Was thinking about the whole of 2008 last night...and it did leave me with a weird feeling...
somehow 2008 wasent sucha major milestone in the life of pri...nothing great really happened..nothing splendid took me by surprise..plain and boring or so i thought last night and went off to sleep on that depressing note..
and today morning, i just decided to take a memory trip down my blog to have a quick peep into the year gone by and to my surprise, it wasent thaat uneventful afterall...
there was 31st december 07 when i was anxiously waiting for 08 hoping and praying that it'd turn better...i remember the exact frame of mind when i keyed in this post to celebrate new year eve and also my 100th post anniversary...sigh! (needless to say my love for blogging has only grown)
then there was the time when i wondered about 'dejavu' and all u people helped me figure it out in your own special way...some left enlightened and some enlightened me...it was only somewhere late in 2008 that i actually experienced the feeling and yess that day, i went straight back to read that post and our comment-debate :)
there have been introspective moemnts like this and this and not to forget the day i penned this...
ohh and do u guys remember the 'sing-a-song' day when u guys got me all smiling with your dedications.. *throws kisses in the air*
and feb 14th?? do u guys remember when i took all of u by surprise with my 'valentine day secret' heehee...how i enjoyed playing that prank!!
while a few people dint take the curtainraiser joke too well, most enjoyed laughing with me at themselves :D
ohh and how could i leave out the 'male-bashing' spurt that went around blogsville...yea there was some female-bashing too..but we dont care to remember! :-/
and then we decided to be forgiving *points to the halo above her head*
Im not a staunch feminist but i do have my days...thats when i get all strong for womans lib...'international womans day 08' did trigger off this spark and got me reminding everyone that we rule!
i got myself into a little trouble too when some people who shouldent have been reading my blog got about reading this but in a way i was glad that they actually got to know what i think of them and were ashamed of themselves...some misunderstandings and wrong impressions which to my embarassment, did clear up in the process--which in a way again, was an added bonus :)
there was this time when i considered writing nursery rhymes...but then i gave up that idea considering a few parents plea...sigh! im soo sacrificial sometimes! :-/
2008 have seen a lotta blue days too on a personal as well as on a professional and ethical level...
some days had both...and then there were days i couldent figure out what was actually bothering me but was sure that something was....
but asif to strike a balance there weresome those 'all gyaan' days too like
when i wrote a letter to myself 15 years back and when i lectured everyone else actually hoping to rub it off on myself (like here and here)
2008 made me quite a blog addict...to the extent that i not only shared my identity but also some of my secrets with u people...
and i have to thank you for making me a stronger person...ur advice, comments, reactions and experiences helped me mature as an individual...
there were fun days too when we played 'story-time' (almost every month) and then there was THE antakshari
There were times when i felt all loved and cared for and it left me beaming with pride to know that we have managed to build up a long and everlasting friendship despite all the miles between us...
needless to say there were issues which saddened me and infuriated me..and then there were those which left me helpless and wondering--questioning the existence of god and goodness...
i learnt a few things about myself too...how much i can love...how much i can hurt and how much i can stand before breaking down completely or emerging a stronger person....and in a strange sorta ironical way, i thank 2008 for that!!
there were some issues which were dealt with..some issues which were ignored and some which were put to rest...all in all, 2008 was just another year which changed just another bit of me----but like i always say, for better or for worse only time will tell!!
but one things for sure, one advantage of maintaining a blog is that u can have it all coming back to you when u want to...and now that im feeling weird, nostalgic, sad, wistful, happy, strong, bored and proud all at the same time, i think il'l better stop and take a turn right here on the memory lane...
so heres waiting in anticipation of tomorrow---in the hope of a new dawn bringing along with it a whole new world of joys, happiness, rekindled faith, realistic dreams and new memories to treasure all life through...

wish u all a very happy new year 2009!! :)
somehow 2008 wasent sucha major milestone in the life of pri...nothing great really happened..nothing splendid took me by surprise..plain and boring or so i thought last night and went off to sleep on that depressing note..
and today morning, i just decided to take a memory trip down my blog to have a quick peep into the year gone by and to my surprise, it wasent thaat uneventful afterall...
there was 31st december 07 when i was anxiously waiting for 08 hoping and praying that it'd turn better...i remember the exact frame of mind when i keyed in this post to celebrate new year eve and also my 100th post anniversary...sigh! (needless to say my love for blogging has only grown)
then there was the time when i wondered about 'dejavu' and all u people helped me figure it out in your own special way...some left enlightened and some enlightened me...it was only somewhere late in 2008 that i actually experienced the feeling and yess that day, i went straight back to read that post and our comment-debate :)
there have been introspective moemnts like this and this and not to forget the day i penned this...
ohh and do u guys remember the 'sing-a-song' day when u guys got me all smiling with your dedications.. *throws kisses in the air*
and feb 14th?? do u guys remember when i took all of u by surprise with my 'valentine day secret' heehee...how i enjoyed playing that prank!!
while a few people dint take the curtainraiser joke too well, most enjoyed laughing with me at themselves :D
ohh and how could i leave out the 'male-bashing' spurt that went around blogsville...yea there was some female-bashing too..but we dont care to remember! :-/
and then we decided to be forgiving *points to the halo above her head*
Im not a staunch feminist but i do have my days...thats when i get all strong for womans lib...'international womans day 08' did trigger off this spark and got me reminding everyone that we rule!
i got myself into a little trouble too when some people who shouldent have been reading my blog got about reading this but in a way i was glad that they actually got to know what i think of them and were ashamed of themselves...some misunderstandings and wrong impressions which to my embarassment, did clear up in the process--which in a way again, was an added bonus :)
there was this time when i considered writing nursery rhymes...but then i gave up that idea considering a few parents plea...sigh! im soo sacrificial sometimes! :-/
2008 have seen a lotta blue days too on a personal as well as on a professional and ethical level...
some days had both...and then there were days i couldent figure out what was actually bothering me but was sure that something was....
but asif to strike a balance there were
when i wrote a letter to myself 15 years back and when i lectured everyone else actually hoping to rub it off on myself (like here and here)
2008 made me quite a blog addict...to the extent that i not only shared my identity but also some of my secrets with u people...
and i have to thank you for making me a stronger person...ur advice, comments, reactions and experiences helped me mature as an individual...
there were fun days too when we played 'story-time' (almost every month) and then there was THE antakshari
There were times when i felt all loved and cared for and it left me beaming with pride to know that we have managed to build up a long and everlasting friendship despite all the miles between us...
needless to say there were issues which saddened me and infuriated me..and then there were those which left me helpless and wondering--questioning the existence of god and goodness...
i learnt a few things about myself too...how much i can love...how much i can hurt and how much i can stand before breaking down completely or emerging a stronger person....and in a strange sorta ironical way, i thank 2008 for that!!
there were some issues which were dealt with..some issues which were ignored and some which were put to rest...all in all, 2008 was just another year which changed just another bit of me----but like i always say, for better or for worse only time will tell!!
but one things for sure, one advantage of maintaining a blog is that u can have it all coming back to you when u want to...and now that im feeling weird, nostalgic, sad, wistful, happy, strong, bored and proud all at the same time, i think il'l better stop and take a turn right here on the memory lane...
so heres waiting in anticipation of tomorrow---in the hope of a new dawn bringing along with it a whole new world of joys, happiness, rekindled faith, realistic dreams and new memories to treasure all life through...

wish u all a very happy new year 2009!! :)
Penning down ur current emotions and recounting them later is indeed an experience in itself.
All the best for a rocking new year ahead!
these days the dreams are so colorful.. may you have more colorful dreams in the new year..
god bless
and am back
Wish you wonderful year ahead with many more great memories to pen down... take care girl.
Wish u a great year ahead...
cute round up... :-)
happy 2009 girlie... enjoy d yr ahead..
Here's Wishing you a very happy and prosperous '09!!!!!
very well penned down, lovely 2 read
Happy New Year
Thats wat i love abt bloggin...being able to go back in time and read how u felt and almost re-experience it. I must confess there are times when i think of reading my blog with my child..n it brings a smile on my face tho it also makes me nervous :)
I'm going to have to come back when i have more time to read all the posts u've linked....meanwhile..
Here's wishing u a beautiful n successful 2009!
good post Pri :)
Oyyyyeee.. Happppy nuuu yerrrrr :) :) :)
Ohhhhhh... PriJi....
Happy Happy New Year ....
@ pisku
yea..u bet it is!!
thanks and wish u the same :)
@ chriz
naah i want life in 'black and white'...the greys and colours are usually just an illusion...
thanks for the wishes...wish u a very happy 09 too :)
@ i walk alone
thanks a lot...i hope the new year gives us more moments to treausre for life :)
take care and have a lucky new year!
@ jagjit
i think its ur first time around 'nostalgic moments' isnt it?
thanks for dropping by...and have a very happy new year :)
@ the rat
thanks girl..wish u the same! :)
@ rahul
thanks rahul...wish u the same! :)
@ dr pragya bajaj
thanks dear..it was fun going through the whole of last year and sum it all up :)
guess thats what 'nostalgic moments' is all about...
thanks for dropping by and heres wishing u a very happy 09!
@ pavi!!
///Thats wat i love abt bloggin...being able to go back in time and read how u felt and almost re-experience it.///
i absolutely agree with ya :)
///I must confess there are times when i think of reading my blog with my child..n it brings a smile on my face tho it also makes me nervous :)///
here's wishing u that dream then! :)
dont forget to show 'pavi junior' around nostalgic moments too :D
heres wishing u a beautiful and fulfilling new year!
@ keshi
its soo good to seeya dear :)
happy new year to u too :)
@ urv
thanks soo much...yappy new year to u too! ;)
@ nitin
ohh nitinji...same to you ji! :D
@ all
i know ive been very irregular in following ur blogs...will visit u soon...have lots of catching up to do around here...dunno when il'l get about doing it..but im trying.
but please know that no matter how infrequently i visit u, ur always in my thoughts :)
blogsville has given me some of the best buddies life can offer...
take care!
and have a wonderful new year! :)
wishing u a eventful 2009 :-)
hey Pri, wish u a great 2009 ahead :)
very well summed up!!
very nice summary :)
i wish i was happy enuf to do that on my own blog... but still im back and i hope 2009 is great for both u and me :)
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