October 25, 2008

how much is 'too' much??

"How do you know how much is too much? Too much too soon. Too much information. Too much fun. Too much love, or too much to ask of someone? When is it all just too much for us to bear?"
---Dr Meredith Grey

Meredith asked a question and urs truly needs an answer.....


The Furobiker said...

Too much? It all depends on you.. Too much food - when your stomach is full and not when other start gazing at u for the third refill..
Too much alcohol - when u feel drunk ( which never happened in my case, i always feel i can have more)
too much fun - not possible
too much love - love is not measurable.. and it can never be too much ..


Pri said...

@ abhi
read the question properly..it is 'HOW DO U KNOW' not 'when do u know' :)
there is a difference....

waiting for ur answer now

sid said...

How much is too much....hmmm...its more of when the brain gets convinced its enuf!.....body doesnt always need what we give to it..but we give it what we do-since our brain is cnvinced we are yet not satisfied and yet need more-be it love...or more sugar...in brief as they say..its all in the mind!!!!!

alok said...

How much is too much? It’s difficult to answer maybe it can’t be answered. The measurement for it somehow appears too less when any of the three things changes in somebody’s life– a problem, a place or a person (3Ps). It can be anything but if it’s too much or too less then ultimately it’s not difficult to understand in either of the cases you are not happy. And perhaps its an indication that you have over looked something. Well! Life gives everyone a chance to be happy but how often someone realize that ? be with yourself, be with the time and don’t think it’s too much or too less … probably you need to find out if you are happy or whatever principally means, it all lies within.

alok said...

Yesterday, I was completely fad up while trying to finish a long pending program. By end of the day I became so un-happy with all that …. Later, a colleague friend said to me that the program is way too much complicated and so the problem I am trying to solve using the algorithm is having too many flaws and I was too much tired of those unsuccessful attempts. Look at now! Today, I started all again for the final time and guess what? I am done with it. The program is no more looks a too much complicated one and I will forget whoever said to me it was, and I will also forget those unsuccessful attempts… So with the 3Ps, I wanted to add 1S (success) and 1T (time) that can invariably change what we call as too much to pretty much.

alok said...

How do you know? some time you define your own limits and some time sky is the limit. It can be based on so many factors (individually driven) that we ourselves are not aware of, and well! may go beyond the above mentioned 5 factors. You know when any of these become an obstacle on your way … then things become "too much".

P.S: pls. read all of the comments as one but may not be as a single answer.

Dr Roshan Radhakrishnan said...

you know when suddenly it just doesn't feel the same as before.. the compliments seem fake, the request for help seems forced, the burden seems unfair...

Stupidosaur said...

Umm I think for lots of ppl whose money went up in smoke on the stock markets worldwide feel its too much to 'bear'.

Thankfully me being the lazy bum, did not invest 'in time' (in time to see it all go kaplonk) even though 'planning' since 7-8 months.

On the personal front, when it gets too much to bear, just think you are still alive. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

P.S: I know such wise-guy advice does not contribute anything other than irritation :P ;) Sorry no better answers :(

Keshi said...

Its quite subjective. Everyone has different limits. So wuts too much to u may not be the same for me :)


Lucifer said...

i believe too much love is suffocatin!!!

Macadamia The Nut said...


Anonymous said...

///this comment is for ur last post!!///

Thats the spirit Pri..Im really happy that you are back..even though you may not find my comment on your every post...I must say this is the one blog I keep visiting again and again :)..so you can imagine how shocked I was to see the "goodbye" post all of a sudden...
From the way you have put it,it looks like some virus which made you to almost stop blogging !! :D
Anyway,as they say Pri,"you should be like a mirror,which does its job even after being broken to pieces"...So don't let anything dampen your spirits!
all your blogger friends are with you!!
Waiting for your next post(I will suggest you put back "storytime-4")


aMus said...

came here from prats blog...

read the last post and glad that you listened to your heart...