so we are back again...lets start weaving ;)
anyways here are the rules for those firsttimers who arnt yet familiar with it...
--->i will start with a line...a random sentence and u guys have to spin a yarn around it...got the picture??
--->each of u will have to contribute one line after another...and continue the flow of the story...
--->u can comment however as many number of times as u want but make sure that there shouldent be two 'consecutive' lines contributed by the same person...and also each comment should have just ONE line of the story...
--->anyone and everyone (this includes first-timers to 'nostalgic moments' and non-bloggers too)is allowed and requested to contribute...just make sure u go with the flow...and would appreciate if u leave ur name or ID behind so that we have atleast that to associate ur talent with ;)
--->the characters in our story can be given names as long as they dont keep changing :p..so make sure u read the comments before u before contributing ur own...new characters can be added...
--->u can make sure of any form of writing--direct, indirect or both...
--->u can write anything u want but please keep in mind not to write anything offensive as it is against the ethics of my blog...also make sure u dont include anything that wud hurt the sentiments of fellow bloggers :)
--->make sure u just put nothing but 'ur line' in the comment section...
--->please do not be hellbent on taking only ur idea forward by ignoring the other comments on the way...remember 'storytime' a joint effort and the point is to go with the flow...so just in case ur idea gets neglected along the way, do not take offence and strike back with a vengeance by deviating from the flow and sticking to ur point--thatll only make it senseless...and remember we are here to make sense from the nonsense :p
--->please try to wrap the story up by monday 7pm IST...if not urs truly will be compelled to put up a crappy ending of her imagination(u know how pathetic my stories are and often they dont even have happy endings..so dont say i dint warn u! heehee)
On 1st december at exactly 7pm IST, i will collect all the contributions, as they are and in the same particular order from the comment section and post them...and voila!! lo and behold! there will be, OUR VERY OWN PROUD STORY!!...heehee
so gear up and get ready to create the wackiest, funniest, strangest story of all times :D
it could turn out to have tragedy, drama, romance, humour...but the best part is its going to be UNPREDICTABLE! and can twist with every single line...somewhat like life eh??
so lets get started........
so presenting before u the line which starts it all ;) *drumrolls in the background*
"ohh so this is what the much talked about planet--earth looks like??" they whispered to each other as the spaceship landed...
cheers and keep it rocking! :D
tak about global warming eh!
Yeah, the dog mites had landed on the postman's dog -Earth!
(Consider this as part of the earluer sentence ;) )... which being a mammal, was quite warm ;)
( requesting all u people to please read the earlier lines carefully as the lines are supposed to be connected and help with the flow not leave the audience confused about where each came from)
(ok here's me trying hard to repair the damage done by the above two comments overlooking the word 'planet' in the starting line..sigh!)
sensing some movement in his furry coat, earth ('planet earth' as he liked to be called) woke up from his deep slumber---it was a hot summer afternoon and the last thing he needed was interference from dogmites....
nice blog yaar keep it up ji
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@ anonymous aka mister kitanu
sorry had to delete ur comment because u werent following the rules....
read again
///--->please do not be hellbent on taking only ur idea forward by ignoring the other comments on the way...remember 'storytime' a joint effort and the point is to go with the flow...so just in case ur idea gets neglected along the way, do not take offence and strike back with a vengeance by deviating from the flow and sticking to ur point--thatll only make it senseless...and remember we are here to make sense from the nonsense :p///
and i tried a lot but just couldent make sense from that line of yours....atleast as far as the story goes...
the two dogmites sensed his displeasure and ran away in search of newer more interesting things
on the way, they spotted 'meow' the neighbours persian cat---a tempting place to move in now that they were homeless...
But seemed like the persian cat hadnt bathed since some time now and their haven was stinking,so they DM1(DOG MITE 1)said to DM2(DOG MITE 2):No self respecting dog mite would want to live here and off they went in search of greener pastures umm....animals.
And soon found a group of greener animals - actual aliens who had just landed on the real planet earth of the solar system
the green animals were red in colour
and suddenly asif like magic a realisation came to them in the form of a case-paper sheet which dropped from a spaceship like object in the sky which said---they were suffering from red-green colour blindness a condition not so uncommon on 'planet termitospace'....
thus began the hunt for the famous eye doctor, MR Ekankheshwar
who happens to be on holidays in the planet eyes-r-sores.
that is precisely when they decide to hitch a ride into the black of the night...and as they are settling into the groove of things, a space ship, driven by MR Ekankheshwar blasts their car into smithereens...the mites survive thanks to their size, but the ride is gone by miles...
Scribblers Inc.
The poor mites with their uncommon sites failed to realize that the red species they had seen was not an animal, but the plant species !!
But lo!! And behold !!! Who was that coming charging from a distance towards them... It can't be ? But it is... It is the one and only...
.. cocamouse. They were taught during there youth days at 'planet termitospace' that some species called 'coachroaches', and some called 'mouse' existed and were termite predators .. the cocamouse to their idea was a hybrid of the two and was headed straight towards them .. they gasped ..
now the cocamouse had one superpower which every mite was aware of and so they tried their best to avoid him---he could transform mites into humans by spitting out his venom in them.......
Then it happened...he spit..but it fell on Dr. Ekankheshwar, the homo sapein who was emerging out of the space-ship wreck...and it made him only more human.
but d cocomouse was not going to stop there....it was hell bent on turning them into d species the whole mite-insect kingdom dreaded...humans
And lo n behold d mites were not so lucky to miss d next bout of venom that positively drenched them in humanity....d component that often lacks in d homosapiens themselves...
the petrified dogmites now had slowly transformed into humans...
n they knew it was not so easy surviving as a human....d heartless species that often killed their kind...(mites)by bathing their dogs...
but then again, something within them urged them to take up the challenge and off they went to explore life from a different perspective---for the better or worse only time would tell....
they walked into a building, where unknown to them, a dog show was going on...
And oddly enough, soon as the aliens entered the building with Dr. E, the dogs started talking to the aliens...
"u smell like someone i know--someone very close to me" said 'rover' the champ of the dog-show to DMTH-1 (dog-mite-turned-human-1).......
DMTH-1 <~~ Faces Embarrassment on hearing that He/she is actually smelling.... so DMTH-1 decides for a shower... and immediately Jumps into a drum full of alkaline water ... meanwhile DMTH-2 is very impressed by Rover and falls in love with Rover.... Rover is confused about DMTH-2s Gender ( as DMTH are supposed to be Gender Blind) and doesn't understand how to interact to the flirting meters of DMTH-2
A Germ
not knowing how to react, rover trots away and right at that moment, DMTH-2 understands the first rule of being human---have control over your emotions because all that glitters is not gold!!
meanwhile there is a huge commotion in the shower area.....a man who just jumped into a drum had disappeared right in front of the eyes of the few other people in the showers!!!!!
After all as the old saying goes, "A DTMH ought to know its depth. A DTMH in water is bound to end up a frog"
on seeing his friends plight DMTH-2 was unknowingly made aware of the second rule of the human race which said "in real life a frog can NEVER turn into a prince (read 'mortal') but a human prince may turn into a frog"
While DMTH-2 is pondering on the second rule... Few Goa Medical Students are in search of Frog which they need for Dissection in their practicals... and they are joyous to see DMTH-2 in their zoological Garden
A Germ
but the first year students have forgotten in their stupor that medical colleges dont use frogs for dissection----they use human cadavers in the anatomy hall which is infested by germs who are spreading 'stupidity' all over (its time the hall was fumigated atleast to preserve the sanity of the future-doctors-to-be)
And thats exactly what aquatreated tadpoletransformed DMTHs are good at..devouring stupidity-spreading germs..there finally was a purpose to the DMs existence.
But as it turned out, a DMTHTF (Dog mite turned human turned frog are water soluble...just when it had a new found purpose of existence, it dissoved and died!
looking from a safe distance DMTH-2 learnt the 3rd rule of human life---do not think too much about ur purpose of existence for u might just cease to live in the process...
When Dr.E had gotten spit on my cocomouse, he had only become more human and what he never realised was he was becoming SUPERHUMAN. Now,superheroes SAVE!So, De. S E (SUPERHUMAN E) wears a cocomouse jaddi suit, with coco(roach) FEELERS on his head and a mouse TAIL from his butt..
pit on by* cocomouse
and he flies like a cockroach and scurries liek a mouse all the way to THE DMTHTF and spits cocomouse venom on them.. and they become ANOREXIC SUPERMODELS!! (as he thought anorexic supermodels were the closest to dissolving n dying germs)
AND he put the DMTHTF on teh dog show ramp- the dog show became the hippest DELHI FASHION WEEK EVER..
DR. SE became the newest Manish Malhotra!
and the DMTHTFTS became Nina FROGuel, dEEPIKA GermUKONE AND hold ya breath- a special edition liek -KA-Mite Moss!!
Just when they thought life was perfect and fashionable .. something hit them hard ..
(Multiple lines, one user. What does Pri judge lady have to say?)
(SORRY guys, i got too excited!)
@ stupidosaur and jane
(lol!! yeah i know...lets try to stick by the rules...besides jane, DMTH-1 was dead a while back...but u ressurected him :p
but let that be...carry on..........
and dont confuse us...only one line this time...heehee
taking it fwd from anuj's line)
and all hell broke loose when thery realised that all of them(the DMTHTFTS and dr.SE)were strangely attracted to the honourable chiefguest who was called to judge the dogshow, none other than the famous banbeer kapoor of 'towaliya-sawariya' fame
Little did they know that he was the commander of the aliens in disguise...yes those green aliens who were plants...nuclear plants actually...walking talking thinking green little nuclear plants...whose spaceships had surrounded the earth...waiting for the one sign from their commander...
which was the falling of the towaliya, which was subject to the whims of the commanders beau..beepika haiyekaun
who had disguised itself (himslef/herself not applicable) as a beeper which was lying in the pocket of the commander's turquoise boxer shorts, under the towel...and was busy hypnotising and controlling brains of everyone present at the dog show using ultrasonic beeps
beep beeeeepp went beepika & lo & behold all the homo sapiens started singing like a certain beharammiyaa.
ps hehhe , pri , my name was actually an accidental thing , i thought that was blog description .
Just saying Hi Pri :) Im not bak but I posted today...hope all is well ya. HUGS TC!
But somehow the original DMTH(then turnd into...so many things n again 2 supermodel thts again human ),,,,...so basically DMTH's did not respond to beepikas signals,as they had that inborn dogmite resistance in them...which smhow was retained...
N the Commander realised he had found what he was looking for....a Fellow alien species(atleast not pure human)...he did not waste ny time n approached them...He badly wanted to speak 2 them n ask them how to leave this earth or how 2 just become humans permanantly...he was tired of being this half plant half human....holding just a towel....
The DMTH's and Dr E. were pleasantly surprised to see such a famous personality coming towards them.
He whispered,"I know that u arent really humans"!!!Tell me d secret of ur morphism!!!
"Gaaaah! Even we are dumbfounded!"
(**@Pri--incase u havent already decided d end as m 1 day late**)
"But u could try getting spit on by d famous cocomouse...thats how we got transformed. u'l find him in d dumpster behind this lane" continued DMTH1.
and D commander left...excited to finally turn himself into a human.
An hour later d DMTH's were happy 2 c that he had succeeded in becoming human....
He rewarded them with a famous dish from his planet .."Lal kukurmutta manchurian"
When d DMTH's hungrily devoured d dish...they began to realise that they were re-transforming into dog-mites...
The Commander Learned that 1 important rule of being n staying a human is ..."Never eat d colourfull junglee Mushrooms(kukurmuttas)"..as they r hazardious 2 human health...
Now that he was human... d commander was overcome by d selfish streak most humans r possesd with...n dint want 2 share d Human turnin secret wid ny1...n tried 2 destroy d dogmites....
D dogmites finding no option...jumped on d back of a nearby stray dog...swearing that they'l never go near ny of these selfish humans n trouble them in every way.
N Since then Dogmites have lived happily ever after on their newfound doggieback-land....much 2 d annoyance of their owners...Humans
Who learned Not to eat "Junglee Mushrooms" to prevent problems....
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