue....

Urv said...

A really good idea Pri.. Hmmm.. Life has taught me not to analyze it; just take it as it comes..

Life has taught me that nothing can be taken for granted; most things turn out to be illusions

rantravereflect/ jane said...

life has taught me:
to be a self-coagulant, life makes ya bleed, but ya need to heal yourself n live on..

good one there babe!

ceedy said...

Life has taught me really nothing I am still learning from the learned.

IncorrigibleV said...

life has taught me that its not always fair and the times u feel that its being cruel is the time u realize that deep down u prolly need for it to be that way!
its just ironic sometimes.

IncorrigibleV said...

lemme rephrase i didnt chk the 12 word limit pehle
"life has taught me... that its not always fair and that might actually be required sometimes"

Srinivas said...

Life has taught me to work for the dreams, even though its hard to achieve everytime.

Anonymous said...

...that it is impossible to understand some people ;)

Unknown said...

...that nothing defines but myself and I must remain true to my definition.

radiohead said...

Life has taught me .. that it is more important to enjoy what you have rather than keep running after things that would eventually turn out to be meaningless ..

But then .. I still keep running ..
so .. I haven't really learned ..

so ..

one more:

'to be myself and that things/people are not always what you think them to be'

Deepali said...

...that life goes on...Thing change, people change, but life goes on.

Nice idea. And the word limit funda is good too. Maybe 12 is little but keeps it concise and crisp.

Stupidosaur said...

Who said "I have a life"?
No life no learning?

The Furobiker said...

Life has taught me... kuch khaas nahi .. :O
:( :( :(

The Furobiker said...

i remember one thing it taught me.. grass always looks greener on the other side.. but u never know!

ash89 said...

life has taught me that no matter what happens...someone will always be there to hold your hand and get you out of the worst

ash89 said...

life has taught me that no matter what happens...someone will always be there to hold your hand and get you out of the worst

laddu said...

life has tought me- how difficult it is to maintain fdship.....