have u noticed everyone is worried about something or the other....something or the other seems to be bothering us...
fat people wanting to lose weight...thin ones wanting to gain some...and then there are those who actively halucinate and sulk!
dark skinned people wishing for a fairer skin tone...fair skinned people yearning to get a tan....
someone worried about losing a job...someone yearning for a promotion....and yet someone dreaming of throwing a resignation letter in his bosses face and slamming the door behind him....
someone waiting to fall in love while someone else waiting to fall out of it....
someone nursing a broken heart while someone too afraid to go that way....
someone who has all the friends in the world and yet finds himself alone....
someone who is afraid to lose the only person who loves him....
each of us have our own fears...our own insecurities....
do u know how much time we are wasting in just being the insecure wretches we are?
what would i give for a lil more of that selfconfidence??
what would i give to get a lil more of that 'i dont give a damn' attitude??
do u find urself sighing after reading the above two questions....then yess! this post is all about you mate! :)
im not going to offer any ultra quick solution like those teleshopping ads (i know that this might just be sounding like one till now)...seriously, how i wish there could be an easy fix-it solution.....
looking into the mirror and screaming im beautiful wont help raise your confidence...in fact it might just make u notice that big ugly pimple which is about to erupt on ur nose.
the ONLY way to help yourself is stop and think...is it worth it??
why are we soo worried? why are we soo insecure?
what is it that is making us panic?
and can we actually do something about it??
ok if u can, then dont sit there fretting...get your lazy ass off the chair and do what it takes to be done!

but if there is no apparent solution, like for example a dream vacation to hawaii or maybe an unrequited love or maybe a long nose or something (u get the drift dont u?), then dont feel sorry for urself....
a dream vacation to hawaii is not something ul'l die without....so live with the fact atleast till the time u can buy urself a ticket..but for friggin sake, dont SULK---it never got anyone a free pass to haryana leave alone hawaii!!
an unrequited love hurts but not as much as a trampled selfrespect does...so dont CRY over it---let go!
a long nose is something uve had since a very long time and uve got to live with it (unless ofcourse ur desperate enough to go for a nosejob)...so take it in your stride...dont stoop to rude comments and pig mouths...atleast uve got people talking!!
learn to fall in love with yourself first...only then will people learn to respect you for what you are.....
having said all this, i know there will be still be untrasensitive days when a newly discovered zit on my face might bother me...the split ends in my hair might freak me out....i am human afterall!
and those are the days, il'l remember to come back and read this post of mine..sigh!
thankyou one and all! *takes a bow and walks off*
P.S: today is apparently one of those 'lecture-yourself-and-others-too-whether-they-like-it-or-not' days wherein whatever happens, i dont give a damn!
Me too! Proud of myself!
hope I can take at least two cents outta this and follow it in my life...Appreciate the advice. I especially liked the beginning...
weight - i am size zero naturally and i am least bothered abt gaining or losing
skin - i love my dark skin, no matter wat others say..
Job - my HR wud rather go take a hike... i am least bothered if he keeps me or throws me out.. its his loss..
Love - i am in love with myself.. give it to me babby...
u know wat.. there was a time wenn i hated myself,... i was aged 10 then i think :P
now i love me rather than anyonw else...
sorry if i sound too narcisstic.. but who cares i am wat i am.. :D
HAppy new year, babe...
Yeah! pretty much like saying -"It is not a question of creating a different world, it is only a question of creating a different YOU".
Guess what? Truly one of the most beautiful feelings in the world to be in love with self and only then you realizes the importance of loving and forgiving others the way they are...
i was abt to ask whether u were drunk or not.. man it was sooper cool.. it was like an OB lecture during my mba days
GOING Thorough a shit-phase now- but i juts realised, if i dun do nethyn abt it, i'm gonna kee sucking- so learning to pick up the pieces n make a life for myself!
neways, i 'm so glad i can shoulder my feelings with someone else pri!
n well, we're gonna see better times :d
N I Know taht intoxication is the least of our necessities, especially when we hardly need any to anyways get heady n get funny n gte philosophical!
love ya tons! :)
n love ya slide
one thing I have always found tough to do..is to stop sulking :). I think I should work harder
@ aneri_masi
yeah..thats the way to go girl!! :)
@ seriously_frivolous
its difficult to follow all through life.we all have our low moments..but its definitely worth a try!! :)
@ the rat
all i can say is i envy u girl...ur perfect and mainly because u think and believe u are :)
i wish i could do that all the time...such bouts of self-confidence unfortunately comes to me only in phases :(
im a hopeless manic-depressive i tell ya!
and this was my attempt of recording my manic episode to help me strike a balance during the depressive one ;)
thanks and cheers!
@ alok
true but more than that, its the only way u can forgive yourself which is one of the keys to a happy life :)
@ chriz
uhoh!! technically speaking, lectures are supposed to be BORING arnt they?? :-/
@ rantrarefect/jane
ok firstly thanks for the overdosage of compliments...that always does wonders to my mood :D
and speaking about tough times, dont u worry girl...itll soon pass...i know its easier said than done...
but most of the times, we do take solace in that isnt it?
so this is no exception!!
as for the hangover,ur absoutely right!some people are already soo high on life that we dont need the spirits to raise our spirits :p
its a different thing we are always curse life...but then thats why ppl get drunk right? and i think i manage that rather well even without the alcohol ;D
@ rambler
thats the spirit--all the best!!im with u on this one :D
Agree completly with you doc...nicely summarised....and just sharing one more little detail (experience ;)
If you are proud of yourself - you will end up taking/making certain decisions that will basically wither all your foundations....so the other important thing is to be aware of that and be ready to sail through that period....and not LOOSE yourself....(no matter how long it takes :) - get it...
yeah rather than worrying , its better to go out in the middle and hit the reason for the worry and get rid of it....
BTW you dont visit me :)...
well said... i second you on this one totaly... :)
waah waaah! kya gyaan diya doc ;)
On a serious note...i cldn't agree more wit the title..its sums it ALL up!
ever tried goin for as a motivational speaker :P :P
nice post :)
ps: u been awarded on my blog :)
@ ceedy
thanks buddy..will keep that in mind :)
@ sam
absolutely..i second you on that...
and heyy sam please dont mind..ive hardly been blog visiting these days...a lil too caught up with certain things...but rest assured hope to resume soon enough :)
will come over soon...lots to catch up on i guess...
seeya around!
@ phoenix
thanks dear..i knew u would :)
@ pavi!!
well u know me...gyaan dete dete kahin main khud agyaan na ban jaoo ;)
@ mayz
heehee apart from the therapy sessions ive imparted to to my friends and patients, no!
but now since uve mentioned, i guess its worth a try :p
heyy award??!! thankoo thankoo *takes a bow*...its friends like u that i rely on for the ego boost :D
bang on target!!! lovely post :))
@ trinaa
thanks dear...glad u agree
kewl stuff... and hey wats life if everything was perfect... LOL...
have a nice evening and a happy new year... :)
@ arv
u said it! :)
i like myself too... and on days that i don't i'll come and read this :)
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