*clears her throat and opens up her oscar-winning-speech*
ahem! today on this
i would also want to thank those who comment on here to express their opinion...
Not to forget all those who shower and pamper me with words of praise and also those who help maintain a reality check with their sharp razor edge criticism...u guys help to strike a balance--making sure i dont drown too low nor fly too high!
i am also grateful to those ppl who inspite of not having their own blog, (adi, ur included in these.so dont crib!) take out the time to check on me almost everyday...
i want to thank those readers as well who come and read 'nostalgic moments' and silently go away after seeing the visitor counter and tracker stats :)
Last but not the least, i would thank all of you who emailed me in my short period of absence and told me i was being missed and not to forget those too, who understood that i must be having my reasons and did not press on it...
i like the fact that someone covers up for my laziness and lethargy like that--makes me feel important!! *wistfully closes her speech feeling all angelic*
ohh and the basic crux of the post---MY MOST RECENT AWARDS which im waiting to flaunt..so here they are---go die in envy!(if u havent already).heehahaha!

this one is by sam, a prolific blogger himself, i've had the pleasure of recently knowing...
though i havent read too much of him, i am pretty much impressed with what i have..
keep rocking! :)

this one is by the ever famous mayank...
the magic of his crystal maze (mayz) is known and much admired by all who know him...
His work reflects his personality and its quite clear that this is one guy who is in touch with his emotions...
sometimes dark in despair and sometimes full of hope, this is one person who wins it both ways and from his huge fan following, its quite obvious that this streak of his only adds to his charm..
cheers to you!

this one is awarded to me by alok..
a very fine photographer and an equally good writer...he is one who knows how to capture moments with his lens---a quality i could kill for!! (u'd understand only after u see my photography skills)
someone who is always full of wisdom quotes and who keeps dropping them at u whenever he has the chance...
sometimes makes me feel he is always with some philosophy book in hand whenever he is talking...but naah i guess ppl like him 'make up' philosophy..
when he is not rattling off some words by great men, he is usually conjuring up his own but hell! it is sure tough to tell the difference :)

this one is by lena--blogworlds very own sweetheart..
Her 'tuesday love ramblings' managed to melt even an ultracynical heart like mine...i hope to read her work published someday and lena, dont u dare forget the autographed copy u owe me then! ;)
she reflects hope, beauty and innocence with her magical words and i hope the flame of faith she has for love never simmers down..
its people like her that deserve to love and be loved...
i know i gotta pass on these awards...but then, there have been soo many times ive visited blogs of friends and seen people getting awarded and left dissapointed because i dint spot my name out there (ok! now this is going to be a secret which will die with u..hmpf!)
well,considering there are more crazy ppl like me out here, i dont want to add the same 'blue' to someones mood by awarding some and leaving out some (the only reason being my failing memory..effects of ageing u see..sigh!)
SO i want you to know that each of u is special in a unique sorta way...and the very fact that u take the time to share your views with all of us means u care and that to me, matters...matters a lot! :)
i know this line is cliched, but when it comes to people u care and love, there is no winning and losing...
just like there is no 'moving away' or 'leaving behind'...
and on that note, i announce my comeback from the short hiatus i was on...
keep smiling!
sometimes thats all that matters...

this one is by urv
it is interpreted as follows (taken from the man himself)----
"Blogs that receive this award are 'exceeding charming'. This blog invests and believes in the PROXIMITY-nearness in space, time and relationships. These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in prizes or self-aggrandizement! Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated."
all i can say is that though we havent got a chance to know each other all that much, im sure the future has one more friendship stored in for me :)
and that would be in itsself a prize...
thanks a lot buddy!
welcome back.... thats gud.. hibernation was for short period
priiiiiiiiiiiii :( :( was i being targetted anywer in the post? :( :(
hey Pri, many thanks for the kind words for me ;)
U surely write superb and touch the chords with ppl, so the awards for u :)
And good speech too ....
pri, thank you so very much for putting the award on this post. I don’t know about that philosopher but glad to meet him here :)
And, here I am back again to welcome you back to your own blog :D
congratulations, Pri!
you surely deserve all of them, but how dared you to leave out the award i gave to you? :x
Anyways, just kidding, dear :)
and once again, you surely deserve them all :)
Just keep writing!
@ nitin
thanks..yes i couldent stay away for long...missed u all too much..
@ luckydivz
targetted?? kyon? kahan? kaise?
@ sam
u deserve them sam..and thanks for feeling im worth the award :)
@ alok
heyy i shud be the one thanking you..for both, the awrd and the welcome...
ohh and im glad u now know of the philosopher within you..this calls for a treat! :D
@ lena
dayummmm!! :(
im soo sorry lena..i told u im ageing...
will update it right away..thanks for reminding me dear :)
lol i guess we all are ageing :D
anyways, it is just that you deserved that one being a lovely person yourself :)
Heyy nice to see you back!!
hey good to see you back pri..
thankyou very much for the special mention in your post lady ;)
ahhha! I knew u came to blogging for some reason :P
and ain't these awards for giving away too/.?????? like ME!!!!
Take care... good to see u back :) :P [ ahh! i m saying what everyone is saying ;)]
@ lena
yea yea but im the one with the failing memory :-/
ohh and thanks for the compliment..u just made my day!
@ meera
thanks..it feels nice to be back! :)
@ rambler
thankyou :)
@ adi
heyy cmon..u deserve atleast that much (after all the cribbing the other day!)
@ veens
well actually yes..but the reason im back is that i couldent let u go UNTORTURED!!
ohh and the explanation for the awards not being passed around is already given (P.S: not that i'd have awarded YOU anyways..as usual u breezing thru my post eh? :-/ *rolling eyes*
hey congrats on all those awards...u deserve all of em :)
n thnx for d lovely words... honored:)
@ mayz
thanks mayank...u deserve each of those words too :)
Hey, its good to see u back.
Cheers :-)
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