heres wishing one of my bestest blogger buddies sidhant a very very happy birthday and a wonderful year ahead....
he dosent haunt blogsville as much anymore...he even pretends to be too busy at times doing i-dunno-what...but neverthless here's to a great aatma (just so that it dosent find another reason to 'bhatkofy')
i always complained that i found sidhant to be one of those cold unemotional beings....oh yeah, nothing has changed...i still see him as one! :D
but needless to say he is one person who can create magic with his words....when i dint know him all that well and when sidhant was 'sid' of the blogworld, i used to often imagine how this guy would be for real....each of his posts brought about a special emotion....created a certain magic wch lingered long enough for me to revel in it...
and then finally the curiosity got the better of me and we got to know each other better...
so even though we have not met yet, we do know that we share a special bond which come what may will remain with us forever--together or apart.....
Happy birthday Sid
ahhhh wishing u a very happy birthday sid!!!
may all your dreams come true...n i hope ur search for dat special one gives u some fruitful results soon ;) ;)
pri : dont let him go dat easily...hez a great friend...hold on to him
have known this guy since d day i was born so tellin ya...
Happy Birthday Sidhant, what a beautiful name :)
Yeah have read his works, creativity, intelligence and a rare display of maturity were there.
11.11. hmm cool date :)
heeee, how ya pri?
@ Pri- thanks!!!!...even though in bits you leave me confused whether to say "sorry" or "thank you"...;-))..some things make days "days"..and then friends like you make "the day"- a real day...a real day with a gr8 start....else i am sure you know of what a "boring" person I am (guess what-you forgot that bit in the post;-))
@Mayz-I am sure with you by my side the search wll surely take longer than usual (as is usual;-)).....thanks for the wishes!!!!
@Bhaw- I guess except all things cool in life start and end with the bdate;-))..thanks a bunch!
@ Jane-tks!
Happy budday sid !!
the cake is mine!
This is the 3rd post that I came across for Sid's bday. Wow he's really loved by his friends and now thats a rare in this world. Goes to show he's a very special soul.
Happy bday Sid!
Nice dedication pri :)
@ keshi
yes that he is...no wonder he has got soo many admirers all around---some silent...and some not-so-silent...rite sid? ;p
its sad that he dosent haunt blogsville much anymore...he blames it on 'writers block' but im sure he just wants to maintain a low profile lest he gets mobbed by his super 'fan following'...haha
neways hope he gets back soon...
take care!
Happy Budday SID!
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