November 12, 2008

got any answers???

that is how the age old saying goes....

but what would u think it is if that someone returns everytime only to go away again?


Priya Joyce said...

haha I don't have words to argue u hav shut me

hmm yeah sayings needn't be correct ..if the first one is then in a way the second one becomes better try to keep ur love or dear ones wth u otherwise..u know wat happens...

Keshi said...

I believe that age old quote ALOT. Its very very true in any r'ship.

**but what would u think it is if that someone returns everytime only to go away again?

then u should get him to pay the rent lol!

On a serious note Pri, I think if someone keeps coming bak and going again n again, its a pretty indecisive mind. Does that spell 'meant to be'? I say NO.


Lucifer said...

if d person keeps comin n goin do we really think dt we can call dat love...
love i think is supposed to b felt not searched for...its supposed to be given...not asked for
but have we asked ourselves d question y does d person keep goin again n again...
its obv dat he/she wants to b wid u...then wat drives him away so often???
i always say b4 v judge anyone we shud always look in d mirror

Anonymous said...

then it is time for you to move away from that person

rantravereflect/ jane said...

"but what would u think it is if that someone returns everytime only to go away again?"

well, yeahhh just relegate him /her to the role of a guest appearance-
juicy n loveable when he/she's a sudden show-stopper in ya life..
and lousy and forgettable when he/she's gone :)

treat them like that fancy mop in your apartment :)

Such peopel get what they give :)

Unknown said...

I dont agree with this one quote...and i get angry when people say that because in a way it misleads vulnerable souls and makes them wait for nothing... when someone you love goes away... how do you feel?
"Its similar to the pain of having owned something that no longer belongs to you."

Rest my case

Lena said...

i believe those who are meant to be wouldnt want to be let go. Once they go, they already are not the one meant for you, no matter how often they do come back...

lukkydivz said...

i hate the quote pri :P

am too afraid to let go of anybody i love :)

Sam said...

not always... finally dat someone has to rest... and its ur doorstep dat the travelling soul will return to... sooner or later!!
its upto you wot u want to do in this situation.. der si not right or wrong... just a deed... a thought...

Stupidosaur said...

How do we know the person was gone?

Anonymous said...

I really dnt knw!

The Furobiker said...

time to say .. "NEXT"

Princess said...

it really aches..
cannot say more. :(

Blog Boy said...

"Some Birds are not meant to be caged"..
let them go... probably they are not for you!!!

Unknown said...

age old saying i used to tell that to every one.until a day came..where i was asked to let go..without bothering any one and to take it lightly..
I realized the pain..when it happned to me..!

Dr Roshan Radhakrishnan said...

I would say that its not a love worth keeping.. if the person doesnt realise how he hurt you the first time and keeps doing it again and again, whats the point..

Pavi!!!! said...

That kinda person is one hec of a confused person... if things dont straighten up soon..its time to move on in life without that person..

IncorrigibleV said...

well after a point u will begin to stop welcoming that person back in ur life...